The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind (19 page)

BOOK: The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind
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A Course In Miracles
was allegedly written by Jesus. You may not believe that Jesus was the author, but the content was definitely not from the conscious mind of the person who
wrote the words, Helen Schucman, a Professor of Medical Psychology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York City. Professor Schucman was Jewish, an atheist, and conservative in theory. Her conscious mind could not write such a book.

Jane Roberts was writing poetry one day and something took over her pen and she began the writing automatically about ideas that were completely foreign to her. These writings can be read in the book
Seth Speaks.



Automatic writing is easy. These instructions are meant as a guide since everyone may respond differently.

    Use a wide body pen.

    Hold it vertically, either between finger and thumb, or by making a fist around it.

    Rest your elbow lightly on the table so that it is free to move. You could even put your forearm in a sling for freer motion.

    Write on an extra large sheet of paper.

    I suggest you go into the alpha state. This does not seem necessary for most people, evidently, because none of the books I read on this subject mentioned the need to go into an altered state of mind. Maybe they did go into an altered state but were not aware of it.

    Command your subconscious mind to write.

    Do not look at the paper. Keep your conscious mind out of the way.

    If your subconscious mind is slow to start, consciously just start the pen moving.

    Sometimes switching hands helps.

    Distract your conscious mind. Watch TV, or listen to music.



Your subconscious mind communicates with your organs and every cell in your body. Therefore, it knows what is right and what is wrong with your body, emotionally, chemically, and physically. Problems are known at the cellular level long before they manifest at the physical level. This cellular information can be accessed by “Muscle Response Testing” (MRT), also called “Kinesthesiology” and “Applied Kinesthesiology” testing. MRT is a proven method used by therapists, chiropractors, and doctors.

MRT is based on the facts that positive energy strengthens muscles and negative energy weakens them, and that the truth is associated with positive energy and untruths with negative energy. Any muscle can be tested but traditionally the deltoid muscle is used. The subject holds one arm out sideways parallel to the ground. The subject is asked to resist and the tester pushes down with light pressure on the outstretched wrist using two or three fingers. The shoulder is locked and cannot be budged. The subject or the tester makes a statement. When the answer is true, the deltoid muscle is strengthened and again the arm does not move. When the answer is false, the muscle weakens noticeably and the arm gives under the light pressure by the tester.

The method described above requires two people to perform the test. Variations can be used so that only one person is required. One method is to form interlocking circles with the thumb and forefinger of each hand. Make a statement and then pull your hands apart. If the statement is true, your
fingers will remain locked and cannot be pulled apart. If the statement is false, your fingers will weaken and break apart.

There are a few subtleties to this test so it is helpful to get lessons from an expert if you can. A few of the subtleties, according to some teachers, include:

       •    Jewelry should be removed, especially watches, before testing.

       •    Music should not be played while testing.

       •    The statement must be kept firmly in mind while testing.

       •    After you or your partner makes the statement, one of you should say, “resist.”

       •    If you are weak or feeling negative, your answers may be tainted.

MRT can be used to:

       •    Determine whether a substance is beneficial or harmful to you.

       •    Determine the best dosage of a vitamin, herb, or medication for you.

       •    Determine whether you have a vitamin or mineral deficiency.

       •    Determine the health of specific organs.

       •    Find the source of an illness.

       •    Find out how your subconscious mind feels about a concept.

       •    Find the origin of a fear or the source of anxiety.

I will give you a few examples and then you can test yourself. First, make a true statement, “My name is _______________.” You will test positive. Now say, “My name is Milford.” You will test negative, unless your name

Think of Abraham Lincoln and George Washington. You
will test positive. Then think of Adolph Hitler and Josef Stalin. You will test negative. (If you test positive, see a therapist.)

Hold a healthful substance to your solar plexus, such as a capsule of organic vitamin C, and then do the MRT. You will test positive. Now repeat the test but use white sugar. You will test negative.

Hold the image of the vitamin C capsule in your mind and say, “500 milligrams is the best dosage for me.” If you test negative, use another amount and repeat the test until you find the optimum dosage of vitamin C for you.

Repeat the above test using any medication you are taking. If you think you like a colleague, say her name is Sally, but there is something uneasy about your relationship, test for, “I like Sally; I think of her as a good friend.” You will probably test positive. Ah, but that was the truth for your conscious mind. Now test your subconscious mind. “I like Sally at a subconscious level and my subconscious mind thinks of her as a friend.” If you test negative you now know why you have an uneasy feeling about Sally.

MRT was pioneered by George Goodheart, M.D. He found that the strength or weakness of muscles was connected to the condition of body organs. Dr. Goodheart called the technique “applied kinesiology.” Three books were published ca. 1971 in which he was a coauthor, but they are out of print.

In the late 1970’s, John Diamond, M.D., a psychiatrist, refined the technique and called it “behavioral kinesiology.” He found that muscles weaken or strengthen in the presence of positive or negative emotional and intellectual stimuli, as well as physical stimuli. He published his findings in
Behavioral Kinesiology,
in 1979, and in
Your Body Doesn’t Lie,
also in 1979.

David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D., also a psychiatrist, advanced the method to significantly higher levels. He made two giant contributions. One, he verified the consistency of
test results by having hundreds of subjects of all ages, ethic backgrounds, and professions test the same statements independently and get the same results. Two, he broadened the scope of testing which I cannot begin to describe here. I highly recommend his books,
Power vs. Force,
The Eye of the I.
He also coauthored a notable book with Nobelist Linus Pauling,
Ortomolecular Psychiatry.

I witnessed an amazing example of the power of MRT. Several medical specialists diagnosed a friend, we will call her Martha, as having an incurable bladder disorder. Martha was in discomfort, overweight, and taking several potent medications. Since the doctors could not cure her, and this would be a lifelong illness, they referred her to a support group. Instead of giving up and going to the support group, she went to see Valerie Moreton Gersch, the founder of KALOS, an organization that teaches MRT. Using MRT, Valerie discovered that Martha was allergic to several common foods and had some imbalances in her system. After three months on a restricted diet and taking a few herbs, she was completely cured, at her normal weight, and in excellent health. Valerie has written two books on MRT that can be purchased through KALOS (1-800-775-2567.) Another informative book on this subject is
Energy Medicine
by Donna Eden, 1998.



There are times when being alert is essential. Maybe you feel sluggish or tired, but you have to take an exam or attend an important meeting. The following program conditions you to wake up and become alert at any time and under any circumstance. The trigger word is “ALERT.” Whenever you want to become attentive and alert, count down from 10 to 1 and say and think the word “ALERT.” Your mind and body will be stimulated and you will be ready for action.


Get comfortable. Look up about 20 degrees and stare at a spot. It is a strain to look up and your eyelids are beginning to tire. Allow your eyelids to slowly close. Your eyes are now closed.

You are beginning to are letting go...letting go. All the stress in your body dissipates and is released. Become aware of your muscles from head to foot. Scan your body and relax any muscle that might still have some tension in it. Relaxing is soooo easy...just let go and become limp...limp. Mentally count down from 5 to 1. are more and more relaxed. 4...every muscle in your body is totally relaxed. Visualize a pile of rubber bands. Take one of them and stretch it, let it go, and let it fall on the floor. See how it releases all tension and becomes completely relaxed...just as you are now. 3...and are feeling warm and heavy and very relaxed...1...“RELAX.” You are now in a deep sleep and in a healthy, natural state of mind...a healthy relax even more each time you exhale.

You are in a state of mind where your conscious mind and your subconscious mind work together in harmony for your highest good. Your subconscious mind and your conscious mind love each other and always work for your best health and mental well-being. They communicate with each other continually...working in harmony...working for your perfect health and mental well-being. They each do this lovingly and happily. Your subconscious mind readily takes positive, healthy, constructive orders from your conscious mind and, as long as they are for your highest good, and do no one else harm, carries out each command swiftly and lovingly. Your increasing mental faculties are for serving yourself and humankind better

Nothing can disturb your present state. Everything around you aids you in maintaining this deep state of mind

Now imagine you are visiting Boulder Dam on the Colorado River. You are standing in the middle of the dam, which is more than 1200 feet long. It is massive. Look out in one direction and you see Lake Mead, the largest man-made lake in the world. Look in the other direction and you are looking down into the Colorado River where it flows out of the dam. You are looking down 726
feet. It is scary to look down. It is more than 44 stories tall and it holds back a virtual sea of water. Notice the many thick power lines that lead away from the dam to Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and other cities.

You are going down into the power–generating room that is deep down at the base of the dam. You enter an elevator and you notice your subconscious mind is the operator. You command your subconscious mind to go down to the power-generating room near the bottom of the dam. You begin to descend...from the first can feel the lightness in your body due to the acceleration of the elevator. You feel yourself going deeper and deeper to sleep...deep, restful sleep...deeper...deeper. You feel the anticipation of witnessing the huge power generators. The elevator begins to slow in preparation for stopping at the bottom of the dam. You are expecting something gigantic...something wonderful...something helpful...something powerful. The elevator comes to a stop.

The elevator opens and you see a large room, at least two football fields long. Ten huge electrical generators are lined up along the room. Each must be 10 feet in diameter and 10 feet high. And each has thick power lines that transmit the electrical power to the cities where it is needed. In front of you is the control panel to the 10 generators. Each generator has its own switch, and a meter shows the total power output for the ten generators.

Turn on generator number 1. Hear the whine of the rotors as the turbine begins to rotate...faster and faster. You see the meter needle jump to 1 on a scale of 10. There is a pleasant warmth flooding through your body. With each higher number the effect doubles...channeling greater amounts of power to every cell and fiber in your body. You remain relaxed, but ready for action. Now turn on generator 2. The whine of the rotors is even louder as the two generators produce power. Turn on generator 3 and then 4. Now you can feel the intense vibration on the floor as four generators spin. You see the needle on the meter jump to 4. You feel the tingling of energy but you remain relaxed. Turn on generator 5. The noise gets louder...turn on generators 6 and 7.

The noise is almost unbearable. Put on the ear protectors that
are placed in front of you. The ear protectors help, but the noise is still loud. And the vibration is even shaking the walls. You inhale strength...and power...and energy...and vitality with each breath. Turn on generators 8...and 9. I have to scream at you to hear me...yet your body remains limp but poised. Power is pulsing throughout your body. The vibration is so pronounced that you have trouble holding on to switch number 10. Turn on the 10th generator and you are now at full power. The meter needle pegs out at 10 and the dial glows alert red. You are now fully ALERT and ready for any condition that confronts you. You are pulsating with dynamic energy.

You can feel adrenalin pulsing through your can feel the tremendous energy tingling in your entire body...You are now fully ALERT and ready to tackle any task with focused attention and boundless energy. You feel wonderful and powerful. Ready for anything. You are in complete control. You know you can control your body and your actions. You are ready for action. Ready now...on the count of 10 and the signal of the word “ALERT,” open your eyes...1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10—ALERT!!! Eyes wide open!

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