The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire (16 page)

BOOK: The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire
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word’s greatest strength is the 1, the isolated, driven, pioneering number and the first physical-plane number. It seeks to

form a separation or isolate you from whatever you are say-

ing “hate” to or about.

The greatest weakness of “hate” is the 6, number of the

creative visionary and the nurturer. The inner or weaker

number is usually a reflection of the more negative energies

the word is carrying. If it is a negative word, the inner num-

ber represents the negative energy (negative side of the num-

ber); in the case of a more positive word, the inner number

shows that the negative energies of the number are less dom-

inant or subdued in the weaker position, highlighting that it

has less effect on the word than the outer number or greatest

strength energy.

“Hate” is typically a negative word, so the 6 is expressing

its negative side, being in the inner (or weaker) position. It also shows the potential to access the bigger picture creative-visionary energy (positive side of the 6) upon which the word could draw, transmuting its negative punch.

To pull this together, here are the definitions of all three

of the energetic parts of a word:

Advanced Words 101 127

Greatest strength (outer number):
What a word is mainly utilizing to express through its main-essence number. In the

case of “hate,” although its main essence is a 7, the 1 as

the greatest-strength number highlights the perspective

through which it is viewed.

Greatest weakness (inner number):
In the case of a negative word, the inner number represents the energy it could be

utilizing to bring balance. In the case of a positive word,

the inner number represents the subdued negative energy,

giving favor to the highlighted outer number or great-

est-strength energy.

Main essence (sum of all numbers reduced to single digit):
The main or base energetic frequency of a word. It is the most

important vibration as it represents a word’s greatest im-

pact. Think of the greatest-strength and greatest-weak-

ness numbers as accessories or additional energies that

work with the main-essence number, enhancing or de-

tracting from it.

Now that you have the definitions of the inner, outer, and

main-essence energies, below is the summary of the word

“hate” as shown with all three of the numerical components

that make up the word’s vibration.


Greatest strength:
The pioneering, overachieving, isolated, aggressive, self-absorbed number 1.

Greatest weakness:
The balanced, nurturing, peace-making, optimistic, and creative visionary 6.

128 Advanced Words 101

Main essence:
The wise, philosophical, truth-seeking, and teaching/learning number 7.

“Hate” is strongly working through the 1; its greatest weak-

ness is the need to add in some of the positive qualities of the 6 to balance out the isolated, over-driven, and selfish 1 energy.

Let’s look at “love” next to see what further information

we can reveal about this powerful word.


Greatest strength:
The pioneering, verbally self-expressive, new beginnings 1 energy.

Greatest weakness:
The subdued independent, selfish, and detached 8 in the negative.

Main essence:
The selfless, idealistic, and responsible humanitarian 9.

“Love” is working through the pioneering, verbally self-ex-

pressive 1 as the greatest-strength number with the indepen-

dent, selfish, and detached 8 as the subdued greatest-weakness energy to create the selfless, idealistic, and responsible humanitarian as the base energy. The 9 is also the number rep-

resenting both the beginning and end of a cycle or the

number of completion. The phrase “love is all there is”

makes perfect sense after analyzing the word’s energetic vi-


Advanced Words 101 129

In the negative, “love” could possibly turn selfish, domi-

nating, and detached if the word was drawing out the nega-

tive 8 qualities it carries. Of course, this depends on how the word is used. The golden rule with any word is that there ar-en’t any strictly positive or negative words but each has a positive and negative side and you get to choose which side you

want to use.

Last but not least, let’s reveal the deeper truth about



Greatest strength:
The intuitive, supportive, cooperative, sensitive, and harmonious 2.

Greatest weakness:
The impatient, impractical, self-absorbed, instant-gratification-seeking 4.

Main essence:
The creative visionary (sees the bigger picture), nurturing, and optimistic 6.

“Truth” is gentle and intuitively sensitive with the 2 as its

greatest strength. To know the truth is to reveal the deeper

meaning through the intuitive energy of the 2. “Truth’s”

greatest weakness is the impatient, impractical, and selfish 4.

In the subdued or weaker position, it stresses that the nega-

tive 4 qualities have a lesser effect on the word. To reveal

truth often takes patience and progress, which is the 4 in a

positive tone.

The main essence of “truth” is the creative visionary 6, al-

lowing “truth” to see the bigger or broader picture but in a

130 Advanced Words 101

nurturing and optimistic way. In the negative, “truth” can be

pessimistic, whiny, doubtful, critical, and fraught with wor-

ries and anxieties. “Tell me the truth!” is a phrase used when

“truth” is being used in a demanding and critical way through

the negative 6 qualities.

Let’s take a look at some of the other ways names, labels,

and titles can be presented and how energetically significant

they can be.

The Pure Energies

Occasionally you’ll come across a smaller word that only has

a single-digit sum or a sum that is considered a “pure” en-

ergy, like the 30/3 for example. The pure 30/3 frequency is

only working the number 3 because 0 is a symbol rather than

a number; the role of the zero is to emphasize the impact of

the 3 energy. Zero (0) represents the infinite or spiritual

awareness, highlighting the purity and depth of the inspira-

tional and imaginative 3. The pure numbers have more of a

one-track focus. Often words that vibrate to a pure energy

are either strictly positive or strictly negative with not much gray area. “Serene” is a pure 30/3 energy and it is either

drawing power from the positive, inspirational, sensitive, and unifying 3 to create a serene existence, or the negative,

self-doubting, self-critical, and indecisive 3, never truly allowing serenity to manifest.

The pure words that are working just one frequency are

typically some of the most powerfully positive; when possi-

ble, incorporate them into your daily vocabulary to give your

manifesting power a boost.

Advanced Words 101 131

The reference chart at the back of the book, “Top Posi-

tive and Negative Words,” gives the main essence definitions

for these most-common words and phrases. When you pick

your favorite words to add to your new-and-improved per-

sonal vernacular list, examine each word more closing by

looking at all three of the numbers it works with.

The Master-Number Frequencies

Words that add to the master numbers (10/1, 11/2, 22/4,

and 33/6) hold special significance as these frequencies are

associated with the guiding roles and are considered by most

numerological systems to have a greater energetic impact

and significance.

The 10/1 combines the energies of the first physi-

cal-plane number (1) with the symbol of the infinite or spiri-

tual awareness (0), reducing down to the trailblazing and

driven 1. The 11/2 is the highest spiritual number and re-

ferred to as the spiritual-guide energy comprised of the ver-

bally self-expressive and pioneering double 1 with the

supportive, peaceful, and harmonious 2 as the base vibration.

The 22/4 is the master-builder number, combining the gen-

tle, supportive, and peaceful double 2 with the base energy

of the solid, stable, foundation-building 4.

Lastly, the 33/6 is the master-teacher number, made up

of a double dose of the inspirational, imaginative, and optimistic 3 and reducing to the creative-visionary 6 as the core


When a word’s numerical sum equals one of these mas-

ter-number frequencies, it is ideal to view them with all three
132 Advanced Words 101

of their numbers intact. As always, the base number is the

most important, but a word that adds to a master number is

likely to add extra positive energetic power in whatever way

you use it.

Brand Power

Branding is all the rage when it comes to leaving your mark

in the twenty-first-century business world. Most branding

companies advertise their services with the pitch that consis-

tency in branding is everything, and if you don’t have a

strong brand, success will never be yours. There may be

some truth to that statement, as the name or label you use

for your personal or business name may make or break you

in terms of attracting customers.

Coca-Cola is a brand that has endured for many decades

and continues to hold strong in the marketplace. Why? Its

label is energetically strong and people resonate with it be-

cause Coca-Cola has matched the message it presents with its

name. Coca-Cola adds to 26/8, which is made up of the

number of intuition (2) and the creative-visionary number

(6), combining to form the number of independence and

wisdom (8). Coca-Cola’s slogan has always enforced a re-

freshing, invigorating, satisfying, feel-good message, keeping in alignment with the underlying energetic message of confidence, independence, and strength of the 8 vibration.

If you work in business or a professional industry where

your name is spoken or used often (in business cards, docu-

ments, signage), it is a reflection of your brand or how your potential clients/customers might see you. In Chapter 3, we

Advanced Words 101 133

touched on names and the different combinations, such as

first names, last names, and full birth names, and we ad-

dressed what these mean on an energetic level. Let’s take a

look at your professional name, which represents your career

life. Is your business or professional name drawing customers

in or driving them away?

Celebrities often change their name to match the image

or stage presence they want to achieve. One of my clients,

celebrity stylist Carrie White, changed her name from Carole

well before she was ever well known for her work. Never

having liked her birth name, in her teen years she decided to

go by Carrie because it felt right to her. On some level, she

knew she was Carrie, and she was right. Although “Carole”

and “Carrie” add to the same base number 9, they are very

different versions of the nine. If you remember from Chap-

ter 3, the most important energy of a word is the base num-

ber, which is calculated by summing all the converted letters

in a word to numbers and reducing them to a single digit.

However, examining the sum of the digits before reducing to

a single digit can give even more insight into the particulars of a word’s frequency and the effects it has. Think of it as combining colors; if we mix red and blue, it makes purple,

but the shade of purple we create depends on the shades of

red and blue we’re working with. “Carole” is a 27/9 and

“Carrie” is a 36/9. “Carole” and “Carrie” are different

“shades” of 9, the number of ambition, idealism, and respon-

sibility. The 9 has a strong leadership air to it, but what kind of leaders are “Carole” and “Carrie”?

134 Advanced Words 101

“Carrie” is a far more suitable name from an energetic

standpoint in terms of her career and attracting success. For

“Carole,” the intuitive, sensitive, cooperative, and harmoni-

ous 2 leads. “Carrie” leads with the inspirational, imagina-

tive, social-butterfly 3. The 2 is a great name vibration if you are, for example, a librarian; if you’re aiming to be a celebrity stylist, the bright, sunny and social 3 energy is the way to go.

Cities, States, and Countries

Even the word vibration of the city, state, or country where

you live can have an energetic influence. The United States

of America has been the hub of the world economy for de-

cades. The full country name vibrates to the solid, stable, enduring, progressive, foundation number 4. In the more

physical sense, 4 is materialistic and self-absorbed, so those seeking wealth and affluence often set sail for the United

States of America in hopes of a better way of life through fi-

nancial abundance.

Another variation of the United States of America is

“USA.” This is used more often than the former, and for

good reason. The “USA” has long been considered “the land

of the free”; on an energetic level, that’s the message being transmitted with “USA.” Even the last line of the national an-them states this message: “O’er the land of the free and the

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