The Fight for Us (46 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Finn

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: The Fight for Us
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Too much had happened to them in the course of two weeks. Fucking hell, it had only been two weeks. Every time it occurred to him that it was two weeks ago exactly that he’d run out his fucking door to get to Joss in the hospital it left him shaking his head in shock. Seemed like far longer ago than fourteen days. How had their life been pulled apart at the seams so quickly? They’d been left in shreds to pick up the pieces. But they had, or perhaps it was more accurate to say they were.

They might have pieced themselves back together slightly less pretty than they’d started, and their stitching wasn’t necessarily as even as before, but they were together—all of them. However together they were though, Joss was still not quite herself. For a woman who didn’t know how to filter her thoughts, it was ominous that she seemed to be contemplating every word out of her mouth now. She smiled at them, she watched them, she never pushed him away. She let him touch and taste, and she snuggled up close and let him hold onto her, but she was far too quiet, and he could still see the cogs turning in the back of her mind when he looked in her eyes.

She’d had her world rocked over the past couple weeks, and she was behaving in exactly the way he’d expect. But he wanted his Joss back. And he wanted her to know a thing or two about what that meant to him.

The girls finally appeared just as there was a honk from the driveway. Joss stood from the couch and hugged them both before they ran out the door, waving over their shoulders as they went. When he wrapped his arms around her from behind her body, she hummed.

“Go take a shower. We have plans. Need to leave in a while.” He pecked the side of her neck quickly.

She turned to him, quizzically appraising him for a moment. She looked unsure though. It wasn’t excitement, hell, not even intrigue. It was insecurity, worry. He was going to ask her to be normal for a while, and he knew full well that was a tall order. Instead of letting her unease drive his own, he ran his hands down her back, trailing lightly over her bottom, and when he had her cheeks in his hands, he squeezed. “Off you go.”

He watched her walk away, and he waited until he heard the shower start before he followed her. He riffled through her side of the clothes hanging in the closet, and he pulled what he was looking for. Then he went through her underwear drawer too. Her shoes were last, and after he set out the outfit on the bed, he dressed quickly in black slacks and a fitted pinstripe dress shirt and retreated to the reading chair to wait and watch.

It was nearly twenty minutes later before she came out, but her makeup was done, and her hair was dry and straight, hanging long and silky down her back. She was wrapped up in a thick terrycloth robe, and he smiled at the sight of her small figure swimming in the thick material. When her eyes lit on the bed, she froze and sucked in a quick breath.

She looked at him sitting in the chair, and she just stared expressionlessly at him for a moment. When she looked back at the clothing, she took a deep breath. She sank down to the side of the bed, and for a moment, he was quite certain she wouldn’t oblige. He was not only asking her to be normal, he was asking her to be beautiful—challenging her to
beautiful—talk about a tall order for her. She lifted the black silk G-string underwear, holding them in her hands for a moment, but then after one more deep breath, she slipped them on, inching them up her legs but leaving the robe in place. It wasn’t an intentional seduction though, and that hurt his feelings far more than he cared to admit. She slid the garter on next, and when she started pulling the sexy as fuck thigh high black stockings up her legs, it was Isaiah who was taking the deep calming breaths.

She clipped the stockings in place. Her robe was still on, but as she finished with her legs, she dropped the arms of the robe to pool beside her, and suddenly, he could barely breathe at all. Her small, perfect breasts were exposed to him for the short time it took her to reach for the black bra he’d set out. He caught himself running his finger over his lower lip. What he was really doing was imagining his mouth on her tits. She slipped the bra up her arms, and then her back arched as she reached back and clasped it into place. He actually moaned out loud when she stood, letting the robe finally fall to the floor. This was going to drive him insane.

She turned toward the bed, and he zoned in on the naked cheeks of her ass as she bent over to the bed to grab the black dress. He wasn’t ready to lose the sight of her body, but as she slipped the dress over her head and let it fall into place, he cursed quietly. She arched her back again, masterfully zipping the back of the dress. She slipped her shoes on, which added a few inches to her height, and when she stepped in front of the closet mirror, she just stared. He couldn’t imagine what was going on in her head, but he suspected he wouldn’t like it if he knew.

She blew out a breath of air, snatched a sterling gray scarf from inside the closet door, and wrapped it around her neck, hiding the bruises and still healing abrasions on her neck. It took her little more than a minute to put her jewelry on, and by the time she was standing awkwardly and nervously in front of him, his cock was hard as hell.

“Shall we?” he asked.

She glanced to his groin, and when her eyes made it back up to his, she finally smiled. “Are you sure you’re fit to be in public?”

“No, I’m not fit to be in public at all, but I want to get you out of this house.”

Her focus shifted to the floor for a moment, and he was certain it was guilt he saw. “I like being here.” She wasn’t smiling when she met his eyes again.

“You mean, you’re depressed and going out for a bit of fun just doesn’t interest you at the moment?” Well, there it was. No sense beating around the bush apparently, though he could have been less blunt in his approach.

She sat on the ottoman, facing him. He didn’t expect her to respond. He was being rhetorical after all. But she nodded, and her attention shifted out the window.

“You could convince me to stay for a while longer.”

He studied her for a moment as her eyes returned to his. He already knew she was more than capable of being aroused by him, and he wanted to push that, not force it. He wanted to lead, and he wanted her to let him. But there was no denying her complete lack of excitement at the moment was making it hard for him to stay motivated. He couldn’t let her see that though. She needed to see his confidence, and she needed to feed off it. She needed to feel okay about everything because he felt okay about it. His weaknesses just had no place between them at the moment.

When he sat up leaning toward her, she inhaled a quick breath. He reached for her knee, and when he felt that silky nylon under his fingertips, he stifled the groan. He was desperate for her; there was no denying that, but he wanted to seduce it out of her, and showing her that puppy drunk love wasn’t exactly how he wanted to do it.

Instead, he let his hand wander up the inside of her thigh. He moved slowly, giving her time to decide if she was going to part her legs on her own or not. But as he pushed farther, she started to pant and her lips dropped open as she watched him. At just the last moment when he started to worry she might shut him out, her knees spread, and her breath caught in her throat. He refused to look away from her, and as her cheeks started to redden more by the micro-second, he smiled.

“I want to make love to you.” He leaned to her, bringing his face close to hers, and when she fought to swallow, he quickly captured her lower lip between his. He pulled back after sucking on it for a moment, keeping his expression calm. “Give me that, and I’ll tell you the plan and let you decide for yourself whether you want to go or not.”

He pushed his hand farther, not giving her time to respond, and when he felt the silky material between her legs along his fingertips, she gasped. He brushed his finger under the material, letting his touch graze softly across the lips of her sex, and then he slipped his finger between them. She was wet, and he groaned instantly. So much for hiding the puppy drunk love.

“Fuck,” he cursed as his finger slid through her cum. He’d needed that—her arousal meant more in that moment than it ever had before and likely ever would again. “Say yes. Let me have you.” He was whispering, letting his fingers touch and innervate the sensitive skin.

Her nod was barely perceptible, but it was there, and when he pulled his hand back, she whimpered. He leaned back in the chair as she studied him. He was so fucking rigid and straining against the front of his pants, and when she bit down on her lower lip, his dick twitched.

“Stand up and turn around please.” He’d already eaten her in this chair with her pussy in his face once, and he wanted something different this time. He’d taken control that night just as he always did; he’d reclaimed her, in some sense, after Todd stuck his tongue down her throat at The Landing, but he needed her to reclaim herself on this day. He wanted her to feel the power he usually exerted over her. She always had power over him. He had no idea if she knew that, but she did. She controlled his heart at this point, and whether he typically led her body or not, she led
. She needed to feel that power and understand it right now, and he hoped like hell he could get that point across.

She stood from the ottoman and turned to face away from him. He pulled her hips back to sit on his lap, and he nuzzled against her neck as he sat up straight. His breath caught in his throat as she settled her bottom on his lap. Her skirt was bunched up between them, and her butt cheeks straddled his twill covered cock. The pressure was exquisite. He pulled her hips, sliding her along his arousal, and then he pushed her away from him as she slid against him again.

They said nothing to one another, and he guided her movements slowly until her body took over. He moved his hands to the arms of the chair, and she continued her melodic humping, now completely on her own and without any coercion from him. He didn’t need to see her face to know she was nervous, but she kept rolling her hips against his lap. When her breath stuttered, he reached for the zipper at her neck, slowly lowering it.

He parted the fabric and leaned to her back, kissing her between her shoulder blades. Her muscles flinched in surprise, and she froze in place, but the second time his lips met that skin, she moaned. He let his lips trail across her skin as her hips started moving again.

“Oh, God, baby. I love the way you move.” He was talking with his lips to her back, feeling the pressure of her pussy and bottom along the hard length of his cock as she rolled her hips. His arousal was trapped, lying rigid and erect against his abdomen, and he so wanted to free it and force her body down onto his length. This was going to be torture, but her quiet, quick breaths and the way her hips rotated and danced seductively on his lap said she was ready and she was willing. Torture or not, he was going to let this happen in just the way she wanted.

He licked a trail from just above her bra up to her neck as he unclasped the bra she’d put on only minutes before. Then he gently and carefully pulled the scarf from her neck and dropped it beside the chair. She groaned as he moved his tongue against her skin again, and then she whimpered. When she reached between her legs to the skimpy fabric, he hummed. Her fingers fumbled desperately to pull the fabric aside.

“That’s it,” he spoke as he nuzzled the back of her neck.

She couldn’t seem to stop the whimpers, and her legs were trembling, and when she pulled the silk aside that separated her pussy from his lap, he felt her moisture soak into his pants. He groaned and pushed his hand under her bottom and between their bodies, forcing his zipper down and undoing his button. She lifted her hips just slightly as he pushed his pants and underwear down his thighs, and when she sat back down on his lap, he reached around her body, grasping his cock and holding it erect from his body, suddenly feeling the wet warmth of her slit on the front of his dick. He cursed as she leaned back to rest the back of her shoulder against his chest. It angled her cleft upward and brushed that warmth along his length, and he ended up cursing again as her head dropped back to rest on his shoulder.

He forced his hands to return to the arms of the chair, and they clamped down as her body continued to tease his dick. Her cum was coating him, and he was gasping at the feel of it. He was pleading in his mind again, listening to his internal voice beg. Were he willing to show her just how desperate he was for this, she’d find him on his knees at her feet groveling like a fool, but he kept his mouth shut, digging his fingers into the arms of the chair.

Her breaths were becoming raspier and raspier with every seductive roll of her hips that brushed her softly against his length, and when she finally reached between her legs, she let her palm cup the underneath side of his shaft, holding him in place. He was sandwiched between the lips of her soaking wet pussy and her palm, and as her hips moved seductively, he started panting.

Every time her hips rotated upward and her bottom grinded against his lower abdomen, his cockhead neared her entrance, and he held his breath, waiting to see if this would be the time she let him enter her. This was her show, and she was damn fucking good at the seduction—whether she realized she was doing it or not. When she’d slide back down, letting her hips rock forward without letting him in, his shaft would run between her lips, and he’d hiss again. It was agony. It was also heaven. The fact she was so in heat she’d stowed her own nervousness was nothing but pure relief to him.

There was a point after a small eternity of this torment that he actually contemplated begging out loud the words that were running desperately through his mind. But just when he thought he couldn’t take one more second, she saved him and pushed the head of his dick down as her hips rocked up, lining him up with her body. When she rocked forward slowly again, he felt the head pop past that tight skin and slide slowly within her body. He’d missed the hot wet feel of her hugging his arousal like this, and he gripped the arms of his chair so hard his fingertips ached.

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