The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (60 page)

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The more the Germans retreated
Friedrich Hansen,
Biologische Kriegsführung im Dritten Reich
(Frankfurt: Campus, 1993), 114.

During three years
Karl-Heinz Leven, “Fleckfieber beim deutschen Heer während des Krieges gegen die Sowjetunion (1941–1945),” in
Sanitätswesen im Zweiten Weltkrieg
, ed. Ekkehart Guth et al. (Herford: E. S. Mittler, 1990), 127–35. See also Alexander Neumann, “
Arzttum ist immer Kämpfertum”: Die Heeressanitätsinspektion und das Amt “Chef des Wehrmachtssanitätswesens” im Zweiten Weltkrieg (1939–1945)
Düsseldorf: Droste, 2005), 223.

At the outbreak of war
, 331–32.

Gildemeister would work
François Bayle,
Croix gammée contre caducée: Les expériences humaines en Allemagne pendant la deuxième Guerre mondiale
(Neustadt, 1950), 1148–54, 1179–97, 1241–60, 1275; E. Haagen and B. Crodel, “Versuche mit einem neuen getrockneten Fleckfieberimpfstoff,” Z
entralblatt für Bakteriologie
151 (1944): 369–73. See also Weindling, “Virologist and National Socialist: The Extraordinary Career of Eugen Haagen,” in
Infektion und Institution: Zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte des Robert-Koch-Instituts im Nationalsozialismus
, ed. Marion Hulverscheidt and Anja Laukötter (Göttingen: Wallstein, 2009), 232–49.

Meanwhile, IG Farben
, 344–45.

The leading scientists mistrusted
Ibid., 331–45. See also Gerhard Rose, NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 60, frames 123–46.

The differences were partly
Eyer, “Die Fleckfieberprophylaxe der deutschen Wehrmacht im 2. Weltkrieg,”
Wehrmedizin und Wehrpharmazie
(1979): 60.

The louse was the
See interrogation of Gen. Gerhard Rose, NA, RG331, box 93; CIOS Report, item 24, file #XXIV-5/3 Institut für Fleckfieber- und Virusforschung des Oberkommandos des Heeres at Roth, Bavaria, 1945; Nov. 1942 meeting notes, BA-Berlin, R86/4153.

Although Gildemeister
Rose interrogation, NA, RG238, frames 138–41.

The army medical chief
Siegfried A. Handloser interview, NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 24, 83.

Rose, on the other
Rose interrogation, NA, RG238, frames 138–40.

By the end of 1941
File memo on Reich Interior Ministry Conference on Nov. 29, 1941, “The Fight against Typhus,” HNOC, HLSL 722. See also Hans Arsperger, “Sonderbericht über den Besuch des Institutes für Fleckfieber- und Virusforschung in Krakau,” BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/360, and Eyer, “Fleckfieberprophylaxe,” 56–61.

But Behringwerke
J. Craigie memo, Jan. 1941, Kew, FD1/6614. See also Felicja Meisel-Mikołajczyk, interview by Wójcik.

The Weigl vaccine
Bieling reports from Feb. 1942, BA-Freiburg, RH12/23/187. See also Fleck,
, 582.

Finally, the shortage
Reichsministerium des Innern, “Akten betreffend Fleckfieber Impfstoff,” Jan. 1942–March 1943, BA-Berlin, R1501/3644.

At the urging of Gildemeister
See HNOC, HLSL 722.

However, other German officials
Demnitz affidavit, HNOC, HLSL 721.

(Colonel) Joachim
Ibid.; Bieber note on meeting, HNOC, HLSL 2235; Bayle,
, 1131–32.

Mrugowsky, who was Erwin
Florian Bruns, “Staatshygiene und Menschenversuche: Das medizinische Ethos des Joachim Mrugowsky,” in
Medizinethik im Nationalsozialismus: Entwicklungen und Protagonisten in Berlin (1939–1945)
(Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2009), 147.

After being named in 1938
, 248–50.

Mrugowsky’s staff of 200
Pierre Joffroy,
A Spy for God: The Ordeal of Kurt Gerstein
, trans. Norman Denny (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971).

He was responsible
, 254–57; Bruns, “Ethos des Joachim Mrugowsky,” 135–47.

As the scholar Paul
, 255; Gerhard Peters, general: Himmler memo: BA-Berlin R1501/3644; Degesch shipment in Nov 1941: Staatsarchiv Nürnberg, KV-Anklage, Interrogations REP502 VI Nr P25, courtesy of Paul Weindling; Höss decision: Weindling,
294–302, 304–5; Joffroy,
Spy for God
, 258–66

The Pasteur scientists Paul
Hélène Sparrow, “Essais d’immunisation avec le virus murin I de Tunis, introduit par la voie nasale,”
Comptes rendus hebdomadaires des séances de l’Académie des sciences
201 (1935): 1441.

Durand brought the vaccine
Paul Giroud and Jean Jadin, “Conceptions actuelles concernant les rickettsioses et leur vaccinations,”
Annales de la Société Belge de Médicine Tropicale
3 (1961); Paul Giroud and René Panthier, “Adaption au poumon de lapin des Rickettsies de Typhus Historique,”
Annales de l’Institut Pasteur
68 (1942): 381–86; Paul Giroud, “Vaccination against Typhus,” in
Medical Research in France during the War (1939–1945)
, ed. Jean Hamburger (Paris: Flammarion, 1947), 31–37.

Many tricks were
Giroud and Panthier, “Adaption”; PIA, DirMIN1, “Reunion de 27 Fevrier 1942 sur le Typhus Examthématique.”

In January 1942
Hubert Duboc, ed.,
Barbelés et Typhus
(Luneray: Bertout, 1992), 40–44, 123, annexe 1-12.

The Pasteur Institute, rife
See Louis Aublant, speech of Nov. 9, 1979, PIA, box DirMIN1.

To give a flavor . . . French POWs
Trefouel to Ministry of Health, March 7, 1942, PIA, box DirMIN1.

By war’s end, Giroud
“Medical Research in Paris,” Sept. 5, 1944, NA, RG331, box 94, CIOS Medical, item 24; “Minutes of 28 Feb 1942 meeting,” PIA, box DirMIN1; Memo, “Vaccine anti-Rickettsia delivré gratuitement.”

While the typhus vaccine
, 325–28.

One of the first
Knapp to Fourneau, July 8, 1942, PIA, DirMIN1.

Chapter 9: The Terrifying Clinic of Dr. Ding

There were really two
Dov Levin,
The Lesser of Two Evils: Eastern European Jewry under Soviet Rule, 1939–1941
, trans. Naftali Greenwood (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society, 1995); Albert Kirrmann, “Buchenwald, la grande ville,” in
De l’université aux camps de concentration: Témoignages strasbourgeois
(Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1947), 67.

Conditions improved
, 260–61; Ernst von Salomon
The Captive: The Story of an Unknown Political Prisoner
(London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1961), 118–22; David A. Hackett, ed. and trans.,
The Buchenwald Report
(Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1995), 207.

The work required skill
Hermann Langbein,
Against All Hope: Resistance in the Nazi Concentration Camps, 1938–1945
, trans. Harry Zohn (New York: Paragon House, 1994), 108.

At times, it went
Hoven interrogation, NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 29, frames 360–85.

Given his erratic behavior
“Dienstleistungszeugnis für SS-Unter-scharführer Waldemar Hoven,” June 29, 1939, BA-Berlin, NS19/507; Hoven interrogation, NA, RG238.

Hoven was a rakish
, 336; Shoah Foundation, 21084 Peter Schenk Sr.

Inmates would sometimes
Kurt Titz and Herbert Froboess testimony in Buchenwald trial, at NA, RG153, box 255, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 4 (folder 10); ibid., box 246, pt. 8; Kurt Sitte testimony in Buchenwald trial, ibid., box 254, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 2 (folder 2), 366–81; Shoah Foundation, 11111 John Berman (wartime name Hans Baermann).

None of this seemed
Christian Bernadac,
Les médecins maudits: Dans les camps de concentration, des cobayes humains
(Paris: Michel Lafon, 1996), 188.

Hoven was also known
Kogon, Hell, 149; Interrogation of Waldemar Hoven by Iwan Devries, Oct. 22, 1946, HNOC, HLSL 221, 19–32; Fritz Rieckert, Affidavit concerning Hoven’s work at Buchenwald, HNOC, HLSL 675, 20.

And what supremacy
Rudolf Gottschalk, affidavit concerning Hoven’s work at Buchenwald, HNOC, HLSL 672, 12.

Arthur Dietzsch
, 123–24; Kogon,
, 158–60.

In November 1941
, 118–22.

Ding had studiously courted
Oskar Hock, Affidavit on SS medical programs, HNOC, HLSL 435, 7. See also, Fritz Kranz, Affidavit on work of Hygiene Institute, HNOC, HLSL 802; Genzken in Bayle,
, 1221.

Ding had left
Hygiene Institut der Waffen-SS, Versuche mit Impfstoffen gegen Diphtherie, Fleckfieber, Typhus, Cholera usw 1941–44, BA-Berlin NS33/343 #185.

Since animal experiments
, 156–57.

Shortly after Block
NA, RG153, box 257, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 7 (folder 2), 3107.

As the nature of
NA, RG153, box 250, v. 1, clemency, pt. 6 (folders 1 and 2).

The sight of a single louse
Shoah Foundation, 15132 David Dantus; Hackett,
, 65–66; Dietzsch testimony, Buchenwald Trial, NA, RG153, box 257, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 7 (folder 2), 3118–19.

Since there was no
, 128–32.

After recovering, Ding
Carl Blumenreuter, affidavit concerning Genzken’s responsibilities in the Waffen-SS medical service, typhus vaccine program, Feb. 6, 1947, HNOC, HLSL 449, 36–37; Bayle,
, 1191–201.

In November 1942
, 128–32; Ernst Klee,
Auschwitz: Die NS-Medizin und ihre Opfer
(Frankfurt: Fischer, 1997), 296–97.

On November 30, 1942
Hoven quoted in Rieckert, affidavit; Dietzsch testimony, HNOC, HLSL 671, 2.

Haas, sensing
, 128–32; testimony by Fritz Kirchheimer, NA, RG153, box 255, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 4 (folder 1), 1149; Shoah Foundation, 41857 Jacobus Van der Geest.

While convalescing at home
, 133.

Later subjects were
, 156–58.

Ding and Dietzsch
Waitz, “Au block 46,” in
Témoignages strasbourgeois
, 113.

The many vaccines

Tagebuch der Abteilung für Fleckfieber- u. Virusforschung am Hygiene-Institut der Waffen-SS”
(manuscript), HNOC, HLSL 1547.

In practice, though, many of
Christian Pineau,
La simple vérité, 1940–1945
(Paris: René Julliard, 1960), 381–82.

To get the Block 46
Waitz, “Au block 46,” 109–11.

The prisoners were “stuffed”
Yeo-Thomas, Buchenwald trial, NA, RG153, box 254, v. 1, trial rec. (folder 1), 147.

Said a prisoner who
Shoah Foundation, 51743 Henryk Mikols.

Having already stuck
Letter from Dietzsch to Frankfurter Hefte Verlag, IWM, FFEYT3/7.

Stranded in the building
Dietzsch testimony, Buchenwald trial, NA, RG153, box 257, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 7 (folder 1), 3133.

He could more
Max Umschweif testimony, NA, RG153, box 258, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 12, 5513–14.

But he also
Dietzsch testimony, NA, RG153, box 357, v. 1, pt. 7 (folder 2), 3146.

And before long, everyone
, 158–60.

One day in the fall
Willy Bahner, NA, RG253, box 256, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 5 (folder1), 1647–49.

By the time the camp
, 156–57.

Ding knew
James J. Weingartner, “Law and Justice in the Nazi SS: The Case of Konrad Morgen,”
Central European History
16 (1983): 276–94; Konrad Morgen testimony at Buchenwald trial, NA, RG153, box 257, v. 1, trial rec., pt. 7 (folder 1), 2797.

He had already
Morgen affidavit, medical experiments at Buchenwald, HNOC, HLSL 794.

Nothing could have
, 156–57.

Despite this, the German
, 1173, 1216–38.

The vaccine tests
Ding’s publications—no coauthors were ever listed—include the following: “Zur serologischen und mikrobiologischen Diagnostik des Fleckfiebers,” excerpted in
Bulletin of War Medicine
3 (1942–43): 675; “Über das Ergebnis der Prüfung verschiedener Fleckfieber-Vaccinen gegen das klassische Fleckfieber,”
Arbeitstagung Ost der beratenden Fachärzte
3 (1943): 108; “Über die Schutzwirkung verschiedener Fleckfieberimpfstoffe beim Menschen und den Fleckfieberverlauf nach Schutzimpfung,”
Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten
124 (1943): 670–82; “Fleckfieberrezidiv,”
Medizinische Klinik
39/40 (1944); “Beitrag zur Frage der Tröpfcheninfektion bei Fleckfieber,”
Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten
125 (1944): 431–36.

Typhus was not the only
Shoah Foundation, 51743 Henryk Mikols.

For some of the prisoners
Shoah Foundation, 21884 Peter Schenk; Hoven interrogation, NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 29, frames 360–62.

Ding also tested
Stephen H. Lindner,
Inside IG Farben: Hoechst during the Third Reich
(New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008), 311–33; Klee,
, 296–313; Salomon,
, 133; Kogon interview, Nov. 28, 1946, NA, RG238, ser. M1019, roll 36, frame 3582.

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