The Kennedy Brothers: The Rise and Fall of Jack and Bobby (69 page)

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Authors: Richard D. Mahoney

Tags: #Biographies & Memoirs, #Historical, #United States, #Leaders & Notable People, #Political, #History, #Americas, #20th Century

BOOK: The Kennedy Brothers: The Rise and Fall of Jack and Bobby
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civil rights and
electronic eavesdropping and
farmworkers and
JFK assassination and
Kennedy files and
Novotny and
replacement sought for
RFK and
schemes of, against Kennedys
Skimming Report and
Warren Commission and
Horowitz, David
House Select Committee on Assassinations
Houston, Lawrence
Howard, Lisa
Huerta, Dolores
Huff, Sam
Hughes, Harold
Hughes, Robert
Humphrey, Hubert H.
Humphreys, Murray
Hundley, Bill
Hunt, E. Howard
Hunt, H. L.
Hutcheson, Maurice
1. G. Farben Company
Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)
Indiana University Medical Center
Indians, American
Inglese, Charles
Inquest: The Warren Commission and the Establishment of Truth
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
Isabela de Sagua
I Was Castro’s Prisoner
Jackson, Robert
Jackson Daily News
Jacobson, Max
Jenkins, W A., Jr.
Jenkins, Walter
Johnson, Haynes
Johnson, Lyndon B.
corruption investigation and
electronic surveillance and
JFK assassination and
as JFK’s running mate
Mafia and
presidential campaign of
RFK and
Vietnam and
withdrawal from presidential campaign
Johnson, Marlin
Johnston, Tom
Jones, Clarence
Kasavubu, Joseph
Katzenbach, Nicholas
Kaysen, Carl
Kearns, Doris
Keating, Kenneth
Kefauver, Estes
Kekkonen, Urho K.
Kempton, Murray
Kennedy, Caroline
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,”
Kennedy, Ethel Skakel
Castro and
RFK’s presidential campaign and
in South Africa
on world trip
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier
assassination as concern of
Bay of Pigs prisoners and
on Dallas trip
death of son born to
JFK assassination and
JFK’s marriage to
JFK’s philandering and
Joseph Kennedy and
at 1956 convention
as political wife
pregnancies of
RFK and
Kennedy, John, Jr.
Kennedy, John F.:
on Americans helping others
American University speech of
on Asian tour, as congressman
assassination of
assassination of, and plot against Castro
assassination of, events of
assassination thoughts and premonitions of
assassination threats made against
Bay of Pigs and
Bay of Pigs prisoners and
Berlin and
Castro assassination plots and
character of
Churchill and
civil rights and
communism and anticommunism as viewed by
congressional campaign of
Cuban missile crisis and
Dallas trip of
and death of son
on election night of presidential campaign
European trip of
fatalism of
foreign policy of
France/Algeria conflict and
Frost and
health problems of
Hollywood and
housing issue and
inauguration of
Jacqueline’s marriage to.
See also
Kennedy, Jacqueline Bouvier
Joseph Jr.’s death and
Joseph Sr.’s relationship with
Joseph Sr.’s stroke and
Khrushchev’s meeting with
Lumumba and
McClellan Committee and
Malcolm and
medical treatments of
Meredith crisis and
at Orange Bowl rally
organized crime and
power and political motivation as viewed by
presidential campaign of
Pursuit of Happiness
narrated by
RFK appointed attorney general by
RFK compared with
on RFK’s childhood swimming attempt
RFK’s relationship with
right wing and
Roosevelt and
Rosselli’s connection with
Senate campaign of
sense of humor of
Sinatra and
Skelton’s warning about
steel crisis and
test ban treaty of
vice-presidential bid of
in Vietnam
Vietnam involvement as viewed by
voting fraud in presidential campaign of
Wallace and
in West Virginia primary
womanizing of
Kennedy, Joseph, Jr.
Kennedy, Joseph, Sr.
as ambassador
business practices of
control exerted by
fortune made by
Hollywood interests of
Jacqueline Kennedy and
JFK assassination and
JFK’s presidential campaign and
JFK’s relationship with
JFK’s Senate campaign and
JFK’s vice-presidential bid and
Joseph Jr.’s death and
organized crime and
RFK’s attorney general appointment and
RFK’s anti-organized crime crusade and
RFK’s mountain climbing and
RFK’s relationship with
RFK’s Senate campaign and
Roosevelts and
stroke suffered by
Kennedy, Kathleen Hartington
Kennedy, Kathleen “Kick,”
Kennedy, Michael
Kennedy, Patricia. See Lawford, Patricia Kennedy
Kennedy, Patrick Bouvier
Kennedy, Robert F.:
administrative power of
appointed attorney general
on Asian trip with JFK
assassination of
assassination danger and
assassination plots against
attorney generalship resigned by
battle tactics of
Bay of Pigs and
Bay of Pigs prisoners and Kennedy, Robert F. (continned)
birthday party for
Camp David walk of
Castro and
character of
childhood swimming attempt of
CIA leadership and
civil rights and
communism as viewed by
counterinsurgency doctrine embraced by
cruises of
Cuban friends of
Cuban missile crisis and
daring of
drive and dedication of
Face the Nation appearance of
farmworker cause and
foreign policy of
government jobs of
at Harvard
at Hickory Hill
Hoffa and
Hoffa’s talk of murdering
Hoover and
Jacqueline and
JFK assassination and
JFK compared with
in JFK’s congressional campaign
in JFK’s presidential campaign
JFK’s relationship with
in JFK’s Senate campaign
in JFK’s vice-presidential bid
Johnson and
Joseph Sr.’s relationship with
Joseph Sr.’s stroke and
King assassination and
Latin America trip of
liberals and
loyalty and lovingness of
McCarthy and

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