The Highlander's Lady (17 page)

Read The Highlander's Lady Online

Authors: Eliza Knight

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Scottish, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance

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Sometime later, Daniel shook her shoulder. “Lass? ’Tis time to move out.”

Myra blinked her eyes open, not remembering having fallen asleep. Her head felt heavy, her body achy. She stretched as much as she could then took Daniel’s offered had to stand.

He pulled her a little too hard and she bumped into him, instant heat filling her. Moving away from him was hard. She busied herself with gathering the extra plaid he’d given her.

“Keep that. ’Twill likely be cold upon the road.”

Myra nodded,
put on the gloves he’d given her. The men tamped down the fire and wrapped the remaining meat in a cloth. Thank goodness there was plenty left over for the evening meal.

Leo and several others brought the horses, already saddled up. Within moments she was seated upon the horse in front of Daniel, the extra
wrapped tightly around her, thankfully creating another barrier between them.

This time she wasn’t so stiff
backed when they rode. She allowed herself to relax, even bumped into him a few times without completely panicking. The last thing she needed was more aches and pains. This journey had proven hard enough already. Besides, Daniel was warm and Myra was freezing.

Snow no longer fell, and the sky had changed from white clouds to mostly blue. The sun shone high, melting some of
the snow. The trees sparkled as the ice that had frozen to their limbs melted and dripped to the ground. The horses could go no faster than a trot as the ground was still covered in several inches of wet snow.

A brisk wind blew every so often, whipping Myra’s cowl from her head and causing her hair to pull free of its braid
, hitting
her and Daniel’s face with stinging slaps. She noted that he had tied his hair back, likely for the same reason.

“I’m n
sure if I’ll die from
or being whipped by your hair,” Daniel teased.

Myra laughed. “I fear ’tis the same for me. Mayhap you’ll be so kind as to cut it with your dirk.”

“Oh, nay, I’d never. Your hair is far too beautiful to suffer such a butchering.”

“Suit yourself.” Myra twisted into her seat to gaze up at him. “Your face is already covered in welts, what’s a few more?”

“Truly?” He frowned and reached up to touch his cheeks.

Myra laughed aloud. “I but jest!”

Daniel shook his head. “Sadly, I thought it might be true. Your hair could be its own weapon.”

“If only I could control it so well.”

Daniel chuckled. “Women would most definitely be a formidable force if they could all use their hair to render us helpless.”

“What’s to say we don’t already?” Myra winked.

She’d never winked at a man before, but found it to be such a natural reaction. To her surprise, Daniel started, his eyes locking on hers.

“And your eyes… Are they too a weapon?” he asked.

“I shall never reveal the secrets of feminine weapons,” Myra teased.

What was happening? She’d suddenly become this bold woman. Winking and teasing a man about feminine wiles. Daniel brought out this side of her and it was not unwelcome.
She enjoyed teasing him, playing
words. She liked the way he looked at her, a mixture of wonder and desire. It made her feel special—and this expression was not one she’d ever seen him use on another. Not that she’d been with him all the time, but he’d certainly not looked at the women at Foulis that way, nor the wench at the tavern who offered to service him. It almost seemed liked that expression was just for her.

Oh, zounds
! What was she doing getting carried
They were
simply flirting. They’d shared a
few kisses
it meant nothing. ’Twas simply what one did when pledged to marry. They had to get along
and it appeared they did have
a few things in common besides
each other’s company. Daniel couldn’t possibly think of her as someone special. She was simply a means to an end. His clan would no longer pester him about marrying and he could be comfortable knowing that he’d once been close to her family. That was all.

Then why did thinking about it like that hurt so much? Why did she want it to be real, to have his regard? To be special?

A male’s weapon
she supposed. Causing women to fall at their feet and beg for love and affection. She couldn’t remember so many interactions between her mother and father. She’d simply been too young to recall. Myra thought back on Rose and Byron. They appeared affectionate. Byron would place his hand on Rose’s shoulder and she to him if one was sitting and the other not. Their hands would brush every once in a while at meals, but come to think of it, Myra could not truly recall any affection.

That didn’t mean there wasn’t any behind closed doors. Rose seemed to be very happy and likewise had
. Oh, horse poo. Relationships between men and women were too complicated.

“Now what has ye frowning?” Daniel asked.

Myra’s eyes came back into focus and she realized she was staring up at him. She bit the tip of tongue and tried to come up with a quick reason.

“Just curious about how much time we have left upon the road.”

Daniel raised a brow.

Myra rolled her eyes. “My eye was not twitching.”

“So ye say.
A few days mayhap.
In fact—“ He turned to his man Leo. “Send three men ahead to Eilean Donan to advise of our arrival. Let them know a lady—m
y wife—shall be accompanying me and that I’ll need an immediate audience with the Bruce.

Myra’s stomach fluttered. In just a few short days she would be presented to the
King of Scotland as Lady Murray—wife of Laird Daniel Murray.

Chapter Fifteen


aniel stared into the distance.
The air was frigid where it hit his bare knees. He’d wrapped his plaid around the both of them which left his legs partially exposed.
The sun shone like a bright golden orb, larger than usual due to its glowing affect
the whiteness of the snow. Winter was always Daniel’s favorite season. He loved Yule festivities, the beauty of snow and ice. Sitting before a roaring fire with a maid or three.
Now he could envision sitting before the hearth with Myra on his lap. He’d hold a cup of warm, spiced wine to her lips, then kiss the droplets that spilled. They’d make love on the bearskin rug
in his chamber

His body immediately reacted to that thought.
Blood fired with an intense hunger, need for Myra. All that passion surged to his cock
making him rigid
. I
f she moved just an inch backward, she’d know it
—and he’d be groaning with the pain of un-fulfillment.
’Twas going to be wicked hard to wait until they returned to Blair
, made things official and he could finally make love to Myra with all he had and more. He wanted to hear her sighs of pleasure, cries of passion. Knowing he was the only man to have ever kissed her was certainly a powerful feeling, but to teach her how to make love, to pleasure him… That was something altogether potent

However, the journey to Blair was not imminent. Daniel wasn’t even sure of how long it would be until they traveled to his home.
He’d planned on staying at Eilean Donan until the spring. That was three months away at least.

Until that time, how could
Daniel be satisfie
d with tame kisses and touching?
He wanted it all. ’Haps the Bruce would insist they wed for certain with him rather than wait until spring. Daniel’s mother would be angry she missed it, but
considering the alternative—not marrying at all—he thought she wouldn’t balk too much.

What if the Bruce did not
suggest such
? Daniel’s lips curled when a clever, thoroughly debouched idea came to mind. ’Haps the lass would be open to practicing other exploits without actually completing the
act. There were so many other things lovers could do for pleasure…

And just like that, his cock pulsed even more, grew hard as stone and was not likely to calm for some time. Daniel tried
to think of something else, anything to get his mind off ravaging Myra atop his horse, upon the grassy meadow, against a tree…

He groaned under his breath and shifted in the saddle.

“Is aught amiss?” Myra said, her teeth chattering.

Daniel gritted his teeth as he wrapped her tighter in his plaid. She was cold, and he’d not let his lusty thoughts interfere with keeping her warm.

“Aye. ’Tis frigid.”

She nodded and allowed herself to snuggle a little closer. This ride was so much different than past rides together. No more stiffness—other than his cock—they’d crossed a bridge of sorts.

Daniel continued to study the landscape, intent on getting his mind off the lush behind that kept nudging against his thighs and sporran.

The road was clear of other riders. Occasionally
they passed someone traveling the r
Myra would stiffen until it was clear the passerby w
no threat.
Most of those they passed minded their own business, and Daniel was grateful for it. ’Twas too damn cold.

’d left their mountain shelter
and though they wouldn’t be able to travel for more than a few hours before the sun set, it
had been
imperative that they set about their way.

Not only did Daniel not want to get caught in another snow storm which would only delay them further, he wanted Myra to relay her message.
In just a couple of days they would reach Eilean Donan and he still did not know everything behind the attack from Ross and what the message was that Myra needed to
But he was aware that whatever she needed to relay was crucial.

Life and death.

Those were Rose’s words. Myra
so too. He only wished she’d open up to him about it.
They’d established a trust of sorts—her supple body against his, their kisses, the truths they shared were evidence of that. Even still,
Daniel had his doubts about whether Myra would bring up the topic.
She was a stubborn lass, and he could say with near certainty she wouldn’t broach it without being asked. That fact was a great testament to her loyal nature. She would indeed make him a good wife.

Leaning forward so that his mouth was close to her ear—he convinced himself he did this because of the wind when in fact the breeze was quite tame—he said, “Myra, I want to ask ye something.”

She turned sharply, nearly knocking into his face.
“Aye?” Her brows were narrowed and she looked at him uncertainly.

Her abrupt movements c
ould have been bad
. H
e could have ended up with a broken nose as well as a
whipped face.
He jolted back with a sharp laugh. “I think ye do have it
for me.”

Myra smiled, the gesture brightening her countenance. “Mayhap. What did ye want to ask me?”

“’Tis about Foulis.”

Immediately she shuttered her eyes, her face expressionless and she turned back to face the road beyond. “What do ye want to know?”

“I want ye to trust me,” Daniel said softly against her ear.

“I do.”
She nodded, almost like she was telling herself as well as him.

“Then, please, Myra, tell me what happened. I want to help ye. To protect ye. Your people are my people too now—albeit we have n
officially wed, I do consider ye my wife all the same.”

Myra sighed deeply and he could sense her hesitation.

shut him out again
Daniel wasn’t sure he could accept that. They had to move forward, not backward.

“Dinna deny me again.” His voice came out harsher than intended and Myra stiffened, sitting taller which moved her a few inches away from him.

The wind whistled
through the space between them, reminding Daniel just how cold it was outside.


She shook her head, cutting him off.

Ye’ve been very patient with me, Daniel. I know that to offer me protection, marriage and not to know the extent of what ye’re getting into, must be…difficult

He nodded, then realized she couldn’t see him. “Aye. But it didna sway me not to.
I only seek to know so I may better protect ye.

“Ye’re a good man.”
Her voice was soft, full of some unspoken emotion.

No one had ever told him that before. He was stunned by how much it meant to hear those words.
Hadn’t realized how much he needed to hear that he was a good person.

“Thank ye, lass.”

She didn’t say anything for several moments prompting Daniel to speak again. “Does that mean ye’ll not tell me more?”

She chuckled. “Nay, ’tis that I was trying to think of a way to say it. But there is no way to phrase it that makes it any less painful for me.”

Hearing the scared tone in her voice made Daniel’s heart clench, made him want to hurt whoever hurt her.
If he could
Daniel would take away all of her pain. He’d absorb it so she didn’t have to.
“Take your time. We’ve a long ride.”

Myra nodded.
Daniel settled in, thinking it would be awhile before she spoke, and he didn’
t mind in the least.
plans to be made for the training of the men, for how he’d approach the Bruce, for the different ways he’d seduce Myra…

But he didn’t have to wait as long as he thought.

“I was in the chapel—’tis attached to the gallery above the great hall—when I heard a loud crash and shouts.”

Myra’s gloved hands slipped around his as he held her at her waist.
Daniel tried to picture Foulis and recalled the great gallery above where Byron had several musicians playing during the feast. The chapel must have been well hidden for he didn’t recall seeing a doorway. Good thing since it probably saved her life.

“I called for my maid but she wasn
there. When I opened the door I heard the most horrendous noise. A battle cry.”

A chill slipped up Daniel’s spine. He could only imagine her fear. Myra shivered in front of him and he pulled her closer until her back rested upon his chest
once more
He’d offer his strength to her now, and prayed it would help calm her, give her the courage to continue with her story. Then again, Myra was so filled with courage, he wasn’t sure he could ever give her more. She was the strongest woman he’d ever met. Been through more than most and come out on top. He was proud of her.

I took to the hidden corridors
—the ones I told you about. I
searched the castle until I came upon Rose
’s wife
. She told me that Foulis had been attacked, that Byron was dead.
That everyone was dead.
” She choked on the word dead
, her voice strained

Daniel placed a comforting kiss on top of her head, took a moment to breath
in her heady scent.

“She was wrong. I found Byron hidden within the walls. He wasn
dead yet. He told me of
his ally’s
treachery, that I had to save Rose and that I had to give the Bruce a message.”
She sighed heavily. “I’ve done
most of what
he asked so far. Rose and her bairn are safe within the walls of Dunrobin. And now I just have to deliver the message. Pray that Eilean Donan is still standing.”

“Why would it not be, lass?” Daniel kept his voice low, unthreatening. He waited,
chest tight,
for her answer.
Her words were ominous and sent a surge of urgency through him.

the Earl of
Ross attacked Foulis. Ross is the Bruce’s most trusted ally, yet he is not loyal to Scotland. He is in league with the English.”

… Daniel
gritted his teeth, the base of his skull starting to throb
. He’d gathered from her dream that Ross played a part in the massacre, but he’d never dreamed the man was in league with the
Sassenachs. Demons all of them, minions to Longshanks, the devil himself
A demon within the midst could prove fatal.
Myra’s journey to Scotland’s
king was even more vital than he’d originally thought. The Ross could have already made it to the war camp and attacked
—brought in an army of Sassenachs
. After having destroyed Foulis the man would be feeling all powerful.
An ally that was actually your enemy was a man’s worst nightmare.

There was one thing, however, that did not make any sense.
“Why would he attack Foulis?” Daniel asked, suddenly confused.

Myra let out another deep sigh, as if she’d been expecting him to ask this but hoped he wouldn’t.

Because my brother knew of his change of allegiance.
He’d been warned. ’Twas the conversation I’d
wouldna have allowed
us to marry. Ross is a prideful man, and starving for power and coin. The more the better.
Knowing Byron was going to call off the marriage prompted him to take Foulis
by force
. Thank God I escaped, or else I’d be…

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