The Last Riders - First Four Votes (2 page)

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“Hi, sis, you’re late,” Lily greeted and accused her at the same time.

“I know. I would have called, but I know how you are about me talking on the phone while driving.” Beth removed her shoes and the band holding her hair tightly back from her face. Beth eased her sister’s fears, understanding how traumatized she had been from their parents’ unexpected deaths.

“All right,” Lily instantly forgave her sister. “Let’s eat; I am starving.”

Beth laughed at her sister’s slim figure. “You always are. I don’t know why you can’t gain weight the way you constantly eat. Must be good genes.” Instantly, Beth regretted her words at the pain in her sister’s eyes.

Quickly taking her arm and leading Lily back into the kitchen, she changed the subject. “What’s for dinner?”

Laughing, Lily answered her question. “Your favorite; spaghetti.” The girls set the table and within minutes were sitting down to enjoy the dinner Lily had prepared.

“So what have you planned for this weekend?”

“Nothing much.” Lily shrugged, taking a slice of garlic bread. “Studying.” Beth frowned at her short answer.

“Isn’t prom a few weeks away?”

“Yes, but I am not going.”

“Why? Doesn’t Charles want to go?” Beth tried not to wince when she said his name. The young boy was nice, however he showed many of the same characteristics of their father. His self-righteousness often grated on Beth’s nerves.

“No, and neither do I.” Lily raised her hand when Beth would have protested. “You didn’t go to your prom because Daddy wouldn’t allow it. I just can’t go when I know it wouldn’t have been what he wanted, and Charles agrees.”

Beth chose her words with care. “Lily, times have changed. The church is much more lenient than when Dad was pastor. I am not saying go out and get wild, just go out and have a good time. There can be a happy medium.”

Lily just shook her head. “No, Beth. Please, I don’t want to go.”

Beth started to argue with her sister over whether it was the prom she did not want to attend or the after-parties, which could get a little wild, when the phone interrupted her with the notes of “Into the Fire". Lily made a look of reproach at the music, but Beth ignored it. She loved music and enjoyed it, contrary to her father’s teachings of it leading to sin and temptation. Beth wasn’t about to let Lily guilt her into changing it into her own boring ring tone.


“Beth. This is Loker James. I’m sorry to disturb your evening, but I have a situation on my hands I was hoping you could help me with.”

“No problem, Mr. James. What can I help you with?"

Lily made a face at her as she helped herself to another serving of spaghetti.

“I just received a call from Mick at
. Dad is down there, drunk, and trying to get in fights with other customers. I was hoping you could send Blake down there to take him home for me. I’m in Washington in a meeting or I would do it myself.”

“I can’t send Blake, but I can take care of it for you.” Mr. James’s father, Ton, was a small man with a big name and an attitude to match. He was a sweet person when sober, but when he was drunk, he managed to convince himself that he was a badass. This often led to fights that he lost and sometimes trips to the emergency room to be patched up under his son’s furious recriminations.

Loker James had hired Beth because his business had him out of town frequently and he wanted to maintain a watchful eye on his father.

“I don’t know if that’s the best option. Dad can be hard to handle when he’s drunk.” The aggravation in his tone came clearly through the phone. Beth grinned, she was well aware of just how cranky the man could be, having put him to bed many times over the last few months since she had been hired. This, however, was the first time she would have to enter
to retrieve him after a binge.

“I can handle Ton. Don’t worry. Mick will help me get him in the car.”

She was well acquainted with Mick. The bar’s owner had attended her father’s church and even continued when the new pastor had taken over at her father’s death. Her father had wondered frequently to her mother if it was to repent for the sins he allowed to be committed within his establishment, or those he had committed himself.

Whenever the subject had been brought up to Mick, he would just change the subject to her father’s sermon, which redirected the enthusiastic pastor from his determination of saving the man considered to be one of the biggest sinners in the congregation. His large donations soon stopped further attempts at saving his soul.

“If you’re sure?” Doubt was now laced in his voice before Beth heard him sigh. “Call me when you have him back at home. If you run into any trouble, let me know immediately.”


t didn’t take
Beth long to reach the bar on the outskirts of the town after leaving Lily to do the dishes, which she didn’t feel at all guilty about. That was the one chore Beth despised, spending her childhood doing them after the many dinners her parents had felt compelled to have for members of their congregation had completely turned her off from wanting to do them.

Beth swallowed hard when she pulled in and saw the parking lot of
packed. Friday was a busy night for the bar, but the vast majority of spaces were filled with motorcycles. A sinking feeling hit her stomach. Before she could change her mind and call Loker James back to tell him that she couldn’t rescue his father, Beth walked quickly to the entrance. As she neared the doorway, a movement to the side of the business drew her attention.

A male was leaning against the side of the building, the darkened wall providing support as a woman with a frilly black skirt was on her knees before him. Her bobbing head showed exactly what sexual act she was performing on the male with his cock buried in her mouth. When Beth was able to lift her shocked eyes from the thrusting hips and large member being shoved into the woman’s eager mouth, she recognized the man from earlier today as the one who had seen her scurrying to her car. Even now, Beth had to stop herself from running back to the safety of the waiting vehicle when he lifted his gaze and saw Beth staring at them in shocked surprise.

He did not slow down, instead the hand in the woman’s hair tightened as he pulled her closer onto him. He momentarily broke eye contact with Beth to watch his length disappear into the woman’s obviously experienced mouth. Her black tube top was down around her waist and his fingers were tugging on the woman’s breast in his hand. Beth saw his fingers twist her nipple and the woman began to squirm as her head bobbed faster until Beth could tell from his lustful groan, as well as the woman’s gasps, that he was coming in her mouth.

When a slamming door jarred her back to reality she walked jerkily forward, practically running into the bar. Beth despised herself for watching the couple, but she had been frozen in place, unable to move with his eyes pinning her there.

It took several seconds for her eyes to adjust to the dimness of the bar. Looking around, she saw Ton sitting at the bar and it seemed she had arrived just in time. He was currently being held by the throat by another biker she had seen with Samantha, who was now sitting on the lap of a heavily tattooed biker, earlier that day.

Guessing fidelity did not exist among the group, Beth motioned to Mick who had not taken his eyes off her since she had entered the bar. Carefully walking up behind Ton, who couldn’t see her approach due to the biker now holding him dangling in the air, Beth reached out a hand and tugged at the arm determined to strangle the life out of her client.

“Excuse me, could you please let him go?” The unbelievably scary face that turned to her forced an unintended squeak past her trembling lips. Beth knew she was a self-confessed coward and wisely would have never in a million years attempted to confront the huge being in front of her in usual circumstances. This was definitely far from usual. She was being forced into the confrontation for her client’s well-being and, of course, the huge amount she was planning on charging Loker James.

Swallowing the huge lump of fear lodged in her throat, she reached out and tugged his hand away from a purple Ton.

Released, Ton grabbed the bar, hanging on as he dragged air into his oxygen deprived lungs. His gasps for air drawing everyone’s attention as they waited to see if the old man would have a heart attack or recover.

“What the fuck?” When the huge biker moved forward to grab Ton again, Beth moved, placing herself in front of Ton and thereby, blocking his access.

“I apologize for anything and everything he has done. I am here to pick him up. If you would give me a minute, I will get him out of your hair.” Belatedly, Beth noticed the scary biker dude had no hair. “I mean—” hastily Beth spoke once again. “I know he can be a little irritating when he has been drinking, and I won’t let him bother you further.”

The silence in the bar allowed Beth to hear her thundering heartbeat.

“He called me a pussy. I am going to beat the shit out of him then you can take him wherever the fuck you want to.” Again, he reached out to grab Ton, shoving her out of his way.

As Beth grabbed a stool to regain her balance, she heard a harsh voice directed at the meathead. “Back off, Knox. Let him go. You can settle the score later.”

Beth turned to see the man from outside shoving the huge man's back. The woman who had been giving him the blowjob followed meekly behind him before giving Beth a wink and going behind the bar where she immediately began filling glasses with foaming beer.

Beth felt herself turning red, unable to meet his eyes. She was angry that she continued to make a fool of herself in front of this particular biker.

The man called Knox looked as if he was going to argue before grinning at her, raising his voice so that Ton could hear him. “Count yourself lucky, old man, that tonight this sweet looking bitch showed up, but I will be dealing with you later. I am tired of your mouth spouting off what you’re too old to back up.”

Ton, with his oxygen restored, if not his sanity, responded unwisely, “You see what I mean, Beth. He’s a pussy.”

Beth screamed as Knox lunged for the unrepentant Ton, knocking her sideways as the bikers moved to hold Knox back.

Beth found herself grabbed and held until she was able to regain her balance. Looking up, she saw eyes staring down on her that forced feelings from her body that had been repressed for years. She pulled away from the hard body supporting her, uncomfortable with the memory of his sexual encounter with the waitress just a few minutes ago. A red faced Beth turned to see the heavily tattooed biker holding back a struggling Ton, while four others held back a furious Knox.

“This is my bar, and I don’t care much what goes down in here as long as your money is green,” Mick bellowed, drawing everyone’s attention. “But I am going to have to tell you to leave Ton alone. I am friends with Loker, and I am telling you he will make amends for his father.”

Beth was surprised at the reaction that drew from the bikers. Even the furious Knox hesitated. Taking advantage, she moved to take Ton’s arm, determined to get out of the bar while Mick held their attention; however, Ton wasn’t having it.

The obnoxious man jerked away from her touch. “I ain’t going nowhere till I get another drink.”

“Please, Ton, let’s just go. Mr. James wants me to take you home. He’s waiting for my call.”

“Then he can wait ten more minutes because I am getting my drink.” The belligerent man stomped to a nearby table and yelled at Mick, “I’ll have another whiskey.”

Mick just stared at him before turning to the woman behind the bar. “Jenna, get him a whiskey.” Looking at the bikers in warning, he went back to the bar and began serving drinks. “Round of beers on the house.” Mick’s words had the bikers moving to the bar.

Beth didn’t miss the threatening glare Knox threw Ton before reaching for his beer and leaning against the bar, not taking his eyes off the drunken man.

Beth, not knowing exactly what to do in this ludicrous position, took a chair at the table next to Ton. When the waitress put the whiskey in front him, she didn’t raise her eyes. She already had seen too much of the woman.

“Can I get you anything?”

“No thanks.”

“Suit yourself.” Beth raised her eyes to see the amusement in Jenna’s expression. Beth became aware then that the woman knew that Beth had seen her sexual act outside and could not care less. She watched as she served drinks to the men in the bar, flirting with several of the bikers.

Beth surreptitiously looked at the biker Jenna had given the blowjob and saw no jealously. Instead, he was staring at her. Her face reddened with embarrassment when he took a seat at the small table next to her. His thigh brushing hers before Beth hastily moved it away.

“You know you’ve placed Loker in a bad position, Ton,” the biker said.

“It won’t be the first time and definitely won’t be the last, Razer.” Ton raised his glass unconcerned. “Besides, Loker can take care of himself.”

Razer lifted his beer to his lips. Beth couldn’t help noticing how sensual they looked as he took a drink. He was a good-looking man and, from his attitude, he was well aware of his attraction to the opposite sex. She could tell that he was not surprised to find Beth staring at him.

“After he finishes his drink, you need to get him out of here. If he mouths off to Knox again, nobody will stop him.” He cast a warning look to Ton while talking to Beth.

“I’m going.” Ton stood up shakily from the table. “Not because I am scared of that.”

“Ton don’t,” Beth pleaded.

Not to be stopped, Ton continued, “But I have to get Beth home. She doesn’t belong in this dump.”

Beth wanted to yell at the man herself for insulting Mick’s business. He had saved the ornery man’s ungrateful butt. Seeing Mick stiffen behind the bar, Beth knew Loker would be making amends, and not only to the bikers.

Beth rose from the table and moved to follow Ton towards the door. Taking her hand, Razer spoke directly to her for the first time. ”Why don’t you drop off Ton and come back. Have a drink with me.”

Beth’s mouth dropped at the arrogance of the man. He was definitely used to women being available to him.

“I don’t think so. Thanks anyway.” The polite Christian girl inside her refused, while the wild woman she used to dream about begged for release. Jerking her hand from his, she hastily followed Ton outside with Razer’s laughter following her. He had seen her indecision.

hat the fuck
was that about?” Samantha said, walking up to the table.

Razer knew she had overheard him. “It’s none of your business.” He gave her a hard look, letting her know that he wouldn’t take her shit.

“Come on, Razer. I’m horny. Let’s head home."

“What’s the matter? Shade not in the mood?”

“You know I can handle you both." Leaning against his back, she rubbed her breasts against him. Her hand trailed down his chest until her hand covered his crotch, squeezing him through his jeans. His cock hardened against her experienced fingers.

Pulling her to the side, he jerked her down for a rough kiss. “Get Shade and meet me outside. I’ll pay the bill and be there in a minute.”

“Why pay Mick? He said it’s on the house? If you want to blow your cash, give it to me.” Razer became ice cold. “We always pay our way. Mick isn’t responsible for Ton. Quit being a greedy bitch and go outside to wait, or I’ll ask Jenna if she wants to play. Makes no difference to me,” he ordered.

Sam bit back the sharp retort she wanted to make, but knew she would make Razer angry with her and she wanted him too badly for that. She had seen the interest in his eyes when he sat down next to the goody-two-shoes, Sunday school teacher. She would’ve sworn before that he didn’t stand a chance in hell in getting into those panties, yet Sam had seen the slight hesitation in Beth when he had asked her for a drink. Determined to give him a night he would never forget, she went to get Shade and wait outside.

et up sleepyhead
.” Beth burrowed further under her pillows at her sister’s demand.

“Go away.” She felt like she had just closed her eyes.

It had taken her over an hour to get Ton taken care of and then she’d had to place the call to explain everything to Loker, who had been surprisingly calm at her description of the events. He had always been a mystery to her. In his late thirties, he was not a handsome man. He was known to be harsh and unfriendly around town, however it didn’t matter because he was a well-known businessman who had made Treepoint his home when his father had retired here after retiring from the Army.

He had hired Beth when his business trips began lasting longer than several days. Ton was a well-known rebel rouser around town when he was drunk, but he also had several medical conditions that needed careful monitoring. Beth was amazed he had managed to make a career out of the Army with his behavior. Lily bounced up and down on her bed, pulling her away from her thoughts.

“Let’s go swimming,” Lily suggested

With her weekdays usually full, Beth kept her weekends free to spend with Lily. Her departure in two months for college was looming and Beth wanted to spend what time she could with her before she left. Sadness clutched at her chest at the knowledge things were about to change. They had such a close relationship and Beth didn’t want them to grow apart.

“Okay." Laughing, they scurried into their suits, covering them with shorts and t-shirts. Beth enjoyed her relaxed attire, instead of her regular professional dress-code, when about town dealing with her clients.

After eating a quick breakfast and packing a light lunch, they got in Beth’s car to head to the small lake nestled in the base of the surrounding mountains. Ordinarily it wasn’t busy this time of the year, but Beth and Lily had discovered a small nook with a tiny beach that no one ever went to that allowed them even more privacy. They frolicked and played for over an hour before getting out and lazily eating their lunch.

“Ready to go back in the water?” Lily asked.

“You’re supposed to wait twenty minutes or you’ll get cramps,” Beth replied, stretching out and relaxing on the soft blanket they kept in the car for such occasions. Both sisters were avid swimmers and the cold water was never a deterrent.

“That’s an old wives' tale.”

“I don’t think so. Sounds true to me.”

“Lazy butt, you just don’t want to get up.”

“I’m not seventeen with boundless energy. I am old.”

“You’re twenty-four; that’s not old. Besides, I’m nineteen remember?”

“It feels old, and you act seventeen.”

“You’re only tired because you got in so late last night.”

“How do you know what time I got back? Your light was off when I got home,” Beth questioned.

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