The Langley Sisters Trilogy Boxed Set (44 page)

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Finn wasn’t sure why he had said what he had. Maybe because it was true and she was a good rider, or maybe because he did not want to bring trouble down upon her head, knowing how much she obviously loved her morning rides. Whatever the reason, he did not want to be the one responsible for Will stopping her.

“I would, however, add that it would be in her best interests to keep an eye on her. She does appear to have a reckless streak.”

Will’s curse was whispered. “It would be easier watching over an eel. Phoebe is always slipping out of the house without my knowledge, and rarely tells me where she is off to.

“Ho there, Will, come to see Alex trounce Finn?” Ben said, appearing beside Will.

“Absolutely, Ben. I have complete faith in your twin. Finn has lost some of his edge lately.” Will then put a hand on Ben’s shoulder and walked him to where there were seats, thus leaving Finn alone to limber up.

He spent the next few minutes preparing for his fencing match and forcing Phoebe, in her breeches, from his head once again. It seemed everyone wanted to talk about the woman, first Alex and Ben, now Will, although in fairness it had been he who’d mentioned seeing her riding in the park.

Looking for his brothers, he found Ben with Will. Both had found a drink and a place to lounge. Flexing his fingers, he then stretched his arms and legs as he looked for Alex, who was chatting with anyone who would listen. A few minutes later he wandered over to where Finn stood.

“Can’t you take anything seriously?”

Collecting his gloves, Alex shot his brother a cheeky smile.

“If I took it seriously and still you beat me, then I could not stand the humiliation, whereas now if you beat me, it will simply be because I was not prepared.”

Finn stopped his movements to look at his brother. “If I did not look at you and see myself I would question that we came from the same parents.”

“Yes, it is one of life’s little puzzles.” Alex picked up his foil and checked the button was secure. “Imagine though, Finn, just for a moment,” he added, balancing the tip on the floor. “If I were as tyrannical as you, we would spend every day arguing.”

“I’m not tyrannical!”

      Finn spun round to glare at Will as he snorted. His friend then fished a bag of roasted chestnuts out of his pocket and popped one into his mouth.

Finn knew many people liked to watch him and the twin’s fence or box, because Will had always told him it was like a good play.

“Not tyrannical. Tut tut, brother. It is not I that haul you from your bed every morning to share your morning meal.”

“If I let you and your brother sleep you would still be there for your evening meal,” Finn ground out.

Finn watched Alex lean on his foil and then only just managed to leap into the air to avoid being skewered as it sprang free and hurtled straight for him.

“En garde!” he howled, rage narrowing his eyes as he watched his brother slowly retrieve his foil and move opposite him.

“Salut,” Alex said, offering him an innocent smile before lifting his foil slightly to indicate he was ready.

Finn drew in a deep breath and tried to focus. If he let his guard down Alex would get under it, as he’d often taught him to do.

“Excellent contre-riposte, young Alexander!” Lord Gray shouted.

“You have improved, brother,” Finn rasped minutes later.

“Its b-because your getting old, Finn. We mortals are catching up.”

“That was a mistake, Alex!” Ben called. “He’s angry now.”

Finn shut out the sounds of bets being placed, which he was sure Ben had instigated, and focused on the movements he had been taught and practiced for many years. His shirt began to darken with sweat as did Alex’s. He saw the concentration in his brother’s eyes but did not show his pride; that would come later. When the moment came and Alex lowered his guard, he leapt forward and took the opportunity to win the match. He and Alex then lowered their foils and sucked in deep lungfuls of air.

“I don’t suppose you would take me on now. I’d probably beat the both of you,” Ben questioned, coming to where they stood.

Both brothers merely grunted and then, gathering their things, walked from the building.


Phoebe collected Bella, who had been reading in her room, and together they made their way downstairs to take tea with Livvy later that day. She wanted to talk with Will as soon as she could and hoped he was at home also. Her mind was filled with designs she wanted to put down on paper, but before she did this she needed to secure her share of the money to invest in the business. Hannah had said it didn’t matter, as she had more than enough, plus Alex’s share, to start with. But it mattered to Phoebe, very much.

“You cannot keep it from them, love. They will soon know, after all.”

Bella looked at Phoebe as they heard the deep rumble of Will’s words through the open door. Phoebe raised one eyebrow, but Bella shrugged as if to say she had no idea what the conversation was about.

“Know what?” Phoebe said moving into the room towards her sister who sat beside her husband on one of the sofas.


The eldest Langley sister was blushing. Her cheeks red as she turned to glare at her husband who was laughing. Their love was a wonderful thing, and while it had taken a while and several trying months to reach a point where Livvy would acknowledge it, she was now a very happy woman.

Bella moved to Phoebe’s side and then both stopped before their sister. They looked at her for a few seconds then both said at once, “You’re going to have a baby!” which made Will laugh harder. Livvy, however, sniffed and gave her sisters a wobbly smile.

“I had wanted to wait a bit longer before telling you. However, it seems I cannot conceal anything from either of you.”

      “Oh, Livvy,” Phoebe whispered, dropping to her knees and wrapping her sister in her arms while Bella hugged Will.

“When will it arrive?” Bella questioned once they had all regained their composure and were seated.

“I’m not sure, but I will see a doctor soon.”

“You must take it easy, Livvy. I have heard that these early days are the most important.”

“Thank you, Bella. I have been trying to tell your sister that for days,” Will said, his eyes crinkling in the corners as he smiled.

“How was your new friend, Miss Wooller?”

“Actually, Will, I need to discuss that visit with you,” Phoebe said in answer to his question.

“No better time than now,” he said, spreading his arms wide.

Phoebe looked at her sisters. It was true they had no secrets, yet she felt strange about discussing this one, perhaps because it meant so much to her.

“Hannah has asked me to go into business with her. We are to start a fashion establishment making dresses.” She said the words in a rush, fearing how they would sound. “She has, of course, been looking into this for sometime with the help of her father, who I believe you know, Will?”

“I do,” he said, but nothing further, so Phoebe continued, outlining the plans they had worked through briefly today.

Will wrinkled his brow when she finished and she knew he was thinking. He then looked from his wife to Bella, and lastly back to Phoebe.

“There is much to think through, Phoebe. It is quite a big venture, surely?” Livvy said before he had a chance to speak.

“Yes, but we have the premises, and Hannah has already done so much of the planning as she has been thinking this through for over a year. Of course we need to sit and plan many things, but—”

“You’re excited,” Will said softly. “Because this is what you need, isn’t it, Phoebe? Something that interests and excites you.”

“Yes,” she whispered, because it was true.

“It certainly sounds exciting, Phoebe. Can I help?”

“Of course, Bella, I would love that so much. You have a wonderful eye for fashion.”

“I think your shop name should be French. The silly society ladies believe only the French know how to really sew.” This came from Livvy who was looking thoughtful.

“You think it might work?” Phoebe said, clutching her hands together because she was nervous.

“Yes, with your flair for fashion I fail to see how it could not. However, I will temper your excitement by saying that if anyone finds out what you are doing you will be ridiculed and possibly shunned in society, Phoebe,” Livvy cautioned.

“I promise no one will find out as there will be only family who know, and I’m sure you will not tell anyone.”

“And you would like to take a loan from me to start you off, Phoebe, is that correct?” Will joined the conversation. Her brother-in-law had eyes that could pin a person in place.

“Yes,” Phoebe said.

“I have no problem with that. I will also offer my services in any capacity you require. I have considerable knowledge on business, and of course my warehouses have plenty of stock you could use.”

Phoebe, who had been about to start pouring tea, stopped and stood upright once more.

“You’re saying yes without knowing more, Will?”

“I’ll lend you money to invest, and we shall discuss my return at a later date.”

Phoebe’s legs felt wobbly all of a sudden, so she stumbled backwards and landed on Bella, who groaned theatrically and then nudged her into another seat.

“You’re an intelligent woman, Phoebe. Perhaps it’s about time you believed in yourself.”

Will’s words were gently spoken and while Phoebe’s eyes were on the cup still clutched in her hand, everyone else in the room was looking at her. Could she be trusted to look after Will’s money until she could pay him back?

“I’m a woman,” she said, and had no idea why.

“So you are, and as such isn’t it your job to pour my tea?”

Livvy and Bella giggled as Phoebe finally raised her eyes.

“I won’t let you down, Will.”

“I know.”

Her hands trembled, but she managed to pour the tea and they chatted about nothing and everything for awhile as she got her thoughts under control. It had been a day of surprises, wonderful surprises, and the excitement inside Phoebe told her it had been far too long since she had felt this way.

“Will I be able to bring Hannah to visit your warehouses tomorrow, Will?”


It was all so simple to him. She was family, therefore he said yes. No if’s or buts. Just a simple, ‘absolutely.’

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome again.” His eyes twinkled and Phoebe wondered if she would ever find a man like William Ryder to love her.

      Lord and Lady Harrington’s little musical was a horrid crush which made Phoebe irritable, because she had been in an excellent mood before arriving. Having spent two enjoyable hours in her room sketching designs for Hannah and Alex, and making lists and devising plans for there business, she had not wanted to leave, but Livvy had insisted.

This room was hot, smelled of hundreds of different scents and the decorations were ostentatious and silly. Standing beside Livvy, she wondered how her pregnant sister could cope with the smell of so many bodies in a small space as it was making her nauseous. Pressing her back to the wall, she stood on her toes to accommodate a man juggling two glasses who was trying to pass. Hopefully, Hannah or Alex would arrive soon and she could chat to them. No, not Alex. They could only exchange social chatter for fear his brothers learned what he was doing.

      “Stop frowning. You look fierce, Phoebe.”

      Easing her expression at her sister’s prompting, Phoebe ignored the pang of guilt at keeping Alexander Hetherington’s involvement in their business a secret. He had a right to do as he wished, and if his interest lay in fashion then who was she to fault him, as hers laid in fashion and riding tricks on horseback. She shuddered at the thought of how Lord Levermarch would react if he found out, as she was sure he was not a man who would like his brother investing in the fashion industry. She felt a bit uncomfortable deceiving him, yet Alex had made her and Hannah promise they would say nothing to anyone about his involvement. He had also reiterated several times that he wanted Viscount Levermarch to remain unaware.

      “Why must people say they are having a little gathering and then set about squashing a hundred people into a space big enough for fifty?”

      Livvy patted her shoulder. “The music will start soon, dear, and then some of the guests will take seats and others will find amusements.”

      Looking up, she noted a huge cherub suspended from the ceiling. Around its neck was a pink satin bow.

      “Does Lady Harrington really believe that a cherub with a pink bow is a point of difference?”

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