The Ice Age (46 page)

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Authors: Luke Williams

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The most recent photo I've seen of Smithy was a picture of him with his new, young girlfriend who lay, smirking, sticking up her middle finger as Smithy slept like a dead man, with his sickly, grey skin and marks on his face. By some reports, he was now easing off the meth and taking GHB — a cheaper, less exhausting drug — regularly instead. He was moved on by the landlord from his place in Pakenham — that house in the Toomuc Valley — and eventually he lost contact with everybody who knew him. I don't know where he ended up or what became of him.

Twelve months after the order giving custody of the twins to Smithy's father and stepmother, the Children's Court would make an order for the boys to stay with them indefinitely. It was hard not to conclude, that all things considered, it was the best choice of several bad options.

Beck has given up crystal meth, though. She's worked in some odd jobs as a waitress and a food server. She has remained living with her parents, and settled into a long-term relationship with a mechanic who lived interstate — a man she met on a dating app.

Other than that, I didn't know the details of how she lives her life. By calling the Child Protection Unit, I knew that was the end of the friendship. Eighteen months after I left the house, Beck and I still haven't spoken. This, I have to admit, makes me feel incredibly relieved. I wonder how much I went back to Beck again and again out of habit, out of a drug habit, and also to make sure the kids were being looked after properly. I wonder if we actually had anything in common other than our drug use, born in that cold valley together in a state of teenage-angst isolation. I decided to cut contact with most of her family — all of them, except for Hayley.

Hayley finished Year 11; she had no specific plans about what to do. However, she told me she was determined to make something big of her life. She stayed living with a family in an area right near her high school. Two years had passed by this stage, and she still hadn't spoken a word to her mum. She still spoke with other members of the family — her aunties and Beck's parents — but she never saw them. She smoked cigarettes for a little while and then quit. She told me that she drinks only sometimes. She jogs most days, and eats a very salad-heavy diet. She takes vitamins every day. The last photo I saw of her, she was in her school uniform, flashing her teeth, holding up two fingers with a caption saying ‘I love education'.

I keep waiting for the cracks to appear, but they don't. Perhaps they already did, and, as they say, that's how the light got in.

Select bibliography


Alexander, A. and Roberts, M.
High Culture: reflections on addiction and modernity

Allsop, S. and Lee, N. (eds)
Perspectives on amphetamine-type stimulants

Andreasen, N.
The Creative Brain: the science of genius

Andrews, M.
Narrative Imagination and Everyday Life

Armstrong, K.

Burroughs, B.

Burroughs, W.

Burroughs, W.
Naked Lunch

Burrows, D., Flaherty, B., and MacAvoy, M.
Illicit psychostimulant use in Australia

Csikszentmihalyi, M.
the psychology of optimal experience

Dick, P.
A Scanner Darkly

Eigen, M.
The Psychotic Core

Fletcher, A.
Inside Rehab: the surprising truth about addiction treatment — and how to get help that works

Fraser, S. and Moore, D. (eds)
The Drug Effect: health, crime and society

Hart, C.
High Price
a neuroscientist's journey of self-discovery that challenges everything you know about drugs and society

Jung, C.
Man and His Symbols

Jung, C.
The Red Book

Kaufman, W.
Existentialism from Dostoevsky to Sartre

Khantzian, E.
Treating Addiction as Human Process

Klee, H.
Amphetamine Misuse: international perspectives on current trends

Kleinman, M., Caulkins, J., and Hawken, A.
Drugs and Drug Policy: what everyone needs to know

Knox, M.
Scattered: the inside story of ice in Australia

Lewis, M.
Memoirs of an Addicted Brain: a neuroscientist examines his former life on drugs

Lewis, M.
The Biology of Desire: why addiction is not a disease

Moore, D. and Dietze, P. (eds)
Drugs and Public Health: Australian perspectives on policy and practice

Muller, M.
Wisdom of the Buddha: the unabridged Dhammapada

Owen, F.
No Speed Limit: the highs and lows of meth

Rasmussen, N.
On Speed: the many lives of amphetamine

Reding, N.
the death and life of an American small town

Ritter A., King T., and Hamilton, M. (ed.)
Drug Use in Australian Society

Sartre, J.
Age of Reason: a novel

Sharp, J.
Quitting Crystal Meth: What to Expect & What to Do: a handbook for the first year of recovery from crystal methamphetamine

Trungpa, C.
Transcending Madness: the experience of the six Bardos

Weisheit, R. and White, W.
Methamphetamine: its history, pharmacology, and treatment

Journal Articles

Bousman, C., McKetin, R., and Burns, R. ‘Typologies of positive psychotic symptoms in methamphetamine dependence',
The American Journal on Addictions
, Online Early Version, pp. 1–4 (2014)

Green, R. and Moore, D. ‘“Meth circles” and “pipe pirates”: crystal methamphetamine smoking and identity management among a social network of young adults',
Substance Use and Misuse
, 48, (2013)

Hall, W. and Hando, J. ‘Route of administration and adverse effects of amphetamine use among young adults in Sydney, Australia',
Drug and Alcohol Review
, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 277–284 (1994)

Hides, L., Dawe, S., and McKetin, R. ‘Primary and substance-induced psychotic disorders in methamphetamine users',
Psychiatry Research
, vol. 226, pp. 91–96 (2014)

Lee, N., Harney, A., and Pennay, A. ‘Examining the temporal relationship between methamphetamine use and mental health comorbidity',
Advances in Dual Diagnosis
, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 23–31 (2012)

McKetin, R., Lubman, D., and Najman, J. ‘Does methamphetamine use increase violent behaviour? Evidence from a prospective longitudinal study',
, vol. 109, no. 5 (2014)

McKetin, R., Lubman, D., and Baker, A. ‘Dose-related psychotic symptoms in chronic methamphetamine users: evidence from a prospective longitudinal study',
JAMA Psychiatry
, vol. 70, no. 3, pp. 319–324 (2013)

Thomson, N. and Moore, D. ‘Methamphetamine “facts”: the production of a “destructive” drug in Australian scientific texts.
Addiction Research & Theory
, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 451–462 (2014)

Weatherburn, D., Jones, C., Snowball, L., and Hua ‘The NSW Drug Court: a re-evaluation of its effectiveness',
Crime and Justice Bulletin
, no. 121, Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research (2008)

Reports and Government Publications

Australian Crime Commission, Australian Illicit Drug Data Report(s) 2002–03 to 2013–14, inclusive

Australian Crime Commission,
Organised Crime in Australia

Australian Crime Commission ‘Clandestine laboratories and precursors',
Crime Profile Series

Australian Crime Commission ‘Amphetamine-type stimulants',
Crime Profile Series

Australian Crime Commission,
Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs Fact Sheet

Coyne, J., White, V., and Alvarez, C.
Methamphetamine: Focusing Australia's National Ice Strategy on the problem, not the symptoms

Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet,
Final Report of the National Ice Taskforce

Global Commission on Drug Policy,
War on Drugs: Report of the Global Commission on Drug Policy

Law Reform, Drugs and Crime Prevention,
Parliament of Victoria Committee Inquiry into the Supply and Use of Methamphetamines, Particularly Ice in Victoria, Parts 1 and 2

Ministerial Council on Drug Strategy National Drug Strategy 2010–15.
A framework for action on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs

Ritter, A., Lancaster, K., Grech, K., and Reuter, P.
An assessment of illicit drug policy in Australia (1985 to 2010): themes and trends
, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (2011)

Roxburgh, A.D., Ritter, A., Slade, T., and Burns, L.
Trends in Drug Use and Related Harms in Australia, 2001 to 2013
, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney (2014)

Roxburgh, A.D., Ritter, A., Grech, K., Slade, T., and Burns, L.
Trends in Drug Use and Related Harms in Australia, 2001 to 2011
, Drug Policy Modelling Program, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales (2011)

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) 2013b,
Transnational Organised Crime in East Asia and the Pacific

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) World Drug Report(s) 1999–2015 inclusive


It's difficult to know where to start, quite frankly. Thanks to Erik Jensen for taking a risk by publishing the article detailing my crystal-meth addiction in
The Saturday Paper
, and huge thanks to Scribe for taking an even bigger risk by agreeing to publish this book. The editors at Scribe have been patient, flexible, open-minded, and very kind from the very start. Thank you. And thanks to my agent, Shelia Drummond, for making this all happen for me.

There are some others I would like to single out who have been particularly helpful to my media career in a variety of ways: Steve Cannane, Rosie Beaton, Kyla Slaven, Ben Naparstek, Justine Kelly, Vicki Kerrigan, Serpil Senelmis, John Safran, Lauren Martin, Jo Curtin, and Jennifer Hopper.

Thanks to Mrs Haywood, my Year 11 literature teacher, who introduced me to T.S. Eliot, and to Philipa Rothfield at La Trobe University for introducing me to Georges Bataille and Julia Kristeva. Thanks to Vicky G. for introducing me to William Burroughs when I was a 19-year-old meth junkie and philosophy student.

Thanks to my parents, and my life-long friends Bree, Erika, and John. Thanks, in general, to everyone for putting up with me.

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