The End (8 page)

Read The End Online

Authors: Jr Herman Grobler

Tags: #horror, #fear, #death, #hell, #zombie, #demons, #end, #torture, #the, #ghouls

BOOK: The End
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Jason starts walking with the idea of maybe
taking a car and ditch it half way then take it back, but Jason
doesn't like taking risks, he hates risky conditions, he keeps on
walking simply ignoring the idea there is many vehicle’s in the
area and if one is needed Jason knows exactly where his stashes are

Thinking about it, it might be best to keep
one vehicle ready to leave close to the house but that will have to
wait for another next time, Jason doesn’t find it very important
and doesn’t write it down in his little notebook, the pages are
nearly full and a new one will be needed pretty soon.

The day is still young and its extremely hot
in the sun, not many of these things have been spotted its very
strange that they are so inactive today, at normal rates my
encounters is several at a time, so far I have only spotted three
and they pretty much look like they are dying or so it seems.

Jason carries on, trying to catch as much
shade as possible, the bag is pretty heavy loaded with food, water,
fuel and some homemade weapons, everything is not too heavy but
combine it with the walking and it can get heavy very fast, at
least the good sleep last night helped a little.

These things are only getting more and more
as Jason goes forward to his destination, it might take a little
longer as he knows he will have to hide, move slowly through the
following streets, there is still some smoke in a distance, it’s
not much but that smoke trail is pretty much Jason’s target, there
are a few shops in that area and there should be loads of goods,
that’s if it’s still there.

It's 3 pm Maggie needs to prepare food for
her and her sister but like any teenage girl they both feel lazy
and would hate to get up to do so, Maggie gets up from her bed and
goes to the kitchen starting food simple enough it’s just bacon and
toast, not the right meal for this time of the day but its fast and
at least it’s something.

Finishing the toast and frying the last piece
of bacon she runs upstairs and knocks on her sisters door
intensely, pretty much screaming foods ready, with no answer after
multiple times of knocking Maggie opens her door fast almost like
she was busting in, with shock Jacky is nowhere to be seen. Maggie
checks under the bed just to make sure it’s not one of her stupid
pranks and tricks but there is really no one, Maggie runs down to
the door and the locks is broken with a small space between the
blockage of furniture, enough space for even Jacky to fit

Maggie knows this isn’t good especially if
she left the house, stressing that something might have happened
while she was taking a nap or something, even though she heard
nothing, nothing at all, what if she decided to follow our dad, so
many thoughts is going through Maggie’s mind with so much stress
that she can’t think straight.

She drinks a glass of water trying to calm
herself down, she walks fast through the house looking for her
sister but there is no one, entering her dad’s storage room she
grabs a knife and goes outside to the front of the house. She knows
she isn’t supposed to yell or scream but it’s the fastest logical
way to call someone, she yells out Jacky multiple times, knowing
it's wrong and also knowing her dad will go nuts if she lost her

She goes further down her street calling but
there is no response from her sister and nothing in the area, she
checks over a few walls into other yards and through the windows of
other homes and sees absolute nothing, not even the slightest clue
to where she might have gone to, stressing all over again, Maggie
continues searching for her sister Jacky.

“What a good day don’t you think?” The
strange man asked in the dark room, Jacky can see the clothing but
nothing else.

“I asked you a damn question!” The man yelled
out to her.

“It is,” Jacky stutters as she responds with

“To slaughter little fat kids like you, it
sure is a great day.” As the man in the dark room scratches against
something not very clear yet.

“Maybe we can have some fun first?” The man
asked with a high pitched evil giggle.

“Please don’t hurt me,” Jacky said screaming,
as she starts crying.

The man moves quickly slapping her hard
through the face.

“Scream on more time, and you will die here!”
The man’s voice sounds extremely angry now, still shortly after he
started to giggle, the same evil giggle as before.

“Please let me go, please let me go,” Jacky
asked crying softly, stuttering out her words silently, trying hard
to avoid angering this man.

“Ok, I will let you go no worries this is
just a game,” the man said calmly.

“Really, I can really go?” Jacky asked with
excitement, the man start giggling and scream out to her.

“No I was just joking!” He continues giggling
loudly as he starts to laugh.

Jacky clearly knowing this man is sick and
unstable, mentally ill and psychotic and no one will know how far
he will go to harm someone. Jacky knows she must remain silent and
just be calm until an opportunity present itself, it’s hard but she
knows she can look past the fear and do this the right way also
knowing there might not even be a right way.

It’s been hours, why is no one trying to find
me, where is my sister, Jacky still trying extremely hard not to
cry, she doesn’t understand why this have to happen to her, why is
he so quiet? Why isn’t he saying something, might it be that he is
sleeping? I might give it a try and move around a little and maybe
if he is sleeping then make my way to the door, I have to try, now
or never.

Jacky starts to move around roughly trying to
make extra noise just to see if he will respond, she continues to
move around and then it was clear that this man was sleeping, he
has to be. It’s extremely hard to tell since its way to dark to see
in this room, she prepares herself fast and starts moving closer to
the door, she is half way and happy that she is almost there, it’s
very silent in this room making the stress even more. Being fat she
slightly falls forward she can almost touch the door and her hopes
is sky rocketing that she can do this.

Jacky hear footsteps moving fast towards her
and before she can say anything she feels this hard painful kick to
the ribs, knocking out some of her breath in the process as well,
it’s a crushing blow, she can feel that one or several ribs might
be broken, it is pounding with pain.

The man laughs out loud before he starts
talking to her.

“Did you really think it will be that easy?
Do you think I am stupid? You are the stupid one to think I won’t
see you!” The man said screaming.

“Stop, please stop!” Jacky yells, the man
moves her top up and before he could do anything else his
walkie-talkie goes off.

“Are you done, do you have both girls?” The
man asked over the walkie-talkie.

“No not yet.” Sighing as he replies to

“You better hurry up then, he is here and we
will need them to negotiate for their supplies” As the man replies
angrily on the other end.

“Yes ok I will do it now damn it” The man in
the room starts getting sarcastic and angry with himself, Jacky
isn’t up for moving around it hurts way too much for her to even
sit up straight, she fears this man even more, as she knows they
are talking about her sister and her father, they are raiders they
only want the supplies.

“Roy show me some respect damn it!” The man
said, shouting.

Roy is his name he doesn’t respond, he ties
down Jacky securely, feet, hands and rope around her body holding
her arms down, he gets ups and starts walking to the door, he
stands there staring at the door for a minute or two before he
replies softly to Jacky, that he will deal with her later, he
stares at her with for at least another minute before he take his

Roy takes in the fresh air, he hates to hide
when he can simply just do it, walking down the steps leading to
the front yard, he removes his one cigarettes and lights it with a
match also hating the fact that his on something that feels like an
Easter hunt for one more bunny or at least that’s the way he thinks
of it.

“You better keep your mouth shut while I am
gone” the man shouting at the closed door, scaring Jacky even more,
he opens the small gate and starts walking down the street to
Jason’s house that’s only two block from where Roy is now.

Maggie was watching Roy and how he talked to
someone in the house; it could be Jacky or someone else either way
he said to keep your mouth shut that must mean the person in there
must be in trouble. Maggie hides between trash and trash cans as
Roy passes her by, she figures it will be best to go around and
enter the house from the back, just to make sure to avoid any
unwanted contact and play it safe the person in there might not
even be her sister it might as well be some deranged lunatic.

She gets up half way and starts moving down
the hallway, trying to do it as fast as possible as well as trying
to avoid all the broken glass and bottles laying around, she walk
slowly, under a black bag she steps on a large piece of glass it
breaks and she gets a freight knocking a few bottles around, she
thinks to herself how pathetic you have to be the get a scare from
something you do yourself.

Roy heard the bottles but didn’t pay much
attention to it, it might as well be those damn creatures no one
knows, he continues walking but thinks to himself, since this area
have been cleared for the last three days, he has been watching
them it couldn’t be one of them, he turns around and starts heading
back its too high of a chance that its someone trying to mess with
his hostages.

Maggie opens a window from the back and
climbs through into the kitchen of the house it reeks in this
house, it stinks so much that she feels like puking every step she
takes, behind the flipped over table she find a body it’s hard to
look at but this person has been dead for several hours. Her cloths
has been torn off and it’s sad for Maggie to think about it but she
knows that this girl has been raped it’s kind of obvious as there
is no bite wound or anything indicating except for nudity and torn
clothes with a hole in the middle of her forehead, Maggie can’t
think much of this and continues searching. On her way she found
more bodies all girls and its much worse, that man is clearly worse
than everything out there, some of them have literally been

Most of them expose way too much to be just a
murder or simply been attacked by those infected, all of these must
be the victims of a serial rapist, killer included, she reaches the
lounge the cleanest room of them all, it even smells slightly
better, she whispers out Jacky but get no response by the fire
place she is shocked, happy and excited at the same time to find
Jacky, she is still breathing and everything seems fine she doesn’t
seem harmed except the fact that she is unconscious.

Maggie hear the front gate opening, she moves
fast down the hall and into a room where there is multiple dead
bodies, she hear the door opening and the man screaming “I know you
are here, you better show your sweet little body or your sister
dies” Maggie knows and highly want to believe it’s a bluff how
could he know it’s me, he possibly heard to bottles shift around

Maggie gets down and crawl over a body in
order for her to get under the bed where there is another body, she
pulls hard trying to hide herself on both sides, some blood leaks
out on her, it reeks and she hates this, trying hard to keep her
mouth shut as she can hear him walking around the house, he busts
open the door and looks around.

Everything seems to be fine everything is
exactly where I left it; he slams the door shut feeling stupid as
it’s probably no one, fast out the front door he is practically
jogging towards Jason’s house to go find the last sister so that
they can negotiate for all their supplies.

Barely out of the door Maggie crawled out and
whipped of the blood with the corner piece of the bed sheets, she
needs to hurry; it won’t be long before he discovers I’m not at
home. She runs down the hall and into the lounge where she cuts the
rope a few times before snapping of the last few strings, she tries
to wake up her sister, hard to do so she uses a half empty bottle
of water and poured it out on her face.

Jacky finally woke up, she feels feverish,
Jacky lifts her top slightly just in order for Maggie to see she is
injured, it's swollen and is blue almost blackish of color Maggie
knows this is a serious injury, she grabs Jacky by the arm and pull
her up, assisting her to the front door, she opens the door slowly
and sneaks out with her sister, only happy they got out with minor

They cripple down the streets as close to the
houses as possible to avoid clear detection, reaching the cars
their father stacked, they pass it knowing that they shouldn’t but
this will confuse that idiot as he won’t expect us to leave the
safe area.

“Just leave me and go find dad,” Jacky said,

“There is no way I can leave you here, you
might be a brat, but you are still my sister,” Maggie said slightly
out of breath, Jacky smiles it’s kind of her and it’s also good to
see she actually does care.

They reach an old apartment building there
are a lot of rooms, Maggie is sure he won’t find them there it's
three blocks away from the barricades it's perfect even if she
could have gone further, she knows the further they go the more
dangerous it will be with only a knife to protect them, she is also
really out of breath from carrying this much weight.

Roy arrives at the house busting open the
door he smells the food and sees the bacon and toast instead of
looking for Maggie, Roy digs in and he is loving it, bacon and
toast he haven’t had anything as good as this since the outbreak
and even when something good was found his dad will always get

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