The Forbidden Rose

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Authors: Joanna Bourne

BOOK: The Forbidden Rose
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“Revelatory within the genre.”
—Dear Author
Praise for
An American Library Association
RUSA Reading List Award Winner for Romance
“What a terrific story! One of the most unusual, resourceful, and humorous heroines I’ve ever met, a spy to swoon for, and a great twisty plot with a sense of genuine danger.”
—Diana Gabaldon,
New York Times
bestselling author of
An Echo in the Bone
“Love, love, LOVED it!”
—Julia Quinn
, New York Times
bestselling author of
What Happens in London
“Wow, what a captivating, unique heroine! Joanna Bourne’s voice is distinct, fresh, and engaging.”
—Madeline Hunter, national bestselling author of
Ravishing in Red
“A breathtaking adventure that kept me turning pages with breathless anticipation. Joanna Bourne is a master of romance and suspense! I can’t wait to read her next book!”
—Teresa Medeiros,
New York Times
bestselling author of
Some Like It Wild
“This is a flat-out spectacular book . . . I cannot say enough good about
The Spymaster’s Lady
. It is smart, masterful writing and I cannot wait to see what Bourne does next.”

All About Romance
“As a long-time reader of romance I can say that it is a rare novel that leaves me speechless. Yet, this rather new author has done just that . . . What makes this book truly stunning is the beauty of the writing. Everything about the book is a revelation . . . This is no ordinary romance novel. Give yourself time to savor this read. It took me nearly two sleepless nights to finish it—and then I wanted to start reading it all over again.”

“A masterful work . . . The storytelling is amazing . . . The writing is simply superb . . . I was awed by the writing, captivated by the heroine, thrilled by the plot, intrigued by all the secondary characters, and I cannot praise this book highly enough. It is hard to believe this is her first book and I have only one question: What’s next?”

The Book Smugglers
“Spectacular . . . What a struggle I had with writing this review. I know some ask what are the hardest reviews to write and I am convinced, after drafting and redrafting this one, it is the review of the book that you love. Because as a reader, I am trying to convey the beauty that is someone else’s writing so that others will see the same beauty. The best thing I can say to readers is to go to the bookstore and read the first chapter.”

Dear Author
“Take a British spymaster and a resourceful French agent, spice with clever banter, toss in a refreshing and unexpected plot, add a heaping measure of sexual chemistry, and the result is an irresistible read.”

American Library Association
(Best Genre Fiction of 2009)
Praise for
Winner of the RITA Award for Best Regency Historical
“Bourne’s latest espionage-based series historical entices with subtle subterfuge and heated romance. Glimpses of the leads’ sordid pasts add depth, and Bourne’s consummate way with a story line and an explosive denouement do the rest.”

Publishers Weekly
“A very, very good historical romance featuring complex and flawed characters far out of the typical wallpaper mode . . . Bourne is an undeniably powerful new voice in historical romance.”

All About Romance
“Readers who adored Bourne’s debut will be enthralled with her new novel. Brimming with adventure, intrigue, wit, sensuality, and colorful historical details, this is an adventure reader’s dream come true.”

Romantic Times
, 4½ stars
“Ms. Bourne proves to be an excellent storyteller. [Jess is] one of the most complex and interesting heroines I’ve seen in a long time.”

Fresh Fiction
“A fantastically clever tale with twists and turns aplenty. The setting and characters will have you quickly entrenched in the time period, and the witty dialogue and steaming sexual tension will keep you happily wrapped in Ms. Bourne’s world.”

Romance Junkies
“This tale drenches itself in sexual tension so taut that there are times you can hardly catch your breath . . . Steeped in rich historical atmosphere and superbly written,
My Lord and Spymaster
is a definite all-nighter and must read for anyone who relishes a really good book. You won’t be disappointed.”

Romance Reader at Heart
“Another notch in Joanna Bourne’s belt for a job well done. No, not just well—but excellently well.”—
Romance Reviews Today
Berkley Sensation Titles by Joanna Bourne
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A Berkley Sensation Book / published by arrangement with the author
Berkley Sensation mass-market edition / June 2010
Copyright © 2010 by Joanna Watkins Bourne.
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This book is dedicated to Lily and Maya.
I would like to thank my wonderful editor at Berkley, Wendy McCurdy, and my agent, Pam Hopkins, of Hopkins Literary Associates.
I am endlessly grateful to my tireless and patient beta readers: Leo Bourne, Mary Ann Clark, Laura Watkins, and Wendy Rome. I thank the Ladies Who Drink Coffee for support and friendship. I owe much to the excellent folks at the Compuserve Books and Writers Community: Diana Gabaldon, Deniz Bevan, Beth Shope, Jenny Meyer, Jennifer Hendren, Donna Rubino, Susan Adrian, Julie Weathers, Linda Grimes, Tara Parker, and others too numerous to mention.
I could not have written this story without the expert advice of David Barnes and Hugo Clément, who know much about geology and caves, and Linda Weaver, who knows much about donkeys. The Beau Monde, a special interest chapter of RWA, has provided endless expertise on all things 1800-ish. Anything I got right is because of these wonderful people. All mistakes are my own.
A special thanks goes to Franzeca Drouin, researcher, editor, and general all-round expert on all things having to do with history and historical language.
“YOU HAVE NOT BEEN FOOLISH,” SHE SAID. “BUT YOU have been unlucky. The results are indistinguishable.”
The rabbit said nothing. It lay on its side, panting. Terror poured from it in waves, like water going down the steps of a fountain.

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