The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (58 page)

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Wacław Szybalski’s brother
Eva Szybalski,
, 177–79.

We were one big
uławski, “Weiglówka.”

Disease was a permanent
Alfred Jahn,
Z Kleparowa w
wiat szeroki
(Wrocław: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossoli
skich, 1991), 120–24.

For others, illness
uławski, “Weiglówka.”

Stan Szybalski contracted
Eva Szybalski,
, 183.

Weigl’s senior staff
ski, “Weigl’s method,” 19–23.

The Lwów institute teemed
Jerzy Gardynik, “Rola Instytutu Tyfusowego profesora Rudolfa Weigla w osłonie ludno
ci i konspiracji polskiej w okupowanym Lwowie,” accessed at

Louse feeding was an effective
uławski, “Weiglówka”; Gardynik, “Rola”; El
bieta Lonc and Gra
yna Go
ciniak, “Professors Rudolf Weigl and Ludwik Hirszfeld—In the Meanders of History,”
Annals of Parasitology
58, no. 4 (2012): 194–95.

Jerzy Sokolowski, who
Sokolowski, interview with Ryszard Wójcik.

The junior Weigl
Szybalski, interview with author, July 2011.

German officers who
Josef Daniels to Erich von Redwitz, Nov. 19, 1946; Annemarie Rohrmann to Redwitz, Nov. 16, 1946.

But while it
Eva Szybalski,
, 175–76.

Eyer permitted Weigl
Starzyk, interview with Wójcik.

Others falsified bills
Peter Eyer, interview with author, May 2011.

Eyer’s deputy in Lwów
Krystyna Karlicz, interview with Ryszard Wójcik, June 1979.

Six of his lab assistants
Peter Eyer, interview with author.

For all that
Testimony by Sofia Bujwid, Aug. 1, 1958, IPN, Przybył-kiewicz file. See also Przybyłkiewicz, “Origin and Development of the Chair of Microbiology at Cracow University,”
Polski tygodnik lekarski
20 (1965): 288–89.

The Jews of Kraków
Kampf den Seuchen: Deutscher Ärzte-Einsatz im Osten
(Kraków: Deutscher Osten, 1941), 154–55; BA-Ludwigsburg BA-Mil B162/9805, Eyer Statement in Walbaum Trial, Feb. 9, 1967.

In early 1944
Jehuda L. Stein,
Jüdische Ärzte und das jüdische Gesundheitswesen in Krakau vom 15. Jahrhundert bis zur Schoáh
(Konstanz: Hartung-Gorre, 2006), 39–56.

After showing the factory owner
Fleck, “Untersuchungen,” 508–9.

A week later
Fleck, “Wie wir,” 522.

A number of Polish and
Janina Opie
Drogi i spotkania
(Paths and encounters) (Lublin: Wydawnictwo Lubelskie, 1979), 78–81.

Finally, after
Fleck, “Untersuchungen,” 505–11; Fleck, “Bericht über den Aufenthalt im KZ Auschwitz,” in
, 490n.

The “vaccine trial” came at
Ernst Hofbauer,
Verwehte Spuren: Von Lemberg bis Czernowitz: Ein Trümmerfeld der Erinnerungen
(Vienna: Ibera, 2004), 69.

A few days later
Fleck, “Untersuchungen,” 510; Redner,
, 16–18.

In all, about 50,000
, 501.

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