The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles (49 page)

BOOK: The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
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Only two functions in this class can be tested: Sys.init and Sys.wait. The supplied test program tests the Sys.wait function by requesting the user to press any key, then waiting for two seconds (using Sys.wait), and then printing another message on the screen. The time that elapses from the moment the key is released until the next message is printed should be two seconds.
The Sys.init function is not tested explicitly. However, recall that it performs all the necessary OS initializations and then calls the Main.main function of each test program. Therefore, we can assume that nothing would work properly unless Sys.init is implemented correctly. A simple way to test Sys.init in isolation is to run the Pong game using your Sys.vm file.
Complete Test
After testing successfully each OS class in isolation, test your entire OS implementation using the Pong game, whose source code is available in projects/12/Pong. Put all your OS .jack files in the Pong directory, compile the directory, and execute the game in the VM emulator. If the game works, then Mazel Tov! You are the proud owner of an operating system written entirely by you.
Postscript: More Fun to Go
We shall not cease from exploration, and at the end we will arrive where we started, and know the
place for the first time.
—T. S. Eliot (1888-1965)
Congratulations! You have finished the construction of a complete computing system. We hope that you enjoyed this journey. Let us, the authors of this book, share a secret with you: We suspect that we enjoyed writing the book even more. After all, we got to design this computing system, and design is often the “funnest” part of every project. We are sure that some of you, adventurous readers, would like to get in on some of that design action. Maybe you would like to improve the architecture; maybe you have ideas for adding new features here and there; maybe you envision a wider system. And then, maybe, you just want to be in the navigator’s seat and decide where to go, not only how to get there.
Many alternative design elements can be implemented by modifying and extending the software that you have written in the various projects. For example, the assembly language, the Jack language, and the operating system can be modified and extended at will, by changing their specifications and rewriting portions of your respective assembler, compiler, and OS implementations. Other changes would likely require modification of the software supplied by us. For example, if you change the VM specification or the hardware specification, then you would probably want to change the respective emulators as well. Or if you want to add a new input or output device to the Hack computer, you would probably need to model them as built-in chips in the hardware simulator.
In order to allow complete flexibility of modifications and extensions, we are making all the source code of the software associated with the book publicly available. All our code is 100 percent Java, expect for the batch files used for starting the software on the Windows and Linux platforms. The software and its documentation are available from the book’s Web site at
. You are welcome to modify and extend all our tools as you deem desirable for your latest idea—and then share them with others, if you want. We hope that our code is written and documented well enough to make modification a satisfying experience. In particular, we wish to mention that the supplied hardware simulator has a simple and well-documented interface for adding new “built-in” chips. This interface can be used for extending the simulated hardware platform with, say, disk storage or communications devices.
While we cannot even start to imagine what your design improvements may be, we can briefly sketch some of the ones we were thinking of.
13.1 Hardware Realizations
Every hardware module presented in the book was software-based and HDLSIMULATED. This, in fact, is how hardware is actually designed. However, at some point the HDL designs are committed to silicon, becoming “real computers.” Wouldn’t it be nice to make Hack or Jack also run on some “real platform,” made from some “real stuff”? Several different approaches may be taken towards this goal. On one extreme, you can attempt to nearly directly fabricate a real chip using the existing HDL design of Hack, and then deal with implementation issues related to the RAM, ROM, and I/O devices. Another extreme approach may be to attempt emulation (of either Hack, the VM, or even the Jack platform) on some existing hardware device like a cell phone or a PDA. It seems that any such project would want to reduce the size of the Hack screen as to keep the cost of the hardware resources reasonable.
13.2 Hardware Improvements
Although Hack is a
stored program
computer, the program that it runs must be prestored in its ROM device. In the present Hack architecture, there is no way of loading another program into the computer under user control, except for simulating the replacement of the entire physical ROM chip. Adding a “load program” capability in a balanced way would likely involve changes at several levels of the hierarchy. The Hack hardware can be modified to allow loaded programs to reside in a writable RAM rather than in the existing ROM. Some type of permanent storage (e.g., a disk-on-chip) can probably be added to the hardware, to allow storage of programs. The operating system can be extended to handle this permanent storage device, as well as new logic for loading and running programs. At this point some kind of an OS user interface (“shell” or “DOS window”) would come in handy.
13.3 High-Level Languages
Like all professionals, programmers have strong feelings about their tools—the programming languages they use—and like to personalize them. And indeed, the Jack language, which leaves much to be desired, can be significantly improved or completely replaced (e.g., how about
?). Some changes are simple, some are more involved, and some would likely require modifying the VM specification (e.g., adding real inheritance).
13.4 Optimizations
The book has almost completely sidestepped optimization issues (except for chapter 12, which introduced some efficiency measures). Optimization is a great playfield for every hacker. You can start with local optimizations in the existing compiler or hardware (or, in our platform, the best bang for the buck will probably come from optimizing the VM translator). Ambitious optimizations on a more global scale will involve changing specifications of interfaces such as the machine language or the VM language.
13.5 Communications
Wouldn’t it be nice to connect the Hack computer to the Internet? This could probably be done by adding a built-in communication chip to the hardware and writing some OS code to deal with it and to handle higher-level communication protocols. Some other programs would need to “talk” with the simulated communication chip, providing an interface to the Internet. For example, an HTTP-speaking Web browser in Jack seems like a feasible and worthy project.
These are some of our design itches—what are yours?
Appendix A:
Hardware Description Language (HDL)
Intelligence is the faculty of making artificial objects, especially tools to make tools.
—Henry Bergson (1859-1941)
Hardware Description Language
(HDL) is a formalism for defining and testing chips: objects whose interfaces consist of input and output pins that carry Boolean signals, and whose bodies are composed of interconnected collections of other, lower-level, chips. This appendix describes a typical HDL, as understood by the hardware simulator supplied with the book. Chapter 1 (in particular, section 1.1) provides essential background without which this appendix does not make much sense.
How to Use This Appendix
This is a technical reference, and thus there is no need to read it from beginning to end. Instead, we recommended focusing on selected sections, as needed. Also, HDL is an intuitive and self-explanatory language, and the best way to learn it is to play with some HDL programs using the supplied hardware simulator. Therefore, we recommend to start experimenting with HDL programs as soon as you can, beginning with the following example.
A.1 Example
Figure A.1 specifies a chip that accepts two three-bit numbers and outputs whether they are equal or not. The chip logic uses Xor gates to compare the three bit-pairs, and outputs true if all the comparisons agree. Each internal part Xxx invoked by an HDL program refers to a stand-alone chip defined in a separate Xxx.hdl program. Thus the chip designer who wrote the EQ3.hdl program assumed the availability of three other lower-level programs: Xor.hdl, Or.hdl, and Not.hdl. Importantly, though, the designer need not worry about how these chips are implemented. When building a new chip in HDL, the internal parts that participate in the design are always viewed as black boxes, allowing the designer to focus only on their proper arrangement in the current chip architecture.
Figure A.1
HDL program example.
Thanks to this modularity, all HDL programs, including those that describe high-level chips, can be kept short and readable. For example, a complex chip like RAM16K can be implemented using a few internal parts (e.g., RAM4K chips), each described in a single HDL line. When fully evaluated by the hardware simulator all the way down the recursive chip hierarchy, these internal parts are expanded into many thousands of interconnected elementary logic gates. Yet the chip designer need not be concerned by this complexity, and can focus instead only on the chip’s topmost architecture.
A.2 Conventions
File extension:
Each chip is defined in a separate text file. A chip whose name is Xxx is defined in file Xxx.hdl.
Chip structure:
A chip definition consists of a header and a body. The header specifies the chip
and the body its implementation. The header acts as the chip’s API, or public documentation. The body should not interest people who use the chip as an internal part in other chip definitions.
Syntax conventions:
HDL is case sensitive. HDL keywords are written in uppercase letters.
Identifier naming:
Names of chips and pins may be any sequence of letters and digits not starting with a digit. By convention, chip and pin names start with a capital letter and a lowercase letter, respectively. For readability, such names can include uppercase letters.
White space:
Space characters, newline characters, and comments are ignored.
The following comment formats are supported:
A.3 Loading Chips into the Hardware Simulator
HDL programs (chip descriptions) are loaded into the hardware simulator in three different ways. First, the user can open an HDL file interactively, via a “load file” menu or GUI icon. Second, a test script (discussed here) can include a load Xxx.hdl command, which has the same effect. Finally, whenever an HDL program is loaded and parsed, every chip name Xxx listed in it as an internal part causes the simulator to load the respective Xxx.hdl file, all the way down the recursive chip hierarchy. In every one of these cases, the simulator goes through the following logic:

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