The Kennedy Brothers: The Rise and Fall of Jack and Bobby (68 page)

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Authors: Richard D. Mahoney

Tags: #Biographies & Memoirs, #Historical, #United States, #Leaders & Notable People, #Political, #History, #Americas, #20th Century

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Churchill, Winston S.
civil rights
Birmingham campaign and
Black Muslims and
federal housing and
Freedom Riders and
RFK’s South Africa trip and
University of Alabama and
University of Mississippi race riot and
voting rights
Clark, Kenneth
Clark, Ramsey
Clay, Lucius
Clifford, Clark
Cohen, Eugene
Cohn, Harry
Cohn, Roy M.
Cole, Nat King
Collier, Peter
JFK’s view of
McCarthy and
RFK’s view of
spread of, in Asia
in Vietnam. See also Vietnam; Vietnam War
Community Service Organization (CSO)
Congo See also Lumumba, Patrice
Connally, John
JFK assassination and
Connor, Theophilus Eugene “Bull,”
Conway, Jack
Coon, Treber
Corbin, Paul
Corn, David
Corso, Rogelio Gonzalez
Costello, Frank
counterinsurgency doctrine
Cox, William Harold
organized crime
Cronkite, Walter
Crosby, Bing
Cross, James G.
Bay of Pigs invasion of. See Bay of Pigs
exiles from
La Coubre incident in
Mafia interests in
missiles in
normalization of U.S. relations with
and racism of Americans
Soviet Union and
See also
Castro, Fidel
Cushing, Richard Cardinal
Daley, Richard
Dalitz, Morris “Moe,”
Dallas, Tex.:
JFK’s trip to
School Book Depository in
Dallas Morning News
Dallas Times Herald
Dalton, Mark
D’Amato, Paul “Skinny,”
Daniel, Jean
Dark Side of Camelot, The
Davis, Daniel
Davis, George
Dealey, E. M.
Death of a President
De Gaulle, Charles
De Lattre, Jean
DeLoach, Cartha
Del Valle, Eladio
of federal housing
See also
civil rights
Des Moines Register
Dever, Paul
Dickinson, Angie
Diem, Ngo Dinh
Dillon, Douglas
Dioguardi, Johnny (Johnny Dio)
Dionne, E. J.
Dirksen, Everett
Doar, John
Dobrynin, Anatoly
Dolan, Joe
Dominican Republic
Donahue, Dick
Donald, David
Donneroummas, Frank
Donovan, James B.
Donovan, Robert J.
Donovan, William
Douglas, John
Douglas, William O.
Drake, Jim
Duke, Angier Biddle
Dulles, Allen
Dulles, John Foster
Dungan, Ralph
Dutch West New Guinea
Dutton, Fred
Eastland, James O.
Edelman, Peter
Edwards, Sheffield
Eisenhower, Dwight D.
assassination plots and
Castro and
Elder, Walt
Emerson, Ralph Waldo
Enemy Within, The
plans to make movie from
Epstein, Edward J.
Esterline, Jacob B.
Europe, JFK’s trip to
Evans, Courtney
Evans, Kay
Evers, Charles
Evers, Medgar
Exner, Judith.
Campbell, Judith
Face the Nation
Fairchild, Peter
Farben Company
Fay, Paul “Red,”
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Capitol Hill sex scandal and
Castro assassination plots and
civil rights struggles and
electronic eavesdropping by
Garrison and
JFK assassination and
Kennedy files of
organized crime and
RFK assassination plot and
Rosselli and
Skimming Report of
steel crisis and
See also
Hoover, J. Edgar
Fernandez, Jose Ramon
Ferre, David
Ferry, W. H.
Fischetti, Joe
Fitzgerald, Desmond
Fitzgerald, John F.
Flanigan, Francis D. “Frip,”
Fleming, Ian
Foley, Albert
Foley, John P.
Ford, Eddie
Forrestal, Michael
Fox, John
in war with Vietminh
Franci, George
Frankenheimer, John
Fredericks, Wayne
Freedom Riders
French, William
Frost, Robert
Fulbright, J. William
Fundora, Jorge
Galbraith, John Kenneth
Gallo, Joey
Galyen, Roy
Gambino, Carlo
Gargan, Ann
Garrison, Jim
Gary, Romain
Gaudet, William George
Gener, Rafael “Macho,”
Geoghegan, William
Giancana, Sam
Castro assassination plot and
FBI surveillance of
girlfriend’s subpoena and
Joseph Kennedy and
Monroe and
RFK’s appointment as attorney general and
voting fraud and
Gifford, Dun
Gleichauf, Justin
Glimco, Joey
Goldwater, Barry
Goodwin, Richard
Gore, Albert
grape strike
Gray, David
Great Lakes Carbon
Greek Way, THe (Hamilton)
Green, Edith
Greene, Graham
Green Felt Jungle, The
Greenson, Ralph
Gromyko, Andrei
Gruber, Alex
Guevara, Che
Gullion, Edmund
Gunji, Hosono
Guns of August, The
Guthman, Ed
Gwirtzman, Milton
Hackett, David
Haig 8c Haig
Halberstam, David
Hale, I. B.
Halfen, Jack
Halpern, Samuel
Hamill, Pete
Hamilton, Edith
Harless, Meredith
Harrelson, Charles V.
Harriman, W. Averell
Harris, Lou
Hartington, Billy
Harrington, Kathleen Kennedy (“Kick”)
Harvey, William K.
Harwood, Richard
Hatcher, Richard
Hawkins, Jack
Helms, Richard
Hemming, Gerry Patrick
Hendrix, Hal
Hersh, Seymour
Hesburgh, Theodore
Hickory Hill
Hill, Clint
Hill, Ralph
Hilsman, Roger
Ho Chi Minh
Hoffa, Jimmy
accession to Teamsters presidency
JFK assassination and
RFK and
RFK’s murder discussed by
Hollywood, Kennedy family and
Hopkins, L. G.
Hoover, J. Edgar

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