The End of Doom (46 page)

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Authors: Ronald Bailey

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planting modern biotech crop varieties:
Graham Brookes and Peter Barfoot, “Global Impact of Biotech Crops: Environmental Effects, 1996–2010.”
GM Crops and Food: Biotechnology in Agriculture and the Food Chain,
April/May/June 2012, 129–137.

national herbicide and insecticide usage:
Jorge Fernandez-Cornejo et al., “Pesticide Use in U.S. Agriculture: 21 Selected Crops, 1960–2008.” Economic Information Bulletin No. (EIB-124), May 2014.

147 agronomic studies:
Wilhelm Kl
mper and Matin Qaim, “A Meta-Analysis of the Impacts of Genetically Modified Crops.”
PLoS One,
November 3, 2014.

none reacted in a way:
Investigation of Human Health Effects Associated with Potential Exposure to Genetically Modified Corn, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, June 11, 2001, 24.

lower in potent cancer-causing mycotoxins:
Felicia Wu, “Mycotoxin Reduction in Bt Corn: Potential Economic, Health, and Regulatory Impacts.”
ISB News Report,
September 2006, 3.

poisoned monarch butterfly caterpillars:
John H. Losey, Linda S. Rayor, and Maureen E. Carter, “Transgenic Pollen Harms Monarch Larvae.”
399 (May 20, 1999): 214.

impact on monarch butterfly populations:
Mark K. Searset et al., “Impact of Bt Corn Pollen on Monarch Butterfly Populations: A Risk Assessment.”
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
98.21 (2001): 11937–11942.

“commercialized GM crops”:
J. E. Carpenter, “Impact of GM Crops on Biodiversity.”
GM Crops
2.1 (January/March 2011): 7–23.

“Many U.S. farmers”:
National Research Council,
The Impact of Genetically Engineered Crops on Farm Sustainability in the United States
. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2010.

“no evidence”:
International Council for Science, “New Genetics, Food and Agriculture: Scientific Discoveries—Societal Dilemmas,” 2003.

introduction of modern herbicides and pesticides:
Ronald Bailey
, “Asking the Wrong Questions.”
November 5, 2003.
. Cites results of three-year Farm Scale Evaluation reported in Theme Issue “The Farm Scale Evaluations of Spring-Sown Genetically Modified Crops” of
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B,
November 29, 2003.

saves 1 billion tons of topsoil:
Richard Fawcett and Dan Towery,
Conservation Tillage and Plant Biotechnology: How New Technologies Can Improve the Environment by Reducing the Need to Plow
. Conservation Technology Information Center, 2003.

reduces the runoff:
Fawcett and Towery,
Conservation Tillage and Plant Biotechnology

“marked contrast to yield increases”:
“An Analysis of ‘Failure to Yield' by Doug Gurian-Sherman, Union of Concerned Scientists,” Wayne Parrott, Institute of Plant Breeding, Genetics and Genomics, and Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, University of Georgia. Updated April 2, 2010.

“are scale neutral”:
The State of Food and Agriculture 2003–2004

insect-resistant cotton varieties:
Richard Bennett et al., “Farm-Level Economic Performance of Genetically Modified Cotton in Maharashtra, India.”
Review of Agricultural Economics
28.1 (January 2006): 59–71.

“adopters compared to non-adopters”:
Janet E. Carpenter, “Peer-Reviewed Surveys Indicate Positive Impact of Commercialized GM Crops.”
Nature Biotechnology
28.4 (April 2010): 319–321.

“non-target and beneficial organisms”:
A. M. Mannion and Stephen Morse, “Gm Crops 1996–2012: A Review of Agronomic, Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts,” University of Surrey, Centre for Environmental Strategy Working Paper 04/13; also published as University of Reading Geographical Paper No. 195, April 2013.

“traditional pillars of sustainability”:
Julian Park et al., “The Role of Transgenic Crops in Sustainable Development.”
Plant Biotechnology Journal
9.1 (January 2011): 2–21.

“positive in both developed and developing”:
A. M. Mannion and Stephen Morse, “Biotechnology in Agriculture: Agronomic and Environmental Considerations and Reflections Based on 15 Years of GM Crops.”
Progress in Physical Geography
36.6 (December 2012): 747–763.

anti-biotech activists:
Mark Lynas, “The True Story About Who Destroyed a Genetically Modified Rice Crop.”
August 26, 2013.

attacks on crop biotechnology:
Bruce Alberts et al., “Standing Up for GMOs.”
341.6152 (September 20, 2013): 1320.

1.4 million life-years:
Justus Wesseler and David Zilberman, “The Economic Power of the Golden Rice Opposition.”
Environment and Development Economics
19.6 (December 2014): 724–742.;jsessionid=1BDDA1658A3F79A7C0EECD575E3C90CD.journals?aid=9402215&fileId=S1355770X1300065X

“The first inkling of what”:
Andrew J. Forgash, “History, Evolution, and Consequences of Insecticide Resistance.”
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology
22.2 (October 1984): 178–186.

“A mixture of insecticides”:
Mallet, James, “The Evolution of Insecticide Resistance: Have the Insects Won?”
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
4.11 (November 1989): 336–340.

herbicide-resistant weeds:
International Survey of Herbicide Resistant Weeds, April 2014,

“Herbicide resistant weed development”:
Andrew Kniss, “Where Are the Superweeds?” May 1, 2013.

organic standards are process standards:
Ronald Bailey
, “Organic Law.”
October 2, 2002.
. Cites Kershen's legal analysis.

“The gradual spread of sterility”:
Vandana Shiva,
Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply
. Brooklyn, NY: South End Press, 2000.

“the fuel of
Abraham Lincoln, “Lecture on Discoveries and Inventions,” April 6, 1858.

court decided against Schmeiser:
Monsanto Canada Inc. v. Schmeiser
[2004], 1 S.C.R. 902, 2004 SCC 34.

court ruled unanimously against:
Bowman v. Monsanto,
US Supreme Court, May 13, 2013.

“most people do not actively avoid”:
European Commission,
A Decade of EU-Funded GMO Research,
December 2010.

“has no basis for concluding”:
FDA, “Guidance for Industry: Voluntary Labeling Indicating Whether Foods Have or Have Not Been Developed Using Bioengineering; Draft Guidance,” January 2001.

“The FDA does not require labeling”:
Board of Directors, Association for the Advancement of Science, “Statement by the AAAS Board of Directors on Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods,” October 20, 2012.

no scientific reason:
Editorial Board, “Why Label Genetically Engineered Food?”
New York Times,
March 14, 2013.

source non-GMO ingredients:
Walter Robb and A. C. Gallo, “GMO Labeling Coming to Whole Foods Market.” Whole Story Blog, March 8, 2013.

require the FDA to promulgate rules:
Safe and Accurate Food Labeling Act of 2014,

“slow the development of agricultural biotechnology”:
David Zilberman, “Why Labeling of GMOs Is Actually Bad for People and the Environment.”

costs about $136 million:
Phillips McDougall, “The Cost and Time Involved in the Discovery, Development and Authorisation of a New Plant Biotechnology Derived Trait.” A Consultancy Study for Crop Life International, September 2011.

“Indian farmers have committed suicide”:
Amy Goodman, Interview with Vandana Shiva at
Democracy Now!
Transcript, “Vandana Shiva on International Women's Day: ‘Capitalist Patriarchy Has Aggravated Violence Against Women,'” March 8, 2013.

Kloor eviscerates Shiva's stories:
Keith Kloor, “The GMO-Suicide Myth.”
Issues in Science and Technology,
February 5, 2014.

“the adoption of GM cotton”:
Matin Qaim and Shahzad Kouser, “Genetically Modified Crops and Food Security.”
PLoS One,
June 15, 2013, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0064879.

“did not find a systematic relation”:
Anoop Sadanandan, “Political Economy of Suicide: Financial Reforms, Credit Crunches, and Farmer Suicides in India.”
Journal of Developing Areas
48.4 (Fall 2014): 287–307.

“male farmer suicide rates have actually declined”:
Ian Plewis, “Hard Evidence: Does GM Cotton Lead to Farmer Suicide in India?”
The Conversation,
March 12, 2014.

“specific changes in wood chemistry”:
Steven Strauss, Stephen P. DiFazio, and Richard Meilan, “Genetically Modified Poplars in Context.”
The Forestry Chronicle
77.2 (March/April 2001): 271–276.

most of the world's wood products:
Roger Sedjo, “From Foraging to Cropping: The Transition to Plantation Forestry, and Implications for Wood Supply and Demand.” Resources for the Future,

“wheat-gene tweaked freaks”:
Bernd Heinrich, “Revitalizing Our Forests.”
New York Times,
December 21, 2013.

new biotech variety of rice:
Elizabeth Svoboda, “The Future of Farming Is Nitrogen Efficiency.”
Fast Company,
October 1, 2008.

biotech canola:
Arcadia Biosciences website, April 20, 2014.

salt tolerance, drought tolerance:
Andy Coghlan, “Super-rice Defies Triple Whammy of Stresses.”
The New Scientist
16 (February 28, 2014): 38.

transfer the C4 photosynthetic pathway:
Shanta Karki, Govinda Rizal, and William Paul Quick, “Improvement of Photosynthesis in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) by Inserting the C4 Pathway.”
Rice Journal,
October 28, 2013.

heat tolerance:
Elizabeth A. Ainsworth, Alistair Rogers and Andrew D. B. Leakey, “Targets for Crop Biotechnology in a Future High-CO
and High-O
World.” Plant Physiology
(May 2008): 13–19.

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