The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (52 page)

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The mathematician Steinhaus
See Leszczy
ska, “Fleck,” 27; Fleck, “Briefe an Steinhaus,” in
, 387–92; and Steinhaus,
, 159–60.

But Fleck was notoriously
, 548n; recollections of Fleck at “Lublin, Pami

Fleck also had regular
ska, “Fleck,” 5–18; Eugene Ziskind and Esther Somerfield-Ziskind, “In Memoriam: Peter Jacob Frostig, M.D., 1896–1959,”
American Journal of Psychiatry
117 (1960): 479–80.

In 1927, Fleck, then
“Transkript des Briefes von Prof. Dr. Joseph Parnas,” LFZ, Unterlagen und Notizen von Thomas Schnelle: Allgemeine Korrespondenz und Notizen von Thomas Schnelle 1978–1993, 4.1, Signatur 97.

Upon returning
Wiktor Weigl, “Moim Ojcu.”

The son of an attorney
Sylwia Werner, “Von Ameisen, Affen und Menschen: Betrachtung fremder Welten im Lemberg der Zwischenkriegszeit,” presentation at “Lemberg/L’viv/Lwów um 1900—Aktuelle Forschungen,” Herder Institut, Marburg, Germany, April 18, 2012; Werner, “Ludwik Fleck und die Wissenskultur der Lemberger Moderne,” in
Vérité, Widerstand, Development: At Work with / Arbeiten mit / Travailler avec Ludwik Fleck
, ed. Rainer Egloff and Johannes Fehr (Zurich: Collegium Helveticum, 2011), 59–65.

Fleck’s early work
Weigl, “Über das Wesen und die Form des Fleckfiebererregers,”
Bulletin international de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres
(1930): 6–21.

By the mid-1920s
Victoria A. Harden, “Koch’s Postulates and the Etiology of Rickettsial Diseases,”
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
42 (1987): 277–95.

He tested the formulation
“Die Methoden der aktiven Fleckfieber-Immunisierung,”
Bulletin international de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres
(1930): 25–59.

Shortly after returning from Vienna
“Über einige spezifische Merkmale des ärztlichen Denkens,” in Fleck,
, 41–51.

Fleck’s work was “probably”
Thomas Schnelle, “Ludwik Fleck and the Influence of the Philosophy of Lwów,” in
Cognition and Fact
, 231.

This had to be so
, Genesis
, 47.

Fleck’s work anticipated
Christian Bonah, “‘Experimental Rage’: The Development of Medical Ethics and the Genesis of Scientific Facts. Ludwik Fleck: An Answer to the Crisis of Modern Medicine in Interwar Germany?,”
Social History of Medicine
15 (2002): 187–207.

We used to think that science
, Denkstile
, 333.

In debunking the view
Ilana Löwy, “Ways of Seeing: Ludwik Fleck and Polish Debates on the Perception of Reality, 1890–1947,”
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
39 (2008): 382.

Witkiewicz, who had seen
Polish Philosophy Page, “Stanislaw I. Witkiewicz,” at

Chapter 3: The Louse Feeders

The public health authorities
Weigl, “Über das Wesen und die Form des Fleckfiebererregers,”
Bulletin international de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences et des Lettres
(1930): 1–21; Weigl, “Die Methoden der aktiven Fleckfieber-Immunisierung,” ibid., 55.

The first human
Hélène Sparrow and Charles Nicolle, “Application au cobaye et à l’homme de la méthode de vaccination contre le typhus exanthématique par emploi d’intestins phéniqués de poux,”
Archives de l’Institut Pasteur de Tunis
21 (1932): 25–31.

The labs in Lwów
Ludwig Anigstein, “Professor Hélène Sparrow-Germa, MD (1891–1970): A Pioneer in World Health,”
Polish Medical Science and History Bulletin
14 (1971): 100–101; R. Debré, “Helena Sparrow: A Polish and French Scientist,”
Materia medica Polona
11 (1979): 79–82.

The trial was a success
Sparrow and Nicolle, “Application,” 29–30.

Rozalia, to everyone’s
Weigl, “Faits d’observation et expériences demontrant l’efficacité du vaccine à rickettsia pour la prévention du typhus,”
Archives de l’Institut Pasteur de Tunis
22 (1933): 318.

One of the visitors
See, e.g., Jean Lindenmann, “Women Scientists in Typhus Research during the First Half of the Twentieth Century,”
62 (2005): 261–63.

She was not alone
Hans Zinsser,
Rats, Lice and History
(Boston: Little, Brown, 1935), 167.

Sikora’s personality was
Hilda Sikora, “Rickettsienfund bei Katzenstaupe,”
Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten
125 (1944): 530–32; “Hilda Sikora,”
Angewandte Parasitologie
11 (1970): 63; “Hilda Sikora,”
Angewandte Parasitologie
19 (1978): 64.

Over a decade
Weigl, “Über das Wesen,” 1–4.

Disregarding the accident
“Death of Edmund Weil,”
Journal of the American Medical Association
79 (1922): 229.

A young person was attracted
Władysław Wolff, “O Profesorze Weiglu i ‘Weiglowcach,’” accessed at

The visitor, crossing
Wiktor Weigl, “Wspomnienia o moim Ojcu” (Memories of my father), in Z
tyfus—Instytut Rudolfa Weigla we Lwowie. Dokumenty i wspomnienia
, ed. Zbigniewa Stuchly (Wrocław: Sudety, 2001), accessed at; G. B. Mathews, “Of Lice and Men,”
Twentieth Century
33 (1943): 227–35.

Elated by the vaccine’s
Jan Rutten, “La mortalité des missionaires avant et après l’emploi du vaccin de Weigl,”
Varia Dossiers de la Commission Synodale à Pekin
(1936): 183; Rutten to Weigl, May 9, 1948, at

Peter Radło, a Hygiene
Piotr Radło, “Observations sur la vaccination contre le typhus exanthématique par le vaccin de Weigl,”
Archives de l’Institut Pasteur de Tunis
26 (1937): 667–70.

By 1938, about 68,000 Poles
Hermann Eyer, “Die durch Läuse übertragbaren Infektionskrankheiten und ihre Bekämpfung,”
Medizinische Welt
14 (1940): 261–64.

Overall, the number
Friedrich Hansen,
Biologische Kriegsführung im Dritten Reich
(Frankfurt: Campus, 1993), 88–92.

When he came to our
Wolff, “O Profesorze.”

If there were no
Wolff, interview with Ryszard Wójcik, March 1984; untitled films in possession of Krystyna Weigl-Albert.

Louse feces in these
Jan Starzyk, interview with Wójcik, Dec. 1980.

The hygiene teams found
One Life
, 210–11.

A device known as
Stefan Kry
ski et al., “Weigl’s Method of Intrarectal Inoculation of Lice in Production of Typhus Vaccine and Experimental Works with
Rickettsia Prowazeki
Annales Academiae Medicae Gedanensis
4 (1974): 19–51; Szybalski, “Genius.”

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