The Elfbitten Trilogy (2 page)

Read The Elfbitten Trilogy Online

Authors: Leila Bryce Sin

BOOK: The Elfbitten Trilogy
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I reached behind me and slipped my hand between us, forcing it down his pants until I could grip his cock. I closed my eyes and imagined it was this sliding inside of me as his fingers pressed deeper. I gripped him and began to stroke in time with him, gently twisting my hand as I came up and down, pressing into the base of his shaft. Arching my hips forward into his hand, I swirled my hips with the music, feeling the warmth flood my stomach and things clenched low in my body. I reached behind me with my free hand and gripped his hair for leverage, pulling until I felt his body react to the pain. His mouth broke away from my shoulder, a growl ripping through his lips, making his whole body vibrate against mine.

His fingers began to pound into me frantically. I gripped him harder, stroking faster. Sounds spilled uncontrolled from my mouth. He began to swell in my hand until I almost couldn’t wrap my fingers around him. I could feel the trickle of blood slide from my shoulder, down between my cleavage, his fingers catching the moisture and swirling it over the nipple. I pressed against his hand, feeling the wave cresting in my body. Our rhythm faltered, losing the beat of the music, so that we were just pounding into each other until I felt the orgasm rip through my body and I screamed my pleasure into the crowd. The Hunter came with me, his body thrashing against my hand, involuntarily pressing his hips into my ass; he gripped my hips as if he really was thrusting himself into me. I heard his roar over the music just before his body went slack around me.

We stood there, curled around each other with the crowd still undulating, and tried to catch our breath. I felt him brush my hair back away from my shoulders before he bent and pressed a much softer kiss to the tender spot that he had marked with his teeth. I’d never been bitten by a Hunter before; I felt a little reckless as I thought about it.

“That was amazing,” he whispered into my neck, his voice gravel rough in the afterglow. “Maybe we’ll dance together again sometime.” His tongue darted into the hallow of my ear, sending a tremor through my vulnerable body, and in the next moment the heat of his body was gone. I stumbled forward, catching myself on a couple so involved with each other they didn’t even hear my apologies. Finding my footing again, I took a moment to pull my skirt back down over my hips, twisting this way and that until it was straight and tugged my top back into place, holding my girls where they should be. I tossed my hair over my shoulders and blew my bangs out of my eyes.

A laugh bubbled out of me as I realized that was the first time I had ever danced in public and no one seemed to notice. It looked like everyone had found a partner or two and had no attention to spare. I swayed in time with the music and the crowd so I could make my way smoothly off of the dance floor rather than fight my way through. I saw Roxy sitting at the bar on a high stool once I was free of the reaching hands and lingering fingers. Roxy was almost my twin, coming from the same tribe, except her hair was honey brown, hinting at a possible human somewhere in her heritage, but I never gave her a hard time about it. She had dressed herself almost identically to me with a short skirt made of some sparkly mesh material and tiny top straining over the swell of her breasts. But she had gone with sandals with straps that twined all the way up to her knees, crisscrossing over her calves.

“There you are!” Roxy greeted me as I slipped up onto the stool next to her. “I thought you left or some – ” she stopped short, her grey eyes flying wide.

“What?” I looked around frantically for whatever had upset her.

“Oh my gods,” she finally blinked and grabbed my wrist, pulling me closer to her. “Is that a bite?” she demanded.

“Oh, er, that,” I stuttered.

“When were you with a Hunter?” she reached with her free hand and caught a trickle of my blood at the swell of my breast with her fingertips. A shiver ran through my body at her touch, the magic still so close to the surface.

“Just now,” I grinned at her as she licked the blood from her fingers.

“No wonder I couldn’t find you,” she grinned back at me. “That was your first dance in public, wasn’t it?”


“Damn, too bad I missed it.” I felt the blush warm my cheeks, making Roxy laugh, tossing her rich, thick hair back. Roxy had always been more open than me. I reached over and pulled a bowl of cherries she had been munching on closer to me and popped one in my mouth, the sweet juices exploding in my mouth.

“Drink?” the bartender asked when he made his way over to us.

“Two more of these,” Roxy ordered, holding up her empty rocks glass, tinkling the ice against the glass. He nodded and moved away to make our drinks.

“Have you danced tonight?” I asked Roxy as we spun on our stools, turning to survey the crowd.

“Not yet,” she answered. She looked every bit the hawk spying the prey hundreds of yards below. She pursed her black tinted lips (with her darker hair, it worked much better on her than it had on me) and narrowed her eyes as she considered the swirling, grinding crowd.

“Still early,” I assured her, reaching for the fresh drink the bartender had just set down. The sugary alcohol sparkled in my mouth as I swallowed. Almost instantly, I could feel the swirling abandon as I downed the drink. I wasn’t surprised since Roxy had been the one ordering – she never went easy on liquor or men when she was in the mood.

“Maybe we should go out there together, we’ll get more attention that way,” Roxy suggested, tossing back a large swallow of her drink.

“I need a minute.” I laughed, thinking about my time on the dance floor just moments ago, a new flush arching through my body.

“No rest for the wicked, darling, and by the time I’m done with you tonight, you’ll be just as wicked as me.”

“Roxy! I just danced, I need time to recover.”

“Nope. You need to pounce while the magic is still alive inside of you.” She reached out and brushed my thigh lightly with her nails; I shivered again.

“You are a terrible influence.”

“Aren’t you glad I made you come out tonight?” Roxy teased as she chewed the tiny straw from her drink. “I tell you, if Cillian could see you now, he’d be eating his shoes over leaving you for that fairy whore.” Roxy gave me an appraising look, her eyes lingering on the hint of blood still clinging to my skin. I’d have to find her a guy soon.

“Yeah, let’s not talk about him or the fairy bitch tonight, okay?” Just the mention of his name and my mood crashed. I felt my shoulders slump and the smile slide from my face. Even the lust induced magic faltered inside of me.

“Sure, sorry,” Roxy set her already empty glass down and hopped off her stool. She turned and held out her hand for me. “Come on, dance with me and help me find a guy.” She raised her eyebrows imploringly, trying desperately to move past bringing up the man that had so recently broken my heart.

“I think I’ll just sit here for a bit,” I started to turn back towards the bar, but before I could get half way there she reached out and grabbed my wrist with both hands and pulled. She yanked me off of the stool and led us towards the dance floor.

“No, you don’t. You have been wallowing at home for weeks now,” she said over her shoulder, weaving through the cocktail tables. “You are going to have a good night if it kills me.”

“I have had a good night!” I protested even as I walked willingly with her. I wasn’t sure I was ready to go back out to the dance floor, but I also didn’t want to ruin Roxy’s chances at a good time by causing a scene like a child throwing a tantrum. More than that, I had managed to forget about Cillian for a moment; I wanted that back.

“Not good enough,” she said as she stopped at the edge of the crowd and spun to face me. Roxy began to move to the music, waving at me to join her when I hesitated. I glance around at the nearly naked crowd, all lips and hips, not a care in the world except this one moment of ecstasy. I felt the searching tendrils of power reach out for me, begging for me to come back. I watched Roxy dance, realizing what I must look like as her almost twin. Her round hips swirled back and forth, the swell of her breasts swayed invitingly, tiny beads of sweat traced the curve of her skin. I hoped I looked half as good as she did.

She reached out and took my hand, pulling me into her. Her right hip fit into me as mine did into her, our legs nearly tangled together and our fingers twined as we began to find our rhythm. Her magic called to mine, reawakening it as our eyes began to shine and glow in the dim club. Because we were both in flats, we were the exact same height. Our breasts brushed against each other; tiny sparks of energy snapped at my skin. We gripped each others hands tighter, bending and swirling into each other. Roxy pressed her face next to mine, her cheek soft against mine before she bent forward and licked at the bite on my shoulder. A flare of pain shot through me, adding heat to the primal magic singing through my body.

I felt my blood respond to her seeking tongue and demanding lips as she closed her mouth around the wound in a deep kiss. Blood was power in our tribe. The magic in my eyes lit my face as she gripped my body, pressing me as close to her body as our meager clothing would allow. I gripped the swell of her hips, grinding into her as her pull on my bite began to make things low in my body respond.  I could feel the press of the crowd around us, welcoming our new magic as we gave over to the molten energy.

When Roxy finally broke her fierce kiss, I felt male fingers fighting for room on her hips. I glanced up and saw a fairy looking down at me. The right side of his full mouth lifted in a half smile, making a dimple appear in his cheek. In the dim light, I couldn’t decide if his eyes were blue or grey since fairy eyes didn’t shine like ours, but his skin practically glowed. His hair was dark, long on top and close at the sides. His shirt was hanging open, exposing lean muscles.

Roxy glanced over her shoulder to see who had joined us and looked back at me with a huge smile on her face, clearly pleased with the results of our efforts. I inclined my head towards him and let my fingers slip away from Roxy’s hips. He pulled her back into him. She arched willingly, wiggling her hips until she found the measure of his body. I backed away, moving off of the dance floor, and found a seat at one of the cocktail tables not too far off so I could keep my eye on her.

Unlike me, Roxy didn’t waste any time with foreplay. In moments she had spun around to face her suitor, reaching up to grip his shoulders and let him lift her off of the floor. His hands cupped her round ass and Roxy threw her legs around his waist, making her soft mesh skirt slide up her hips until you could see her ass completely and the fact that she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. I chuckled lightly at her abandon while a small part of me envied her for it.

I watched while they danced, leaning back in my chair, crossing my legs to enjoy the show. He reached under her leg, awkwardly fighting with the fly to his pants, but when his hand came back out, I knew he had been successful. He kept both hands cupped under Roxy’s thighs, holding her up with his Fae strength. Roxy wrapped her arms around his neck and lifted her body up just a couple of inches; she hesitated a moment before thrusting back down. His hips rocked forward as he sheathed himself inside of her. Roxy threw her head back, arching her back until I could see the swell of her breasts. Her mouth was open in a moan and her eyes were fluttering. I could practically see the magic swirling around their joined bodies, filling them as much as he was filling her. I bit my lip as my breath became shallow, my legs rubbing together.

He bounced Roxy up and down, slamming into her. Her nails bit into the skin of his shoulders as her hair whipped around in time with the music. I could almost hear her screams as the pleasure ripped through her body. She arched again and grabbed at her shirt with one hand and tore it off over her head, throwing it away. It landed just a few feet away from me. Her full, eager breasts bounced in time with her body, her nipples pink and hard with excitement as they glistened with sweat. The fairy bent his head forward, biting at the soft skin before he caught one nipple between his lips and began to suck hungrily. Roxy howled her pleasure at the ceiling, pressing every part of her body closer to him. Her hips began a fast circle as he pounded into her, letting her rub her clit against his base.

He moved his attention to her other breast, his tongue teasing the tip of her nipple with every other bounce of her body. I found my body responding to them, aching to join them, but I stayed put, gripping the sides of the chair. Soon I saw the tale tell sign of their rhythm faltering. He forgot her breasts and gripped her thighs so hard I could see Roxy’s skin turn red through his fingers. Roxy slammed down on him one last time and he held her there, his body trembling against her as the orgasm held him frozen. Roxy thrashed against him, rubbing frantically until she reached her edge and the orgasm tore through her body. She shook with pleasure, her breast and legs trembling.

After a moment of gathering himself, the fairy carefully lowered Roxy to the floor, slowly pulling out of her. She giggled and pulled on her skirt. He bent forward to press a kiss to her lips, but before he could reach her, she spun around and scampered away from him. He stood there, blinking stupidly after her. He caught me smirking and quickly adjusted himself and zipped up before turning and disappearing back into the crowd. I watched as Roxy bounced and jiggled all over as she rushed to me. Her body was singing with magic and her eyes were glowing so brightly her whole face lit up.

She practically crashed into me, rocking my chair back dangerously before she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into the kiss the fairy had been denied. Her tongue slipped through my lips and teeth, seeking mine. Her lips were hot and wet with pleasure as they formed around mine. I felt her tender breasts rub against mine, her nipples still hard with attention. When she broke the kiss, we both gasped for air. Roxy laughed again, spinning on the spot. She loved the feral magic that lust filled us with.

“It was good, I take it?” I teased as she came to twirling stop.

“Not bad,” she grinned.

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