Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
home of the brave!” “USA” resonates with the compassion-
ate, heart-centered, erratic, and freedom-of-expression num-
ber 5. In the land of the free, you have the freedom to express yourself. On the flip side, 5 in the negative is detached and
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power-hungry, which may explain why the USA has held its
position as the leader of the world for long.
India has been home to many spiritual gurus and is com-
monly known as the “land of spirituality.” Indeed it is, even on an energetic level. The word “India” holds the frequency
of the 10, a master number for the earth-guide energy. Com-
bining the pioneering, isolated, achievement-based, first
physical-plane 1 with the 0 symbol of the infinite or spiritual awareness shows why the country has shared such a vast
amount of spiritual wisdom with the world through its
teachers, gurus, and texts. The word “India” brings spiritual
wisdom (0) into the physical (1).
To spice things up, let’s look at a city that doesn’t exist
anymore but still continues to hold mystery and intrigue
thousands of years after its supposed demise. The lost city of Atlantis is believed to have been home to an advanced civilization that existed, according to the information contained
within the writings of the Greek philosopher Plato, approxi-
mately 11,000 years ago but was destroyed by a cataclysmic
event in 9000 BCE. There may be a reason why Atlanteans
are believed to have been highly advanced. The lost civiliza-
tion was said to have advanced technologies and knowledge
far ahead of the time period when it existed. The name “At-
lantis” holds the energy of the creative visionary 6. Could it be that the city’s name vibration allowed those residing there to harness the visionary “bigger picture” energy of the 6 vibration to advance rapidly ahead of their time?
Among my more spiritual clients, I have found over the
past couple of years that more people are being drawn to the
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state of California for both work and play. The word “Cali-
fornia” vibrates to the base frequency of 7, the truth-seeker number. At a time when the world’s financial structures are
crumbling and the corporations are being exposed as cor-
rupt, it seems many people are gravitating to places that res-
onate with truth and integrity to find a sense of inner
balance. Having traveled to many cities, provinces, and states in North America over the years, I can account for the fact
that even the vibration of a place’s name can affect the peo-
ple living in it. For example, New York City is known for its
fashion-conscious crowd; New York City is a 6, the number
of creativity, creative expression, and being the visionary. Los Angeles, which is also the home of Hollywood and the TV
and movie industries, is a 10. The 10 combines the energies
of the pioneering, trailblazing 1 with the spiritually aware 0.
The 10 holds adaptable energy, but also likes to keep life fun and light, preferring to have a good time over dealing with
serious matters.
It’s worth noting the energies corresponding with the
names of the country, state or province, and city where you
live to understand the vibrations those words are adding to
or subtracting from your energy. When you travel, do you
feel more alive in other cities than your current state or city?
Based on your goals and dreams, a city that vibrates to a
practical and foundation-building 4 may not be a good fit for
someone who likes to live life with spontaneity and always
searching out freedom of expression.
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Naming Intangible Objects
Do you call your car “Bessie” or the “Ole’ Jalopy”? If you’re the kind of person who likes to slap a name or label on intangible things, from cars to remote controls, what is that ener-
getic shift infusing into your environment? If you tend to
have more car trouble than the average person, maybe it’s
time to stop calling the car “Bessie,” which vibrates with the erratic, free-flowing, and unpredictable 5 energy.
It’s a common occurrence to name a boat or yacht. The
frequency the name or label holds can affect the experiences of those who enjoy the boat. The
sank on its maiden voy-age, and the boat’s name quite possibly could have had an ef-
fect on the tragedy, influencing those on the boat including the captain and his crew. “Titanic” vibrates to the number 31/4.
Note that the inspirational, optimistic, imaginative, men-
tal-based 3 is at the helm with this name and the pioneering,
trailblazing, and driven physical-based 1 is in the weaker position. The base energy of the word is the practical, solid-foundation number 4, but this particular arrangement of the 4
(31/4) tends to be more impractical, being led by the overly
optimistic, social-butterfly 3. It seems the
would have benefited from a more practical and enduring 4 name.
Naming intangible items can have an influence on you,
even though it is not part of your main essence. These inani-
mate objects affect your outer-environment energies and
how you view these items. Essentially, these labels are shap-
ing your beliefs or opinions, and in doing so, are shaping
what you manifest.
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Different Languages
The letters in a word can be compared to musical notes on a
music sheet. Each musical note has its own set tone or vibra-
tion, and regardless of your native tongue, notes on a music
sheet will sound the same when interpreted and played. Sim-
ilarly, the “notes,” or letters, in a word have a set tone or vibration no matter the language with which it is deciphered.
According to the biblical scriptures, Hebrew is considered
to be the first language that was used by God when creating
the world. Many languages have evolved throughout the cen-
turies, yet English, which is not even the most-spoken lan-
guage in the world, is quickly becoming the global language.
With English-speaking countries at the hub of global com-
merce and the entertainment and media industries, there is a
growing need to learn functional English in order to stay
abreast of the current business world.
This book is based on the English language and the corre-
sponding alphabet, but the methods in this book can be used
in other languages as well. Words often do not mean the
same thing in all cultures and languages; because two words
in different languages might contain different letters, a word will vibrate to a different frequency depending on the language from which it is translated. If you speak other lan-
guages regularly, it is definitely worth your while to calculate the frequency of those words as well, to see what you may
be manifesting with them.
For example, in Hebrew, the word “love” is considered to
be a very special word; it not only means something different
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in the Hebrew culture than it does in Westernized cultures, it also adds to a different numerical sum and has a different energetic influence. The reference section in the back of this
book tells us that “love” in English adds to a 9, the number
representing both the beginning and end of a cycle and hu-
manitarian energy; in the negative, it can be judgmental and
critical. Think unconditional (positive 9) or conditional (negative 9) love. Alternatively, the Hebrew version of love is
, a two-part word that means “I give” and “I love.”
“Ahava” is the 6 energy, the creative-expression number, the
visionary and nurturer.
In other languages, the definition can be the same, but
the energetic meaning is different. The word “but” in English
translates to
in Spanish. Their dictionary meaning is the same, but the energetic vibration is a bit different. “But” is a pessimistic, critical, and judgmental 6 while “pero” is also a judgmental energy, but in the form of the critical, opinionated, and narrow-minded 9.
For many languages, you can match the English alphabet
to find the numerical meaning of a word but there are some
exceptions to watch for. For example, the Hebrew alphabet is
alphanumeric: each Hebrew letter also has a numerical value
and can be used as a number. When calculating a Hebrew
word, it is best to use the Hebrew alphanumeric values to get
the most accurate energetic definition. A Hebrew gematria
conversion chart is best used in this case (see figure 1 in
Chapter 3).
If you are familiar with words or phrases in languages
other than English and are curious about the words’ ener-
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getic meanings in that form, go ahead and calculate their en-
ergetic meanings using a gematria chart similar to the one
found in Chapter 3. There are many available on the Internet
for the purpose of various language conversions.
There are many well-known quotes from famous people
like Hitler, Jesus, and Gandhi that have left lasting marks on the world through the power and context of the words they
chose. Originally, some of these words were not spoken in
English. Spoken in their original form, like any other trans-
lated vocabulary, the wording may or may not vary slightly
when translated to the English meaning.
Below are some of these quotes and the quotes’ main key
word meanings based on the English version:
“Hate is more lasting than dislike.”—Adolf Hitler
Most would consider Adolf Hitler to be memorable for his
unthinkable actions, but his words speak volumes about the
perceptions he held of his world. The energetic goldmines in
this phrase are “hate” and “dislike.” Although Hitler’s views
may have been skewed drastically from the truth, this phrase
is actually very true—hate is more lasting than dislike, literally and energetically. “Hate” is a 7 frequency; in the nega-
tive, it represents a deep-seated sense of distrust. “Dislike” is a 6 frequency; in the negative, like the word “war,” it represents pessimism, criticism, and judgment. Energetically
speaking, “hate” does have a stronger and more lasting im-
pression than “dislike,” as pessimistic thinking can be more
easily changed than a deep-seated sense of distrust.
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“Everyone who seeks, finds.”—Jesus
“Seeks” and “finds” are the highlighted gems in this quote.
“Seeks” is the 5 energy, the number of freedom of expres-
sion. “Finds” is the 7, the deep and philosophical truth-seeker energy. There is certainly a deeper meaning here other than
just stating the fact that if we seek, we will find. When we
are free to express our uniqueness (5), we will find our truth (7). This truly is the essence or purpose of our existence, as we are all in search of our own truth, not the truth of anyone else. Although we will all find a different truth (7), it will be the right version of truth for us if we are free to express our unique expression (5).
“A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks,
he becomes.”—Mahatma Gandhi
The igniting words in this phrase are “thinks” and “be-
comes.” “Thinks” vibrates to the 9, the number of idealism,
which goes perfectly with this word’s dictionary definition of
“to have or formulate in the mind.” “Becomes” resonates
with the 8, the number of confidence, independence, and
wisdom. This statement energetically impresses upon us that
we are independently responsible for creating our reality via
the thoughts we hold.
The current English alphabet is based on the Latin alpha-
bet, like the German and Swedish languages that also have
twenty-six-letter alphabets (based on the Latin version), both of which can be easily and directly converted to English.
Even Mandarin and Japanese can be converted to the English
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letter combination equivalent using widely available conver-
sion charts.
A letter has an unchanging frequency and many lan-
guages can be matched precisely letter for letter. When this is not possible, it is important to remember that a significant
part of language is our individual interpretation of it. Like the example of the word “love” in English and in Hebrew,
the word means something a bit different in each of those
languages, but depending on your culture, upbringing, and
personal views, it can be just the right meaning for you.
When converting words to their numerical equivalent, re-
gardless of the language, the most important influence is the
meaning of a word to the person using it. The wisest words
spoken are meaningless in a language not understood by the
The energetic meaning of a word is only a part of the
complete picture when it comes to utilizing the power of lan-
guage. When working with energy, it’s our choice as to how
we use it. We can choose to allow it to affect us in a positive or negative way, but our feelings and viewpoints of words
can also be shaped by what we have learned from outside
If you recall the reference in Chapter 1 to the child learn-
ing to speak who repeats a profane word, the word is neutral