The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl: How Two Brave Scientists Battled Typhus and Sabotaged the Nazis (51 page)

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Weigl had many affairs
Wacław Szybalski, interview with author, July 2011, Madison, WI; Stefan Kry
ski, “Kartki 29,” in
Kartki ze wspomnie
starego profesora
(Memories of an old professor) (Gda
sk: Akademia Medycyna, 2006), accessed at; Wójcik, interview with Tadeusz Brylak, Nov. 1980.

The family spent
Wiktor Weigl, “Moim Ojcu.”

Lwów was a city of rolling
Sources examined for the history and geography of the city include Peter Faessler, Thomas Held, and Dirk Sawitzki, eds.,
Lemberg-Lwow-Lviv: Eine Stadt im Schnittpunkt europäischer Kulturen
(Cologne: Boehlau, 1993); Ernst Hofbauer,
Verwehte Spuren: Von Lemberg bis Czernowitz: Ein Trummerfeld der Erinnerungen
(Vienna: Ibera, 2004); Hermann Simon, Irene Stratenwerth, and Ronald Hinrichs, eds.,
Lemberg: Eine Reise nach Europa
(Berlin: Links Verlag, 2007); John Czaplicka, ed.,
Lviv: A City in the Crosscurrents of Culture
(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005); Roman Kalu
Through a Reporter’s Eyes: The Life of Stefan Banach
(Boston: Birkhäuser, 1996).

After independence, one
Simon et al., eds,
, 132.

We were like ants
Stanisław Lem,
Highcastle: A Remembrance
, trans. Michael Kandel (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1995), 133–34.

We were proud of our city
Wacław Szybalski, interview with author, July 2011.

Nostalgia for Lwów

The city boasted 21
Andrzej Bonusiak,
Lwów w latach 1918–1939
(Lwów in the years 1918–1939) (Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Wy
szej Szkoly Pedagogicznej, 2000).

It became the most popular
Olena Onufriv, “Tylko we Lwowie,” in Simon et al., eds.,
, 214–16.

Every middle-class Lwowite
Adam B. Ulam,
Understanding the Cold War: A Historian’s Personal Reflections
, 2d ed. (New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 2002), 4–6.

Most of my colleagues
Leopold Infeld,
Quest: The Evolution of a Scientist
(New York: Doubleday, 1941), 151–52.

Their favorite was at first
Adam Ulam,
Cold War
, 6–8; Kalu
Reporter’s Eyes
, 42–48; S. M. Ulam,
Adventures of a Mathematician
(New York: Scribner’s, 1976), 50–52.

The Lwów school
Material on the mathematics circles in Lwów and the story of the Scottish Book are taken from Kalu
Reporter’s Eyes
; Adam Ulam,
; S. M. Ulam,
; Mark Kac,
Enigmas of Chance: An Autobiography
(New York: Harper & Row, 1985); and Hugo Steinhaus,
Wspomnienia i zapiski
(Memoirs and jottings) (Wrocław: ATUTA, 2010); S. Ulam, “John Von Neumann,” accessed at; Mark Kac, “Hugo Steinhaus: A Reminiscence and a Tribute,” accessed at

Steinhaus owed this distinction
, 34–35.

Some of these discussions
S. M. Ulam,
, 34.

The Roma had a character
Józef Wittlin,
Mein Lemberg
, trans. Klaus Staemmler (Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1994), 125.

Of course, daily existence
, 86–149.

Ludwik Fleck took a
K. Leszczy
ska, “Ludwik Fleck: A Forgotten Philosopher,” in
Penser avec Fleck: Investigating a Life Studying Life Sciences
, ed. Johannes Fehr et al. (Zurich: Collegium Helveticum, 2009), 25–27.

His best friend was the
Fleck and Olgierd Krukowski, “Oddzialywanie skóry w durze plamistym na odmie
ca X
i pra.tki pokrwene” (Impact of typhus on X
and related mycobacteria)
Medycyna do
wiadczalna i spoleczna
1 (1923): 98.

A few of his contemporaries
Thomas Schnelle, “Microbiology and Philosophy of Science, Lwów and the German Holocaust: Stations of a Life—Ludwik Fleck 1896–1961,” in
Cognition and Fact—Materials on Ludwik Fleck
, ed. Robert S. Cohen and Thomas Schnelle (Dordrecht: L. Reidel, 1986), 17.

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