The House of Rothschild (124 page)

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Authors: Niall Ferguson

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Merrill Lynch
Metternich, Klemens Lothar von, Prince
Metternich, Richard
French invasion of
Meyer, Carl
mining and
Midi line
Midland Bank
Mill, John Stuart
Milner, Alfred, Lord
Milnes, Monckton
Mires, Jules Isaac
Mitterrand, François
M. M. Warburg
Mocatta, F.D.
“Model Millionaire, The” (Wilde)
Mohilever, Samuel
Moltke, Helmuth von
Montagu, Andrew
Montagu, Edwin
Montagu, Samuel
Montefiore, Claude
Montefiore, Jacob
Montefiore, Joseph
Montefiore, Judith
Montefiore, Leslie
Montefiore, Moses
Montefiore, Nathaniel
Montefiore & Co.
Monti, Raphael
Moreau, Emile
Morgan, J.P
Morgan, Junius Spencer
Morgan, Pierpont
Morgan Grenfell
Morley, John
Morny, due de
Moser, Sir Claus
Mouton-Rothschild (formerly Château Brane-Mouton)
Münster, Count
Myers, Asher
Myers, George
closing of house in
profits in
railways in
Napoleon I, Emperor of France
Napoleon III, Emperor of France
assassination attempt against.
Bordeaux speech of
coup of
Ferrières visited by
foreign policy of
Franco-Prussian War and
liberalization by
marriage of
Napoleonic Wars
Narváez, Ramón Maria
Nathan Mayer or the Origin of the Billions
National Provincial Bank
National Westminster Bank
Nauheim, Joseph
Naval Construction and Armaments Company
Nelson, Tony
Nelson & Innes
Nesselrode, Count
New Court European Investment Trust
New Court Securities
New Zealand Exploration Company
Nicholas I, Tsar of Russia
Nicholas II, Tsar of Russia
Nicolson, Sir Arthur
Nicolson, Harold
Nigra, Constantino
N. M. Rothschild & Sons
accounting system of
armaments and
Barings crisis and
Brazil and
capital of
Crimean War and
decline of
1852 agreement and
1866 banking crisis and
fourth generation at
Franco-Prussian War and
gold refining of
independence sought by
imperialism and
in interwar years
Japan and
mining interests and
privatization and
profits of
railway finance and
selected financial statistics for
women employed at
World War I and
after World War II,
World War 11 and
N. M. Rothschild Asset-Management (RAM)
N. M. Rothschild group
N. M. Rothschild & Sons Limited
Nobel Brothers Petroleum Co.
Nomura Securities
Norddeutsche Bank
Northbrook, Lord
Northcliffe, Lord
Northcote, Sir Stafford
Northern Pacific Railroad
North German Confederation
Oath of Abjuration
Oaths Validity Act Amendment Bill
O‘Connell, Daniel
Odhams Press
O‘Donnell, Leopoldo
Oettingen-Wallerstein, Prince Ludwig.von
Oeuvre des loyers‘ (later Secours Rothschild)
oil market
Ollivier, Emile
Oppenheim, Abraham
Oppenheim, Henry
Oppenheim, Hermann
Oppenheim, Simon
Oppenheimer, Ernest
Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
Orsini, Felice
Osterreichische Landerbank
Otavi Minen und Eisenbahn Gesellschaft
Ottoman Empire
Anglo-German amity and
see also
Turkey, Ottoman
Overend Gurney
Overstone, Lord
Oxford University
Packer, Kerry
Padoa (Rothschild agent)
Pakington, Sir John
Balfour Declaration and
Palestine Foundation Fund
Palestine Jewish Colonisation Association
Paley, William
Palin, Ronald
Palmerston, Henry John Templeton, Lord
Panama Canal
Panama Canal Company
Papacy, Rothschild relations with
Paribas group
German occupation of
philanthropy in
Prussian siege of,
Paris, Treaty of (1856)
Paris Commune
Paris Exhibition
Paris-Lyon railway
Paris-Orléans Géstion
Parkinson, Cecil
Parliament, British
see also
House of Commons, British; House of Lords, British
Parnell, Charles Stewart
Pattison, James
Paxton, Joseph
Peabody, George
Peabody & Co.
Peel, Jonathan
Peel, Lady Alice
Peel, Sir Robert
Peñarroya Mining and Metallurgical Company
Pereira, Ludwig
Pergamon Press
Periere brothers,
Perry, Caroline
Perry, Matthew Galbraith
Persigny, Jean Gilbert Victor Fialin, duc de
Perugia, Achille
Pétain, Henri Philippe
Philby, Kim
Philip Morris
Pichler, Adolf
railways in
Pinder, Denis
Pio, Emilio
Pirie, Bob
Pius IX, Pope
Pleiger, Paul
Plener, Baron Ignaz von
“PO Banque,”
Poincaré, Raymond
Poisat, Michel Benoît
Jews in
revolt in
Pollack & Co.
Pompidou, Georges
Ponsonby, Sir Henry
Poor Jews’ Temporary Shelter
Populists, U.S.
Port Arthur
African colonies of
Posse, Hans
Postal Savings Banks
Pouyer-Quertier, Augustin
Prayers and Meditations
(Charlotte Rothschild)
Preussische Cenrral-Boden-Credit Aktiengesellschaft
Prim, Juan
Primrose, Neil
Prost, Adolphe
Protopopov, Aleksandr D.
Proust, Marcel
anti-Semitism in
Austrian relations with
bonds of
Crimean War and
and financial background to unification
French relations with ;
see also
Franco-Prussian War
Holstein and
Italian relations with
railways in
Rumanian relations with
Russian relations with
in war of 1866,
Prussian Customs Union
Queensberryh Marquess of
Quiet Morning in the Tate Gallery,
A (Beerbohm)
Rafelsberg, Walter
Raffalovich, Arthur
commuting by
internationalization of
see also specific railways and places
Rand Mines
Raphael, Henry
Rasche, Karl
Rattazzi, Urbano
Redwood, John
Reeves, John
Regendanz, Wilhelm
Reinsurance Treaty (1887)
Reliance Group
Renan, Ernest
Republicans, Republican party, U.S.
Réunion Financière
Reuter, Julius
Revelstoke, Edward Baring, Lord
revolution of 1830,
revolution of 1848,
anti-Semitism in
Reynolds, Sir Joshua
Rhodes, Cecil
Ribot, Alexandre Félix Joseph
Richardson, Michael
Richard Thomas & Baldwins
Rio Tinto copper mines
RIT Capital Partners
RIT & Northern
Rivers Wilson, Charles
Robinson, Sir Hercules
Robinson, Sir James
Rochefort, Henri
Roebuck, John
Rogers, William
Rolls Royce Motors
Roon, Count Albrecht Theodor Emil von
Roosevelt, Theodore
Rose, Sir Philip
Rosebery, Archibald Primrose h Earl of
party politics and
Rosebery, Hannah Rothschild Primrose, Lady
death of
Jewish identity of
marriage of
Rosebery, Peggy, see Crewe, Peggy Rosebery, Marchioness
Rosenberg, Alfred
Rosenheim, Jacob
Roth, Cecil
Rothschild, Adèle de
Rothschild, Adelheid de (wife of Edmond)
Rothschild, Adelheid Herz (wife of Carl)
Rothschild, Adolph
art collecting of
capital withdrawn by
marriage of
philanthropy of
real estate and
Rothschild, Alain de
Rothschild, Alexandre de
Rothschild, Alfred
Anglo-German alliance and
art collection of
Bank of England and
British aristocracy and
death of
gold standard and
homosexuality ascribed to
imperialism and
Jewish identity of
mistress of
in paintings
Paris visited by
party politics and
philanthropy of
real estate of
World War I and
Rothschild, Alice
Rothschild, Aline de,
Sassoon, Aline Rothschild de
Rothschild, Alix Schey von Koromla de
Rothschild, Alphonse (son of Salbert)
Rothschild, Alphonse de (son of James)
Anglo-German amity and
Anselm’s disagreements with
anti-Semitism and
art collection of
Banquc dc France and
Barings crisis and
Betty’s correspondence with
on Bismarck
business style of
Cavour and
death of
faith in education expressed by
Franco-Prussian War and
imperialism and
James’s death and
Jewish emancipation and
Jewish identity of
liberalization and
marriage of
mining interests and
Napoleon III and
party politics and
philanthropy of
in popular literature
railway finance and
Russian finance and
in U.S.
U.S. wars and
war of 1866 and
Zionism and
Rothschild, Amschel (son of Victor)
Rothschild, Amschel Moses
Bismarck and
Crimean War and
death of
Eva’s death and
late years of
Rothschild, Annie,
Yorke, Annie Rothschild
Rothschild, Anselm (son of Solomon)
art collection of
Austrian loans and
death of
as father
Franco-Prussian War and
in Frankfurt succession struggle
inheritance of
Jewish emancipation and
Landau initiative and
philanthropy of
political activism encouraged by
railways and
semiautonomy of
Vienna house restored by
war of 1866 and
Rothschild, Anselm Alexander (son of James)
Rothschild, Anthony (Billy) (son of Nathan)
baronetcy accepted by
British aristocracy and
death of
France visited by
gold refining and
Jewish emancipation and
Jewish identity of
mixed marriages and
philanthropy of
politics of
railway investment and
real estate and
Rothschild, Anthony de (son of Leo)
Rothschild, Arthur de
Rothschild, Béatrice de, see Ephrussi, Béatrice Rothschild de
Rothschild, Bertha Clara, see Berthier, Bertha Clara Rothschild
Rothschild, Bcrhsabée de
Rothschild, Bettina de
Rothschild, Betty von
anti-Semitism and
Changarnicr and
political views of
Rothschild, Carl (Kalman)
Rothschild, Caroline Stern
Rothschildécile Anspach de (wife of Gustave)
Rothschildécile de (daughter of Robert)
Rothschild, Charles
anti-Semitism and
World War I and
Rothschild, Charlotte (wife of Anselm)
Rothschild, Charlotte de (wife of Lionel)
Alphonse’s correspondence with
on Bismarck
British aristocracy and

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