The End of Doom (43 page)

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Authors: Ronald Bailey

BOOK: The End of Doom
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“paralyzing principle”:
Sunstein, “The Paralyzing Principle.”

modern pesticides:
Gary Marchant et al., Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST),
Impact of the Precautionary Principle on Feeding Current and Future Generations
. Issue Paper 52. CAST, Ames, Iowa, 2013.

time from drug discovery to marketing:
David J. Stewart, Simon N. Whitney, and Razelle Kurzrock, “Equipoise Lost: Ethics, Costs, and the Regulation of Cancer Clinical Research.”
Journal of Clinical Oncology
28.17 (June 10, 2010): 2925–2935.

faster FDA drug approvals:
Tomas Philipson et al., “Assessing the Safety and the Efficacy of the FDA: The Case of the Prescription Drug User Fee Acts.” National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper 11724, October 2005.

FDA announces its approval:
Sam Kazman,“Drug Approvals and Deadly Delays.”
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons,
November 1, 2010, 101–103.

“there is no clear evidence”:
“Artificial Sweeteners and Cancer,” National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet, 2009.

“the current body of evidence”:
Commission on Life Sciences,
Possible Health Effects of Exposure to Residential Electric and Magnetic Fields
. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 1997, 2 [online].

seven-year epidemiological study:
Questions and Answers About the National Cancer Institute/Children's Cancer Group Study Finds Magnetic Fields Do Not Raise Children's Leukemia Risk, NIH Press Release, July 2, 1997.

“The EMF controversy”:
Robert Park, “Voodoo Science and the Power-Line Panic.”
May 15, 2000, 128.

ordinance requiring radiation warning labels:
Ronnie Cohen, “San Francisco Surrenders in Fight Over Cell Phone Warnings.” Reuters, May 8, 2013.

“to date there is no evidence”:
“Cell Phones and Cancer Risk.” National Cancer Institute Fact Sheet, 2013.

“full and inclusive assessments”:
Eric Hoffman et al.
The Principles for the Oversight of Synthetic Biology
. Friends of the Earth, March 2012.

“rooted in the precautionary principle”:
Eric Hoffman, “Global Coalition Calls for Oversight of Synthetic Biology.” Friends of the Earth, March 13, 2012.

“synthetic biology does not”:
Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues,
New Directions: The Ethics of Synthetic Biology and Emerging Technologies
. December 1, 2010, 124.

“a more comprehensive application”:
Georgia Miller, “Who's Afraid of the Precautionary Principle.” Friends of the Earth, 2010.

“not to judge things”:
ric Bastiat, “What Is Seen and Unseen.”
Selected Essays in Political Economy,
Library of Economics and Liberty.

Why is it safer”:
Jonathan Adler, “The Problems with Precaution: A Principle Without Principle.”
The American,
May 25, 2011.

“The rhetoric works”:
Aaron Wildavsky and Adam Wildavsky, “Risk and Safety. “
Concise Encyclopedia of Economics,
2nd ed.

forbade the chemical manufacturer:
Ronald Bailey
, “Brain Drain.”
November 27, 1989, 261.

“generic focus on new products”:
Gary Marchant et al., Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST).
Impact of the Precautionary Principle on Feeding Current and Future Generations
. Issue Paper 52. CAST, Ames, Iowa, 2013.

“The true key to the timing”:
Joel Mokyr,
The Gifts of Athena: Historical Origins of the Knowledge Economy
. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2002.

“Liberalism and science”:
Timothy Ferris in Michael Shermer, “Democracy's Laboratory: Are Science and Politics Interrelated?”
Scientific American,
September 2010.

“Human reason can neither predict”:
Friedrich Hayek,
The Constitution of Liberty: The Definitive Edition,
ed. Ronald Hamowy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011, 94.

Wherever the institutions:
Daron Acemo
lu and James Robinson
, Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity, and Poverty
. New York: Crown Business, 2012.

freedom means the renunciation:
Friedrich A. Hayek,
The Constitution of Liberty
. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1978, 572.

“Nowhere is freedom”:
The Constitution of Liberty,

4. What Cancer Epidemic?

“growing scientific consensus”:
Pesticide Action Network, “Cancer.”

“Consider the deadly”:
Paul Farrell, “World War III: The 12-Bomb Equation.”
Wall Street Journal
MarketWatch, September 29, 2009.

“the true burden of”:
Tiffany O'Callaghan, “President's Panel Analyzes Environmental Cancer Impact.”
May 6, 2010.

“With nearly 80,000”:
LaSalle D. Leffall Jr. and Margaret L. Kripke
, Reducing Environmental Cancer Risk: What We Can Do Now
. National Cancer Institute, President's Cancer Panel, April 2010.

“Another possible threat”:
Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, “Can a Collapse of Global Civilization Be Avoided?”
Proceedings of the Royal Society B
282.1801 (March 7, 2013).

seven out of ten Americans:
Kevin Stein, Luhua Zhao, Corrine Crammer, and Ted Gansler, “Prevalence and Sociodemographic Correlates of Beliefs Regarding Cancer Risks.”
100.5 (September 1, 2007): 1139–1148.

“Because the rate”:
Rebecca Viksnins Snowden, “Cancer Death Rate Steadily Declining,” citing John R. Seffrin, American Cancer Society, May 27, 2009.

“It is gratifying”:
Harold Varmus, cited in “Report to the Nation Finds Continued Declines in Many Cancer Rates.” National Cancer Institute, March 21, 2011.

“Carson used DDT”:
Pesticide Action Network, “The DDT Story.”

“wonder insecticide”:
Edmund Russell,
War and Nature: Fighting Humans and Insects Using Chemicals from World War I to Silent Spring
. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2001.

“to only a few chemicals”:
Tina Rosenberg, NAS report cited in “What the World Needs Now Is DDT.”
New York Times Magazine,
April 11, 2004.

“In 1820 about”:
Francis Joseph Weiss, “Chemical Agriculture.”
Scientific American,
August 1, 1952, 18.

Agricultural productivity in the United States:
Fast Facts About Agriculture. American Farm Bureau Federation, 2014.

first cases of evolving insect resistance:
Peter Jentsch,
Historical Perspectives on Fruit Production: Fruit Tree Pest Management, Regulation and New Chemistries
. Cornell University's Hudson Valley Lab.

DDT is as carcinogenic:
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC),
IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans
. World Health Organization, March 31, 2014.

largely dismissed the notion:
Deposition of Wilhelm C. Hueper, MD, May 24, 1957,
Lowe v. R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co.;jsessionid=3F7F4CA89C0E4511C7A343999A512CC3.tobacco03

“that Americans born since”:
Paul Ehrlich, “Eco-Catastrophe.”
September 1969, 26.

Fifty years later:
SEER Stat Fact Sheets: Leukemia.

relationship of cancer incidence to increasing age:
Robin P. Hertz, Margaret McDonald, and Kimary Kulig,
The Burden of Cancer in American Adults
. Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals, 2003.

The American Cancer Society reports:
“What Are the Key Statistics for Childhood Cancer?” American Cancer Society, January 31, 2014.
; Cancer Facts and Figures 2014, Special Section: “Cancer in Children and Adolescents.” American Cancer Society, 2014.

age-adjusted incidence rates:
Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program, SEER Cancer Statistics Review (1975–2009), Table 2.1, National Cancer Institute.

“is not believed to be causally related”:
Eugenia Calle et al., “Organochlorines and Breast Cancer Risk.”
CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
52.5 (September/October 2002): 301–309.

“Exposure to carcinogenic agents”:
Cancer Facts and Figures 2014, American Cancer Society, 2014, 55.

“Large organizations like”:
“Harmful Substances—Chemicals, Pollution and Cancer,” Cancer Research UK, accessed June 27, 2014.

“so low that they”:
Committee on Comparative Toxicity of Naturally Occurring Carcinogens,
Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Human Diet: A Comparison of Naturally Occurring and Synthetic Substances
. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 1996.

cancers related to obesity:
Rudolf Kaaks and Tilman K
hn, “Epidemiology: Obesity and Cancer—The Evidence Is Fattening Up.”
Nature Reviews Endocrinology
10 (September 30, 2014), 644–645.
; Nathan Berger, “Obesity and Cancer Pathogenesis.”
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences,
April 11, 2014, 57–76.
; and Easter Vanni and Elisabetta Bugianesi, “Obesity and Liver Cancer.”
Clinics in Liver Disease
18.1 (February 2014), 191–203.

“DDT is not”:
J. Gordon Edwards, “DDT: A Case Study in Scientific Fraud.”
Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons,
Fall 2004, 86 [online].

“The ultimate judgment”:
J. Gordon Edwards, “DDT: A Case Study in Scientific Fraud,” 86.

“There is no objective reason”:
William Souder,
On a Farther Shore: The Life and Legacy of Rachel Carson, Author of Silent Spring
. New York: Broadway Books, 2013.

“tend to be morally suspicious”:
Dan M. Kahan et al., “The Polarizing Impact of Science Literacy and Numeracy on Perceived Climate Change Risks.”
Nature Climate Change
2 (August 16, 2012): 732–735.

“general lack of interest”:
Daniel W. Anderson, personal communication, 2004.

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