The Highlander's Lady (21 page)

Read The Highlander's Lady Online

Authors: Eliza Knight

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Scottish, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance

BOOK: The Highlander's Lady
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Daniel slid his mouth away from hers, down her tender neck, nipping at the spot where her pulse vibrated. He slid lower, not stopping
until he’d captured a taut nipple between his lips. Myra moaned aloud, the sound thrilling him, making his cock harder than stone.
There was no going back now. They’d crossed a bridge—
over it.

He sucked a little harder, gripping her breast, massaging it as he feasted on one nipple and then the other.
But it was not all he wanted. After seeing the pink of her sex, he wanted that too. Wanted to taste her with the fierceness of a starving man. He slid his hands around her waist and lifted her into the air.

“Daniel, what are ye doing?” she asked, her voice shocked, swollen mouth open.

Daniel answered with another kiss. He grappled for the linen towel he’d se
n beside the tub, and
it over her wet skin.
His entire body was afire, for even the act of rubbing the cloth over her lush limbs, flat belly, round breasts and buttocks was completely erotic.
She was everything he wanted and more. Fear of losing her again lingered on the edges of his consciousness. If only she felt the same way about him.

She shivered, bit her lip and stared at him, waiting for an answer.

“Drying ye off.”

“But I’ve not yet finished my bath.”

“I’ll put ye back in soon.”

“What are ye doing now?”

“Ravishing ye.”

Her mouth fell open, silent question still on her lips.
Resistance to kissing her was futile. He did so with abandon,
sucking on
plump lips and running his tongue over her smooth teeth.
the damp towel somewhere behind him
, he
picked her up again, one hand behind her back and the other beneath her knees. She clung to him, shivering—he hoped
from desire and not only the chill of the room.

Daniel laid her gently on the bed, coming down on top of her,
ing to keep her warm. She watched his every move, curiosity and hunger in her gaze.

“How will ye ravish me?” she asked.

“Ye’re not as shy as I’d have expected,” he murmured. “Then again, ye’ve surprised me at every turn.”

Myra smiled
wickedly, even though she blushed like mad
. “I’ve seen many things behind the walls of Foulis.
Things that have made me…curious. I’d never thought to be in a position to experience them.

He raised a brow. “Oh, aye? Like what?”

Myra’s eyes widened, her lips forming a shocked little O.

“Did ye think I wouldna ask?” he teased, nipping at her chin.


Daniel chuckled deeply as he slid his lips over her neck, and then up to her ear to whisper. “I want to know everything ye saw. Did ye see lovers kiss as we have?”


“And do this?” He slid his tongue along her chest until he reached her breasts where he once more teased her nipples to taut peaks.

“Mmm…” she moaned, gripped his shoulders.

“What about this?” He moved lower, taking his time to kiss her belly, her hip, lick and nip her sensitive flesh. Her stomach quivered, her fingers dug deeper into h
slid up to rake through his hair. He liked the way she touched him, the way it sent shivers of pleasure rushing through him.

He glanced up, saw that her
gaze was
firmly placed on his, watching his every move. Daniel slid even lower, nudging her thighs apart. He breathed hotly on her mound. Myra’s lips parted in a carnal moan, but still she watched him.

“And this, lass? Did ye see lovers do this?”

She swallowed hard, her breaths coming in pants. And then she nodded. Her eyes were afire, her cheeks flaming red, and she pulled on his head, as though begging him to do just what he wanted.

He’d not wait any longer to taste the slick, pink folds she offered him. Daniel nuzzled her dark curls, widened her legs. Used his thumbs to part her slick folds and then delved inside. He tasted her slowly, lazily, reveling in every one of her hitched breaths and moans.
Their eyes remained locked on one another. Scorching. Exhilarating. Blood rushed with
force through his veins. Daniel
quickened the pace, flicking his tongue rapidly over her little nub of pleasure.
Watched her watching him.

Myra cried out, her eyes finally closing as her head fell backward. Her thighs shook as they clenched his face and her hands fisted in his hair. Daniel was relentless in his pursuit of her pleasure. He slid a finger inside her tight sheath, in and out,
g what he wished to do with his cock. His own desire raged and pulsed, but he wouldn’t stop
. N
ot until—

Back arching, legs stiffening, Myra let out a shriek as a climax rippled through her. Her sex quivered, slick and hot. He continued to lave at her until the fluttering of her peak subsided.

Myra fell back against the pillows, her body trembling, expression sated. She smiled, blinked open hazy eyes and gazed at him.

“That was…” She licked her lips, fingers clenching in the bedclothes.

“Aye?” he goaded.


“Everything ye thought?”
He kissed her inner thigh, sliding up her body.

“And more.” She slid her hand up his arm, touched
his neck and tugged him close for a kiss.

Daniel let himself sink against her, his cock fitted against the heat of her. He delved his tongue inside her mouth, kissing her with all the passion he possessed. But he had to pull back, or else he would flip up his plaid and

“Is it always like this?” she asked.

“That and better.”

“With…everything?” Her cheeks flamed redder than they already were.

“Are ye referring to the bedding?”

She nodded.

“Aye. At first there might be a pinch, since ye’re a maiden, but after ’twill only be pleasure, I can promise ye that.”

She smiled. “Thank ye, Daniel.”

“For what?”

“For caring about my pleasure.”

“Aye, lass. I’d not be married to a woman I didna wish to see fulfilled.”

“There are men who dinna,” she said thoughtfully, glancing away.

“What do ye mean?”

She shrugged. “’Tis only I doubt that the Ross would have sought to please me.”

Daniel shook his head. “I canna imagine that he would. The man is evil, selfish and only out for himself.”

Myra nodded. “He’s the incarnation of the devil himself.” Her voice was filled with bitterness.

The moment of spellbinding perfection
. Daniel was once more filled with rage.
would pay for what he’d
done to Myra, to their country. He prayed that the Bruce was safe and that Wallace and his men were able to get to him soon.

A loud, swift knock sounded at the door.

“Daniel, I need to speak with ye.”

Daniel sighed deeply, his gaze meeting Myra’s. “’Tis my cousin Ronan. I’d best see what he needs.” Louder
he called to his cousin, “Be out in a minute.”

Myra nodded. “Aye. Please…”

Daniel shifted off the bed and grabbed her chemise, tossing it to her before he picked up his sporran. He glanced toward her, taking in the sudden vulnerability that covered her expression as she shyly slipped back into her chemise.

“Will ye tell me what is happening?”

Daniel stepped forward, pressed his palm to her cheek. “Rest assured, as my wife, ye will always be informed.”

Chapter Nineteen


s soon as the door closed, Myra sank onto the bed and let out the breath she’d been holding. What in the world had just happened? How had she allowed it to happen? Her body had taken over her mind, that was how. Desire had drugged her, intoxicated her and she’d been helpless to do anything but enjoy the pleasure Daniel gave her.

And enjoyed was an understatement. She wanted him to rush back to the room and do it again. She wante
d to explore his body, kiss his— What had she hear
the women say? Cock? Kiss his cock
and see if he gained just as much pleasure from i
t as she had. Having watched a woman
do so before
, she had an idea that he would.

A sharp knock jolted her from her thoughts. Myra rushed to throw the simple gown over her head and then opened the door. Marta greeted her with a discreet nod.

“My la
dy, we would clean up the bath. And I’ve brought a new gown and underthings for ye. They were the late lady of the castle’s, and I thought ye could use them.”

Marta held out a soft wool gown, dark green in color with gold ancient swirls on the hem and sleeves.

“Thank ye.”

“’Tis my pleasure, my lady. They ought to get some use and ’tis a shame for ye to be in that wretched gown, pardon my frankness.”

Myra smiled. “’Tis horrid, I agree.”

swiftly removed her old garments and donned the new ones. She ran her hands over the soft new
them up and
proceeded to tug
on her boots
. She had no intention of staying in this room. If Daniel was going to allow his wife to always be informed, then he wouldn’t mind if she came down to find him and Ronan while they spoke. And if
he did mind, she would simply find a way to listen in. After all, she was very good at sneaking around.

Your husband has requested that ye sup in here. He bade me tell ye that he would return as soon as he could, but not to wait for his return before ye eat.”

Myra frowned. So he would tell her she could be informed but then make sure she didn’t come down with him? Placing her hands on her hips, she tapped her fingers as she thought on the housekeeper’s words. She nodded, instead of responding. There was no way she was going to stay put, but the housekeeper didn’t need to know that.

“I’ve already asked the kitchen to send up a platter. Should be here—” Another knock interrupted her. “Now, I see.”

Marta opened the door and in came three servants carrying trays of food and drink. They set it out on the small table that had previously held her soaps. The servants bowed their way out, and Myra waited patiently as Marta straightened the room and then left as well.
Finally. She thought Marta would never leave.

The scents the food sent up smelled heavenly. Myra grabbed a hot pastry filled with meat, burning her tongue on the first bite. She blew out her breath, trying to cool her tongue and then took another hot bite.
elicious. She
down the pastry, but the rest would have to wait. She needed to find out what it was Ronan needed to speak with Daniel about. Could be about the Bruce, could be about Ross, she didn’t know, but she intended to be informed now, not when Daniel was ready for her.

Before trying the door that led to the corridor, Myra examined every wall, corner, nook and cranny within the room to decipher if there was a hidden entrance. Sadly, there wasn’t.
Well, she could easily find her way downstairs as everyone else did—the actual staircase.

She slipped out the main chamber door, glad there was no one outside or within view. The corridor was dark and shadows jumped every few feet. Myra took a moment to gain her bearings and let her eyes adjust then tried to remember which way she’d come from the stairs. The left she thought. Oh, why hadn’t she paid more attention?

Moving toward the left, she walked silently down the hall until she came to the end. No stairs. Ugh. It had been the right then. She turned around and began walking the other way. Coming to a stop
, she
herself to the wall when someone stepped up to the door she believed was hers and placed their ear to the wood. Who could be eavesdropping on

Biting her lip to keep from asking that very question, she watched as the figure retreated in the opposite direction. Well, this put her in a conundrum. Should she follow the
eavesdropper or try to find Daniel? There was always the option of getting information from Daniel later. She wouldn’t be able to figure out who was spying on her though.

Myra slid along the wall, keeping a safe distance from the person who slipped just as stealthily as she down the stairs and rounded a corner away from the great hall. They came into the light just long enough that she could see it was a
male servant.
Not one she immediately recognized. As Myra continued to follow the woman, she tried to think back on every face she’d seen since arriving.
The somber, noble profile
of the person she followed did not match any of the servants she’d come into contact with so far.

Suddenly, the woman stopped, stilled as if listening. Myra jerked within an alcove just as the servant turned. Had she made a noise and not realized it? Myra shook her head. No. She’d been sure to be silent. The woman was most likely on edge from having been spying.
nerves prickl
. The click of heels sounded just outside the alcove—almost indiscernible save for Myra had been waiting for it. She held
her breath. Expected the servant to peek into the alcove, but
ing to have lost her nerve, the woman took off at a run.


Myra slipped from the alcove and tried to follow, but lost the trail as the woman dashed down one corridor and then another.
stopped when she reached the kitchens, Cook and her many servants glancing up from their work.

“Can we help ye? Did ye not find the meal satisfying?” Cook asked, a frown marring her features.

“Nay, ’twas delicious. I was simply looking for someone.”

One of the scullions turned to glance
toward the back entrance to the kitchens.
Her spy would be long gone now…

“There’s no one here.” Cook’s lips pressed together as she glanced around the kitchen.

Myra was immediately on edge. They knew who’d been spying on her, who she’d been looking for, but they would keep quiet about it. That made her nervous. Were they in league with Ross? Were all the occupants in danger?

She suppressed a shiver and made her way back toward her room. Waiting for Daniel within the confines of her chamber may be safer considering they could have very well just landed inside a den of vipers. As soon as she closed the door behind her, Myra lifted the heavy slab of wood and barred the door. She looked under the bed and behind the chairs
and tapestries
to make sure no one hid within. All was empty.

Now she simply had to wait for Daniel’s return.

Myra sat in one of the wooden chairs and stared at the mound of food before her. Her foot tapped nervously on the floor and she kept her arms crossed over her chest. She felt like a
easy target
, her
only weapon,
dirk at her hip. She knew how to use it, that was for sure
she only prayed no one but Daniel tried to come through her door. Even Marta was
suspect in her mind. The woman had after all taken an enormous amount of time in leaving when she’d left the food.

Myra leaned her head back against the chair. She’d thought for certain once she reached Eilean Donan she would be safe—well relatively safe, given that Ross was considered an ally to the
King of Scotland.

The handle of the chamber door jiggled violently causing Myra to jump.
She gripped the dirk at her hip and tip-toed toward the door
, prepared to strike

“Myra, ’tis Daniel. O
pen the door.”

Acute relief filled her. She sheathed her dirk and lifted the bar. When he came in, she was surprised how glad she was to see him. She was also surprised by the instant sweep of desire that filled her. Turning away from him, she walked toward one of the slitted windows and pretended to be occupied with gazing at the courtyard below—except, she suddenly was. There was the woman, racing across the bailey toward the stables.

“Daniel, who is that?” she asked, her voice frantic.

Daniel rushed toward the window and gazed out, but the woman had already disappeared inside the stables.


“A woman
. Let us wait. S
he may yet come out.”


Myra told Daniel of how she’d seen the person spying and followed her, only to lose her in the kitchens.

“Why were ye out
n the corridor?”

She’d forgotten about that one part… “I was looking for the privy.”

Daniel seemed to take her at her word. “Are ye sure she was spying and not simply coming to check on your meal?”

Myra shook her head. “Nay, she was most definitely spying.”

Daniel nodded. “
I’ve an idea t
his place is full of

“What do you mean?”

“Ronan believes there is more than
Ross who has sided with England. We must be constantly on alert.”

Myra’s heartbeat shot up. When she spoke, her voice came out a croak. “Truly? Here?”

Daniel nodded, then pointed below. “Is that her?”

Myra glanced down, seeing the woman sneak from the stables back toward the kitchen. What could she have been doing? Delivering a message? Sending one? She could only nod, her throat suddenly swollen. They were in danger.

“I’ll be back.”

, wait! Dinna leave me here. Take me with ye.”

Daniel frowned and shook his head. “Nay, I canna. ’Tis too dangerous.
Ye must stay here. Bar the door.”

“If ye leave me here, I will only follow ye,” she threatened.

“Myra”—he gripped her shoulders, forcing her to glance at him—“dinna be foolish. I’ve just told ye there are enemies everywhere and we’re not even sure who is who. I need to go speak to the servant and find out what she’s about.
Ye’ll only be a distraction.”

Myra tried to be offended but she couldn’t
. H
e was right. Daniel would be quicker about getting the information if he didn’t have to worry about her. Not that she would prove to be the distraction that he thought she might be, but that wouldn’t change his mind. Even if she was silent as the grave, invisible, he’d still worry. Then he’d not get the information.

“Would ye feel better if ye’d more of a weapon than your dirk?

She nodded solemnly.

“Then take my sword.” He pulled the claymore from his back and held it out to her.

The handle was carved and studded with a large emerald. And was heavier than a tree. She’d not expected that. Myra used all of her strength to hold it.

“Hurry back.”

“Aye, my lady.” He bowed low to her in a show of mock chivalry, which only brought a smile to her face.

“Ye can try to jest, Laird Murray, but I know deep inside ye’re a gentleman.”

“Only for ye.”

She wished to kiss him, to pretend that none of the dangerous problems were clouding above them. But that wasn’t possible and it wasn’t realistic. She shoved him playfully toward the door.

“Go, so ye can hurry back and tell me what the scamp was doing.”

Daniel chuckled as he departed. She quickly put the board up on
the door and sat down to wait, the weighted claymore
on her lap.
One wrong move and she might cut herself.
Whisky would be good about now. She glanced at the jug of wine and poured a healthy cup.
Wine would do too.

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