The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (59 page)

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After the SS
“Vernehmung Medizinalrat Dr. Wilhelm Dopheide,” Sept. 22, 1950, BA-Ludwigsburg, B162/2102 ARZ294/1959, Kolonko u.a.

Kurzrock survived for
Fleck, “Bericht,” 490n. An alternative version of Kurzrock’s fate is in Drix,
, 155.

On September 7, the ghetto
Stefan Szende,
The Promise Hitler Kept
(New York: Roy, 1945), 83.

Dr. Franciszek Groër, Fleck’s
Fleck and F. Lille, “Serologic Studies in Blood Cells: On the Serologic Differentiation on White Blood Cells,”
American Review of Soviet Medicine
3 (1945): 174.

One afternoon in 1942
Tomasz Cieszy
ski, “Dzieło Rudolfa Weigla ofiarowane ludzko
ci i Polsce” (Rudolf Weigl’s work for Poland and humanity), 1994, accessed at

Smuggling vaccine to Jews
Danuta Nespiak, “Profesor Rudolf Weigl był Polakiem z wyboru” (Professor Rudolf Weigl—Pole by choice), in
Semper Fidelis
(Wrocław: Towarzystwo Miło
ników Lwowa i Kresów Południowo Wschodnich, 1994); M. Sahaydakovskyy and S. Hnatush; “Professor Rudolf Weigl: A Life Dedicated to Science and Humanity” (publication information unknown), accessed at

Moser later recalled
Meisel to Eyer, Jan. 12, 1957; Meisel to Eyer, Jan. 20, 1972; Eyer to Moser, March 28, 1972; Moser to Eyer, April 4, 1972. All letters are in the possession of Peter Eyer.

Halina Ogrodzi
ska, an activist
Ellen Land-Weber,
To Save a Life: Stories of Holocaust Rescue
(Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000), accessed at

Felicja ended up
Shoah Foundation, 45624 Felicja Mikolajczyk-Meisela; Wójcik interview with Henryk Meisel, Felicja Mikolajczyk-Meisela, Edward Mikolajczyk, June 1979; Danuta Rymkiwicz, “In Memory of Professor Henryk Meisel,” Dec. 15, 1981-dated typescript, courtesy of Peter Eyer; Meisel to Eyer, Jan. 12, 1957; Meisel to Eyer, March 20, 1972.

Every physician was
Interview with Peter Eyer.

I estimate quite conservatively
Eyer to K. W. Jötten, March 13, 1957, courtesy of Peter Eyer.

The historical record
Wilhelm Hagen to Bernhard Kläß, Dec. 16, 1975. Peter Eyer possesses numerous letters from German, Polish, and Ukrainian character witnesses for Eyer’s wartime behavior, and the dozens of testimonies from Weigl laboratory employees support this.

The Gestapo, many of
1972 Testimony by former Gestapo officers Herbert Hamann, Rudolf Koerner, and Kurt Heinmneyer in BA-Ludwigsburg, BA-Mil B162/9805; Az 119f Js 2/72 Beschuldigte Prof Dr Hermann Eyer, u.a.

After the war, these same
Peter Eyer, interview with author.

Eyer may have been anti-Semitic
One Life
, 338–39.

Of all the German
Jakob Gilson, “Prof. Dr. Ludwig Hirszfeld” (PhD diss., University of Munich, 1965), courtesy of Peter Eyer.

The Nazis tolerated Weigl
The original article, “Das Fleckfieber überwunden; ein Sieg deutscher Wissenschaft in zwölfter Stunde,”
Marburger Zeitung
, April 15, 1943, is BA, R55/20912, as are responses from various officials to the error it contains: April 21, 1943, letter to the
press department from Behring; June 16, 1943, RKI, Institut fur Infektionskrankheiten, to Kurzel, press department in Reichministerium für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda; Haubold memo, June 26, 1943; Rundspruch, Propaganda Ministry.

In December 1942
Emil-von-Behring-Bibliothek/Arbeitsstelle für Geschichte der Medizin der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Signatur 230; Weindling,
, 236–37.

Weigl was invited
Andrzej Wincewicz et al., “Rudolph Weigl, (1883–1957)—A Scientist in Poland in Wartime Plus Ration quam vis,”
Journal of Medical Biography
15 (2007): 113.

Weigl did, however
Maria Kordas and Paul Weindling, “Working and Payment Conditions at Production of the Vaccine against Typhus by the Weigl Method in Lvov during World War II,” 1–8, courtesy of Paul Weindling.

Much as the Germans
Haas to Weigl, Sept. 10, 1942, Emil-von-Behring-Bibliothek/Arbeitsstelle für Geschichte der Medizin der Philipps-Universität Marburg, Signatur 230.

On February 4, 1943
Anna Seeman letter to Schnelle, April 2, 1980, in LFZ, 4.4 Unterlagen und Notizen v. Thomas Schnelle, “Fragebogen,” Signatur 100; Fleck, “Wie wir” 522; Shoah Foundation, 26409 Bruno Seeman.

The SS man shrugged
Shoah Foundation, Bruno Seeman; “Testimony of SEMAN Bronislaw, Concentration Camp #103739, provided June 21, 1945,” in Zydowski Institut Historyczny (Jewish Historical Institute, Warsaw).

Thus Fleck saved
Anna Seeman letter to Schnelle; Shoah Foundation, Bruno Seeman.

Chapter 8: Armies of Winter

Hitler’s war plan
Omer Bartov,
The Eastern Front, 1941–45: German Troops and the Barbarisation of Warfare
(New York: St. Martin’s, 1986); Bartov,
Hitler’s Army: Soldiers, Nazis and War in the Third Reich
(New York: Oxford University Press, 1992), 19–24, 67–77; NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 47, Mrugowsky, 1190–94.

To be sure, Germany
Arthur Felix memo dated Nov. 17, 1941, Kew, FD1/6614; Herbert D. Chalke, “Typhus: Experiences in the Central Mediterranean Force,”
British Medical Journal
1, no. 4460 (June 29, 1946): 979.

By the time
Arthur Allen,
Vaccine: The Controversial Story of Medicine’s Greatest Lifesaver
(New York: Norton, 2007), 141.

But there was
Eastern Front
, 112.

The number of
Nuremberg Doctors’ Trial, Doc 105, letter from President of the Land Labor Office, Dortmund, Feb. 3, 1942, to the Ruhr Coal Mining District Group.

Thousands more
Eastern Front
, 107.

Like German soldiers
Catherine Merridale,
Ivan’s War: Life and Death in the Red Army, 1939–1945
(New York: Metropolitan, 2006), 56–59.

In their propaganda
Leo Gruliow,
Soviet War-Time Medicine
(New York: Russian War Relief, 1942).

At a POW camp
Büttner to Renoldi, Jan. 18, 1942, BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/187 Büttner, Anlage 5.

On a single day
Büttner, “Erfahrungsbericht 1. Vierteljahr 1942,” BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/187.

The local difficulties

Some units tried to
“Abschrift Nov. 13, 1941,” BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/414.

One wrote that
Soviet War-Time
; Walther and Vierthaler to “Heeresarzt,” Dec. 18, 1941, BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/414.

Typhus seemed to catch
Herbert Assman memo, BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/187; Kurt Lydtin, “Anlage 3 zum Kriegstagebuch v. 3 – 20/6/42 am Armeearzt 16,” BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/188; Lydtin, “Erfahrungen 1. vierteljahr 1942,” BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/360.

On January 12, 1942
Lydtin, “1942 Okt–Dez Fleckfieber,” BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/305.

These alarming reports
Von Stochert, “Die psychischen Störungen bei Fleckfieber,” BA-Freiburg, RH1/23/246.

Many German doctors
“Ergebnisse der zweite Beratendentagung Ost,” 11/30–12/3, 1942, BA-Freiburg, RH1/23/246.

The symptoms reminded
Bansi report, 1942, BA-Freiburg, RH 12/23/187.

In recovery, the patients
Brinkmann, Heeresgruppe Mitte, “Erfahrungsbericht, 4. Vtlj 1943,” BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/187; Stochert, “Die psychische.”

To cope with
Bogendorfer, 2nd Army, “March 1, 1944, Mikatowitschi,” BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/187.

The Weil-Felix reaction
Eyer, at Tagung der beratenden Ärzte, 4/13/42, BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/214; Heinrich Zeiss, “Sammelbericht über Kriegserfahrungen der beratenden Hygieniker,” from 1/20/1944, ibid., RH12/23/948; Bieling to O. Qu. Gef., 6/27/1942, Betrift: Fleckfiebererkrankungen bei Schutzgeimpften, ibid., RH12/23/187; Karl Schulze, “Erfahrungsbericht 1.3–30.6.43, ibid., RH12/23/188; Schmitz-Formes, “Erprobung eines neuen Fleckfieber Impfstoffes,” ibid., RH12/23/360.

Not knowing whether
Lydtin, “Tagebuch März 42 bis 7 April,” BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/305; Bogendorfer, 2nd Army.

Many Wehrmacht doctors
Schmitz-Formes, “Erprobung”; Felix von Bormann, experimental report, BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/187; Dr v. Weiss, “Ein Jahr Fleckfieberbehandlung,” dated July 31, 1942, ibid., RH12/23/444.

The German soldiers’ letters
Reichspropagandaleitung memo, Jan. 23, 1942, BA-Berlin, NS18/607.

A memo 12 days
Memo dated Feb. 5, 1942, BA-Berlin, NS18/607.

To combat typhus at the front
Bormann, report.

Germany’s failure
Gerhard Rose, NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 60; David Kinkela,
DDT and the American Century: Global Health, Environmental Politics, and the Pesticide That Changed the World
(Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2011), 18–19; Winfried Süss,
Der “Volkskörper’’ im Krieg, Gesundheitspolitik, Gesundheitsverhältnisse und Krankenmord im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland 1939–1945
(Munich: Oldenbourg, 2003), 227; W. Forth et al.,
Men & Fungi: Penicillin Research and Production in World War II German
y (Munich: Zuckschwerdt, 2000); Lukas Straumann, “Nützliche Schädlinge” (PhD diss., University of Zurich, 2005).

In the winter of 1942
Albrecht Hase, “Über Entlausung durch Ameisen sowie über die Wirkung der Ameisensäure auf Kleiderläuse,”
Zeitschrift für Parasitenkunde
12 (1942): 665–77.

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