The Highlander's Lady (25 page)

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Authors: Eliza Knight

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Historical, #Romance, #Scottish, #Historical Fiction, #Historical Romance

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“Aye.” He moved her hand toward his thickness, pressing her fingers around him.

His silky flesh pulsed in her grip. Daniel guided her hand back and forth from the base to the tip. His breaths increased, and his hand covering hers trembled. He liked this stroking. She tightened her grip a little, growing bolder, and explored the soft tip with her fingers.

When he’d put his mouth between her thighs, she’d wondered if he’d enjoy that. Judging from how he was reacting from her hand, Myra was pretty sure he would. Without asking, she knelt before him. Daniel’s hand still covered hers, but she still
her movements.

“What are ye doing?” he rasped.

“This.” She leaned forward, licked the tip.

Daniel groaned loud, enticing her to lick him again. She licked around the tip, then up and down the length, kissing his shaft as she went.


“Aye?” She glanced up at him, seeing the veins in his neck bulging as though he held himself back.

“That feels good.”

Myra smiled, licking the tip again.

“Can ye…”
he asked through a moan.


jaw tightened
looked as if he
to work to find the right words. “I want ye to put my cock in your mouth.”

Her eyes widened. Now this she hadn’t seen…
Kissing was the extent of it. But she admitted the idea of putting his
shaft in her mouth was extremely tantalizing.
Not wanting to wait until her nerves took over, Myra wrapped her lips around his flesh and sucked. Daniel let out a feral grow
that had every inch of her body tingling. He liked this. And she liked it too. Instinctively, she moved her mouth up and down the length of him, taking in the sensual scent and taste of his salty flesh.

Several strokes later, Daniel yanked back, gripped her about the waist and lifted her into the air.


“’Tis too much for me, lass… I’m about to come undone
your sweet little mouth.”

The way he growled the words made her shiver. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his hips as he carried her to the bed. Daniel laid her down gently, covering her with his body. They stared at one another for several moments, their eyes locked in a heated stare, forehead to forehead, nose to nose.

“Are ye sure?”

“Aye,” she said. “I know I said I wanted to wait until we reached your home, but…”

“Ye didna have any plans to make it there

Myra smiled through her haze of desire. “Ye know me too well.”

Daniel chuckled, then turned serious. “And now?
Ye said ye’d be my wife.

“Without a doubt. I aim to stay by your side.”

Daniel’s shoulders relaxed, as though he’d fully expected her to shun him. She wanted to tell him how much he meant to her. But while she was willing to share the intimacy of her body with him, she wasn’t quite ready to share her innermost feelings.

“Make love to me, Daniel.”

“’Tis the second time ye’ve asked me that tonight. I’m not making ye a verra good husband.”

Myra stroked his cheek, kissed him, sucking on his lip and slipping her tongue inside his mouth to tease him for several strokes. “Ye are the best of husbands.”

Daniel laughed. “And ye’ve had so many.” He nuzzled her neck, nipping at the skin where her heart raced.

“I’ve seen many,” she whispered, tilting her head to the side to give him better access.

“Ah, I’d forgotten
my little
secret watche

“I…” Her voice faltered and
filled her cheeks.

Daniel laughed, and nuzzled her breasts. “Dinna be embarrassed. I say, we go to Foulis and spy ourselves… Make love behind the walls.”

“I will hold ye to that promise.”

Daniel settled himself between her thighs, his large shaft probing at the space that was slick and quivering. But he didn’t surge forward as she expected. He slid his fingers between the folds, stroking over the knot of flesh that fired
sensation throughout her body, making her legs shake and her toes curl. She cried out when he slid a finger inside her and then pulled out. He repeated the move with two fingers, all while stroking over her sensitive nub. Myra panted, feeling her body vibrate, recognizing the sensations that h
ad held her captive before. Her breath caught, back arched and legs instinctively bent upward, hips tilting up. Daniel continued to work her until spasms of pleasure gripped her tight then tossed her to the wind.

Before her body had a chance to come down from the high of her climax, Daniel surge
forward. His length was a thick, painful invasion as he broke through her barrier and filled her completely. Myra cried out more from the shock of his plunge than from the pain. He settled all the way to the hilt, his pelvis pressed tightly to her
s. Her insides quivered, pulsed and while she wanted him to pull out of her body, she wanted him to plunge deeper.

‘Twas an odd sensation of wanting but not wanting. Myra shifted beneath him, about to ask him if he could stop now when doing so had her gasping with pleasure. How quickly her body recovered from the last shattering of sensation, wanting more.

“Are ye all right, love?” Daniel asked.

Myra took a chance to glance up at his face, unsure of when she’d squeezed her eyes tight. Daniel looked strained once more, his eyes cloudy with pleasure and concern.


“What about now?” He slowly pulled
, then gently slid back inside.

“Oh, aye,” Myra sighed.

Daniel repeated the motion, slowly increasing the pace until she met him thrust for thrust.

“Oh, Daniel…” Myra panted, hardly able to catch a breath. She held on tight to his shoulders, bringing her legs up around his hips
only increased the pleasure of his movements. Myra could no longer think, breathe. All she could do was feel, react.

Her body trembled, wanting desperately to reach that point again where she saw stars. To think earlier in the day she’d been planning on leaving him, never looking back. Sharing her body, some of herself with him…‘twas life changing.

“Myra, lass, God I…” Daniel trembled above her, sweat trickling over his temple.

But Myra couldn’t concentrate on the words he said. Blood rushed in her ears, loud as water crashing from a tall fall as it landed inside a loch. Every inch of her sang in
pleasure. Two more steady strokes of his body and she was crying out his name, clinging to his sweat-slick back and afraid she’d
from the sheer magic of it.

Daniel groaned loud, shuddering, his thick length pulsing inside her. They lay unmoving save fo
r the trembling of their limbs.

Myra wasn’t aware she’d fallen asleep until a sharp knock on the door woke her. Dani
el mumbled from behind where he
cradled her. He ignored the knock, instead kissing her on the nape of her neck, his hand exploring the length of her ribs.

“Morning, love,” he whispered in her ear.

“Daniel! Come out! The Bruce has returned and wants a word with ye in the great hall.” The voice of his cousin, Ronan, was a bitter-sweet reminder of where they were and that they had to now return to reality
—a world fraught with unrest and the entire country’s fate hanging in the balance

Chapter Twenty-Three


lthough Daniel took his time leaving their chamber, making sure to kiss Myra leisurely and thoroughly, inside he was eager to get down to the great hall. Ronan
have woken him unless the Bruce’s need was urgent.

Whipping on his plaid he left the comfort of
their chamber
behind. In the great hall
the Bruce sat at the head of a trestle table, Wallace by his side.
Their leader looked worse for wear. His eyes had more wrinkles gripping the corners and several more streaks of grey in his hair than he’d had last time Daniel saw him.
Surrounding the rest of the table were Ronan and several other key players in the Bruce’s court. Daniel looked from the various earls, chieftains and warriors wondering if any of them were going to betray their leader as Ross had.

Daniel settled onto the bench in a spot Ronan had left open for him. Julianna sauntered into the room carrying a tray of food and set it in front of the Bruce. She whispered something in his ear and he nodded. The room was very obviously devoid of other servants
—testament to the nature of Bruce’s need for counsel
. Julianna stood several feet away, fully within hearing distance of everything that would be said. Myra and Ronan trusted her, but Daniel wasn’t sure he could. There was something odd about her.

“Murray,” the Bruce’s voice boomed down the length of the table. “I hear ye came with a lass to deliver me a message.”

Daniel nodded. “Aye, but ‘twas not my message to relay.”

“Your woman’s?” the Bruce asked.

Daniel again nodded.

“Who is she?” he asked.

“I am Myra Munro, Chief of the Munro clan.”

The men fell silent
, pushing back their benches to stand.
Daniel had to keep his mouth from dropping. He turned slowly to see that Myra stood in the doorway, head held high. She looked every bit the laird with her rigid stanc
e, the stubborn set in her jaw
, fire in her eyes
. He waited for her to catch his
, but she didn’t. The woman stared straight at the Bruce, the silence in the room thick enough to drive an axe through.

“Chief Munro?” Robert the Bruce finally said.

“Aye. My brother was murdered a fortnight ago. His heir has yet to be born and until that time, I am Laird.”

had not truly thought of her as a leader before now, but the way she stood proudly telling all her place in the world, it became clear she was exactly that. The perfect wife for him. A woman who could stand beside him. He
was proud of the strength in her voice. That was
woman. He smiled, fully aware that such an image would not go unnoticed by others.

“I am sorry for your loss. I suspect the message ye brought was not only about that. Indeed, I have been made aware of who took your brother’s life and what your message was.” He nodded his head toward Wallace. “When Will found me, he informed me of your urgent need to see me.”

Myra inclined her head like a queen. “My thanks
Sir Wallace, for your help in my matter.”

“Ye need not give thanks, my lady. ‘Tis all of us who should be thanking ye.” Wallace bowed slightly as did the rest of the men at the table.

“I dinna understand.” Myra genuinely looked confused and Daniel wished to go to her.

The Bruce stood and came around the table, walking until he stood beside Myra. “My lady, I knew that Ross had switched sides. I thought to show him a certain amount of respect—
perhaps more than
give a rabid dog—by going to him, offering him something more to keep him on our side.
Often times with these wayward earls, ‘tis money. There’s no doubt that Longshanks has more of
than I do.
I’m not inclined to tax the people more than they are already being taxed. The entire country is drowning from the pressures of war and fighting the English. I’m their protector, their

Myra nodded as she studied him. Daniel was surprised to see that her expression was unreadable. Whenever they were together he could guess everything that she was thinking. Now here, with strangers, with
Robert the Bruce
, with Wallace, she was able to hide everything going on inside her mind. He couldn’t help but think that it was because she was comfortable with him
that she let down her guard—not so with these other men
. Another source of pride for Daniel.

“I’m not sure I understand what that has to do with me,” she said evenly.

The Bruce chuckled. “Allow me to further tell it then. Wallace caught up to me before I met with Ross. I will be eternally grateful for ye passing your message along. Ross is far beyond negotiating with.”

Myra smiled slightly and curtseyed. “’Twas my honor.”

The Bruce held out his hand and helped her stand.
“Ye are forever welcome at my court. And I welcome your input as a fellow leader among the Scots.”

“My thanks, but ‘tis my hope that I rule beside my husband, Laird Murray.”

The Bruce whirled around to face Daniel. “
This news was
relayed to me
—that ye were to marry

Daniel stood, kneeled in front of the Bruce. “
my lord. ‘Twas necessary for Lady Myra’s safety that we handfast.”

The Bruce looked to them both. “I’d heard of the lady’s betrothal to the Ross, is this the reason? I wouldna have allowed the marriage to take place.”

A noble thought, but Ross would have forced her in any case. “Nay, my lord. The lass was in danger when we met upon the road. She was alone on her way to your holding. I offered her my protection and my name.”

“Very gallant of ye, Murray.”

Daniel inclined his head, his eyes catching Myra’s which for a moment flashed gratefulness. He supposed she was thankful he didn’t mention the man she killed in the woods. She didn’t need to be ashamed of it, but all the same
was most likely not an event she wished to rehash.

“My lord,” she said, drawing the Bruce’s attention. “If I may…”

“Of course, my lady.”

“I met Laird Murray several years ago at Foulis. I had hopes then that he’d ask for my hand, but
then the arrangement with Ross was made
. I am more than pleased
our recent joining.”

Talk of a joining reminded Daniel of just how well they’d
the night before.
He shifted his stance, hoping his body’s reaction was not visible to anyone else. But the gleam in Myra’s eyes told him she noticed, and that she returned his desire.

“Well, I am not one to stand in the way of both a love match and a political one. Joining your two clans will indeed be a powerful ally. Any word on how your holding fares?”

Myra shook her head. “Nay, my lord. When I left ‘twas in a hurry and with smoke curling at my back. I hoped to return there as soon as I relayed my message to ye.”

The Bruce nodded. “Aye, ye should afore another storm like the one we had returns.”

Which could be any day. Daniel couldn’t allow Myra to get stuck inside another storm. The risk was too great. “I will go
. Y
e stay here where ye’ll be safe,” he offered.

Fire sparked in her eyes, which she quickly quelled with many watching.
When she did speak it was softly,
“Foulis is
my responsibility, my laird
I’d not wish to burden ye with it.”

“Foulis became my responsibility as well the moment we joined hands. I’ll not have ye exposed to more of this frigid weather.”

Myra’s lips thinned and he could practically hear her cursing his name from inside her mind. “We shall discuss who goes and when at a later time.”

He knew a dismissal when he got one and
ould see his wife meant to do just that. Daniel wasn’t of a mind to argue with her, especially not in front of everyone. “Verra well.”

“My lady, ye are welcome to join us at the table, but ‘tis not necessary. I wish to discuss the training of the men and what news I have of the English’s planned attack come spring.”

Myra nodded. “I would listen all the same.”

The Bruce nodded and turned to sit at his chair at the head of the trestle table. His arse had barely hit the seat when a loud boom cracked the air, the very walls seeming to shudder from it.
Everyone at the table jumped and Myra who’d been prepared to sit beside Daniel grabbed his arm tight. He glanced down at her, eyes widened, she looked frightened, and he could only imagine what was going through her mind.

“The Ross clan,” someone muttered.

Daniel watched as Julianna hurried
the room. He opened his mouth to call out to her but the
another loud boom rent the air.

“They are coming now,” the Bruce said.

“What do ye mean, now?” Daniel asked

“All the others were just threats. This is the real thing. The Ross will have noted I didna join him. The bastard thinks he’s more powerful than all of us because he’s sided with Longshanks. No pride in his own people or country. To your stations!” the Bruce shouted.

Men all around them ran to and fro, emptying the room. Daniel stood frozen for a moment, then turned to Myra. “Ye must go to our chamber. Bar the door.”

She shook her head vehemently. “Nay, Daniel. Dinna leave me.”

“I’m not leaving ye, lass, but I’ve got to help. Come
I will see ye to our chamber.”

He lifted her in his arms, prayi
ng this wasn’t the last time he hel
d her close. Taking the steps two at a time, Daniel ran up the circular stair and down the hall until he reached their chamber.

Myra clung to him, her arms wound around his neck, face buried on his shoulder. “Daniel… Ross is ruthless.”

“I know it, love,” he said softly. “I promise, I will come back for ye.”

Myra nodded, bit her lip. Daniel pressed his lips to hers, kissing her tenderly. He’d take the thought of her soft kiss and passionate nature with him while he fought the bastard

“Daniel, I—“ She clamped her lips closed.

“’Twill be all right, love. I swear it.” Unable to look at her any longer for fear he’d grab hold and never let go—not good considering his help was needed in fending off the enemy—Daniel rushed from the room.

Halfway down the hall he heard the distinct sound of the bar being put in place. Good. At least he could rush into the fray knowing Myra was safe.



Myra stared at the ba
red door. Counted the lines in the wood. Refused to let her mind take her back to that day a fortnight prior when the sounds of crashing had forever changed her wor
d. She placed her hands on the door, feeling the hard wood beneath, a few splinters threatening to sink
into her flesh. Leaning her forehead against the panels, she forced herself to take deep, even breaths.

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