The House of Rothschild (122 page)

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Authors: Niall Ferguson

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Böckel, Otto
Boer War
Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen
Boleo Company
Bolmida, Luigi
Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon, see Napoleon III, Emperor of France
bonds, bond market
Crimean War and
in interwar period
Italian unification and
price declines for
Rothschild dominance of
U.S. wars and
see also specific countries
Bontoux, Paul Eugène
Borne, Ludwig
Boulanger, Georges
Bradford, Lady
Brandeis, Goldschmidt & Co.
bonds of
debt of
railways in
Brett, Reginald
Bright, John
British Aerospace
British Aluminium Co.
British Coal
British Gas
British Newfoundland Corporation Ltd. (Brinco)
British Petroleum (BP)
British South Africa Company
Browne & Wingrove
Brownlow, Earl
Bruck, Baron
Bryan, William Jennings
Bryce, James
Bucks, Michael
Buenos Aires Water and Drainage Company
Bulgarian Horrors and the Question of the East
Bülow, Prince Bernhard von
Bunge, Nikolai K.
Burgess, Guy
Burma Ruby Mines company
Byrom, Peter
Caisse des Actions Réunies
Caisse de la Dette Publique
Caisse Générale des Chemins de Fers
Caisse Générale du Commerce et de l‘Indusrrie
Caixa de Conversão
California, gold rush in
Cambridge, Duke of
Cambridge University
Cameron, Ewen
Cameron, Rondo
Campagnie de la Méditerranée
Campbell, Lord Walter
Campbell, William
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry
Camphausen, Otto von
Campos-Salles, Manuel Ferraz
Cape Colony
Caprivi, Count Leo von
Carlyle, Thomas
Carnarvon, Earl of
Carnarvon, Marie Boyer Wombwell, Lady (Mina)
Carol I, King of Rumania
Carrington, Lord Rupert
Cassa del Commercio e delle Indusrrie
Cassel, Sir Ernest
Cassis, Youssef
Castellane, Maréchal de
Castiglione, Camilio
Catholics, Catholic Church .
Cave, Stephen
Cavour, Camillo di,
Cawston, George
Cecil, Lord Robert
Celman, Miguel
Central British Fund for German Jewry (later the Council for German Jewry)
Chamberlain, Austen
Chamberlain, Joseph
Anglo-German amity and
Changarnier, Nicolas
Channel Study Group
Chaplin, Harry
Charles Anthony of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen
Charlotte, Empress of Mexico
Charnacé Guy de
Charterhouse J. Rothschild
Chieves & Osborne
bonds of
Anglo-German amity and
railways in
Chirac, Auguste
Chirac, Jacques
Choiseul, duc de
Chotek, Count
Chovevei Zion Association
in Balkans
conversion to
origins of
see also
Catholics, Catholic Church
Churchill, Lord Randolph
Churchill, Sir Winston
Civil War, U.S.
C. J. Hambro & Son
Clarendon, George William Villiers, Lord
Clark, Gordon
Clarke, Sir Edward
Cleveland, Duchess of
Cleveland, Grover
Clive Holdings
Clotilde, Princess
Cluzel, Louis
Cohen, Albert
Cohen, Arthur
Cohen, Lionel
Cohn, Albert
Coin’s Financial School
Cologne-Minden Railroad
Colville, David
Colville, Jock
Committee of Assistance to Refugees
Common Market Banking Syndicate
Commonwealth Development Finance Co.
Compagnie Européenne de Banque
Compagnie Financière
Compagnie Française des Mines d‘Or et Exploration (CONFRADOR)
Compagnie Générale de Traction de Paris
Compagnie Immobilière
Compagnie du Nord
Compania de Salitre de Chile (COSACH)
Compania General de Crédito
Comptoir d‘Escompte
Congo, Belgian
Congress of Berlin (1878)
Congress of Paris (1856)
Coningsby, or, The New Generation
Conservative party, British (Tory party)
disabilities bill and
military-financial complex and
Rothschild disillusionment with
Consolidated Gold Fields
Cooke, Jay
Cooper, Sir Frank
copper mining
Cordier, Charles-Henri
Corry, Montagu
Cowley, Earl
Cramptons, Hanbury & Co.
Creditanstalt (Imperial and Royal Austrian Credit Institute for Commerce and Industry)
Depression and
Credit Foncier
Credit Foncier and Mobilier of England
Credit Immobilièr
Crédit Lyonnais
Crédit Mobilier,
Creditanstalt compared with
Crimean War and
demise of
pan-European aspirations of
Crédito Mobilario Español
Crémieux, Adolphe
Crewe, Marquess of
Crewe, Peggy Rosebery, Marchioness
Crimean War
Cripps, Fred
Crispi, Francesco
Cromer, Evelyn Baring, Lord
Cross, Richard
Cullen, Jeffrey
Cumberland, Duke of
Currie, Bertram
Curzon, George, Lord
Cuza, Prince Nicholas
Cyon, Elie de (alias Ily Fadeyevich Tsion)
Daily News
Daily Telegraph
Dairnvaell, Georges
Daladier, Edouard
Dalhousie, Earl of
Damascus Jews
Darmstädter Bank für Handel und Industrie
Davidson, Benjamin
Davidson, Nathaniel
Davidson brothers
Davies, Hugh
Dawkins, Clinton
De Beers Consolidated
De Beers Mining Company
Decazes, Louis Charles Amadieu
de Crano, Edmund
Decree of Muharrem
de Gaulle, Charles
Delagoa Bay
Delahante, Gustave
Delane, John Thadeus
Delcassé, Théophile
Delors, Jacques
Democrats, Democratic party, U.S.
Depression, Great
Derby, Earl of
Eastern Question and
Dervieu, André
Dervieu, Edouard
de Savigny, Karl Friedrich
Deutsch-Asiatische Bank
Deutsche Bank
Deutsche de la Meurthe
Devey, George
Devonshire, Duke of (formerly Lord Hartington)
Dewar, Thomas
Dickens, Charles
Dilke, Sir Charles
Discount Bank
Disraeli, Benjamin
anti-Semitism and
Bismarck’s messages for
death of
debts of
Eastern Question and
family background of
Franco-Prussian War and
imperialism and
Jewish emancipation and
Lionel’s friendship with
mixed marriages and
Natty’s views on
novels of
Polish revolt and
Reform Bill and
Suez Canal and
Disraeli, Coningsby
Disraeli, Isaac
Disraeli, Mary Anne
Douglas, Stephen A.
Dresdner Bank
Dreyfus, Alfred
Drouyn de Lhuys
Drouyn de Lhuys, Mme.
Drumont, Edouard
du Barry, Madame
Dufferin, Lord
Duncombe, Thomas
Dundas, Henry
Dundas, J.C.
Duveen, Lord
Eastern European Jews
Anglicization of
see also specific countries
Eastern Rumelia
Eckardstein, Baron Hermann von
Edinburgh Review
Edward VII, King of England
bonds of
British occupation of
debt of
Eichmann, Adolf
Elisabeth, Empress of Austria-Hungary
Emley, Miles
England and Germany
(Natty Rothschild)
Ephrussi, Béatrice Rothschild
Ephrussi, Maurice
Erlangeröb Moses
Erlanger, Michael
Erlanger, Raphael
Erlanger & Söhne
Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
Eskeles (Vienna banker)
Esterházy, Móric
Esterházy, Paul
Esterházy family
Est line
Eugénie, Empress of France
European Economic Community
European Property Company
Evans-Gordon, Sir William Eden
Evidences of Christianity
exchange rates
Exploration Company
Farquhar, Granville
Farquhar, Horace
Fashoda crisis
Favre, Jules
Federation of Synagogues
Feinberg, Josef
Feisal, Emir
Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg, King of Bulgaria
Fergusson, Sir James
Prussian occupation of
Ferry, Jules
Feydeau, Ernest
First National Bank of New York
Fisher, John Arbuthnott Baron Fisher of Kilverstone (Jackie)
Fitzroy, Hannah Mayer Rothschild
Fitzroy, Henry
Five Arrows
Fleck, Peter
Fleming, Robert
Fleury, Emile Féix
Flower, Cyril, see Battersea, Cyril Flower, Lord
Foster, Roy
Fould, Achille
Fould, Benoît
Four Per Cent Industrial Dwellings Company
anti-Semitism in
Austrian relations with
British entente with
British relations with
capital exported by
conservatism in
in Crimean War
Eastern Question and
1866 banking crisis in
foreign assets of
German relations with
imperialism and
Italian relations with
Japanese relations with
Jews in
liberalization in
military-financial complex in
military weakness of
in Napoleonic Wars
Nazi occupation of
Popular Front in
Prussian relations with ;
see also
Franco-Prussian War
public expenditures of
railways in
rentes in
revolution of 1830 in
revolution of 1848 in
Russian entente with
Russian relations with
Second Empire in
Suez Canal and
Third Republic in
World War I and
World War II and
Franchetti, Baron Raimondo
Franchetti, Sara Louise Rothschild
Francis II, King of Naples
Franco-Prussian War (1870-71)
financial consequences of
reparations in
Spanish succession issue in
James’s 1849 visit to
philanthropy in
Rothschild competition in
Rothschild house in, M. A. Rothschild & Söhne
war of 1866 and
Frankfurt Jews and the Mulcting of the People’s Wellbeing, The
Franklin, Jacob
Franz Ferdinand, Archduke of Austria-Hungary
Franz Joseph, Emperor of Austria-Hungary
Frederick III, Kaiser of Germany
Free French
free trade
French Revolution
Freycinet, M. de
Froude, J.A.
Fuad Pasha
Fukuyama, Francis
Funds of the Jewish Emigration Loan Society
“Future of Palestine, The” (Samuel)
Galliera, duc de
Gansl, Albert
Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Gaskell, Milnes
Gastein Compromise (1865)
Geddes, Sir Auckland
Germain, Henri
German Confederation
German Jews
of Frankfurt
French anti-Semitism and
immigration of
Nazism and
German National Association

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