The Final Chase (Final Love Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: The Final Chase (Final Love Book 2)
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Chapter Four


As soon as she was done, she handed me the microphone and I hopped up on stage.

“Heyyyyyyy! You guys ready to crank the heat up in this joint?” I was a crowd pleaser, what could I say? People cheered and looked towards me. My eyes found Jake’s. Oh yeah, bud, it’s on.

“This song goes out to my animal man. All you, kitten.” I winked at him. Giggling, I turned my back towards the crowd.

Dramatic flair? Check.

When the beat to the song began, my hips started swaying. When it kicked up a little, I turned and started moving around more, getting those pelvic thrusts started. Oh yeah, I was going full throttle. People had stopped dancing to watch me.

Seconds later, I was rapping out the lyrics to
Bad Touch
by Bloodhound Gang. Yeah, I went there. The other blessing was I actually knew the lyrics, so it was effortless for me to dance and sing the song. My hand crept down my stomach and grabbed my invisible nuts at that moment in the song, while I kept my eyes on Jake the whole time. His face was a mixture of amusement and determination.

Soon, I had the crowd singing that they wanted to do it like the animals on the discovery channel.

Pelvic thrust like nobody’s business? Check.

Oh yeah, I was on that stage, giving it my best performance. And I will say I was killing it. Towards the end of the song, I started jumping up and down like the rapper I was, with my hand in the air moving to the beat.

As soon as the song ended, I took a bow, blew Jake a kiss, and took my exit. Which I wish was graceful, but my dance act had apparently shaken those shots in my system like a soda can. Yep. I puked, and tripped down the three stairs. I was a violent puker.

I felt hands wrap around me and hoist me up. We moved very quickly to the bathroom. As soon as I saw the toilet I let it all out. I felt my hair being pulled away from my face but I couldn’t care. I was dying. My insides were trying to come out of my mouth and nose. Yeah, I was that puker.

“That was a sight I will never forget, sweetheart.” Jake’s voice was just behind me. I should have cared that Jake was holding my hair, but I couldn’t muster the need to care at the moment.

“Holy shit, Cams! Do you need anything?” Mary’s voice was next. I groaned my answer before the next round of liquid came out my nose. Gross.

I laid my head on the seat and closed my eyes. I heard Jake and Mary talking, but didn’t care to listen. I was concentrating on breathing in and out. My body went limp, and just before I passed out, Jake’s voice filled my head.

“I got you, sweetheart. Always.” Somehow, I knew he would, which was frightening.


I couldn’t feel my legs. Did I break them and lose feeling as I fell down the short set of stairs?

I reluctantly opened my eyes to the early morning sunlight entering the room. Terrible decision. I felt like a vampire seeing the sun. I wanted to hide underneath the covers and nurse this ugly feeling in my body. I wasn’t hungover. No, every scrap of alcohol that was in my body had evacuated the premises. But my muscles, and all the joining parts felt like I put myself through the wringer. It was going to be a sweatpants and T-shirt kind of day. Did I have those often? No. Only the day after Thanksgiving with the family, and days like this.

I tried to move my legs again, but still nothing. My eyes started to focus and my brain started to move its gears.

I was not in my bed at my apartment. The ceiling did not have the mosquito net hanging from it like mine did. I looked to both sides and saw I was in a bedroom, one that was really bare. Off-white walls, one dresser, a closet, and a dog bed. Oh, no. Did I go home with someone last night and couldn’t remember? I moved my hands to my chest. I sighed in relief. Still wearing my top from last night. I kept going with my clothing assessment. No pants, but my panties were still on. I couldn’t have done anything

I once again tried to move my legs and felt something stir around them. My breathing stopped. Something was on my legs. I looked down but couldn’t see anything over the gray comforter I was under. Even though I was nervous as hell to see what was on me, I had to know. Very slowly, I used my arms to push myself up.

I screamed.

I screamed like a teenybopper being chased by Freddy Krueger.

There was a cat laying on my legs, but not just any cat. This cat looked like a miniature cheetah! It had to have been at least thirty pounds! I tore my legs out from under it and leapt out of the bed. It did the same, but with more grace. As soon as it landed, it hissed at me, then it raced out of the room like it was never there. I was having a panic attack. I had no clue where I was. Why was I missing my pants? Who did I fool around with? And why was there a giant cat sleeping on my legs?

That’s when a shirtless Jake came running into the room. I was stunned calm for a few seconds. I mean, who wouldn’t be, when a body like that was staring you in the face? He was all ripped muscles and tan skin. God, every part of his chest was amazing. I mean, he had little dips and bumps in all the right places. Hubba hubba.

“What the hell is your problem, woman?” He was staring at me. Me? What was my problem? Oh hell no, he didn’t!

“My problem! I’d like to ask, what the hell is
problem? I’m the one that is in
house with no pants on, and a freaking jungle cat trying to keep my legs hostage!” I walked right up to him and pointed my red-painted nail at him.

“Explain yourself,” I demanded. Yeah, I was a bad ass.  I looked at his face. It really was a shame we were on two opposing sides of this game. He was very handsome. Gorgeous, even. His blue eyes were staring at me, watching me. His stupid amazing lips pulled up into an irritating smile.

“OK, I’ll enlighten you on the situation. First, the night started off with you wiggling that ass in front of me. I’d call you a cock tease, but you already know that. Then we had a little chat about the game of cat and mouse you want to play. Then you blessed the bar with your performance of
Bad Touch
, pelvic thrusts included. Last but not least, your exit off the stage included puking your guts out while tripping down the stairs.”

Oh God… all of that
happen. It wasn’t just a bad dream.

“Okay, why am I here? Did we…?” I left the last bit off, I couldn’t voice it.

“You don’t remember? I’m crushed, sweetheart,” he teased. Of course we didn’t.

“Oh yeah, now I remember, I couldn’t feel your teeny tiny weenie. Hence why I forgot. I was reorganizing my closet the whole time. I decided to go with sorting by color, just so you know.” Yeah I went there. What?

“Some women find it cute,” he commented with sadness. Oh no, did he really have a tiny peen? Poor man, probably got made fun of in the locker room.

“If it makes you feel better, I’ve been banged so many times my meat curtains flap with the wind.” So not true. I cherished my vagina, so that would never happen. But maybe it would make him feel better.

“I’ll remember that for the spank bank.” He winked. This conversation had taken a weird turn.

“Okay, back to my question, why am I here?” I took a step back to give us some distance and was relieved when he didn’t follow me.

“Mary let me have you. She couldn’t carry you around, so I asked if I could take you to my place, that we were friends. She fought valiantly, but only for a few seconds. She said you needed a guy like me, but she made sure to follow us here and watch me put you in bed. She was the one that removed your pants. Sexy panties, by the way. I have a thing for lace.” His eyes drifted down to said panties. I wanted to cover myself from his perusal but I didn’t. I thought I looked good in my purple lace cheekies.

Mary was so fired. Not really, but I would at least give her bathroom cleaning duty or something.

“The jungle cat?” I had to know, did one of his creatures escape?

“Binksie? He’s an African Serval. Rescue. A woman thought it would be cool to have him as a pet but didn’t want to put in the time. She dumped him off in the middle of nowhere with his leash tied to a tree. I got the call from someone who saw it happen and went to get him. He’s fine now, he’s kind of adopted me so now he won’t leave the house.”  Huh, that was an interesting story.  I digested all of the information he had given me, but there was still one question that was burning in my head.

“Why are you shirtless?”

“Casey spit up on me so I needed to shower and change.” Casey?

“You have a baby?” The thought was oddly surprising.

“No, Casey is a baby tiger. She hasn’t been feeling too well.”

“Oh, poor thing.”  We stood there with no words being exchanged. Yeah, I needed to go.
  “Well, I’m going to get dressed when I find my pants, and get out of here. Good luck with Casey.” I turned and looked around for my pants. I heard a growl behind me, a sexy one. So when I spotted those pants, I made a little show of my walk and bending over grabbing them. Shoving my ass out like a stripper. I was a cock tease and I was enjoying this.

Then rough hands gripped my hips and pulled me back against a very hard, not teeny, peen. I felt my sex instantly start to quiver. I lifted my upper half and was flush against his naked torso. Yum.

“Presenting your perfect ass in the air like a cat in heat, that’s playing with fire, sweetheart,” he growled into my hair. I wanted him to bend me over the dresser and fuck me hard, but that would be it. It would be as simple as sex—hot sex—but just sex. As a couple, we would never work.

“Not doing anything. You’re just a horn dog.” I untangled myself from him and slipped on my pants. Totally wishing I had sweatpants.

“I made breakfast, come down the stairs when you’re ready.” He turned and left. My stomach growled. Food did sound really good. I left the room in search of a bathroom, which I found just across the hall from the room. So far this house was pretty pleasant. Not overly decorated, very simple. I used the facilities and checked out my face.

“Oh frock,” I muttered. I had troll doll hair and my makeup was smeared everywhere. I looked like I belonged out in one of the cages in the rescue. Wishing I knew where my clutch was, with my small bottle of makeup remover, I grabbed some tissues and moistened them with water. I did what I could, which was a miracle, in my eyes. I looked pretty good after cleaning up. Rinsing out my mouth to get rid of the bed breath, I felt refreshed. My stomach growled again, warning me I needed to get some grub.

Chapter Five


I walked down the stairs, toward the sounds of plates being shuffled. Jake had donned a shirt and was placing a few plates on the table, which was now paperless.

“My, my, are we showing off for little old me?” I teased. He didn’t reply, but went and grabbed two glasses of orange juice.

I walked over to the table and sat my butt down. Man, did he outdo himself! Eggs, bacon, biscuits, and hash browns. Lord almighty, this man was trying to undo me. I was about to ask if he had made coffee when he set down cups for us both with the pot in between. Sugar and cream appeared moments later. Okay, this was something I could get used to.

“So, Jake, tell me about the man behind the animals.” I poured some coffee and spooned in three scoops of sugar. I liked my coffee sweet. His large body sat in the chair opposite of me and made himself his own cup. Three scoops of sugar. Interesting.

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