The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (116 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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Big Brother is Watching You

As I describe throughout this book, the world is becoming more like the dystopian nightmare portrayed by George Orwell in his extremely prescient work 1984, almost by the day.
Indeed the above chapter title is taken from that very book and for the benefit of those have not yet read it, the phrase refers to the fact that a supposed benevolent entity, known by the cosy, friendly name of ‘Big Brother’ is constantly watching over the citizens of ‘Airstrip One’, the new name for the United Kingdom, in order to ‘protect them from harm’.

However ‘Big Brother’, in reality, is far from a cosy, friendly entity.
He is a euphemism for the fascist/communitarian state in which all Airstrip One’s citizens live.
He is not simply watching his citizens either, in anything resembling a caring, parent-like manner; he is actually spying on them and their every move through a comprehensive network of one-way only ‘tele-screens’ that are installed not just on every street, highway and in every building, but in every room in every building, including those of the repressed citizens’ own homes.
How similar then to our own society?
Although we do not yet have spy-cameras in our own homes, it is virtually impossible now in any town in Britain, to escape the gaze of the ubiquitous ‘security camera’ wherever we may wander, down its streets and alleyways and in its shops, banks and public buildings.

It is also common knowledge among the ‘truth’ community, that we are also now being watched covertly from space.
Yes, that is absolutely true.
There are literally hundreds of spy satellites circling above us, watching us whenever expedient for our controllers so to do.
It is also known that they have amazing capabilities, for example the ability to ‘listen-in’ on conversations we may be having in our own sitting rooms at home and to be able to zoom-in on individual buildings and individual people at a resolution to which most regular camera manufacturers could only dream to aspire.

“Every now and then I like to lean out of the window and smile for a satellite picture.”
Steven Wright, American comedian.

Tongue-in-cheek, the above statement may be, but nevertheless accurate with regards to the capability of satellite spy cameras.

We often hear the claim that ‘if you have got nothing to hide, than you have nothing to fear’, but as I have covered in detail in another section of the book, there is so much wrong with that statement that I barely know where to start, to refute it.
Suffice to say at this juncture, that this statement is a gross distortion of the truth and one which is easy to prove as inaccurate.

The amount of public money spent on ‘security’ especially here in Britain is truly staggering and that is just the sums that the authorities admit to spending and for all those millions and billions worldwide spent on security cameras, I should very much like to ask the question, where are they when we really need them?
I am thinking here for example of 9/11, 7/7, the Madrid train station bombing, the Pont de l’Alma tunnel when Diana died and the list goes on and on.
All the security cameras that could have prevented conspiracy theories from springing-up around these incidents seemed to have either failed or have been switched-off in error for the duration of these and many other incidents.
So it would seem that they are absolutely perfect for spotting and recording crimes committed by the 99% but not too efficient at detecting those of the 1%.
This is obviously another rather large co-incidence of course and nothing at all to concern us in any way.

In Britain the total amount of public money spent on installing and operating CCTV cameras alone during the 2007 to 2010 period, was £321,331,453.18.
When broken down this figure would equate to the employment of more than 13,500 extra police officers over a three year period.
There are currently five million CCTV cameras in the UK to cover a population of 60 million, so this equates to one camera for every 12 people and there is absolutely no sign of this ratio decreasing.
On the contrary, it is expected to increase proportionately as time goes by.
The UK Home Office has spent a mind-boggling 78% of its crime prevention budget since the 1990s on surveillance cameras and the numbers are still increasing month on month and year on year.

Cameras are now being installed that can lip-read and recognise ‘suspicious’ body language – in other words pre-crime and there are now many cameras in London streets and maybe elsewhere too by the time you read this, that possess speakers whereby the operator can give orders to unsuspecting pedestrians passing-by.
‘Pick up that litter’ or ‘no loitering in this area’ or ‘keep off this grass’.
It saves money on signs I suppose.

A recent ‘freedom of information’ request revealed that CCTV cameras solve less than one in 1000 crimes and yet surveillance cameras account for 75% of the spending on ‘crime prevention’ overall.
What is wrong with this picture?
This amply demonstrates to me that these cameras are not there for our protection or to prevent or solve crimes, they are there to spy on us in much the same way as the tele-screens in 1984.
In fact I would say that the Elite, far from wishing to prevent crime, indeed encourage it.
It is in their best interests to engender a crime-ridden society as this leads to fear and thus ultimately more control through the very surveillance that purports to protect us all.

Another reason for all this overt and covert surveillance is to track resistance to the step-by-step imposition of the Orwellian state and not the 99.9% of the general public who are no threat to the system at all.

Not only is our every movement as pedestrians tracked, but so also are our movements when travelling.
There are speed cameras along most of our streets and highways, many containing sophisticated licence plate recognition systems and security cameras in buses, trains, ships and airplanes.
The licence plate recognition system is intelligently linked to various databases of information, enabling, for example, insurance details to be checked, where deemed to be appropriate.
The ‘speed’ cameras are obviously not there to prevent accidents as the police disingenuously claim, as it has now been proven beyond reasonable doubt that the presence of traffic and speed cameras actually causes more accidents than it prevents, probably through the fear factor of people slowing down dangerously quickly, once a camera is spotted, causing skids, swerves, rear-end collisions and often complete loss of control of the car.
In fact a recent independent report concluded that 85% of traffic accidents are not caused by excess speed, contrary to what they would have us all believe.

We are also under covert surveillance through our computers and cell-phones.
Social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook and search engines such as Google are known to have connections to the security services and every transaction (and there are billions each day) is individually tracked and monitored for any small clue that that person may be plotting against authority.
Every email, every telephone conversation and every text message is similarly monitored and filed using keyword detection technologies and all the details of this intrusion into what should be our private lives is stored in a monster database that also links with other governmental databases and allows ‘public institutions’ to access everything that is stored against our names.
Local councils and state bodies made one request every second on average in 2009 for access to this information to check-up on our movements and private information.

‘The Guardian’ newspaper recently reported that photographs and intimate personal details relating to tens of thousands of individuals who have attended protests and rallies are being stored in secret national databases and labeled as ‘domestic extremists’.

So, this is but a small snapshot of how the world really works in these ‘enlightened’ times and please, please do not be fooled by anyone who may tell you that we are in effect being spied-upon for our own safety and protection, as frankly that concept is utterly laughable.

The Police – To Protect and Serve the Elite

The recent, ongoing spate of police brutality is no accident and no coincidence; it is exactly the way that society is deliberately being steered and the increasing militarisation of the police is a carefully contrived phenomenon designed to slowly ensnare us all in a spiders-web of oppression and fear.

There are many, many examples of the police taking the law into their own hands and remaining unpunished for doing so.
Some of these are listed in the introduction and here for good measure are a couple more.

In 2010 a student was tasered by police for persistently asking questions of the politician John Kerry at a public meeting.
To be unscrupulously fair, Andrew Meyer, the student in question was behaving a little too disruptively for his own good and was eventually tasered several times when he mentioned ‘Skull and Bones’, the secret society of which Kerry is a fully-paid-up member along with the entire Bush family. However, his behaviour certainly did not warrant his being subjected to 50,000 volts and surely, simply ‘poor behaviour’ does not give licence to the police to use ultra-excessive force.
The fact that the police actually tasered someone who was already subdued and lying on the ground under arrest is utterly reprehensible and inexcusable by any standards, let alone those of they who are supposed to ‘serve and protect’ us.
When there are six officers surrounding a suspect who should have simply been ejected peacefully, there is absolutely no need to taser him, at least not in my view.

And then there was the case of the wheelchair-bound schizophrenic.
Police officers said they arrived to find Ms Delafield in a wheelchair, armed with two knives and a hammer and that she was swinging the weapons at family members and police.
Within an hour of the 911 call, Ms Delafield, a wheelchair-bound woman certified with mental illness, was dead.
Her family attorney, Rick Alexander said that her death could have been prevented and that there were four things that stood-out to him about the case.
“One, she’s in a wheelchair.
Two, she’s schizophrenic.
Three, they’re using a taser on a person that’s in a wheelchair and then four is that they tasered her 10 times for a period of two minutes.”
Alexander said.

According to the police report, one of the officers used her taser gun nine times for a total of 160 seconds and the other officer discharged his taser gun once for a total of no more than five seconds.
Obviously this was no doubt a difficult situation, but was it absolutely necessary to taser an elderly woman in a wheelchair?
Surely a person unable to walk can be restrained fairly easily by other less deadly methods?

In my considered view this all points to a larger problem in our society and this is that the police are almost completely out of control and more significantly, this is exactly the state of affairs planned for us by the Elite.

There is a common misconception about police, throughout the world at large.
Some people, it has to be said, mostly white, middle-class people, think that the police are here to ‘protect and serve’ everyone, but it is worth pointing-out that nowhere does this motto say anything about protecting everyone, or even treating everyone equally.
This small point is totally conspicuous by its absence, in fact and the simple truth is that the police are paid to protect and serve the Elite and only the Elite, and the group from which the Elite mostly need protection is the 99%, we the ‘underclasses’, the useless eaters.

The western world, especially Britain and America are societies that are riven in two by a huge ‘class-divide’ despite all the false claims by some, that America is the ultimate classless society and this class division is as stark as the difference between black and white.
Poor and dispossessed people naturally get angry and sometimes even violent when they realise that their own situation is completely hopeless.
No amount of hard work will make them rich or powerful when their only skills are street-sweeping or toilet-cleaning.
So, sometimes the poor take matters into their own hands and steal from the rich and that is when the police intervene.
If they steal from a house or steal a car they will obviously be arrested, but, what happens when the rich steal from the poor as we have seen with all the recent bank bail-outs, banker-bonuses and white collar crime such as the MPs’ expenses scandal in the UK in 2009?

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