The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica (12 page)

Read The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica Online

Authors: Victor Hadnot,Amanda Travis

Tags: #space romance, #science fiction eroticasex, #fantasylust

BOOK: The Ecstasy of Tral-Gothica
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“The line of blazing villages, red
in the midnight sky.” George Croly


All hellfire had broken loose.
Stella had ordered Powers to gather up as many of The Take Charge
Movement spies as he could and mount an attack against the main
facility. She finally realized that they were never going to have
another chance to deliver a blow to the government, the
super-corps, like the opportunity that presented itself now. The
Rule 37 facility was a sophisticated slaughtering house. They had
seemingly countless Native Tral-Goticians, housed up in there,
ready for the slaughter, like livestock. It was an abominable sight
to behold, as Stella and the others freed them and led them into
the nearby forest. When Stella and some of the others, were sure
that the Native Tral-Gothicans were going to be able to fully
escape, she turned back and went back to the Rule 37 facility.
There was heavy fighting still going on. They had managed to get
word to nearby Take Charge members, who quickly formed groups and
attacked the facility, including the power station. Stella and a
young man named Zendi, a higher up in the chain of command in The
Take Charge Movement, managed to get to the critical part of the
power station. Infantry drones had them trapped at the moment, as
they shot it out with them.

Zendi leaned back on a wall, he’d
been slightly injured. “This doesn’t look too good,

Stella was dressing his wound. “Oh.
You’ll live. I’ve seen worse and had worse done to me.”

“No. I don’t mean this. I’m talking
about our mission, to disrupt the operations at Rule

Stella leaned back on the wall,
after dressing his wound. “Well. Let’s see. We are trapped on all
sides, as it would seem. There are infantry drones firing upon us.
Snoops are spying on us, and I’m pretty sure that Ewin and the
others were embezzling money from Rule 37. That was why they so
desperately needed the new influx of cash. In order to try and
coverup what they were doing over here.”

“I thought they were up really high
in rank?”

“Think on it. Who better to steal
from the government, the super-corps, than those who control the
purse strings?”

Zendi nodded. “You have a

“Yeah. I started to get suspicious
when Finch was murdered. He must have caught on to what was going
on. But the poor bastard was so paranoid, he didn’t quite know who
he could trust with the information. I mean, if he went to Ewin,
well that was like telling the devil that he is evil. He’d just
smile and tell you thanks.”

“Then Finch had no one that he could
turn to for help?”

He started to try and trust me. On the day of his death, before he
left my room, he managed to leave several clues on my call-all. I
finally found them, though by then, I was wrapped up in his murder
investigation. Ewin and the others, who were involved in the
embezzling scheme, tried to run an interference. Thinking that they
could control every aspect of the investigation. They hadn’t
counted on the Admiral assigning me in charge of the murder
investigation. At that point, they had to play along, thinking they
could steer me down dead ends. They didn’t know that Finch had
managed to leave me clues as to what was really going on here.”
Stella expressed.

“So, when Ewin found out that you
were onto him, one thing led to another, and here we are. Going to
die and no one is ever going to know the truth.” Zendi

Stella looked at the ruggedly
handsome man. “No. No, it can’t all end here. The coverup about the
slaughtering of the natives, how they corral them and slaughter
them like cattle, selling their flesh to other planets. That needs
to come out into the light of day. It is nothing less than immoral
and genocide!”

Zendi added. “Slavery! Like what
happened back on Earth, hundreds of years ago. Crimes against
humanity have no Statutes of Limitations and can not be dismissed
by passing laws, in order to cover up the crimes.”

Stella grinned and nodded. “Finally,
a student of history. Very intellectual, Zendi. And here I thought
that you were just a good looking guy stuck in a bad situation with

They both laughed briefly. But, then
the weapons fire broke out even more, to put a damper on the
lightness of the moment. Stella figured that Ewin was probably
behind the attack, knowing full well that if Stella was allowed to
live, that she would turn him into the authorities, and he’d be
summarily executed, him along with the others who were involved.
Though, by now, it was a good bet that most of them had passports
ready, and were already leaving the planet.

Zendi sighed. “I don’t know, Stella.
Looks pretty bleak to me. What do we do, make our last stand

Stella examined their resources.
“Well. We have enough explosives, so that if one of us can make it
to the main power core, we can blow the entire facility to Kingdom

“Hmm. I’m injured, I’ll try and hold
them off. You are the strongest of the two, there is a trap door,
down the hallway. If you can manage to get to it, while I lay down
cover fire, keeping the infantry drones occupied, you might have a
run of it.” Zendi checked and reloaded his weapon.

“It is suicide. If I leave you here,
they will eventually overcome you. Those infantry drones have no
mercy. No conscience. They just kill!” Stella studied the man’s
face for weakness and found none.

Zendi answered. “We all knew what we
were getting ourselves into, when we joined The Take Charge
Movement. Social injustice, corrupt politicians, even more corrupt
judges and police officials. Tral-Gothica doesn’t have to be like
this. It is high time that the people took back their pride and
their dignity! We don’t have to live like this. Slaves to big
business. The super-corps, the government, which is owned and
controlled by the super-corps.”

Stella uttered. “You got

“Yes. That is why I am doing all of
this. So that my sister and parents, can have a better tomorrow.”
Zendi voiced.

“And if we both fail, what

“Stella, we’ve all been watching
you, how you’ve rose through the ranks of the enemy, all the while,
never truly giving into the corruption of the super-corps. Most
people would have been seduced by money and power. But, not you.
No, you just keep on going, trying to do whatever little you can.
And it is the little things that lead to big things, I was taught
as a child. So, if we die today, and it really looks that way,
then, we would have done all that we could, and, for all the right
reasons.” Zendi expounded.

“And you are pretty sure you can
hold them off long enough for me to reach the trap

“I’ve studied this facility for
months. I know the area pretty well. I’m sure it is

“And what if you are

“If you doubt me, I’ll go, and you
can stay and try and hold them off.”

“No. It is going to require someone
in the best of shape. Getting pass the infantry drones here, is
just part of it. I’ll have to manage to make my way across the flat
area, totally exposed, and then get to the power core. Plant the
explosives, and then, blow the place to hell.”

Zendi spoke, “You forgot

“What is that?”

“The part where you come back and we
both save ourselves. We live to fight the good fight, another day.”
Zendi grinned, knowing the odds of that happening.

“Yeah. What do you think history
will say about this day?”

“Well. If the super-corps are the
ones writing it, that we were terrorist, and that we killed lots of
people. They will conveniently omit the fact that they were
practicing genocide for profit against the natives of this planet.
It’ll be a coverup. Just like they always do.” Zendi

“Then, just maybe, we need to live.
So that the truth can to told about this day. This day, when the
people of Tral-Gothica, along with its indigenous population,
struck a blow for freedom and morality, and what was right!” Stella

“So. We make a pact.”

“Okay. What do we agree

“We agree to live.” Zendi

“To live?” Stella

“Yes. You said it yourself. This day
will be twisted and corrupted in its interpretation, unless, some
of us, manage to escape and to live to tell the story. We’ll start
with the young, who have a future.” Zendi uttered.

“We’ll tell it in the rural areas,
spread the knowledge, that no matter how backwards they might
consider themselves to be, that everyone counts. Everyone can make
a difference, when it comes to doing what is right. Killing and
selling the natives for food, sentient beings, is

Stella and Zendi began to carry out
their plan. While Zendi laid down cover fire, Stella was able to
escape and make her way to the power core. She encountered Snoops
along the way, which she managed to shoot out of the air, with one
of them, escaping, badly damaged. Stella got to her point of
destination, set the charges, and left the facility. Along the way,
she managed to circle back around, and take out the remaining
infantry drones. They we not expecting her to double back after
having gone through so much to escape. She and Zendi struggled, but
were able to get as far away from the facility as possible, when it
began to blow up. They found a small hut along the way. It had the
basics in it, it looked like it was an old abandoned sentry post,
now left to rot and ruin. However, for their purposes, it was
perfect. They settled in for the night, the sight of the Rule 37
facility in flames in the distance, cheered them up, because they
knew, at least for the time being, The Take Charge Movement, had
dealt the super-corps a decisive blow. There was a radio in the
small hut and Stella got it to work, she put out a call to her
fellow Take Charge operatives and they told her that they’d be
sending help in the morning. There was no way that the super-corps
were going to be able to hide this incident, however, the
spin-doctors and talking heads, of the super-corps owned media,
were already playing the story as, a terrorist attack by The Take
Charge Movement.

After Stella dressed Zendi’s wound
again, they both settled in for the night. Their need for comfort
led to them kissing at first. Then, they slowly and lovingly began
to undress as passion took over. Zendi took off his shirt and then
kissing Stella’s voluptuous body, slowly removed Stella’s. He
kissed her neck and ear. Oh, yes, babe. Thought Stella. As they
both finished undressing and lay down on a make shift bed. She felt
his lips as they explored her neck, kissing it, licking it, loving
it. Then their mouth’s met and their tongues rolled and embraced
inside each other’s mouths, exchanging wet pleasure and excitement.
Zendi began to move down to Stella’s ample breasts. Her big juicy
tits stood up, crying out for his attention and he did not
disappoint. Zendi kissed one nipple and then the other, he went
back and forth like that for a good while, just a kissing and
licking, sending shivers of pleasure across her naked hot sweaty
body. She felt his mouth try and surround one of her boobs, as he
sucked her boobs. She could feel his tongue as it licked around her
erect nipples. Oh, yes! Stella allowed her mind to think. All the
while Zendi was making tender love to her. He then moved over to
the other waiting boob and paid his respect to it, for is demanded
attention. Stella moved her hand down his rock hard body and found
his cock. It was blistering and firm and filled with cock juice.
Slowly Zendi kissed on down to Stella’s orange-red fire crotch,
licking her pussy hair, ever so nicely and sweetly. His tongue
raking over her pussy with passion and tenderness. Them without
warning, his tongue darted inside of her cunt hole. Once inside of
her body, Zendi’s educated tongue knew how to send her pleasure as
it rolled around and about. His wet tongue sliding in and out of
her wanton pussy. She took hold of his head and guided him to where
she wanted him to be, between her legs, buried there, as he licked
her cunt real good. Just a licking and a slurping and cherishing
her pussy very well. The pleasure that this man was sending was so
wonderful and she so much need a good fucking just then. Then he
shifted over and she felt his finger as it slipped inside of her
tight wet pussy. His finger was rough and manly, it excited her as
it rolled around inside of her pussy. Zendi began to alternated
between his finger fucking her and his tongue licking her, it felt
so good, as Stella tensed with wanton pleasure.

They both re-positioned themselves
and he spread open her beautiful legs, pushing them back to near
her shoulders, just opening her up good. All her pussy was wide
open now, spread out just so good, and ready, ready to get a good
dick fucking. And Zendi was not afraid to do just that, as she felt
his big thick juicy cock descend inside of her cunt hole. Ever so
slowly, it went in, and it was a good massive dick it was. Lots of
cock veins and other dick features, all of which tickled her pussy
as his cock slid in and out of her pussy. Her tight pussy taking in
all of him. Holding onto his cock as it went up and opening as it
went down. Her cunt rhythms coincided with his fine fucking.
Zendi’s dick opened up Stella’s pussy, as it rounded about her
hole. Slipping in and out, fucking her ever so wonderfully. Her
legs were up by her cheek, as his weight was fully upon her, just
like she liked it, she loved to feel the heat and strength of her
lover as he fucked her hell out of her. And that was exactly what
Zendi was doing, as his pelvis slapped up against her pelvis, his
cock drilling her hole with pussy love. She moaned with pleasure as
his dick explored her cunt with passion in an expert way. She could
feel his gorgeous dick head as it poked in and out of her cunt. She
was very wet and it had no trouble sliding in and out of her hole.
Bam and slap, went their skin against each others. Their pelvis
moving and grinding, his dick met pussy, and neither was willing to
surrender, no, not just yet. They shifted around and Stella was now
in an indignant position, that yielded such angled passion of his
cock, as it blasted her pussy. His balls slapped up against her
perky asshole, as his dick found the right places inside of her
body, to send her sensational pleasure. He moved on top of her and
they kissed each other’s lips, then he took hold of her voluptuous
breasts and she could feel his lips sucking her very erect nipples.
He rocked on top of her, both of their bodies straining to gain the
advantage, but Zendi was dominating her cunt hole, with total
command. As she felt his big burley cock jab inside of her hole
with force and precision of dickedness. Oh, yes, fuck me! Stella
thought. As he just kept on pounding her pussy. There was the sound
of several farts that came from Stella’s asshole, as the man forced
her body into total ecstasy, just a fucking her, ever so good, ever
so lovingly. She could feel his big strong arms as they moved her
body about, in order to get even better position. His big juicy
balls patting her tight asshole, which was jealous of her

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