The House of Rothschild (125 page)

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Authors: Niall Ferguson

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Christian activities of
death of
diary of
Disraeli’s relationship with
education advocated by
Gladstone’s relationship with
Hannah’s correspondence with
Jewish identity of
Lionel’s political career and.
marriage of
on marriages
Mary Anne Disraeli’s friendship with
as mother
on Napoleon III,
philanthropy of
Polish revolt and
real estate and
war of 1866 and
Rothschild, Charlotte de (wife of Nat).
Rothschild, Clarice Sebag-Montefiore
Rothschild, Clementine
Rothschild, Constance, see Battersea, Constance Rothschild Flower, Lady
Rothschild, David de
Rothschild, Diane de
Rothschild, Dorothy Pinto de
Rothschild, Edmond (son of Maurice)
Rothschild, Edmond de (son of James)
anti-Semitism and
art collection of
colonizing ventures of
death of
Franco-Prussian War and
marriage of
Middle East as interest of
minor business role of
philanthropy of
real estate of
Zionism and
Rothschild, Edmund de (son of Lionel)
Rothschild, Edouard de (son of Alphonse)
anti-Semitism and
death of
immigration of
marriage of
World War I and
Rothschild, Edouard de (son of Guy)
Rothschild, Elie de
Rothschild, Emma
Gladstone’s correspondence with
philanthropy of
Rothschild, Eric de
Rothschild, Eugène
Rothschild, Eva Hanau
Rothschild, Evelina de
death of
marriage of
Rothschild, Evelyn Achille de (son of Leo)
Rothschild, Evelyn de (son of Anthony)
Rothschild, Ferdinand
art collection of
British aristocracy and
death of
gardens of
Jewish emancipation and
Jewish identity of
marriage of
party politics and
philanthropy of
real estate of
Rosebery and
will of
Rothschild, Germaine Halphen de
Rothschild, Gustave de
anti-Semitism and
Barings crisis and
death of
Franco-Prussian War and
imperialism and
James’s death and
marriage of
philanthropy of
Rothschild, Gutle Schnapper
Rothschild, Guy de
marriages of
in World War II,
Rothschild, Hannah (daughter of Mayer), see Rosebery, Hannah Rothschild Primrose, Lady
Rothschild, Hannah Cohen (wife of Nathan)
Rothschild, Hannah Louise (daughter of Mayer Carl)
Rothschild, Hannah Mathilde (daughter of Anselm)
philanthropy of
Rothschild, Hannah Mayer (daughter of Nathan), see Fitzroy, Hannah Mayer Rothschild
Rothschild, Hélène de, see van Zuylen de Nyevelt, Hélène Rothschild
Rothschild, Henri
immigration of
philanthropy of
Rothschild, Jacob
Rothschild, Jacqueline de
Rothschild, James (Jimmy) (son of Edmond)
Zionism and
Rothschild, James (son of Henri)
Rothschild, James de (Jacob) (son of Mayer Amschel)
anti-Semitism and
art collection of
Austrian loans of
Austrian problem and
aversion to war of
Banque de France and
Belmont and
Bismarck and
in cartoons
Credit Mobilier and
Crimean War and
death of
as domineering father
Eugénie and
as head of family
honors of
inheritance of
Italian unification and
Jewish emancipation and
Jewish identity of
liberalization and
longevity and vitality of
in novels
Papal negotiations and
philanthropy of
Piedmont and
Polish revolt and
political activity of
railway finance and
real estate and
revolution of 1848 and
in Second Empire
Suez Canal project and
telegraph criticized by
vision problems of
war of 1866 and
will of
Rothschild, James Edouard
Franco-Prussian War and
marriage of
Rothschild, Jeanette
Rothschild, Juliana Cohen
Rothschild, Julie
marriage of
Rothschild, Laura Thérèse
Rothschild, Leonora
Rothschild, Leopold de (1845-1917)
anti-Semitism and
British aristocracy and
death of
education of
gold standard and
Jewish identity of
marriage of
party politics and
philanthropy of
Zionism and
Rothschild, Leopold de (1927- )
Rothschild, Lionel de (son of Leo)
death of
Zionism and
Rothschild, Lionel de (son of Nathan)
Austria-Hungary and
baronetcy refused by
Brazil and
British neutrality and
British royalty and
Crimean War and
death of
Disraeli’s friendship with
1866 banking crisis and
Franco-Prussian War and
imperialism and
James’s correspondence with
Jewish emancipation and
Jewish identity of
mixed marriages and
parry loyalty eroded for
party politics and
philanthropy of
Polish revolt and
real estate and
standing for Parliament of
Suez Canal and
Rothschild, Louis
Rothschild, Louisa Montefiore de
Disraeli and
philanthropy of
Rothschild, Louise
Rothschild, Margaretha,
Gramont, Margaretha Rothschild, duchesse de
Rothschild, Maria-Béatrice Caracciolo di Forino de
Rothschild, Marie-Hélène van Zuylen de Nyevelt de
Rothschild, Marie Perugia
Rothschild, Mary Chauvin de Treuil de
Rothschild, Maurice de
art collection of
political career of
Rothschild, Mayer (son of Nathan) (1818-74)
British aristocracy and
death of
education of
Jewish emancipation and
mixed marriages and
party politics and
political activism of
racing interest of
real estate and
Rothschild, Mayer Albert (son of Nat) (1846-50)
Rothschild, Mayer Amschel (father of Nathan) )
death of
posthumous influence of
Rothschild, Mayer Carl (son of Carl) (1820-86)
anti-Semitism and
Austria-Hungary and
Austrian bonds as viewed by
Bismarck and
death and will of
election of
Franco-Prussian War and
in Frankfurt succession struggle
German loans made by
honors of
Jewish emancipation and
lack of male heir of
mixed marriages and
philanthropy of
Prussian interests and
railways and
on Rothschild demise
Russian finance as viewed by
war of 1866 and
Rothschild, Minna Caroline von, see Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Minna Caroline Rothschild von
Rothschild, Miriam (daughter of Charles)
Rothschild, Miriam de (daughter of Edmond), see Goldschmidt-Rothschild, Miriam Rothschild von
Rothschild, Nadine Lhôpitalier
Rothschild, Nathaniel (son of Anselm) (1836-1905)
Austrian aristocracy and
death of
Jewish identity of
Rothschild, Nathaniel (Nat) (son of Nathan) (1812-70)
death of
Jewish emancipation and
Lionel’s correspondence with
marriage of
political views of
risk aversion of
Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer de (Natty) (son of Lionel) (1840-1915)
Anglo-French entente and
Anglo-German amity and
Anglo-Russian antagonism and
anti-Semitism and
Barings crisis and
Brazil and
business style and activities of
in cartoons
death of
Eastern European Jews and
education of
Franco-Russian entente as viewed by
gold standard and
imperialism and
Jewish identity of
Lloyd George’s attack on
marriage of
military-financial complex and
parry politics and
peerage of
philanthropy of
political marginalization of
political views and activism of
real estate of
Russian finance and
taxation and
wealth of
World War I and
Zionism and
Rothschild, Nathan Mayer (1777-1836)
Rothschild, Nelly Beer de
Rothschild, Noémie Halphen de
Rothschild, Olimpia Aldobrandini de
Rothschild, Philippe
Rothschild, René de
Rothschild, Robert de
art collection of
death of
immigration of
marriage of
Rothschild, Rozsika von Wertheimstein
Rothschild, Salomon Albert (Salbert) (son of Anselm) (1844-1911)
aristocracy and
death of
marriage of
Zionism and
Rothschild, Salomon James de (son of James) (1835-64)
death of
James’s relationship with
Rothschild, Salomon Mayer von (son of Mayer Amschel) (1774-1855)
Austrian government’s relations with
death and will of
late years of
in railway finance
Rothschild, Sara Louise,
Franchetti, Sara Louise Rothschild
Rothschild, Victor
Rothschild, Walter de
Balfour Declaration and
philanthropy of
in politics
World War I and
Rothschild, Wilhelm Carl
in Frankfurt succession struggle
lack of male heir of
marriage of
as Orthodox Jew
Rothschild, Yvonne Cahen d‘Anvers
Rothschild & Associés Banque
Rothschild Australia
Rothschild Bank AG
Rothschild & Cie Banque
Rothschild Concordia AG
Rothschild Continuation Holdings AG
Rothschild family:
agents of
arbitrage transactions of
aristocracy and
art collections of
assassination attempts against
capital of
combined profits of
communications network of
criticism of
disintegration of unity of
endogamy strategy of
female line and sons-in-law excluded from business by
fidelity to Judaism of
fifth generation of
fourth-generation decadence of
international bond market dominated by
Jewish emancipation issue and
lowly origins of
mixed marriage in
as multinational partnership
nationalism and
origins of wealth of
partnership agreements of
as peace brokers
philanthropy of
in popular literature
power of
railway finance and
real estate holdings of
relative decline of
response to anti-Semitic criticism by
revolution of 1830 and
revolution of 1848 and
risk aversion in
as “royal family,”
secrecy used by
social assimilation of
socialism and
taxation and
titles and honors of
unity in
World War I and
zoological interests of
Rothschild Foundation for the Improvement of the Material Existence of Workers
Rothschild Frères, de
Anselm’s disagreements with
Austrian loans of
Banque de France shares of
Crimean War and
declines of
deterioration of relations of
in fifth generation
Franco-Prussian War and
in interwar years
Italian unification and
James’s revitalization of
Japan and
mining interests and
Nazism and
profits of
railway finance and
Russian finance and
U.S. wars and‘)
after World War II,
see also
Banque Rothschild
Rothschild Intercontinental Bank (RIB)
Rothschild Investment Trust (RIT)
Rothschilds, The

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