The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (13 page)

BOOK: The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality
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Sitchin's book, The 12th Planet (now in its 45th printing and translated into 23 languages, millions of copies sold), tells a very credible story of how the Annunaki from the 12th planet (Nibiru) in our solar system created the forerunners of the Sumerians and then interacted with their descendants more than 5000 years ago.

Below, is an ancient Sumerian cylinder seal showing an Annunaki flying machine or space-ship.

Another of the most credible pieces of evidence indicating extra-terrestrial visitation and interaction with human affairs comes from the Dogon tribe of West Africa.
The credibility of the Dogon oral history is greatly enhanced by the fact that they have long had extensive knowledge of the planets and stars that modern ‘scientists’ have only recently acquired.


The Dogon have known for thousands of years that Sirius, the brightest star in the sky, is a binary star-system.
This is in itself remarkable, simply because Sirius A, the main star is visible to the naked eye, whereas its neighbour Sirius B which orbits Sirius A, can only be detected with modern-day telescopes.
The Dogon also knew that the orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A is elliptical rather than circular and this was also only discovered very recently indeed by mainstream science.
In the oral histories of the Dogon that span thousands of years, they speak of entities from the vicinity of Sirius, who visited their ancient ancestors in an ‘airship’ and taught them many things including how to live in harmony with their own divine nature.
Incidentally Sirius is known as the ‘Dog’ star in some quarters.

Other civilisations such as the Egyptians had a strong connection with the star Sirius and were most likely visited and assisted by ‘ETs’ from that area of the galaxy.
Also possibly significantly, the most important female god of the ancient Egyptians, Isis, was identified with Sirius.
In addition, the very basis of Mayan beliefs and legends is the book, Popul Vuh.
It contains a creation story of humans, which is similar to that told by the Sumerians, specifically that there were ‘creator gods’ that ‘came down from the heavens’ and created mankind to be slaves and serve them.
It is also known that the advanced Mayan civilisation seems to have appeared out of nowhere some 3,500 years ago in the jungles of Mexico and interestingly, this was yet another elaborately developed culture with no discernible evolution from a primitive society into a more and more advanced one.
Mayan artefacts tell us in no uncertain terms that they were master astronomers with an intimate knowledge of the heavens.
From where did this knowledge emanate?

There is a very credible case for the argument that planet Earth has been visited time and time again by ‘ETs’ from other star systems.
Some have visited, stayed for a while and left whilst yet others have created living things, including human physical bodies, which resemble their own.
A strong case can be made for the fact that humanity's real origins were in the constellation Lyra; specifically from the star system Vega.
From there our ultra-ancient ancestors branched out to other areas of the galaxy, including the Pleiades.
Some of them over aeons became aggressive and war-like, whilst some became more spiritually advanced and benevolent.

The net effect of all this upheaval and disruption is a constant, ongoing battle between good and evil, here on this planet and upon reflection; this would partly explain why the world is in constant turmoil.
Without this struggle between the dark and the light factions, the yin and the yang, we would not have an opportunity to grow, learn and thereby facilitate the evolution of our souls.

There are many unexplainable artefacts in existence that lend credence to these beliefs and which strongly support the argument that Earth was and continues to be visited by ETs and that other visitors and civilisations existed here from millions of years ago – all evidence which is refuted by Elite-controlled mainstream science and archaeology as such an admission would reveal the real knowledge of who we are as a species and where our real origins lie and of course that would not be in the best interests of our lords and masters.

There is much irrefutable evidence to suggest that we humans were first created through genetic engineering, then nurtured and controlled by alien races or other life forms, that are not originally of this Earth.
For example, how is it possible to explain that the ancient Egyptians and Sumerians of more than 5000 years ago were much more advanced in many ways, than the Romans and the Europeans in the Dark Ages of 1000-1500 years ago, despite the vast difference in time periods?

Erich Von Daniken in his oft-criticised by the mainstream, yet stunning work, ‘Chariots of the Gods?’ suggested that the ancient astronauts or extraterrestrials, had somehow given biological evolution a ‘boost’ that would allow humans to be able to maintain a civilisation.
Considering all the abundance of evidence in favour of this theory of extra-terrestrial origins, I would suggest that it is of many magnitudes more credible than its usurper, the theory of evolution.
Indeed, macro-evolution (the transition of one species into another distinctly different one) could even be said to be the most un-scientific, unbelievable, far-fetched, implausible theory of human origins and development ever promoted by humankind.

As outlined in the previous section, the theory of evolution is simply a major part of a massive cover-up operation by the ruling Elites regarding our extra-terrestrial origins and influence on humanity in their ongoing attempts to subjugate and enslave us, as they firmly believe is their birthright.

Many historical records and other esoteric sources, strongly indicate that ETs genetically engineered modern humans and instigated the rise of civilisation.
Both positively-oriented and negatively-oriented ETs were involved in this development of mankind from the beginnings of this Earth, but it is unfortunately the negatively-oriented ETs that have largely been in control of the Earth for the past several thousand years via their direct descendants, the Elite, Illuminati, thirteen bloodline families.


Unfortunate also, is the fact that the primary methodology utilised by these darkly negative entities to maintain a divided and thus controlled humankind is through the distorting and concealment of both spiritual truth and also significantly by the distortion of history and our present reality.

Within the last few years, a
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small group of researchers working on the Human Genome Project, which was completed in 2003, announced that they have made an astonishing scientific discovery.
They firmly believe that the so-called ‘junk DNA’, the 97% non-coding sequences in human DNA
is no less than the genetic code of extraterrestrial life forms.

The non-coding sequences are common to all living organisms on Earth, from single-celled organisms through plants, insects, lizards, birds and fish to humans.
In human DNA, they constitute a larger part of the total genome, admitted Professor Sam Chang, the group leader.

These non-coding sequences, originally known as ‘junk DNA’, were discovered several years ago, yet their function remained a mystery and indeed they were totally dismissed by mainstream scientists as having no significance whatsoever, as the thoroughly misleading term ‘junk DNA’ would imply.
The conclusion that these scientists are now seriously endorsing and promoting is that the overwhelming majority of human DNA is extra-terrestrial in origin, passed-on from parent to child down through millions, if not billions of years.

Following much research, contemplation and scientific analysis with the assistance of other scientists, including computer programmers and mathematicians, Professor Chang wondered if this apparent ‘junk DNA’ was created by some kind of ‘extraterrestrial programmer’.
The alien portion of human DNA, Professor Chang further observed, ‘has its own veins, arteries and even its own immune system’.

The most logical hypothesis for this, according to Chang is that an extraterrestrial life-form was involved in creating new life and seeding it on various planets, for whatever greater purpose this may serve, one of those planets of course being our own Earth.
Perhaps our ‘creators’ nurtured our race in much the same way we grow bacteria in Petri dishes.
We cannot possibly know or understand the motivation behind this act, but maybe it is an ongoing scientific experiment or a way of preparing new planets for colonisation, or even simply the way by which all life is propagated throughout the universe as ‘receptacles’ for our immortal souls.

Chang further suggests that these apparent ‘extraterrestrial programmers’ were possibly working on a much larger project consisting of several sub-projects, all of which are concerned with producing various life-forms for various planets.
Indeed, Chang and his team are only one of many groups of scientists and other researchers who have discovered and propounded the theory of the apparent extra-terrestrial origins of humanity.

“Soon or later, we have to come to grips with the unbelievable notion that every life on Earth carries genetic code for his extraterrestrial cousins and that evolution is not what we think it is.”
Professor Sam Chang.

The implications of these ground-breaking scientific finds, staggering as they appear to be, would certainly reinforce claims by many other scientists and observers of having contact with other-worldly, humanoid extraterrestrial entities.
These humanoid beings are claimed to have provided some of the genetic material for human evolution by some researchers and it has also been concluded by others, that many of these extra-terrestrials have allowed some of their souls to incarnate as ‘star-seed’ on Earth in human families. These ‘star-children’ are described by Brad and Francie Steiger as individuals whose souls were formerly incarnated on the planets of other star-systems and then travelled to Earth and decided to incarnate here in order to enhance the spiritual, evolutionary development of humanity.
This theory would also seem to sit well with the discoveries of Dr. Michael Newton, a prominent American psychiatrist, who has uncovered evidence of this fact himself, whilst conducting regressional therapy on thousands of patients.
Michael Newton’s work is also covered in more detail in later chapters of this book.

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