The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (85 page)

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In a fair and just society, corporations should be held to the same moral standards as individuals. Profits should not be allowed to be made to the detriment of the environment and equitable wages should be paid worldwide regardless of location.

Imagine a world where government leaders were not bribed and cajoled by corporations to make decisions directly against the best wishes of the people they were elected to represent in the first place and imagine a world where all corporate psychopaths did not exist.
Is this really too much to ask?
As long as all major corporations continue to be owned by the Elite few who we know literally stop at nothing in the garnering of their obscene profits, it would certainly appear so.

Bohemian Grove

The 40ft stone owl worshipped by ‘Grovers’

Eighty miles north of San Francisco is a playground for the mega-rich known as Bohemian Grove and it is here where over 2000 members of the political, corporate, media, cultural and military elite of the world, gather every July for two weeks, for their annual Satanic rituals, possibly including human ritual sacrifice.
They have been meeting here since the 1880s.

According to reliable sources, a ritual sacrifice, firstly of Mary Magdalene and then Jesus Christ takes place every year.
A human body or an effigy of one is burned in front of the pictured, large owl symbolising Moloch, the pagan Canaanite God in a ceremony known as ‘The Cremation of Care’.
Indeed, there is very strong evidence that the Grove members are Satanists.

In 1978, the ‘club’ actually argued in court that it should not have to hire female staff because members at the Grove ‘urinate in the open without even the use of rudimentary toilet facilities’ and that the presence of females would ‘alter club members' behaviour’.

“I was programmed and equipped to function in all rooms at Bohemian Grove in order to compromise specific government targets according to their personal perversions.
Anything, anytime, anywhere with anyone was my mode of operation at the Grove.
I do not purport to understand the full function of this political cesspool playground as my perception was limited to my own realm of experience.
My perception is that Bohemian Grove serves those ushering in the New World Order through mind control and consists primarily of the highest Mafia and US Government officials.

I do not use the term ‘highest’ loosely, as copious quantities of drugs were consumed there. Project Monarch mind-control slaves were routinely abused there to fulfil the primary purpose of the club, purveying perversion.
Bohemian Grove is reportedly intended to be used recreationally, providing a supposedly secure environment for politically affluent individuals to ‘party’ without restraint.
The only business conducted there pertained to implementing the New World Order, through the proliferation of mind-control atrocities, giving the place an air of ‘masonic secrecy’. The only room where business discussions were permitted was the small, dark lounge affectionately and appropriately referred to as ‘the underground’.

My purpose at the Grove was sexual in nature and therefore my perceptions were limited to a sex slave's viewpoint.
As an effective means of control to ensure undetected proliferation of their perverse indulgences, slaves such as myself were subjected to ritualistic trauma.
I knew each breath I took could be my last, as the threat of death lurked in every shadow.
Slaves of advancing age or with failing programming were sacrificially murdered ‘at random’ in the wooded grounds of Bohemian Grove and I felt it was ‘simply a matter of time until it would be me’.
Rituals were held at a giant, concrete owl monument on the banks of the Russian River. These occultist sex rituals stemmed from the scientific belief that mind-controlled slaves required severe trauma to ensure compartmentalisation of the memory and not from any spiritual motivation.

My own threat of death was instilled when I witnessed the sacrificial death of a young, dark-haired victim at which time I was instructed to perform sexually ‘as though my life depended upon it’.
I was told, ‘...the next sacrifice victim could be you.
Anytime when you least expect it, the owl will consume you.
Prepare yourself, and stay prepared.’
Being ‘prepared’ equated to being totally suggestible, ie. ‘on my toes’ awaiting their command.”
From Chapter 18, ‘The Tranceformation of America’ by Cathy O’Brien

Sonia Sotomayor is a member of the all-female ‘Belizean Club’ which is the lesser-known, female equivalent of Bohemian Grove.
The evidence would appear to show that Elite ‘gofers’ are chosen by virtue of being sexually and morally compromised so that they will obey the dictates of Cabalist banksters who are attempting to establish the New World Order.
She said that…

“I feel sorry for the innocent people who think Osama bin Laden was responsible for 9/11, that the media tells the truth and we live in a free country.
We live in a world designed and controlled by Satanist central bankers according to the blueprint of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
We are being harassed by terrorism, war, financial crises and viruses just as the Protocols promised. The purpose is to make us throw up our hands and accept world government, which is a euphemism for banker tyranny.
Whether it is climate change, wars, bank bailouts or ‘hate laws’, there is less distinction everyday between the perversity of the Illuminati bankers and the actions of our government.”

The very existence of Bohemian Grove is evidence that the leaders of the world have been seduced by or replaced by Satanists and perverts all of which is covered-up by the media, which is of course a part of the insidious plot, itself.
The idea that the ‘mock’ sacrifices are the extent of the sinister events at Bohemian Grove is always open to speculation and there have been several official reports which include evidence of satanic ritual abuse, blood drinking and even child murder in the area.
The 1993 murder of 12 year old Polly Klass has been linked to the area close to the Bohemian Grove.

Until we, as a species recognise that those who control our whole lives are not at all what they seem to be and act collectively to end their power over us all, then the future for our children is beginning to look very bleak indeed.
Please, please do not allow the lackeys of the media to hoodwink you into thinking that all is well.
It most certainly is not.

USA Incorporated

Surprisingly to many people, the United States of America actually exists in two distinctly separate forms.
The original United States that was in operation until 1860 was a collection of sovereign republics (the individual States) in the overall Union and under the original Constitution the States controlled the Federal Government, the Federal Government did not control the States and had very little authority.

The original United States was however, usurped by a separate and different ‘UNITED STATES’ formed in 1871, which only controls the District of Columbia (Washington DC) and its territories and which is actually a corporation (the UNITED STATES Inc.) that acts as the current government.
The US Corporation operates under Corporate/Commercial/Public Law rather than Common/Private Law.

Although the original Constitution was never removed or revoked, it has simply remained dormant since 1871, yet it is still intact to this day, despite its usurpation by the US Inc.
This fact was made clear by Supreme Court Justice Marshall Harlan (Downes v. Bidwell, 182, U.S. 244 1901) by issuance of the following dissenting opinion: “Two national governments exist, one to be maintained under the Constitution, with all its restrictions; the other to be maintained by Congress outside and independently of that instrument.”

The rewritten Constitution of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION bypasses the original Constitution of the United States of America, which explains why Congressmen and Senators do not abide by it and the fact that the President may issue Executive Orders at will, in order to basically do whatever he wishes, totally contrary to the supposed democratic process.
They are following corporate laws that completely strip the citizens of the country of their unalienable rights and freedoms.

The US Government is therefore a Corporation actually functioning as the Federal Government and thus it does not need to abide by the Constitution.
Also it does not actually matter whether or not Barrack Obama is not a natural born citizen (as has been argued by many commentators) since it is a corporation of which is in effect the CEO and not the president of a bona fide country.

The only way that a corporation can obtain the explicit permission of the people to rule them, is by deceit and this is achieved by subtle wording in Birth Certificates, Social Security Cards, driving licences, tax forms, marriage licences and many other ‘legal’ documents.
In these documents, the ‘person’ is always referred to by all capital letters eg JOHN SMITH, meaning in law that the name represents a corporate entity and not a living being.
This is how the corporate courts finagle jurisdiction over the people.
These courts do not display the regular American flag; they actually use the military or admiralty flag.
This flag is a standard ‘stars and stripes’, but with one important distinction and that it is that it bears a gold fringe around the edges.
You may think that this is an unimportant, trivial issue, but you would be wrong.
This flag is NOT the flag of the original US but that of the US Corporation, the US Inc. and its use is deliberately designed in order to deceive.

So in effect, when anyone enters a US Courtroom, there is a military or admiralty flag displayed. The US military does not have the protection of the Constitution and neither does it apply to admiralty laws with ships at sea.
When anyone enters a court room and crosses the threshold, they are in effect symbolically boarding a ‘ship’ and in effect a foreign country as evidenced by the admiralty or military flag and thus the constitution is inapplicable and they are immediately under equity law and not common law.
Ever wondered why in a court, the holding area for an accused person is called a ‘dock’?!

Here is the sequence of events that led to the usurpation of the old by the current UNITED STATES…

On 1st January 1788, the United States was officially declared bankrupt.

On 4th August 1790, Article One of the US Statutes at Large, pages 138-178, abolished the States of the Republic and created Federal Districts.
In the same year, the former States of the Republic reorganised as Corporations and their legislatures wrote new State Constitutions, absent defined boundaries, which they presented to the people of each state for a vote. The new State Constitutions fraudulently made the people ‘citizens’ of the new Corporate States.
A Citizen is also defined as a ‘corporate fiction’.

In 1845, Congress passed legislation that would ultimately allow Common Law to be usurped by Admiralty Law.
The gold fringe around court flags proves that this is still the case.
Before 1845, Americans were considered sovereign individuals who governed themselves under Common Law.

In 1860, Congress was adjourned Sine Die.
Not even President Lincoln could legally reconvene Congress.

In 1861, President Lincoln declared a National Emergency and Martial Law, which gave the President unprecedented powers and removed it from the other branches.
This has never, ever been reversed.

From 1864-1867, several Reconstruction Acts were passed forcing the states to ratify the 14th Amendment, which made everyone slaves.

In 1865, the capital was moved to Washington DC from Philadelphia, a separate country and NOT part of the United States of America.

In 1871, The United States became a Corporation with a new constitution and a new corporate government and the original constitutional government was vacated to become dormant, but it was never terminated.
The new constitution had to be ratified by the people according to the original constitution, but it never was. The whole process occurred behind closed doors and the people were the source of financing for this new government.

In 1917, the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) was passed.
This act was implemented to deal with the countries with which the US was in conflict during World War I.
It allowed the President and the Alien Property Custodian the right to seize the assets of ‘the people’.

In 1921, the Federal Reserve Bank (the trustee for the Alien Property Custodian) held over $700,000,000 in trust.
This trust was based on publicly held assets and not theirs.
The ‘Fed’ is a private corporation.

In 1933, 48 Stat 1, of the TWEA was amended to include all United States citizens because they decided to remove gold from private ownership.
Executive Order 6102 was issued which made it illegal for a US Citizen to own gold.
In order for the Government to take the gold away from the people and violate their Constitutional rights, they were reclassified as ENEMY COMBATANTS.

In 1933, there was a second United States bankruptcy.
In the first bankruptcy the United States collateralised all public lands and in the 1933 bankruptcy, the US government collateralised the private lands of the people (a lien).
They borrowed money against all private lands which were then mortgaged.
This is the source of and the reason for all property taxes.

“It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent. H.J.R. 192, 73rd Congress m session June 5, 1933 – Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Governmental Offices, Officers, and Departments and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.”
Speaker Representative James Trafficant Jr., ‘The Bankruptcy of the United States Congressional Record’, 17th March 1993

The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are our old friends the Elite international Banksters via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
All US Offices, Officials and Departments are now operating within a de facto status in name only under Emergency War Powers.
With the Constitutional Republic form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a ‘Democracy’, it being an established Socialist/Communist order.

As any debtor would, the Federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan to resolve the bankruptcy.
Since the Federal United States had no assets, they assigned the private property of their ‘economic slaves’, the US citizens, as collateral against the federal debt.
They also pledged the unincorporated federal territories, national parks, forests, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations as collateral against this debt.
This has all now already been transferred as payment to the Elite international bankers.

Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-Revolution feudal state whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold titles to property.
In 1944, Washington DC was deeded to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by the Breton Woods Agreement.
The IMF is made up of the wealthy Elite that own the banking industries of the world.
It is an organised group of bankers that have taken control of most governments of the world which in effect allows them to surreptitiously run the world.
The US Congress, the IRS, and the US President work for the IMF and not for the United States of America.
The IRS is not a US government agency; it is an agency of the IMF.

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