The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (112 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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From the very beginning, the WWF has received much appreciation from all governments on earth and even substitutes in many nations as a de facto ministry for the environment, for some if not all of the following reasons...

WWF serves to enhance a governments' ‘respecter of the environment’ image.

It helps to protect very small, hugely restricted areas as nature reserves and therefore creates space for the indiscriminate destruction of the huge remaining areas of land, by industrial and commercial/corporate interests.

Their stand on 'illegal' logging is merely a distraction to cover up the 95% of logging that is legal.

WWF helps to develop remote places with large areas of unspoilt environments and obtain control over it.
As these remote areas are generally tribal lands of non-assimilated peoples, WWF assists governments to assume control of them and to assimilate them into the mainstream – almost always against their will.

As a result of all this, the losers are indigenous, tribal peoples and as paradoxical as it may seem at first glance, Mother Nature in general due to the sacrifice of most of the land to the corporatocracy.
As usual, the ultimate beneficiaries are the Elite and their bedfellows.

The oppression of traditional, tribal people by nature conservationists has never been a subject for mainstream debate and the results of nature conservation activities have always been ‘spun’ to imply that the damages done to the native tribes were properly redressed.
In much the same way as the native American Indians were confined to their oppressive ‘reservations’ following the theft of their traditional homelands and hunting grounds, shanty towns and modern consumerism are by no means a replacement for thousands of years of local tradition and culture.
The main point here is that compensation is highly irrelevant anyway, since these people should not have been forcibly removed from their own lands in the first place and no amount of cash can compensate for the loss of an entire way of life.
The argument about compensation is in fact a ‘red herring’ to divert attention from the ongoing genocide being conducted upon them by non-governmental organisations that pretend to support human rights.

For example…

In Namibia the Hai’om Bushmen have been driven out of their ancestral lands, the Etosha Pan, which WWF was involved with securing as a conservation area.
Conservation of what you may be entitled to ask, when ‘conservation’ involves so much complementary, wanton destruction.

In consultation with the WWF, the government of Botswana declared in February 1996, that the 3000 last remaining Bushmen, in their traditional hunting and gathering lifestyles, had to leave their ancestral land and their traditional lives.
The reason given being that their ancestral land is now proposed as a new ‘game reserve’.

In South Africa the 40 last remaining Bushmen have been forced out of their ancestral land which is now largely used as the Kalahari Gemsbock National Park.
The WWF has been and still is involved in this criminal activity in cahoots with the corrupt South African government.

Whilst in India the Gujjar nomads in Uttar Pradesh, are victims of a ‘nature conservation’ project, where the WWF is also directly involved and the last few aboriginal people belonging to the Negrito race, have been victimised by National Park projects in the Nilgiri mountains where the WWF was and still is active in promoting ‘wildlife projects’.

There are many, many more cases, too numerous to mention here of small groups of traditional, native peoples victimised by joint governmental and WWF 'nature conservation' activities and policies and as with most other conservation programmes, this is a simply a front for corporate expansion and destruction of the environment in the name of obscene profiteering.
These downtrodden groups have very few friends left and virtually no-one to champion their just causes.
If the process of ‘civilisation’ and globalisation is allowed to destroy the last remaining non-western cultures, we will be left with a human monoculture and if biodiversity is important, then human diversity is also.
We must make alliances with and give support to these last bastions of hope for the future of humanity.

Cancer Research

Cancer research charities throughout the world today, only ever undertake research that involves chemotherapy, radiotherapy and invasive surgery. If their ‘treatments’ don’t involve butchery, poisoning or radiating your body to such an extent that your immune system becomes shattered and healthy cells will be destroyed along with the cancerous ones, then they are not interested.
Sometimes this destructive course will lead to an apparent ‘cure’ but this is often very short-lived as the disease returns to destroy what little is left of a devastated immune system, killing the patient long-term anyway but without that person’s death appearing in the statistics of ‘cancer victims’.

The myriad of charities and research institutions that make up the ‘cancer Industry’ exist only to support the profits of the criminal, Elite-controlled pharmaceutical industries.
In fact billions of pounds worldwide are siphoned from us, the poor deluded masses, into the coffers of the already mega-rich through highly persuasive, guilt-enhancing and fear-mongering advertising techniques as the controlled global media report one false breakthrough after another with monotonous regularity.
The simple truth is that there are cures for cancer but we are not allowed to know about them – as discussed in the health section of this book.

Indeed there is very impressive, certifiable evidence from former cancer patients who, having exclusively used ‘outlawed’ treatments, have won their battles against cancer successfully with no side-effects whatsoever.
The question we must therefore ask ourselves is, why do the cancer research charities not spend our donations testing the efficacy of all possible cures and not just ones that fulfil their own twisted agendas?

The answer to this question is fairly obvious really.
There are no mega-profits to be made out of ill health by promoting so-called ‘alternative’ or natural medicine and therefore it follows that in conventional medical research, there is no ‘level playing-field’ for those who wish to explore the efficacy and effectiveness of these apparently safe and proven treatments.
Unfortunately the Elite are completely in control of our medical profession, from medical education through to the highest-paid consultants, meaning in effect that even the majority, well-meaning, decent doctors and scientists are dictated-to by a system they do not fully understand and which they blindly serve without realising how they are being deceived on a massive scale.
Cancer research charities are in effect a complete and utter sham and means by which huge sums of money are stolen every year from the people that they purport to be there to serve.
A strong case could easily be made against them for causing appalling and unnecessary harm to people’s, health, wealth and happiness.

Their experts in cancer care may only advise patients to look at alternative therapies in order to help mitigate the dangerous and unpleasant side-effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy and on no account are they allowed to view them as a way of curing and beating the cancer itself.

Poppy Day / Remembrance Day / Veterans Day

Poppy Day, (sometimes Remembrance Day) 11th November or to those across the Ocean, ‘Veteran’s Day’, is nothing more than a complete and utter farce.

Every time we switch on the TV in Britain around that time of year, we see presenters and guests alike, bedecked in poppies, sometimes from as early as late October.
This is allegedly to honour those who died and were maimed ‘fighting for our freedoms’ but the real reason for this charade is completely different to the one promoted by the Elite powers that be.

In the week leading up to Remembrance Day 2011, the world governing body of football (soccer) FIFA, decreed that the English football team could not wear poppies embroidered onto its shirts in the upcoming game against Spain.
Of course there was absolute mayhem and uproar as a result – all instigated of course at the behest of the controlled mainstream media in all its forms.
Apparently FIFA has a strict policy against the wearing of political emblems or insignia of any kind on the shirts of those taking part in games under its jurisdiction – quite rightly in my view.
A very sensible, fair and equitable policy one would think.

For the previous two weeks all English league games (they are not under the jurisdiction of FIFA) featured teams sporting the poppy emblem on their shirts and this bear in mind is despite the fact that approximately 50% of the players involved in these matches are not even British.
They include Germans, Japanese, Italians and many other nationalities against whom the British have fought in the past century.
Of course this is defended by saying that the poppy is to honour ALL war dead and not just those ‘on our side’.
In that case I would ask how much money the British Legion, the supposed recipient of all the money raised through the sale of poppies, contributes to its foreign counterparts in lieu of this fact?
There would be no point in doing so of course, because I already know the answer to that question and it is a very round number.

However, the ensuing venomous outcry against FIFA regarding this decree from both media sources and public alike had to be seen to be believed.
Why should this be?

I submit that it is because the general public, the sheeple, those whose lives are unknowingly controlled by those who deceive us on a daily basis, are programmed by the use of institutions such as ‘poppy day’ to behave in this way.
We are all led to believe that by buying and wearing a poppy we are somehow ‘honouring’ those who died fighting futile wars in distant foreign hell holes in the name of expansion of the corporate interests that control and run the world.
It is merely an expedient (and a very powerful one) by which the masses are conditioned to believe that fighting these bloody, tragic wars is done for the purpose of saving us all from some deadly enemy who would soon be on our shores breaking down our doors, raping our women and killing our children or at least committing terrorist atrocities by the thousand, if we did not halt them in their tracks ‘over there’.

This is all absolute, abject nonsense of course, but a wonderfully simple, expedient way of propagandising and promoting their wars of capitalist expansion in furtherance of British and American imperialism and corporate/banking interests.
It also keeps these wars in the forefront of everyone’s minds whilst continuing to morally justify them by way of labelling their victims as ‘heroes’ and glorifying their ‘sacrifices’ for their ‘country’.
The BBC have a thoroughly despicable track record in this respect, producing programmes and documentaries by the hundred, that maintain this illusion and keep all the wars of the last century or more constantly in the public eye.
Even such programmes such as ‘Antiques Roadshow’ are not spared in this respect.
The edition of AR on Sunday 13th November 2011 was a blatant example of the glorification of war by the BBC, every item examined by the experts having some connection to war and the tragic yet glorious sacrifice of the subject’s relatives.
Words fail me really.

But back to the FIFA issue.
After being thoroughly vilified for its stance and even the heir to the throne, Prince William being involved in writing a letter to the Secretary General, Sepp Blatter, FIFA eventually compromised and decided to allow poppies to be worn by the England team on its armbands.
The power of falsely engendered public opinion never ceases to amaze.

I believe that in the weeks leading up to the event, mainstream TV stations are told that everyone who appears on screen MUST be seen to be wearing a poppy, as no-one ever is shown without one – and even more tellingly, the poppies are all of exactly the same design across most of the main stations.
This would say to me that those people appearing on screen, for the most part, do not turn up to the studios wearing their own poppy and are provided with the ‘standard issue’ poppy upon arrival and are coerced into wearing it on camera whether or not they agree with the principle underlying it all.
In one extreme instance during the ‘remembrance weekend’ in 2011, the BBC programme ‘Countryfile’ even interviewed a man who was constructing a roof and yet still sported his obligatory ‘same design’ poppy whilst doing so.
Of course who among us has not felt that same overwhelming need to show our allegiance to the heroes of our brave armed forces, whilst 20 feet up a ladder working on a roof in a force 9 gale?
Propaganda and mind control in its most ugly form, in my view.

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