The Endgame (21 page)

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Authors: Cleary James

BOOK: The Endgame
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Lisa woke the next morning feeling more content than she had in a long time. Mark’s presence was always so oppressive and crushing, but it was different knowing it was Grayson next to her in the bed; his arm slung across her body, his warm breath on the back of her neck. She didn’t feel trapped and anxious with him – just warm, safe and happy. She yawned sleepily and turned gently towards him, careful not to disturb him. She let her eyes linger on his face, taking the opportunity to gaze at him unashamedly while he slept. He was so beautiful, she thought, drinking in his sleep-softened features; his long eyelashes and strong, chiselled jaw; his full, sensual lips slightly parted; all the lines of his face relaxed in slumber.

But he wasn’t just beautiful, he was
– kind and decent and sincere. He was always so sweet to her, so protective of her. When she was with him she felt safe and cherished. She was more at ease than she’d been in years, and at the same time she’d never felt so alive. She sighed, nestling closer to him. She’d been touched by the way he took care of her yesterday after her accident, and she was glad he was here now.

She had hated having to leave the warmth and comfort of his bed last night to rush over here so that Mark could treat her like his sex toy. All the security and wellbeing she had felt when she was with Grayson had been stripped away in an instant at the sound of Mark’s voice, the old familiar sense of despair and depression creeping over her once again as she obeyed his harsh commands. Even from the other side of the world he spoiled everything for her, and she felt like weeping even now as she thought of how she had stripped and touched herself for him, while she tried to hide how humiliated she felt and how disgusted she was by him. He claimed to love her, but he got off on degrading and dehumanising her, and it galled her that she had given him such power over her that she would leave Grayson, a man who genuinely cared for her, to come running whenever Mark snapped his fingers. It frightened her when she was faced with the stark reality of what she had become, how low she had sunk.

When the call ended, she had allowed herself to shed a few tears of self-pity. She had felt so lonely and sad, longing to to crawl back into Grayson’s bed and sleep wrapped in his arms until morning. She regretted that she hadn’t stayed with him and risked Mark’s anger. What could he do to her, after all, when he was thousands of miles away? She had berated herself for being such a coward. So when she had come downstairs and found him still there, waiting for her in the kitchen, it was like she had been given a do-over, and she wasn’t going to let a second chance to spend the night with Grayson slip through her fingers.

It was ridiculous how much courage it had taken to ask him to stay, but Mark’s conditioning went deep, and it felt empowering to make a simple decision and carry it out without worrying about his reaction. She wasn’t used to acting on her own wishes and desires. Asking for what she wanted seemed daring and reckless, and even though Mark was so far away, even though she wouldn’t be here when he got back and would never have to face his wrath, it still felt brave to defy him by letting Grayson spend the night. She knew how pathetic that was, but at least she had done it – it was a start.

As she watched Grayson sleep, she made a decision. She had lost so much already because of Mark, but she was done losing. She wasn’t going to let Mark take one more moment of happiness away from her if she could help it. She was going to take back control of her life, and she would start right now, with Grayson.

She wanted him. Trying to resist her feelings didn’t make them go away, and denying them wasn’t going to make it any easier to leave him. So why not grab whatever fleeting happiness she could and make the most of what little time she had left with him? From now on she would stop holding back, trying to protect herself from the pain of losing him. Instead she would just let go and allow herself to enjoy being with him. For the next two days, she would live in the moment and soak up every kiss, every touch, every affectionate gesture and loving glance that he offered her, and she wouldn’t worry about the future or allow her thoughts to dwell on what might have been. Two days wasn’t much – it wasn’t near enough – but it was something. It was more than she’d had in a very long time.

She felt Grayson stir beside her as he woke. His eyes flicked open, looking straight into hers.

‘Good morning,’ she smiled.

His eyes darted between hers with a slightly puzzled look, as if he was struggling to recognise her. She wondered had he sensed the change in her.

‘Good morning.’ He glanced around the room, seeming surprised to find himself here. His gentle smile was bemused. ‘Wow, I slept really well,’ he said, propping himself up on one arm.

‘Me too.’

‘How are you feeling?’

‘Fine. Never better, in fact.’ They were so close, she could feel his warm breath on her face, and she was suddenly overcome with shyness. They had had plenty of sex, but they’d never slept together, and it seemed strangely intimate to be waking up beside him – which was crazy, considering all the things they’d done together.

As if sensing her withdrawal, Grayson sat up. ‘Thanks for letting me stay last night,’ he said. ‘I’ll get out of your hair.’

As he pulled back the duvet, she put a hand on his arm. ‘You don’t have to go, do you? It’s Sunday, so we’ve got all day. I’m completely at your disposal – if you want me, that is.’

‘Of course I want you. But you should rest.’

‘I feel fine, honestly. And I have some time to make up for yesterday.’

‘You don’t owe me anything, Lisa. I got to spend the whole night with you last night.’

‘But you were asleep. We didn’t ... do anything. It doesn’t count.’

‘It counts to me,’ he said with a little shrug. ‘I liked sleeping with you.’

‘I liked it too,’ she said, looking up at him shyly from under her lashes. ‘I liked you being here last night, and waking up with you this morning.’

His eyes darkened, desire flickering in their depths.

‘And I’d like to spend the day with you,’ she continued, lifting her gaze to his.

‘Really?’ His eyes lit up.

She nodded. ‘Yes, really. We can do whatever you want.’

He smiled teasingly. ‘Even if I just want to hang out with you?’

‘Even then.’

‘What if it involves picnics or conversations? Or if I want to play chess?’

‘That would be fine,’ she smiled.

He said nothing, studying her face closely as if he was trying to decipher how she really felt.

‘I like spending time with you, Grayson. We only have a couple of days left of this arrangement. I thought we should make the most of them.’

He frowned. ‘I thought you were uncomfortable with the romantic stuff?’

‘Well, I’ve changed my mind. You can be as cheesy as you like.’

‘Cheesy?’ He grinned, his features softening and relaxing. He settled back into bed beside her and leaned in to kiss her, and her lips clung to his, wanting more. Too soon, he pulled away. ‘What’s brought about this change of heart?’ he asked.

‘I don’t know,’ she shrugged. ‘Maybe the accident yesterday was a wake-up call – made me realise life’s too short, and you have to grab it by the balls.’

He laughed. ‘So you decided to grab me by the balls?’

‘Something like that.’ She giggled. ‘Or maybe you’ve just got under my skin.’

‘It’s very nice skin,’ he said, trailing a finger down the length of her arm. It ghosted over the side of her breast, and she shivered as it grazed her nipple.

‘Anyway, I’m supposed to be getting you out of my system, remember?’ she said teasingly.

‘And how’s that going for you?’ His voice was husky and seductive as his finger continued to stroke tantalisingly along her arm.

‘It’s going to take a bit more time.’ She took a deep breath. ‘I guess I decided you have to go after what you want. And I want you.’

Something flickered in his eyes, some intense emotion that she couldn’t quite decipher – a mixture of desire, pain and pleasure.

‘I want you too, Lisa,’ he whispered, leaning in to kiss her. ‘So much.’

His lips brushed hers softly. ‘If I had all the time in the world with you, I don’t think I’d ever get you out of my system.’

Then his mouth was on hers, hot and needy. She felt the hardness of his erection as she kissed him back, and she moaned into his mouth, giving his tongue access. He lifted her so she was straddling him, his hands gripping her waist as he deepened the kiss, his tongue tangling erotically with hers.

She tore her mouth away and kissed her way down his neck and over his chest, feeling the rising tension in him as she slid down his body. His breath hitched as she kissed his taut stomach and dipped her tongue into his navel. His hands slid from her waist, his fingers digging into her flesh as he clutched her shoulders, then sliding into her hair as her head moved lower. She grabbed the hem of his boxers, and he lifted his hips to help her slide them off.

His erection was hard and thick, and he groaned deep in his throat as she wrapped her hand around it. She licked along the shaft from base to tip, swirling her tongue around the head before sucking it into her mouth. She loved the taste of his skin, the warm, heavy feel of his cock, swelling and twitching in her mouth as she sucked harder. His hips flexed, thrusting to meet her, and she felt his body tauten, all his muscles clenched as she took him deeper and deeper, until his cock was hitting the back of her throat.

‘Lisa!’ he groaned, his hands fisting in her hair. ‘I’m going to come.’

She knew it was a warning, but she didn’t stop, hollowing out her cheeks and sucking harder as he twitched and came in her mouth, his whole body shuddering as the thick, warm liquid hit the back of her throat. She swallowed every drop, then licked him clean as she felt him soften.

‘Wow, that was amazing,’ Grayson said breathlessly as she looked up at him with a triumphant smile, feeling very pleased with herself. She was confident of her oral skills, and she knew she could please him that way. But it had surprised her how much she had wanted to do it – not like when Mark would push her onto her knees and violently fuck her mouth. With Grayson it was about giving rather than something being taken from her. It was so different with someone you loved ...

The thought brought her up short.
? She couldn’t
Grayson, could she? She liked him a lot, but she had only known him a few weeks. They had never spent more than a few hours together. People didn’t fall in love that quickly, did they? She dismissed the thought as she collapsed onto the pillow beside Grayson. She wasn’t going to over-think this. She had resolved to live in the moment and she wasn’t going to waste any more time analysing her feelings.

‘That’s a hell of a way to start the day,’ Grayson murmured. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her face, light butterfly kisses on her eyes, her nose, her cheeks. ‘How do you feel?’ he asked, his breath moist and warm on her skin as he nuzzled her jaw.

‘Fine,’ she said. ‘A little stiff.’

He stroked her body gently, his hands sweeping from breast to hip, his knuckles brushing over her nipples, his warm palm stroking her stomach. His touch was tantalisingly slow and leisurely, slowly waking up every nerve ending, gently caressing until every inch of her skin was tingling and alive with desire, and she trembled with need, her body crying out for release.

He drew back, his eyes sweeping over her body from head to toe. He frowned as his gaze rested on her legs. ‘Is this sore?’ he asked, touching her lightly just over her knee.

She shook her head and looked down to see that she had a large purple bruise on her right thigh. God, she looked a mess, she thought, laughing inwardly. With a plaster on her knee and a bruised leg she looked more like a scrappy kid than the high-class hooker Grayson was paying her to be. She blushed.

‘It’s fine.’ Embarrassed, she pulled the sheet over to cover herself. ‘But it’s not a very sexy look!’ she said with a laugh.

Grayson tossed the sheet aside again. ‘Let me kiss it better,’ he said huskily. His lips were infinitely gentle on the tender flesh as he pressed soft kisses over her bruises. He nudged her legs apart as his mouth trailed higher, and she gasped as he reached the aching flesh between her thighs, her body bowing off the bed as he licked along her folds.

‘You’re so wet,’ he groaned, his voice thick. He slid a finger inside her, then two, pumping them in and out while his tongue flicked over her clit. She pushed her hands into his hair, holding him in place there, where she needed him. Her breathing was ragged, her body tightening as he increased the pressure of his fingers, angling them to press against her G spot while his mouth worked her clit, kissing, nibbling and sucking until she came with a scream, her head thrashing helplessly on the pillow. Still he didn’t let up, relentlessly pleasuring her and making her come again and again, her body arching off the bed with each onslaught, taut as a string on a violin. Each orgasm was more powerful than the last, the pleasure so intense it was almost unbearable, and her hands clutched frantically at the sheets or fisted in his hair.

Just when she thought she couldn’t take any more, his mouth gentled on her, and his fingers withdrew from her still pulsing flesh. He crawled back up her body and pulled her to him, holding her tightly and stroking her hair while she trembled in his arms. It had been the most intense sexual experience of Lisa’s life and she felt dazed and shattered by it.

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