The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (88 page)

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In fact the official version of anything and everything is simply repeated ad nauseum by the media in all its forms and becomes the ‘truth’ by default even though the most cursory examination of the facts would reveal it all to be built on foundations of sand.

In conclusion to this section, the only ‘real’ journalism left on this planet is to be found via the Internet.
The World Wide Web is full of alternative news sources, providing a more balanced view of the world and reporting facts without resort to lies and propaganda.
Internet based researchers and journalists are often unafraid to go to places where their mainstream counterparts dare not venture.
However, please beware of the ‘shills’ (paid agents of disinformation) that lurk there in huge numbers, purveying lies and distortions to throw the real truth-seekers ‘off the scent’ as it were.

The Elite families of course, control all the major Internet servers and search engines plus all the social media and networking sites and the Internet has aided their cause in several other important respects, not least of which is the area of covert surveillance.
It is believed by many that the technology exists to read all emails sent from anywhere in the world, triggered by keywords and perhaps even more worryingly, to remotely read the contents of PC hard-drives via the Internet and also to detect keystrokes even as they are being made and thus spy on the author of any ‘incriminating’ writings, in effect.

However, the Elite is known to be terrified by the exponential growth of the ‘truth movement’, largely facilitated by the availability to all of the Internet and its power to inform and there is no doubt that there will continue to be efforts made to try to censor and restrict its availability in order to try to close-down this weakness in their defences.

It is up to us, the people to ensure that we do not allow this to happen by passively accepting whatever measures are used against us.
Censorship and restriction of the internet may well be used as a tool disrupt the flow of valuable information to the masses.
If the Elite succeed in cutting-off this lifeline, then the future could be very bleak indeed.


The Illusion of Democracy

In order to maintain absolute control of everything whilst maintaining pretence of the existence of freedom of choice for the people, the Elite must create the illusion of a fair and just system for all.
This system is already in place and is what we now know as ‘democracy’ which effectively presents the illusion of giving precedence to the majority view, but which in reality does the exact opposite.

The only way that it is possible for a small few to control the majority of the world is through the utilisation of this illusion.
As stated previously, the Elite learned long ago that attempting to control the masses using overt shows of force or by autocratic government, does not succeed because there will always be almost constant unrest and rebellion seething in the background which will occasionally erupt into violent confrontations and force them into battles they would not wish to fight, given the choice.
So, how much better for them that the masses should be contented with a system that creates the impression that they are to all intents and purposes, free from tyranny and better yet, actually have a say and a stake-holding in their own lives and futures?

Politicians of all persuasions are mere puppets, slaves to the system controlled and run by a tiny minority in the shadows.
These politicians will never be put forward for senior office within their parties unless they are willing and able to ‘toe the party line’ which is of course dictated from on high by the Elite.
In this way they are able to control both sides of the illusory two-party state, with consummate ease.
This creates an impression that it is the politicians themselves who control a country’s purse strings and its domestic and foreign policies, but this is of course an illusion.
How often do we see these glove-puppets in ‘high-level’ meetings and ‘summits’ issuing proclamations and decrees about this or that aspect of our lives or about events over which they have no control whatsoever?

This is the point at which our controlled media steps-in to the breach and perpetuates the illusion by grandiose statements about which politician has said what, about whichever subject is the ‘hot’ news of the moment.

In truth we all live in a one-party state in the western world, contrary to what we have been told and have believed all our lives.
It is vital that we all cease believing that voting for one major party over another one will have any effect whatsoever upon our lives or our personal bank balances.
Nothing can or will be changed by any politician, because they are all pawns, meaningless, powerless figureheads, marching to the tune of an unseen band.
For example, in Britain, it is impossible to vote for a party which is not 100% committed to further and further centralisation of power in the EU, with a central currency and a central bank, simply because that is exactly what the Elite wishes to happen and therefore they would not permit any politician to come to power who is not prepared to follow that particular diktat to the letter.

And should anyone point-out that other, smaller party’s policies may go against those of the mainstream, they are absolutely, completely missing the point altogether.
Should political parties with any chance of winning, agree on the fundamentals, elections are instantly rendered an irrelevance, a farce if you will, because no matter who ‘wins’ the election, exactly the same policies will be promulgated.

What may be confusing to some is that politicians who are on different sides of the so-called divide appear publicly to be proscribing very different, often opposite viewpoints on party policies.
This is simply because it allows them to appear to be in opposition when they are really on the same side.

“I will conclude by mentioning a factor which has unnecessarily puzzled some western commentators on my case.
That was the liberal smokescreen behind which I concealed my real opinions.
One writer who knew me in Beirut has stated that the liberal opinions I expressed in the Middle East were ‘certainly’ my true ones.
Another comment from a personal friend was that I could not have maintained such a consistently liberal-intellectual framework unless I had really believed in it.
Both remarks are very flattering.
The first duty of an underground worker is to perfect not only his cover story but his cover personality.”
Kim Philby, British-born Soviet spy

When assessing political views it is important to bear in mind that we are often observing a façade, a cover-up and a person concealing his real intentions and opinions to deliberately deceive us.
Behind this thin veneer, lies the Elite and their insidious plans for mankind for which the covert one-party state is but a stepping-stone along the way.

9/11 – The ‘Real’ Background Story

“September 11, 2001 served as pretext to consolidate power, destroy civil liberties and human rights and wage permanent wars against invented enemies for global dominance over world markets, resources, and cheap labour - notably at home and throughout Eurasia, Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and Asia at the expense of democratic freedoms and social justice.”
Stephen Lendman, ‘The Business of America is War’, June 2011

In mid-2000, the now sadly deceased film-maker Aaron Russo was invited to meet the Zionist Nicholas Rockefeller, an invitation which he accepted and they quickly became friends.
After a few meetings, Rockefeller confided in Russo that ‘next year there is going to be an event’.
When Russo quizzed him about this ‘event’, Rockefeller told him that this event would give America and its allies an excuse to invade Iraq and Afghanistan in order that they could construct pipelines through to the Caspian Sea and also to take over the Iraqi oil fields and also that the ‘bogeyman’ Osama bin Laden would be blamed.
This then he said, would lead to soldiers looking for non-existent enemies in caves in Afghanistan and Pakistan and that there would be an endless ‘war on terror where there is no real enemy and the whole thing is a gigantic hoax’.
It would also lead to further stringent restrictions and controls over the American people which they would accept for their own ‘safety’.

On the 11th September 2001, the World Trade Centre complex in New York along with the Pentagon, the HQ of the US military in Washington DC was purportedly the victim of a concerted attack by Muslim terrorists, who according to George W. Bush, US president at the time, were ‘resentful of American freedoms’.

Let us take a minute to re-acquaint ourselves with the official explanation, which is not generally regarded as a ‘conspiracy theory’ despite the fact that it comprises an amazing conspiracy.
The official ‘truth’ is that a handful of young Muslim Arabs who could not fly planes, mainly Saudi Arabians who therefore came neither from Iraq nor from Afghanistan, outwitted not only the CIA and the FBI, but also all the other 16 US intelligence agencies and all intelligence agencies of US allies including Israel’s Mossad, which is believed to have penetrated and/or be in control of or even have created, every terrorist organisation and which carries out assassinations with impunity, of those whom it deems to be terrorists.

In addition to outwitting every intelligence agency of the United States and its allies, this group of young Saudi Arabians defied all the odds, by four of their number learning to fly hugely complex, giant four-engined passenger jets by the simple expedient of undertaking a dozen or so flying lessons in single-engined, twin seater, turbo-prop planes and yet who were skilful enough flyers to perform high-speed, gravity-defying manoeuvres that even highly experienced airline pilots said were way beyond their own skills.
They also outwitted the National Security Council, the US State Department, NORAD, airport security four times in the same hour on the same morning, air traffic control, caused the US Air Force to be unable to launch interceptor aircraft in time and also caused three well-built steel-structured buildings, including one not even hit by a plane, to fail suddenly in a few seconds as a result of extremely limited structural damage and small, short-lived, low-temperature fires that burned on a few floors.

These same ‘terrorists’ were even able to confound the laws of physics and cause WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7 to collapse at free-fall speed, a physical impossibility in the absence of explosives used in controlled demolition.

The story that the government and the media have told us amounts to a gigantic conspiracy, really a script almost too far-fetched for a film script.
Yet, anyone who doubts this improbable conspiracy theory is either defined into irrelevance or consigned to lunacy by the world’s compliant media.

Then we should consider the fact that the three WTC buildings all collapsed, we are meant to believe, due to the high temperatures generated by the burning jet fuel melting the steel supports and the so-called ‘pancake-effect’ of floor upon floor collapsing almost in free-fall and defying all known laws of physics.
Surely it does not need a structural engineer to tell anyone that three gigantic steel and concrete buildings, two of 110 storeys and another of 47 storeys, plummeting to the ground at free-fall speed would require the assistance of strategically placed explosives in the form of demolition charges?
All one needs is one working eye and even a partially-functioning brain to arrive at this most obvious of conclusions.

Should we then also disregard the plain, unambiguous scientific fact that jet fuels burns at less than 900
F whilst steel will only begin to melt or even lose its strength at temperatures in excess of 1600
In fact has anyone ever considered from what material jet engines are constructed?
Hmm, yes let me see…. err steel is it not?
Very strange then that
there are no airliners constantly falling out of the sky all over the world if burning jet fuel is able to melt or even undermine the strength of steel.

However, this chapter is not meant to be a simple, standard ‘de-bunk’ of the official story as this approach is available from a vast multitude of other reliable sources.
Rather it presents a possible, plausible alternative scenario, backed-up in the main by proven facts but with a little circumstantial evidence also thrown in for good measure.

“There is nothing wrong with circumstantial evidence.
In criminal cases before a judge or jury, the verdict will depend on circumstantial evidence if there is an absence of direct or eyewitness evidence.”
Mary W. Maxwell PhD

So, who could have performed such an elaborate operation and why?

Firstly, let us turn back the clock to an unusual and eerie prediction that was made by a most sinister individual, many years ago.
This prediction, in conjunction with the status of the person from whom it emanated, is extremely indicative and revealing in terms of who planned and executed 9/11.

Isser Harel was a spymaster of the Israeli Intelligence Services, director of Mossad and Shin Bet from 1952-1963.
In 1979, twenty two years prior to 2001, Isser Harel predicted with uncanny accuracy the events of 9/11 to Michael D. Evans, an American Zionist.

On the 23rd September 1979, Evans visited Harel at his home in Israel and had dinner with him and Dr. Reuven Hecht, a senior adviser to the then prime minister, Menachem Begin.
In an editorial entitled ‘America the Target’, published in the Jerusalem Post of 30th September 2001, Evans, an Ashkenazi Jew masquerading as a Christian, asked Harel about Muslim/Arab terrorism and if it would come to America.
Harel told Evans that Arab terrorists would likely strike the ‘tallest building in New York City’ because it was a ‘phallic symbol’.
The fact that 9/11 was planned by the Mossad through the admittance of Isser Harel is well documented and appears in a book written by Michael Evans, ‘The American Prophecy’.

The first step in the preparation of the 9/11 attacks was to secure the passing of the WTC complex into private hands.
This was crucial to the success of 9/11 because without complete private control over the complex, there could be no opportunity or possibility of setting explosive demolition charges in place as the ‘coup de grace’ in razing the towers to the ground.

At this point, let us investigate in some detail, four key Jewish/Zionist crime-network assets:

Larry Silverstein.
Silverstein is a Jewish Israeli-American dual nationality businessman from New York.
He obtained a 99 year lease on the entire WTC complex on 24th July 2001, less than seven weeks before the fateful day.
These buildings, at the time, were almost worthless due to the fact that they were riddled from basement to roof with tons of deadly asbestos that urgently needed removal on health and safety grounds; a process that would in cost-terms have been at least the equivalent of the cost of the lease itself, if not much more.
Silverstein publicly explained his reason for purchasing the WTC twin towers as ‘I felt a compelling urge to own them’.
Is this really a believable reason coming from a supposedly hard-headed, successful businessman?
He apparently took breakfast in the ‘Windows on the World’ restaurant (located in North Tower, 107th floor) every single morning apart from the fact that his routine was changed for the first time on the morning of 9/11 along with that of his two offspring, who also worked in the WTC and also conveniently decided to take the day off on that one particular day.
Either the Silverstein family is clairvoyant, or they knew exactly what was planned that day.
By all means, take your pick, but I know which scenario I feel is most plausible.

Silverstein obtained more than $4.5bn in insurance pay-outs as a result of the destruction of his ‘past its sell-by date’ complex.
He also just so happened to be personal friends with that key player in the Zionist-controlled media, Rupert Murdoch and the former Israeli president and infamous Zionist war-criminal Ariel Sharon, as well as the Israeli PM, Benjamin Netanyahu.
Silverstein was such good friends with Netanyahu that they spoke on the phone every week.

Frank Lowy. Lowy is a Czech-born Jew and was the owner of Westfield America, one of the biggest shopping-mall conglomerates in the world.
Lowy leased the shopping concourse area ‘The Mall’ at the World Trade Centre, made up of approximately 427,000 square feet of retail floor space and he has quite an interesting history.
He was a member of the Golani Brigade and fought in the Israeli ‘war of independence’.
Before this he was a member of Haganah, a Jewish terrorist organisation responsible for bringing about the founding of Israel and which incidentally was covertly funded by the Nazis during WWII.
Frank Lowy spends three months of the year at his home in Israel and has been described by the Sydney Morning Herald as ‘a self-made man with a strong interest in the Holocaust and Israeli politics’.
He funded and launched the Israeli Institute for National Strategy and Policy, which ‘operates within the framework of Tel Aviv University’ in Israel.
He is also close friends with many top Israeli officials such as Ehud Olmert, Ariel Sharon, Netanyahu (yes, him again), and Ehud Barak and was also implicated in an Israeli bank scandal with Olmert.
Frank Lowy also ‘fortunately’ avoided the WTC carnage on 9/11, contrary to his normal habits.

Lewis Eisenberg.
This Jewish ‘criminal’ was the head of the Port Authority of New York and authorised the lease being transferred to his Zionist brethren Silverstein and Lowy.
Eisenberg was a large financial contributor to the Bush-Cheney presidential campaign, as well as being a partner in the corrupt, Jewish/Zionist banking conglomerate Goldman-Sachs.
Eisenberg has been both a member of the planning board of the United Jewish Appeal / United Jewish Federation pro-Israeli government pressure group in the US.

Ronald Lauder.
This billionaire Estee Lauder cosmetics magnate was the chairman of New York Governor George Pataki’s commission on privatisation.
He is the key individual involved in lobbying for the privatisation of the WTC, but he was also instrumental in the transfer of the former Stewart US Air Force Base from public (military) to private ownership.
Oddly and significantly enough, the flight paths of flight 175 and flight 11 converged directly over this very same base.
Could both these flights have been diverted here and substituted for drones (radio controlled planes) mocked up to entirely resemble the originals?

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