The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (53 page)

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The first vaccination series
Weigl, “Methoden,” 52–55.

The total was reduced
Eyer, “Rudolf Weigl und die aetiologische Fleckfieberbekämpfung,”
Münchener medizinische Wochenschrift
109 (1967): 2185–91.

By the end of 1933
Adam Finkel, “Über das zytologische Blutbild bei läusefütternden Personen,”
Archiv für Innere Medizin
25 (1934): 49–66.

Lice feeders must be
Sparrow and Maurice Huet, “L’élevage du pou au laboratoire,”
Archives de l’Institut Pasteur de Tunis
37 (1960): 323.

They also had to be
Finkel, “Blutbild,” 64.

Weigl was an idiosyncratic
Hermann Eyer, “In Memoriam Rudolf Weigl,”
Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie, Parasitenkunde, Infektionskrankheiten und Hygiene
171 (1958): 358.

He neither requested nor received
Wacław Szybalski, interview with author, July 2011; Wiktor Weigl, “Moim Ojcu.”

If he used the formal
Stefan Kry
ski, “Kartki 29,” in
Kartki ze wspomnie
starego profesora
sk: Akademia Medycyna 2006), accessed at

By then, however, Weigl
ski, “Kartki 29.”

As they walked away
Wiktor Weigl, “Moim Ojcu.”

The rooms were painted gold
ski, “Kartki 29.”

Armed Poles repaid
Svjatoslav Pacholkiv, “Zwischen Einbeziehung und Ausgrenzung: Die Juden in Lemberg, 1918–1919,” in Alexandra Binnenkade et al.,
Vertraut und fremd zugleich: Jüdisch-christliche Nachbarschaften in Warschau—Lengnau—Lemberg
(Cologne: Böhlau, 2009), 172–87.

In Lwów, the delegates found
Arthur L. Goodhart,
Poland and the Minority Races
(New York: Brentano’s, 1920), 24, 142.

Yet the demonstrations were
Arnon Rubin,
Against All Odds: Facing the Holocaust
(Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University Press, 2009), 6–10.

People in the procession
Antony Polonsky, “A Failed Pogrom,” in
The Jews of Poland between the Two World Wars
, ed. Yisrael Gutman et al. (Hanover, NH: Brandeis University Press, 1989), 110–19.

But Banach’s wife
Frank Stiffel, interview with author, Jan. 2011; S. M. Ulam,
Adventures of a Mathematician
(New York: Scribner’s, 1976), 107.

For Jews, the interwar
“Interwar Poland: Good for the Jews or Bad for the Jews?,” in
The Jews in Poland
, ed. C. Abramsky et al. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1986), 130–39.

Few Jews joined
Jim Tuck,
Engine of Mischief: An Analytical Biography of Karl Radek
(New York: Greenwood Press, 1988), 3–6.

Up until the start
Pacholkiv, “Zwischen,” 163.

Eleven of 600
Samuel Drix,
Witness to Annihilation: Surviving the Holocaust: A Memoir
(Washington: Brassey’s, 1994), 10–11.

When a nationalist student
Mark Kac,
Enigmas of Chance: An Autobiography
(New York: Harper & Row, 1985), 34–35.

Yet it is worth
Christoph Mick,
Kriegserfahrungen in einer multiethnischen Stadt: Lemberg 1914–1947
(Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2011), 411.

The growth of institutional
Władysław Kunicki-Goldfinger to Schnelle, Aug. 27, 1978, LFZ, Unterlagen und Notizen von Thomas Schnelle; Signatur 100, Fragebogen von Thomas Schnelle, 1978–1979.

Fleck joined an
YVA, Concentration Camp Inmates Questionnaire, “Ludwik Fleck, #4934,” courtesy of International Tracing Service.

His lectures
“Records of the Jewish Medical Society, Lwow,” USHMM, RG 31.04M, reel 5, various frames.

In 1933, Fleck sent
Ludwik Fleck, “Briefwechsel mit Moritz Schlick,” in
, 561–65.

Poor Poland, you are
Wiktor Chajes,
Semper Fidelis: Pami
tnik Polaka wyznania mojzeszowego z lat 1926–1939
(Kraków: Ksi
garnia Akademicka, 1997), entry for Jan. 12, 1936.

“In that case,” Weigl said
Wiktor Weigl, “Moim Ojcu.”

They set up their first
Ibid.; Szybalski, interview with author.

Chapter 4: The Nazi Doctors and the Shape of Things to Come

In 1935, the year
BA Signatur DY55/28 Gesch-Z 4/0955; Genzken, “SS Personal Bericht,” Signatur VBS286 Archivsignatur 6400041387.

When Himmler heard
, 338.

Florian Bruns, “Staatshygiene und Menschenversuche: Das medizinische Ethos des Joachim Mrugow-sky,” in
Medizinethik im Nationalsozialismus: Entwicklungen und Protagonisten in Berlin (1939–1945)
(Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2009), 135.

Ding spent the better
Some of Ding’s correspondence, 1934–44, is contained in a cache of personal and work-related papers brought to Belgium by a Buchenwald survivor that were found in 2009 at the archive of the Direction Générale des Victimes de la Guerre, in Brussels. This collection is hereafter cited as DGVG-Ding.

Schuler, she told
Else Braun to Oberstlt. Knothe, Nov. 28, 1915, DGVG-Ding, in brown folder, “personal”; Otto Petersohn to Ding, Dec. 20, 1942.

The Dings adopted Erwin
BA Signatur DY55/28 Gesch–Z 4/0955.

That year he also
BA VBS286 Archivsignatur 6400041387; Ding to Lotte Barthel, July 4, 1942, DGVG-Ding, green folder, “Dr. Ding, SS Untersturmführer.”

Erwin Ding, 23 years old
BA Signatur DY55/28 Gesch–Z 4/0955; BA VBS283 Archivsignatur 6055002585.

The Schuler family
Ding to Genzken, May 12, 1939, DGVG-Ding, in unmarked box.

From my earliest school days
Feb. 2, 1938, letter to Interior Ministry, DGVG-Ding, in green folder, “Dr. Ding, SS Untersturmführer.” Also see Sept. 3, 1939, letter to Maria von Schuler in same folder.

Poland was literally sick
One Life
, 160.

Fleck’s friend Chwistek
“Ein interesantes Buch,” in Fleck,
, 606.

In Lwów, Fleck was
“Records of the Jewish Medical Society,” USHMM 31.040M, reel 5.

The deeper in the woods
Ilana Löwy,
Medical Acts and Medical Facts: The Polish Tradition of Practice-Grounded Reflections on Medicine and Science
(Kraków: Académie Polonaise des Sciences, 2000), 106.

No matter how science
, 45, 54, 101–2.

Thought collectives consisted of
Ibid., 105–6.

The special mood of the thought
Ibid., 107–8.

Democracy, he said
Ibid., 105–6.

The parent, meanwhile, would simply
Ibid., 113–15.

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