The End

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Authors: Jr Herman Grobler

Tags: #horror, #fear, #death, #hell, #zombie, #demons, #end, #torture, #the, #ghouls

BOOK: The End
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The End

By Herman
Grobler JR

Copyright 2015
Herman Grobler JR


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Chapter 1: The
World Today

Chapter 2: The Hunger

Chapter 3: Dark Roads

Chapter 4: Captivity

Chapter 5: Paradise

Chapter 6: Monstrous Transformations

Chapter 7: The Hunger Part 2

Chapter 8: Approaching Death

Chapter 9: Survival

Chapter 10: Defensive Efforts

Chapter 11: Revenge

Chapter 12: Showdown

Chapter 13: Leadership

Chapter 14: Evolution

Chapter 15: Restoration

Chapter 16: Happy Endings

Chapter 17: Evil Planning’s

Chapter 18: The awakening

Chapter 19: The End

Chapter 1: The World Today

world we know is gone, it changed every step you take is full of
danger; with every breath you take you risk of getting a new virus
and if that doesn't get you first then the infected will. The Dead
will rise again so it was said but no one could prepare for this,
when a virus made for warfare was stolen and soon after the
employee was arrested and the damaged sample was obtained.

The Police station that kept the employee
behind bars fell first, infecting all of them they infected their
families and soon entire areas were feeling sick. Everyone was
coughing up blood, runny noses and some even had bleeding eyes. The
Entire city was working around the clock soon other countries
joined to work on a cure but failed then the time came when the
virus developed completely within the human body, with a single
scratch from an infected civilian would infect you in less than a
few hours.

More problems arose as those that helped went
back to their homes infecting most nationwide, at a faster rate for
those that are bitten or injured during the confrontation against
the infected. The virus was made to turn people against people for
minimal casualties in the case a new war broke out. At the start,
the virus will find victims then multiply in their blood stream
attaching to each blood cell that's produced, slow but with time
each blood cell is infected new and old.

At this stage the Virus is fully developed
within the body anything within direct contact of infected blood
even spit and sweat can cause you to contract this virus, this
includes food, animals all types, water and other people. The fully
developed virus is much stronger then in its first stages and can
attach to the body completely in just a few hours ranging from
person to person and a variety of mixed symptoms also ranging from
person to person.

The fully developed virus known symptoms;
hair falls out, any injury rots faster, no feelings of pain what so
ever, blood produce much faster with the virus attached leaving
open wounds fresh for longer, intense drooling and worse of all
makes any living being extremely aggressive and hungry for moving
targets, another human being or simply your house cats even the
smallest of rodents can be your biggest danger.

Before anyone knew or realized what was truly
happening the city was in chaos people screaming, children crying
soon came the riots and violence, criminals on a rampage with no
law and order in less than a few days the entire city was scattered
with random raging fires, smoke in the street and with all the
dangers making it nearly impossible to escape.

After a few weeks, those that ran away got
killed, eaten, infected, and murdered, the few that stayed hiding
in their homes had the most luck to survive, to the infected that's
deaf and have bad eye sight the slightest movement was their pray.
Everything went quiet day by day and only a few times a day a few
gun shots from a distance are fired. Soon after bad people broke
into others homes raiding for warm clothes some families were
sniffed out by these so called raiders and others had their own
problems hunger, rage, and thoughts.

But to Jason Satano he couldn't care less;
his family was always first and couldn't care about anything else
more but money and business. Money an object he will obtain over
and over again with nothing getting in his way, not even the guilt
of killing his very own wife. Murdering someone was nothing to this
38 year old man and he could easily do it again, to him this was
nothing but a good restart to his life to be good to his two
daughters Maggie 21 the oldest with her spoiled younger sister
Jacky Satano.

Both was rather equally spoiled, Maggie still
hated it and always tried to do things in her own way, she never
really wanted anything from her dad. She was very talented when it
came to impressive artwork this ranged from free hand drawing,
painting and her favorite, putting bits of scrap together to make
something entirely new especially her good knowledge when it comes
to electricity. Jacky on the other hand loved receiving, especially
when its minimal effort on her side, she is rude and easily get
fits when she can't have what she wants turning 17 with everything
happening around her it clearly would be an extremely hard life for
this young overweight girl.

In the silence of an early morning Jason got
up from where he was sleeping in the lounge close to the front door
that is heavily barricaded, it's one of the many precautions he
took in order to protect his two girls. That were locked in one
room upstairs during the nights with one rule if there is any noise
or conflict that they hide and remain silent, Jason knows this is
hard and torture for them to stay all night in one room especially
for Jacky but for their own safety it's the best he could do.

After getting dressed the very first thing he
does, is scout the entire twelve bedroom house making sure
everything is still in place. He checks his fishing lines a small
trap for any intruder to trip and make noise as a small alarm, he
checks each window and make sure they are still properly barricaded
behind the curtain, Jason was smart when it came to avoiding
encounters. With the curtain in front of the barricade it looks
more like no one is home. After reaching the back door, he will
make his way back to the bathroom brush his teeth, wash up and only
then unlock the door for the girls to come out.

The room smells terrible and Jason quickly
wakes them up by pulling them slightly of the bed as always. This
is a wrong move and was responded with rude responses, but this was
really fine to him as he always enjoyed teasing them in any way
possible. Before they can continue he rushes down to the kitchen to
have a quick look at what they need, he was surprised as everything
still looked good, enough food, enough toilet paper, a few bars of
soap and two bottles of shampoo, enough for at least another

Jason listens every night at certain times
that's if he could manage to wake up, his starting to find a
concern in the approaching sounds of the infected they get close
sometimes banging randomly on the door or windows most likely to
see a response as their hearing is really bad. Every few nights a
few gun shots is fired in the distance that puzzles Jason, he could
try to find these survivors or he can walk into a bunch of
criminals and have to resolve more conflict. The banging on the
doors all of this, is still fine but the amount, he knew that
sooner or later this will be a problem if he doesn't kill some
during the day in his street and maybe the surrounding areas.

Making some coffee for himself and the two
girls, he grabs his cup sitting on his bed thinking of a plan, to
try and make the infected less while blocking them off in a way,
living in a very rich area where homes don't even have walls around
them since there was no crime. It's really hard to find resources
unless he looks further risking that he might be seen by people he
doesn't want to be seen by. He grabs a pen and paper and drafts the
streets he wants to block up, the best way to him was pushing
vehicles in a straight line of two's next to each other while
removing any other resources, fuel, lighters, matches, food, water

He knows this plan won't work much, but this
will have to do, Jason knows that this will take time a few days
maybe even a week or two, he will have to push each car to the
destination, pushing will be slow but at least it won't make a

Before he can start any of this he will need
to clear out the street alone, Maggie could help him as she always
does, but Jacky will be the problem, Jason regrets all the treats
and nice things he bought even if he didn't mean to treat and spoil
her, in her shape she wouldn't make it.

Dad, snap out of it! Jason gets a big fright
as he was really into his plan, “day dreaming much” Maggie said
calmly, dressed up very punkish as usual. What will we be doing
today she asks politely, in hopes something would be different
other than starting up the old generator in the back of the
neighbor's yard, watching Jason X over and over again with a few
others. She was bored out of her mind her paint was all done so she
couldn’t paint and couldn't go outside to go collect or do anything
else that might seem fun.

Jason smiled and remain quite for a minute
too long before Maggie snaps and as she wants to go off on him to
do something fun Jason got an even bigger smile, telling her that
soon she will be helping him with a very heavy job that will surely
put her down each night for a good night's rest, he laughs and tell
her that things will get better sooner. He just needs a few days to
do something after that she can go and collect things to keep her
busy while helping.

Maggie wasn't too sure of this as no
information was giving to what must be done yet at the same time
she was really excited as it was Ten days ago the last time she was
outside gathering planks and nails to barricade the windows and
doors, after barricading everything they were sitting ducks.

She walks up to her room and locks the door,
sitting on her bed she talks to herself how much she misses her bed
and her soft pillows and comfy bed sheets, she lays down closing
her bright blue eyes relaxing, but a knock on the door "open up"
she hears, annoyed she gets up to unlock and open the door with
Jacky standing there blabbing.

Dad said that we should clean the room;
Maggie was at that moment even more annoyed as she will end up
cleaning the room all by herself, she slams the door shut and locks
it, jumping on her bed covering her head with her pillow.

Jacky leans against the door and with an
angry voice she tells Maggie that, she’s too lazy, she can’t do
anything, she can't really be her sister, Jacky knows exactly what
ticks Maggie off and continues with rude insults. Angry yes but
softly so that her dad doesn't hear, this was one of her best ways
to get Maggie into trouble as at the end of everything only Maggie
will be heard.

Approximately 18 minutes later Jacky gives up
with no success today, she speeds of her room slamming the door
behind her, just by walking this fast tires her little lungs, she
kicks some clothing and a bunch of other mess beneath her bed,
pushing it deeper for no one to see or notice.

As Jacky lay down on her bed you can hear a
bunch of springs beneath her squeaking, she move her body left then
right and repeats until she is comfortable still angry at Maggie
for not giving the response she was hoping for.

Slamming a tire iron on the table, Jason
grabs and breaks one of the brooms; grabbing two large kitchen
knives from the drawer he tapes both to one end of the stick while
sharpening the other end. Not much of a weapon but it's better than
nothing; it will do fine to have some distance between him and the
enemy and if they get to close a nice clean hit over the head with
the tire iron will do just fine.

Jason could also fetch both his Springfield
Xd 9mm pistols but he doesn't want to take any chances or waste any
ammunition though there are a few stores a few miles from here, it
won't be a surprise if they aren't picked clean.

Jason goes to the bathroom, opening his medic
kit with only a few painkillers inside and not even good ones, he
also take the last bandage or what's left from it more or less
around 9Cm barely enough to wrap a serious injury.

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