The Kennedy Brothers: The Rise and Fall of Jack and Bobby (71 page)

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Authors: Richard D. Mahoney

Tags: #Biographies & Memoirs, #Historical, #United States, #Leaders & Notable People, #Political, #History, #Americas, #20th Century

BOOK: The Kennedy Brothers: The Rise and Fall of Jack and Bobby
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Paar, Jack
Paris Match
Partin, Edward G.
Patrick, Lenny
Patterson, John
Pawley, William D.
Pearson, Drew
Perez, Eduardo (Eddie Bayo)
Phillips, David A.
Pope, Allen
Potter, Phil
Powers, Dave
Prettyman, Barrett
Profiles in Courage
Profumo Affair
Pursuit of Happiness, The
QJ/WIN (Mozes Maschkivitzan)
Quiet American, The
Quinn, Charles
race issues. See civil rights
Radford, Arthur
Ragano, Frank
Ramaphosa, Cyril
Rand Daily Mail
Ranelagh, John
Recarey Garcia-Vieta, Jorge L.
Reed, James
Reich, Charles
Reis, Harold
Reischauer, Edwin O.
Reston, James
Reuther, Walter
Ribicoff, Abraham
Ricca, Paul “The Waiter,”
Roberts, Delphine
Robertson, Ian
Robertson, Rip
Rockefeller, Nelson
Roemer, William
Romero, Juan
Rometsch, Ellen
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, Franklin
Joseph Kennedy and
Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr.
Rose, Frank A.
Rosselli, Johnny,
CIA’s meetings with
deportation plans for
Enemy Within
movie plans and
FBI and
Foley and
Garrison’s meeting with
Green Felt Jungle
Harvey’s meeting with
Hoover’s blackmail scheme and
JFK assassination and
JFK’s affairs and
JFK’s presidential campaign and
Joseph Kennedy and
in plot against Castro
in plot against JFK
Ruby and
Sinatra and
tax investigation of
Rothman, Emmanuel
Rothman, Norman “Roughhouse,”
Rowan, Dan
Rowley, James
Ruby, Jack
Oswald murdered by
Rosselli and
Ruiz-Williams, Enrique
Rusk, Dean
Russell, Richard
Rustin, Bayard
Rutland, Marshall
Ryan, Cornelius
Salinger, Pierre
Sanchez, Alvaro, Jr.
Sanchez, Celia
San Juan, Pedro
San Roman, Jose “Pepe,”
San Roman, Roberto
Saturday Evening Post
Scammon, Richard
Schary, Dore
Scheer, Robert
Schenley Industries
Schine, G. David
Schlesinger, Arthur M., Jr.
Cuba and
JFK assassination and
on JFK’s fatalism
on RFK/Chavez friendship
on RFK/Monroe affair
Schulberg, Budd
Schweiker, Richard
Scott, Robert
Scranton, Paul
Secades, Rolando Cubela
Seeger, Alan
in federal housing
See also
civil rights
Seigenthaler, John
Shackley, Ted
Shaknazarov, Georgi
Shaw, Clay
Shaw, Joseph
Sheridan, Walter
Shimon, Joe
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy
Sidey, Hugh
Siegel, Bugsy
Sierra Martinez, Paulino
Silberling, Edwyn
Sinatra, Frank
JFK and
Sirhan, Sirhan
Skelton, Byron
Smathers, George
Smith, D’Alton
Smith, Jean Kennedy
Smith, Jerome
Smith, Joe M.
Smith, Liz
Smith, Sandy
Smith, Steve
Socarras, Carlos Prio
Solano, Angel
Somoza, Anastasio
Somoza, Luis
Sorensen, Phil C.
Sorensen, Theodore
civil rights issue and
Sourwine, Jay
South Africa
Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC)
Soviet Union
Berlin and
Cuba and
Lumumba and
and spread of communism in Asia
test ban treaty with
See also Khrushchev, Nikita
Spada, Peter
Spalding, Charles
steel crisis
Stevenson, Adlai
JFK’s bid for vice presidency and
Stevenson, James
Straus, Louis
Sturgis, Frank
Sukarno, Achmed
Summers, Anthony
“Superman Comes to the Supermarket” (Mailer)
Suzman, Frances
Symington, James
Szulc, Tad
Talbott, Harold
Taylor, Maxwell
Cuban missile crisis and
Teamsters Union
farmworkers and
Hoffa’s accession to presidency of
Teitelbaum, Abraham
JFK’s Dallas trip
Texas School Book Depository
The, Colonel
Thirteen Days
Tolson, Clyde
Toure, Ahmed Sekou
Trafficante, Santos, Jr.
in plot to assassinate JFK
Travell, Janet
Tretrick, Stanley
Troyanovsky, Oleg
Trull, William
Truman, Harry S.
Tuchman, Barbara
Tuck, Dick
Turkey, U.S. missiles in
Turnure, Pamela
Udall, Stewart
University of Alabama
University of Mississippi, race riot at
Vagenas, Sam
Valachi, Joseph
Valente, Anthony
Vance, Cyrus
Vanity Fair
Varona, Antonio de
Vidal, Gore
JFK’s visit to, as congressman
Vietnam War
JFK’s views on
RFK and
underprivileged communities and
Volta Dam
Vorster, Balthazar
voting fraud
voting rights
Wadden, Tom
Wagner, Robert
Wald, Jerry
Walinsky, Adam
Walker, Edwin A.
Wallace, George
Wall Street Journal
Walton, William
Warner, Jack
Warren, Earl
Warren Commission,
Washington Post
Washington Post’s Book Week
Washington Star
Wasserman, Jack
Weaver, Robert
Weiner, Irwin S.
Weisberg, Willie
Welch, David
West Berlin. See Berlin
West Virginia primary
Weyl, Nathaniel
Wharton, Clifton R.
Wheeler, Earle G.
White, Theodore
Whittaker, Jim
Whitten, Leslie
Why England Slept

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