Read The Energy of Words: Use the Vibration of Language to Manifest the Life You Desire Online
Authors: Michelle Arbeau
to the child because the child holds no feeling or thought
power behind the word. Likewise, if you have no knowledge
of Mandarin, Spanish, or Portuguese, these languages will
have very little if any energetic influence on you.
Advanced Words 101 143
If you speak more than one language, it is necessary for
you to explore your vocabulary from an energetic standpoint
in all languages in order to gain a complete understanding of
what you are creating in your life through the words you use.
Even if you don’t speak another language, it can be fun to ex-
plore other languages as a means of better understanding the
perspective of our global community. English, Chinese, Ger-
man, Spanish, and African countries vary greatly in cultural
experience. Could the different languages and the vibrational
influences they have be a factor in our global diversity? As
English gains in popularity throughout many cultures, will
we see a shift toward a more unified view via the vibration
of language?
C H A P T E R 1 1
Star-Studded Word Power
What separates us from the rich and famous? Is it just luck,
fate, chance, or is there an element that we could all tap into in order to access that same level of abundance and success?
The celebrity lives we glimpse on TV, with their ever-flowing
abundance, seem a million miles away from our own reali-
ties. What’s their secret?
Based on my experience of working with many success-
ful business owners, celebrities, and other elite professionals, their secret isn’t a secret at all. The magic happens from the perception they create of themselves through the words they
choose to use. Take Donald Trump, for example; despite his
outdated appearance, his presence demands respect and ad-
miration from those around him. Have you ever noticed that
wealthy people have no trouble asking to be compensated for
what they feel they’re worth?
146 Star-Studded Word Power
This chapter illustrates that successful people have per-
fected the skill of manifesting abundance in their lives, but also shows that it wasn’t always this way for them. Most
often, they’ve had to change the negative patterns in their
thoughts and actions just like the rest of us, suggesting that there really isn’t such a thing as an overnight success. You get what you put into life, and that includes putting effort into
your vocabulary. Words are our primary means of communi-
cating with others; what we think, speak, or write can in-
stantly change our connection with someone or even the
trajectory of our life, as these stories vividly highlight.
Celebrity Stylist, Carrie White
With a posh Beverly Hills salon, having styled the likes of
Elvis Presley, Brad Pitt, and Sandra Bullock (to name a few),
Carrie White is manifesting abundance into her life. On the
day I first met Carrie White, she was exactly who I envi-
sioned a Hollywood hairstylist to be: beautiful, elegant, and
classy. She seemed to have it together in every way, but at the end of our session, she handed a copy of her book,
, to me, and my vision of her was forever changed. I fully expected to find a book filled with superficial stories of Hollywood parties and celebrity secrets, but what I found within
those pages was downright shocking.
Carrie had a dark backstory tainted with sexual abuse,
abandonment, alcoholism, drug addiction, and attempted re-
coveries. She had lived the equivalent of three lifetimes in
one, and much of it wasn’t the glitz and glam you’d expect in
a Hollywood stylist’s life portfolio. She had climbed to suc-
Star-Studded Word Power 147
cess, came crashing down to rock bottom, and then climbed
back up again. What saved her and brought her back from
the brink of failure and tragedy? Fate, luck, sheer determina-
tion, or was there something more at work?
Many things in Carrie’s memoir stood out for me that
confirmed she was a fighter and a trailblazer, but one of the
key phrases she used often throughout those years was, “Of
course! That’s my specialty.” That phrase, if viewed from the
surface, seemed insignificant and actually more of a little
white lie; however, it was actually a powerful manifestation
tool that opened doors for her. Even when she knew nothing
about what she was about to do for a client, she would confi-
dently announce this phrase. These words were pivotal in
gaining respect and admiration from clients and colleagues
and eventually gaining the self-respect she needed to own her
gifts and talents and achieve lasting success:
It was a magical phrase that set me up for confidence
with a moment to pause and think things through, be-
cause after I said it, there were no more probing ques-
tions. People just become quiet and say “Oh!”—kinda
stunned, and let me have the upper hand on the subject.
The next great thing for me is that this was an exer-
cise of pushing my envelope to improve, be better, and
make an expert out of myself, forcing me to do an ex-
cellent job without excuses, because of course I had to.
“It” was my specialty, so I better be good, and I razzled
and dazzled and made it happen. It has been a psycho-
logical plus for all concerned.
148 Star-Studded Word Power
Carrie’s story is a “fake it ‘til you make it” scenario. You
might feel as though you don’t know where to begin because
the positive words you’ve chosen for your new Top-Ten
Power Words list just don’t fit your reality—yet. Like Carrie
did, you can fake it until they DO fit. By using that phrase,
Carrie helped shape the vision of the stylist she truly was but had yet to fully blossom into.
In Carrie’s star-studded word-power example, the key
phrase is “of course.” This phrase from a dictionary stand-
point is infused with a matter-of-fact, confident, and assertive undertone. Energetically, “of course” is the number of imagination, inspiration, and unity. The optimistic, the-sky’s-the-limit, imaginative power of the 3 and its unifying,
connect-the-dots kind of energy allowed Carrie to erase any
doubts and wholeheartedly believe that she could do it.
Steve Allen, Founder and Owner
of Steve Allen Media
I first met Steve Allen at a cafe in Los Angeles. A mutual
friend had previously introduced us, and as I walked toward
his table, he looked the part of a publicist (with a tailored suit and all). When I sat down across from him, I saw a spark in
his eyes that I’ll never forget. After I got to know Steve, I understood what that spark was all about. He’s not a typical
publicist; he is such an out-of-the-box thinker that his ideas can seem outrageous at first, but I’m convinced he’s a creative genius. He uses words like “talkaboutable” and “get
eyeballed,” and is one of the most enthusiastic and inspira-
tional people I’ve met.
Star-Studded Word Power 149
Steve started out as an actor in the Big Apple with a vari-
ety of roles, including having played the “father of the ugly baby” on
. After getting married, he moved to Los Angeles and decided to dabble in public relations to support his growing family. His new business venture grew, but it wasn’t
until his wife came up with the tagline “PR with a con-
science” that the magic began to happen. The words “PR”
and “conscience” aren’t normally used together in the same
sentence, but for Steve, it’s a perfect fit. He’s real in every way, and the monetary rewards are secondary to a job well
Steve now owns one of the most successful PR agencies
in the US with bicoastal offices in both Los Angeles and New
York. His success is obviously attributed in part to his
hard-working and inventive outlook, but there’s no denying
that his tagline, “PR with a conscience,” is a powerful ener-
getic representation of what Steve Allen is all about. It isn’t just a catchy tagline; he lives and breathes it every day:
It’s funny; you own and run a company, and because
of that you know you have a responsibility to your
employees and company clients to express a feeling,
or statement, or expression, something besides your
company name, something to clearly express to oth-
ers what your company is all about. Anyway, I toyed
with creating a tagline after our company name for
numerous months. I needed something to put on our
website, letterhead, news releases, etcetera—some-
thing that hollered the essence of Steve Allen Media.
150 Star-Studded Word Power
One night, during dinner, my wife looked at me and
said, “How’s this for a tagline after Steve Allen Media:
‘PR with a conscience.’” That was it; the search was
over, and the team all voted. It was unanimous. Every-
one felt it. Our company had been defined. We lived
by that tagline, we cared, we told the truth, and we
wanted clients who wanted to make a difference in
our world. That happened over five years ago, and the
tagline is still the way we all operate at Steve Allen
Media. Life is good.
Steve’s business name was an instant hit for him, even on an
unseen level. The keywords in his business name are “PR”
and “conscience.” These are the words most often remem-
bered when someone speaks or reads his company’s name,
and therefore they have the most energetic power. “PR” is a
7, the deep, philosophical, and truth-seeking energy. “Con-
science” is a 9, the ambitious, idealistic, responsible, humanitarian number. Together these words have a profound
energetic effect on someone by saying his PR firm is a
truth-centered humanitarian-based company.
Ricky Powell, NBC Director
and The Happiness Guy
Ricky Powell has been in the entertainment industry for
most of his life. He began as a child star in commercials and
in guest appearances on shows like
Sabrina the Teenage Witch
He moved on to work for the media giant, NBC. A mutual
friend connected us, and when we met for the first time, I
Star-Studded Word Power 151
didn’t expect to find such a smiling, happy-go-lucky guy sit-
ting at the restaurant table. Most of the media people I’ve
met were anything but happy people, but instead typically
tended to be hardened by the negative nature of the industry.
Ricky Powell wasn’t anything like that. I was skeptical at first that his “happiness” was just a part of his platform to brand himself as “the Happiness Guy,” but throughout our conversation that day, I realized he truly was happy because he
to be happy. Instead of viewing his situation as hopeless and
helpless, working in a career that could leave him ultimately
feeling empty inside, he decided to create his own happiness
by changing his perspective on his life through the power of
Words have made quite an amazing difference in my
life. Although it has been said that words account for
only a small percentage of your overall message when
communicating with others, while your tone of voice
and body language account for the vast majority, I
strongly believe this is only part of the equation.
What I believe is even more important than the
words you use to convey your message with the out-
side world is the inner power words have on you as
your words directly affect your mind, thoughts, ac-
tions, and your life.
In our culture, we are bombarded with so many
negative messages every day with our different forms
of media—plus what we see and hear right in our
daily lives—not to mention the quiet but sometimes
152 Star-Studded Word Power
destructive little inner voice serving as our own worst
As Earl Nightingale once said, “You become what
you think about,” most of the time. Until I became a
student and then a teacher of happiness, I was one of
those people who wasn’t happy because I didn’t think
about happy things, especially due to the fact that I
had devoted my entire life to media and the entertain-
ment industry.
Once I learned how impactful our thoughts and
our words can be, I made a conscious effort to rear-
range my patterns and began specifically using words
that would empower my life rather than derail it.
Words like “abundance,” “achieve,” “affirm,”
“beauty,” “bliss,” “bountiful,” “considerate,” “cooper-
ate,” “courageous,” and of course the list goes on and
on. You get the idea. The secret is not only in the
words we use with others, but in the words we use in-
side our minds and our hearts.
Make sure you are building yourself up with your
words, allowing your mind to create the exact reality
you are dreaming about. You can do it easily and sys-
tematically; you just need to decide you won’t settle
for anything less.
The driving words behind Ricky’s catchphrase he created for
himself are “happiness” and “guy.” What does it truly mean
to be “the Happiness Guy”? Energetically, this title is raw and real. It holds the frequency of 7, like the word “hate” (see