The End (9 page)

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Authors: Jr Herman Grobler

Tags: #horror, #fear, #death, #hell, #zombie, #demons, #end, #torture, #the, #ghouls

BOOK: The End
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Roy finishes both meals and calls out to the
girl, unaware that Maggie already gave him the slip and by doing so
freed her sister in the process. Roy walks through the rooms
starting to get angry until he reached Jason’s special room he is
impressed of all the junk he collects, spades and shovels, pick
axes and other useless objects except for the knives, there is some
really neat ones.

Roy runs outside and starts to push a car
closer to Jason’s house, Roy returns and started loading everything
in the trunk and back seats, Roy is only interested in the fuel,
generator, food and any medical supplies the other junk you can
pretty much find anywhere.

“Better go get that fatty and go home,” Roy
said, laughing until he starts to think silently for a few

“Hell, what about the other one? I should
find her,” Roy said out loud.

“Ugh dad will be happy I pretty much raided
everything in their house,” Roy said out loud.

He freely let the car run down the road to
the house where he was hiding, surprised as he recalls the front
door was closed he stops the car immediately, getting out and
rushing into the house just to find that she is gone, he starts
getting red and rapidly slaps his front head screaming a bunch of
nonsense how stupid he was. Out of anger he goes to the master
bedroom a very large room and in the master bathroom he stares at
three more girls, he leads them with a piece of rope all the way to
the middle of the road and starts yelling hoping that they are

“You better get out here; I will only count
to three,” Roy said, yelling out each word.

Maggie staring through a gap in the dirty
curtains, as still as possible just to make sure he don’t see any
movement even though it’s pretty distant and he possibly won’t see
that far, she stares at the three girls all of them seem pretty
young around the ages of twenty maybe highest twenty-five it’s hard
to say from this distance, Maggie has thick tears as she already
decided that she will do absolutely nothing to compromise their

Roy removes the tape from one girl’s mouth
letting her scream as much as she wants leaving her for a minute or
two; she starts to cry holding her hands in front of her face
covering the tears.

Roy laughs out loud with his little new plan
for a countdown.

“You see this countdown will be a little
different!” catching his breath fast.

“With each countdown, I will shoot one in the
freaking head!” Roy breaths fast and realize he needs to stop

Maggie is horrified, thinking twice of her
decision she sits down against the wall knowing that there really
isn’t much she could do, her sister is injured badly and helping
them surly there might be something she can do, but there might be
no escape afterwards not with her sister in such a bad condition,
she gets up and looks at the girl.

“One,” As Roy shouts it out while pulling the

It was so fast a little bit of blood rushing
down her face while she drops down to the ground with some small
movements more like twitching a few seconds. Maggie knows she is
dead and that’s just muscle spasms, Maggie feels incredibly bad and
starts to cry, she sits against the wall next to the window.

Roy removes the tape from the next girl, she
is crying out for help even louder.

“Help me please!” The girl cried.

“Please help me!” as she cries

“Please, please don’t do this I will do
anything you want me to” Begging out to Roy even though she already
noticed the smile through the dirt on his face that he won’t spare
her no matter what she does.

“Two,” Roy said followed by a loud

The girl moans in pain as she struggle to
scream, blood running from her head.

“Oh damn, sorry my aim was a little out!” As
he laughs out loud, with a face impression that just shows the
world he loves doing this.

“Am I really going to let her suffer like
this?” As he starts to think that they are long gone or she has a
mind of steel he isn’t sure, suffering has always helped in the
past to lure his victims out.

He aims at her back and pulls the trigger
twice; she stops moaning as her suffering ends, he looks back at
the last girl.

“What shall we do with you now?” Roy asked
with a scary voice.

The girl keeps silent with not a single tear
in her eyes, she already cut the rope keeping her hands together,
she is just patiently waiting for him to get closer, and it’s a
scary thought as he can shoot her from where he stands, however,
she knows he is a pretty stupid guy that like to play with his

Roy walks closer laughing at her, his
laughter stops and he goes blank as a sharp object enters his cheek
knocking against his teeth it drives shivers of pain as his teeth
are rotten on the sides, before he can even aim the gun the girl
stabs him in the chest. She grabs the gun before he falls down
laying there on the hot tar road, Roy wants to get up but the pain
of his teeth keeps him down on the ground holding his mouth tight,
he manage to get up, still applying pressure on his cheek, a little
in shock he sees the girl already in the distance running away.

Slight moans come from Roy but not a word,
out of pure shock that a girl nearly killed him he rushes to the
loaded car and drives of, reaching the barricades he can see that
things are changing, these monsters got a lot more, ever since
until now they always just responded to fast movements, not loud
noises, instantly thinking of and evil plan to compromise the
entire area, he removes on can of gasoline tips it over two of the
cars. He breaks out a window and places the can on the back of the
seat, he rushes back to the car and let the car idle loudly, he
pushes the barricade open, reversing back, lighting a piece of
cloth and tossing it over to the fuel he poured out earlier.

Feeling stupid enough, the cloth didn’t reach
not even close, he gets out the car and lights it with a match
rushing back to his car and drives of at maximum speed to the other
side of the barricade repeating everything he did at the first
blockade. He pushes the barricade open and drives around the block
fast leaving the area, with high hopes those cars will explode and
lure everything to them.

Shortly after thinking it the one explodes
and another explosion straight after looking back in the mirror
another one explodes, Roy is happy that his plan worked and he can
see they are moving closer and closer to them.

Jason also heard the blast from a distance it
wasn’t very loud, he doesn’t pay much attention until he sees the
smoke due to burning tires he just knew that was his area, only his
area has enough cars to make a smoke signal that good, it's bad he
will never reach them in time, he starts walking back ignoring
everything he saw, he knows he has to hurry it’s starting to get

It’s getting dark the girl rushes over to the
apartment where she saw the curtains move, she slows down
immediately with fear as those things are in the street it’s not
much but it’s enough to pin you down. She moves fast, low on the
ground reaching the apartment she enters and in the close by rooms
grabs objects to block down the door, also using the bigger objects
to block the stairs.

Maggie is scared as she can hear someone is
moving things around, she covers up Jacky with another blanket it’s
dirty yet the cleanest that she could find. Maggie knows that there
is no point going down there, she will just wait until she find him
and deal with it then, for now, hiding will be better, it is what
it is, that’s the only thing she can think of.

The girl finishes up, it's sloppy this won’t
keep them away for long and no one wants to be trapped here with no
way out, she heads up the stairs knowing exactly where she saw the
curtains moved, she tries the open the door but it is clearly
blocked she bumps the door with her shoulder, but it opens only an
inch extra, painful as hell with no energy the girl tries to
persuade them to open the door.

“Hey its ok I am not like them,” as she sits
down next to the door against the wall.

Maggie remains silent and doesn’t make a

“Please listen to me we need to get out of
here before those things come in and block us,” The girl said.

“This is not the time to be scared look out
the window and you will believe me,” The girl said while

Maggie crawls to the window to look through
it, she freezes to see so many of those creatures it’s impossible
to believe but now she understands why there were three explosions,
good thing we hid outside the blockade, the blockade isn’t open on
this side they are simply stacking up at the barricade, she crawls
to door and finally replies.

“Ok I believe you, you better get in here you
will want to see this,” Maggie said moving the object out of the

“Hurry up then, we need to go,” The girl

As soon as the door open the girl slips
inside and goes straight to the window and realizes that it’s too
late, she rushes to a room on the other side of the building and
that side is even more, there is hundreds of them and more
approaching, rushing back to the room to talk to Maggie.

“We can try and make a run for it,” The girl
said, speaking fast and before Maggie could say anything.

“As soon as they get through that blockade,
we should run for it,” The girl said, breathing fast, like she is

“We can’t stay here, they will eventually get
inside,” the girl said fast it’s hard to keep up with her. Maggie
stops her before she can say anything else.

“Look we can’t leave,” Maggie lowers the
blanket revealing Jacky.

“This is my sister I can’t just leave her
here to die,” Maggie said, looking sad.

“You can maybe make a run for it, but it’s
not what you think it is,” Maggie said.

“This is the outside of the blockade, not the
inside,” Maggie said.

“If you go out there you will most likely not
even make it,” Maggie said.

“Past this blockade it’s a safe area but on
the other side that blockade might be entirely open for them to
come in,” Maggie said explaining.

Maggie still wanted to say something, but the
girl cuts in before she could even finish her sentence.

“Yes you are right; I saw a few while I was
coming here it won’t be any good to go out there,” The girl said

“If we are to stay here, then we should
gather everything that we can and block of the stairs,” The girl
said, breathing fast.

“It’s only a safety precaution we need take,”
The girl said, smiling.

“We can block the stairs then block this
apartment door,” The girl said explaining.

“Yes that will make it harder for them to get
up here if they ever got through the front door,” Maggie said
agreeing, you can hear the fear in her voice.

Chapter 4: Captivity

going good so far, the door isn’t well barricaded and we didn’t
want to make any noise with them being so close, instead we removed
most of the doors from the other apartments and barricaded the
stairs at two points. The doors were not heavy enough so we used
some furniture to and sadly five bodies, Ashley made pretty much
sure they are dead by driving a screwdriver through their ears and
hopefully straight to the brain, so far she seems to know what she
is doing.

“Damn, I haven’t been so tired in a long
time,” Maggie said with a long yawn.

“Tell me about it, I couldn’t sleep with that
psychopath around,” Ashley sighs with relief.

“Who is he anyway, what did he want with
you,” Maggie said, staring down at the floor where she is sitting
next to Ashley.

“Well, if I need to start somewhere then I
can easily say he is incredibly stupid,” Ashley smiling at Maggie
almost laughing.

“I could tell that much, from the so called
countdown even though he started at one,” Maggie said sadly.

“You did what was needed, I would have done
the exact same thing, trust me those girls would have done the same
if you were in their shoes, they would let you die for their
safety,” Ashley said, trying very hard to cheer up Maggie, but she
knows it won’t be easy.

“Bet you are right, I just can’t forget their
cries and faces and yet here you are and you seem pretty nice, they
could have been nice as well,” With one single tear running down
Maggie’s cheek.

“Well, it is what it is, nothing you could
have done and nothing you can do about it now,” Ashley said in a
soft gentle voice almost fading.

“I say that exact same thing,” Maggie smiling
slightly, knowing she will get along with Ashley just fine.

“Even if he is stupid, he is also stubborn,
he will be back,” With some shiver in Ashley’s voice, taking a few
seconds break before she continues talking.

“Roy, his name is Roy, he might be stupid but
he is extremely dangerous, I was entirely surprised when I escaped
the way I did, if he didn’t freeze it would have been over for me
or even worse,” Ashley said, staring down at the floor.

“It’s ok, you don’t have to tell me more,
everything will be fine, beside he can’t get to us now, not with
all those things on our door step and surely if he did come back to
maybe make sure we are dead, then he won’t bother as all those
things out side will be pretty much convince anyone that they ate
everything that moved in this block,” Maggie said with some

Ashley joins in the giggling, both trying
extremely hard not to laugh, Ashley finds it hard to believe that
she is actually having fun, even if the conditions are really bad
outside and things don't seem very good for them right now, Ashley
gets up and walks to the window slowly and softly staring through
the curtains.

“Hey come look here,” Ashley said with

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