The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles (52 page)

BOOK: The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles
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In each example, an internal pin (loop1 or loop2) attempts to feed the chip’s input from its output, creating a cycle. The difference between the two examples is that Not is a combinational chip whereas DFF is clocked. In the Not example, loop1 creates an instantaneous and uncontrolled dependency between in and out, sometimes called data race. In the DFF case, the in-out dependency created by loop2 is delayed by the clocked logic of the DFF, and thus out (t) is not a function of in (t) but rather of in (t-1). In general, we have the following:
Valid/Invalid Feedback Loops
When the simulator loads a chip, it checks recursively if its various connections entail feedback loops. For each loop, the simulator checks if the loop goes through a clocked pin, somewhere along the loop. If so, the loop is allowed. Otherwise, the simulator stops processing and issues an error message. This is done in order to avoid uncontrolled data races.
A.8 Visualizing Chip Operations
Built-in chips may be “GUI-empowered.” These chips feature visual side effects, designed to animate chip operations. A GUI-empowered chip can come to play in a simulation in two different ways, just like any other chip. First, the user can load it directly into the simulator. Second, and more typically, whenever a GUI-empowered chip is used as a part in the simulated chip, the simulator invokes it automatically. In both cases, the simulator displays the chip’s graphical image on the screen. Using this image, which is typically an interactive GUI component, one may inspect the current contents of the chip as well as change its internal state, when this operation is supported by the built-in chip implementation. The current version of this simulator features the following set of GUI-empowered chips:
Displays the Hack ALU’s inputs and output as well as the presently computed function.
(There are three of them: ARegister—address register, DRegister—data register, and PC—program counter): Displays the contents of the register and allows modifying its contents.
Memory chips
(ROM32K and various RAM chips): Displays a scrollable array-like image that shows the contents of all the memory locations and allows their modification. If the contents of a memory location changes during the simulation, the respective entry in the GUI changes as well. In the case of the ROM32K chip (which serves as the instruction memory of our computer platform), the GUI also features a button that enables loading a machine language program from an external text file.
Screen chip:
If the HDL code of a loaded chip invokes the built-in Screen chip, the hardware simulator displays a 256 rows by 512 columns window that simulates the physical screen. When the RAM-resident memory map of the screen changes during the simulation, the respective pixels in the screen GUI change as well, via a “refresh logic” embedded in the simulator implementation.
Keyboard chip:
If the HDL code of a loaded chip invokes the built-in Keyboard chip, the simulator displays a clickable keyboard icon. Clicking this button connects the real keyboard of your computer to the simulated chip. From this point on, every key pressed on the real keyboard is intercepted by the simulated chip, and its binary code is displayed in the keyboard’s RAM-resident memory map. If the user moves the mouse focus to another area in the simulator GUI, the control of the keyboard is restored to the real computer. Figure A.4 illustrates many of the features just described.
Figure A.4
HDL definition of a GUI-empowered chip.
The chip logic in figure A.4 feeds the 16-bit in value into two destinations: register number
in the RAM16K chip and register number address in the Screen chip (presumably, the HDL programmer who wrote this code has figured out the widths of these address pins from the documentation of these chips). In addition, the chip logic routes the value of the currently pressed keyboard key to the internal pin c. These meaningless operations are designed for one purpose only: to illustrate how the simulator deals with built-in GUI-empowered chips. The actual impact is shown in figure A.5.
A.9 Supplied and New Built-In Chips
The built-in chips supplied with the hardware simulator are listed in figure A.6. These Java-based chip implementations were designed to support the construction and simulation of the Hack computer platform (although some of them can be used to support other 16-bit platforms). Users who wish to develop hardware platforms other than Hack would probably benefit from the simulator’s ability to accommodate new built-in chip definitions.
Figure A.5 GUI-empowered chips. Since the loaded HDL program uses GUI-empowered chips as internal parts (step 1), the simulator draws their respective GUI images (step 2). When the user changes the values of the chip input pins (step 3), the simulator reflects these changes in the respective GUIs (step 4). The circled horizontal line is the visual side effect of storing -1 in memory location 5012. Since the 16-bit 2’s complement binary code of -1 is 1111111111111111, the computer draws 16 pixels starting at the 320th column of row 156, which happen to be the screen coordinates associated with address 5012 of the screen memory map (the exact memory-to-screen mapping is given in chapter 4).
Figure A.6
All the built-in chips supplied with the present version of the hardware simulator. A built-in chip has an HDL interface but is implemented as an executable Java class.
Developing New Built-In Chips
The hardware simulator can execute any desired chip logic written in HDL; the ability to execute new built-in chips (in addition to those listed in figure A.6) written in Java is also possible, using a chip-extension API. Built-in chip implementations can be designed by users in Java to add new hardware components, introduce GUI effects, speed-up execution, and facilitate behavioral simulation of chips that are not yet developed in HDL (an important capability when designing new hardware platforms and related hardware construction projects). For more information about developing new built-in chips, see chapter 13.
Appendix B:
Test Scripting Language
Mistakes are the portals of discovery.
—James Joyce (1882-1941)
Testing is a critically important element of systems development, and one that typically gets little attention in computer science education. In this book we take testing very seriously. In fact, we believe that before one sets out to develop a new hardware or software module
, one should first develop a module T designed to test it. Further, T should then become part of
’s official development’s contract.
As a matter of best practice, the ultimate test of a newly designed module should be formulated not by the module’s developer, but rather by the architect who specified the module’s interface. Therefore, for every chip or software system specified in the book, we supply an official test program, written by us. Although you are welcome to test your work in any way you see fit, the contract is such that eventually, your implementation must pass our tests.
In order to streamline the definition and execution of the numerous tests scattered all over the book projects, we designed a uniform test scripting language. This language works almost the same across all the simulators supplied with the book:

Hardware simulator:
used to simulate and test chips written in HDL

CPU emulator:
used to simulate and test machine language programs

VM emulator:
used to simulate and test programs written in the VM language
Every one of these simulators features a rich GUI that enables the user to test the loaded chip or program interactively, using graphical icons, or batch-style, using a test script. A test script is a series of commands that (a) load a hardware or software module into the relevant simulator, and (b) subject the module to a series of preplanned (rather than ad hoc) testing scenarios. In addition, the test scripts feature commands for printing the test results and comparing them to desired results, as defined in supplied compare files. In sum, a test script enables a systematic, replicable, and documented testing of the underlying code—an invaluable requirement in any hardware or software development project.
We don’t expect students to write test scripts.
The test scripts necessary to test all the hardware and software modules mentioned in the book are supplied by us and available on the book’s Web site.
Therefore, the chief purpose of this appendix is to explain the syntax and logic of the supplied test scripts, as needed.
B.1 File Format and Usage
The act of testing a hardware or software module using any one of the supplied simulators involves four types of files:
where Xxx is the module name and yyy is either hdl, hack, asm, or vm, standing respectively for a chip definition written in HDL, a program written in the Hack machine language, a program written in the Hack assembly language, or a program written in the VM virtual machine language;
this test script walks the simulator through a series of steps designed to test the code stored in Xxx.yyy;
Xxx. out:
this optional
output file
keeps a printed record of the actual simulation results;
this optional compare file contains a presupplied record of the desired simulation results.
All these files should be kept in the same directory, which can be conveniently named xxx. In all simulators, the “current directory” refers to the directory from which the last file has been opened in the simulator environment.
White space:
Space characters, newline characters, and comments in test scripts (Xxx.tst files) are ignored. Test scripts are not case sensitive, except for file and directory names.
The following comment formats can appear in test scripts:

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