The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (50 page)

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The only way to obtain
Accounts of lousiness among British World War I troops were collected by John Simkin at

Though no typhus
Wilhelm His,
A German Doctor at the Front
(Berkeley: National Service, 1933), 75.

It rarely killed
Richard Strong et al.,
Trench Fever: Report of Commission, Medical Research Committee, American Red Cross
(Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1918), 2–3.

Typhus broke out in Serbia
One Life
, 32; Kenneth Maxcy,
Typhus Fever in the United States
(Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1929), 5–6.

Each laboratory had its
W. Köhler, “Killed in Action: Microbiologists and Clinicans as Victims of Their Occupation. Part 1: Typhus,”
International Journal of Medical Microbiology
295 (2005): 133–40.

Prowazek protected himself
Jan. 21, 1915, letter in Austrian Kriegsarchiv, courtesy of Paul Weindling.

Rocha Lima, who fell ill
Burt Wolbach et al.,
The Etiology and Pathology of Typhus: Being the Main Report on the Typhus Research Commission of the League of Red Cross Societies to Poland
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1922), 116–20.

One of the few typhus
Hans Zinsser,
As I Remember Him: The Biography of R.S.
(Boston: Little, Brown, 1940), 220.

Though evidence of louse transmission
“Typhus Discovery Described in Paper,”
New York Times
, May 17, 1914.

Plotz and his vaccine
“Mt. Sinai Aids Work on Serbian Typhus,”
New York Times
, June 27, 1915.

It was never exactly
Mitchell et al.,
Typhus Fever
, 38.

In 1916, Edmund Weil
R. Cruikshank, “The Weil-Felix Reaction in Typhus Fever,”
Journal of Hygiene
27 (1927): 64–69.

Other physicians, including Nicolle
Albert Besson,
Practical Bacteriology, Microbiology and Serum Therapy
(New York: Longmans, Green, 1913), 847; Maximiliano Ruiz Castañeda,
Escritos y entrevistas
(Toluca: FONAPAS, 1978), 41–43.

To prove that a particular
Victoria Harden, “Koch’s Postulates and the Etiology of Rickettsial Diseases,”
History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
42 (1987): 277–95

The early years of the Russian
Francis McCullagh,
A Prisoner of the Reds: The Story of a British Officer Captured in Siberia
(London: John Murray, 1921), 31–35.

A minor setback
Jerzy Borz
The Soviet-Polish Peace of 1921 and the Creation of Interwar Europe
(New Haven: Yale University Press, 2008), 15.

I do not suppose
Carl Eric Bechhofer Roberts,
In Denikin’s Russia and the Caucasus, 1919–1920
(New York: Collins, 1921), 109–10.

The Polish leader Piłsudski
W. Bruce Lincoln,
Red Victory: A History of the Russian Civil War
(New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989), 403.

Kolchak . . . was routed and fled
, 6–35.

The sights which
Ibid., 31, 6.

“Comrades,” Lenin told
Vladimir I. Lenin,

Report of the All-Russia Central Executive Committee and the Council of People’s Commissars, Dec. 5, 1919,” in
Collected Works
, vol. 30 (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1965), 228.

A German Red Cross
Peter Mühlens, “Die russische Hunger- und Seuchenkatastrophe in den Jahren 1921–1922,”
Zeitschrift für Hygiene und Infektionskrankheiten
99 (1923): 1–45.

Mutual delousing
, 236.

Conditions were particularly awful
Oct. 20, 1920, letter from Harry Plotz to Felix M. Warburg, Joint Distribution Committee, accessed at’harry plotz kiev’.

Typhus would have a transformative
, 321

This demographic impact
Churchill speech of Nov. 5, 1919, in
Churchill by Himself: The Definitive Collection of Quotations
, ed. Richard M. Langworth (New York: Public Affairs, 2008), 35.

His method of inoculating
Stanisława Woyciechowska, interview by Ryszard Wójcik, Jan. 7, 1979.

Weigl had not been
Weigl, “Der gegenwärtige Stand der Rickettsiaforschung,”
Klinische Wochenschrift
3 (1924): 1638.

His determination to pursue
Zbigniew Stuchly, “Wspomnienia o Rudolfie Weiglu” (Recollections of Rudolf Weigl), accessed at

Even as a student
, 270–71.

Weigl published the first
Beiträge zur Klinik der Infektionskrankheiten und Immunitätsforschung
8 (1920): 353–76.

He and a friend were
Woyciechowska, interview with Wójcik, Jan. 7, 1979.

Health disasters were
H. L. Gilchrist, “Fighting Typhus Fever in Poland,”
University of Cincinnati Medical Bulletin
, Feb. 1922.

Herbert Hoover, whom Wilson
Alfred E. Cornebise,
Typhus and Doughboys: The American Polish Typhus Relief Expedition, 1919–1921
(Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1982), 15–17; Zbigniew Karpus,
Russian and Ukrainian Prisoners of War and Internees Kept in Poland in 1918–1924
(Torun: Wydawn. Adam Marsalek, 2001), 51–53, 106–12.

Perhaps because lice were
, 187. See also Gilchrist, “Fighting Typhus Fever.”

Children were always the first
, 63–70.

The Jews were said to be
E. W. Goodall, “Typhus Fever in Poland, 1916 to 1919,”
Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine
(Sect Epidemiol State Med) 13 (1920): 272–73.

Several of the medical
R. A. Bacot, “Details of the Technique Adopted in Following Weigl’s Plan of Feeding Lice Infected with the Virus of Typhus Fever by Rectal Injection,”
British Journal of Experimental Pathology
3 (1922): 72–74.

Chapter 2: City on the Edge of Time

Rajchman, an assimilated
Marta Balinska,
For the Good of Humanity. Ludwik Rajchman, Medical Statesman
(Budapest: Central European University, 1998), 41–80.

The health agency, known
One Life
, 66–72.

Soon after Weigl moved to Lwów
R. A. Bacot, “Details of the Technique Adopted in Following Weigl’s Plan of Feeding Lice Infected with the Virus of Typhus Fever by Rectal Injection,”
British Journal of Experimental Pathology
3 (1922): 72–74.

Like many successful
Gabriel Brz
Józef Nusbaum-Hilarowicz:
ycie, prace, dzielo
(Life and works) (Lublin: Wydawn. Lubelskie, 1984), 55.

She was beautiful
Wiktor Weigl, “Wspomnienia o moim Ojcu” (Memories of my father), in Z
tyfus—Instytut Rudolfa Weigla we Lwowie. Dokumenty i wspomnienia
, ed. Zbigniewa Stuchly (Wrocław: Sudety, 2001), accessed at

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