The Last Riders - First Four Votes (8 page)

BOOK: The Last Riders - First Four Votes
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eth handed Evie her paycheck

“I can give you more hours next week if you need them, but it would be only temporary. Mrs. Rogers fell and broke her hip. She wants to hire us for two weeks until her daughter can quit her job and move down here permanently.”

“That would be cool. The guys will be out of town for a few weeks. Beats sitting around the house, bored.”

Beth didn’t respond, instead she began clearing the cluttered paperwork at her desk. She and Evie had been going over the clients’ files.

She hadn’t mentioned her unexpected dinner last evening with Razer. Beth had told him that she would think about their talk and then decide what was best for them both. He hadn’t pressured her for a firm answer. He was seemingly content that at least Beth was considering seeing him again.

“Got plans this weekend?” Evie asked, drawing her mind back into the conversation.

“No, just paperwork that keeps piling up.”

“The girls and I are going to party at
. I would really like for you to join us,” she ventured hesitantly.

“I really need to get that paperwork done.”

“The guys won’t be there; they’re leaving tonight. Sam won’t, either; without the guys, she’s not interested. It’s my birthday and I would really like you come,” Evie pleaded.

Beth knew she couldn’t refuse Evie’s sincere request. They had become friends over the last few months and she didn’t want to seem churlish by refusing.

“Okay, I’ll be there. What time?”

“I can pick you up.”

“I have to help Mrs. Rogers get settled in at home. She’s getting released in the afternoon, but a neighbor will spend the night. I’ll take my clothes, get changed there and then drive to the club.

Evie reached out and gave Beth an enthusiastic hug. “We’ll have a great time. You’ll see.”

“I know we will.” Laughing at an obviously excited Evie, Beth went to her closet and took a package from the shelf before closing the door, handing it to an obviously surprised Evie.

“You knew it was my birthday tomorrow?”

“Of course, you did give me your personal information for withholding taxes. I remembered the date.” Beth shrugged as if it was a simple task to remember such a thing.

“I have been with Knox three years, even though he would deny it, and he never remembers my birthday. No one has remembered my birthday since I was a kid.”

“Evie, I didn’t mean to make you sad. I wanted to make you happy. Open your present,” Beth encouraged, warmed by Evie’s reaction to her present.

Evie eagerly opened the present as if savoring the moment. When she lifted the lid, her eyes rose to Beth’s before she laid the box down on the table, pulling out the shimmering, silky, jade-green top. When she lifted the top, she discovered the box also contained a pair of onyx bangle bracelets and matching ear studs.

“I don’t know what to say,” Evie said, overwhelmed.

“Then don’t say anything. Enjoy.”

vie held
the silky top in her hands, afraid she would wrinkle it. Tears gathered in her eyes, however the woman who considered herself the toughest bitch among the other women, simply put the top back in the box, carefully gathered her things, and said a hasty goodbye. When Evie closed her car door from within, assured there were no prying eyes, she hit her steering wheel with her closed fists, trying to restore her emotions.

“She is unbelievable,” Evie ranted to herself. “She remembers one fucking compliment I paid her nine months ago and she buys me one even prettier. What woman does that? We are jealous bitches. Who buys a fucking gorgeous top for the woman who fucked the guy you’re crushing on?”

Evie and Razer had not touched each other since that night. Before then, they’d had sex regularly. Evie had spent many nights sleeping in his bed, too tired after the workout he’d given her to leave since Razer hadn’t insisted. Yet, things had changed afterwards.

The look of hurt on Beth’s face that night still twisted Evie’s gut. She couldn’t even think of being with Razer now. The fact that Beth hadn’t held it against her, but had given her a job with the hours she requested, saw to it she had insurance, and even paid her more than the going rate of a professional with her. She even took care of Evie with the same love and respect that she showed her sister, Lily.

Looking at the box sitting in the seat next to her, Evie put the car in gear. She was determined, if it was the last thing she did, that she would make amends for the part she had unintentionally played in ripping the veil of innocence from Beth.

There were easier ways to learn a guy was a ho. Hell, it was the house joke that Razer would nail any available breezy. He enjoyed sex and boy, was he good at it. He would play with a woman or women for hours, yet get just as much enjoyment laying back, lazily stroking her breasts while another member fucked her. There wasn’t an aspect of sex Razer hadn’t tried and he had even managed to invent a few. Beth may have deserved to know this, but she sure didn’t deserve to be smacked in the face with the knowledge like she had been.

Evie smiled evilly as she drove home. If she was any judge of character, Beth was Razer’s Armageddon. He was about to become, with a little help from her—of course—a reformed man-whore, within reason—of course. Evie didn’t want Beth denied all the fun.

eth finished putting
Mrs. Rogers’s dirty laundry in the washing machine and, hearing the soft snores of a heavily medicated patient, she went into the spare bedroom. She had asked permission earlier to shower and dress there before leaving. She showered slowly, not in a big rush to join Evie and her friends at the bar. Planning on making her excuses after a few drinks, Beth was nervous of spending time with them. She didn’t have any experience of partying with a group of females and knew she would either put a damper on their good time or provide a form of amusement with her presence.

Checking with Mrs. Rogers one final time, she left.

Her blouse was baby blue and clung to the full curves of her breasts, looking very sexy, while a pink leather jacket hid the fact it was a halter that left the back bare. Her jeans clung to her slim hips, barely covering her butt and she had a tiny flashing diamond glinting in her bellybutton when it was caught by the light. She would never have had the confidence to dress so seductively if she hadn’t been told the men were out of town.

She drove to the bar, wishing she had brought a change of clothes, though. However, she had wanted to feel as pretty as the others because she was fully aware that, even without the men around, they would be dressed sexily. Beth hadn’t wanted to stick out among them.

She wasn’t wrong, either. As she entered the bar, Beth could immediately see that she still was dressed conservatively. The majority of them were in short skirts that left little to the imagination and barely there tops. Their high-heeled shoes looked like they were bought at the sex shop in Lexington, not that Beth had ever been in one.

The booze was already flowing and, when Evie saw Beth, she screamed with delight. “I was beginning to think you weren’t going to show.”

“I told you I would be here. I wouldn’t miss your birthday party,” Beth said

“We were going to whip your ass if you disappointed our girl,” a red head Beth hadn’t been introduced to threatened.

“Have a seat, Beth.” Evie pulled out a chair next to her. “Been saving it for you for a while,” she reprimanded.


Evie nodded, already forgiving her boss and friend. “Mick, bring Beth a drink.”

“Let me introduce everyone.” Evie motioned to the gorgeous women sitting at the table. “That’s Jewell, Ember, Stori, Ivy, Tricks and Dawn. They are all members of the club. Bliss and Natasha are both newbies.” She motioned at the women approaching the table, carrying trays of drinks. She gave each woman a smile as they were introduced. The last two girls gave her eager smiles. The women were definitely sexy, dressing in clothes that screamed ‘do me’. Beth envied them for their sexual confidence.

Bliss smiled in return as she placed an unrecognizable drink in front of Beth.

“What is this?” Beth asked her.

“It’s a birthday cake martini.”

“Well, that explains the sprinkles.”

celebrating Evie’s birthday,” Bliss laughed in response.

“I usually do it with a cake,” Beth said, taking a tentative sip.

“Come on, Beth, have fun tonight. Mick’s giving everyone rides home tonight with the men gone.”

“Don’t remind me,” Jewell moaned. “I hate it when they go out of town.”

“Don’t they let you go with them?”

“No. When they go out of town, it’s usually on business or to settle a problem. They don’t want us involved in that shit, so they leave us home, sitting on our asses,” Jewell answered. “Doesn’t mean we do without while they are gone. Just not as much fun without balls.”

Beth blushed, lifting the strong drink to her lips.

“Ignore them,” Evie laughed.

Beth finished her drink slowly, looking around the bar. It was empty save for the women at the table.

“It’s not very busy in here for a Saturday night, is it?” Beth questioned.

The women burst out laughing while Beth was left wondering what was so funny. She didn’t get the chance to ask, not that she really felt like she had the nerve to, because Jewell and Ivy got up, going to the small dance floor and began dancing with each other. A couple of the others got up to join them and Evie was drawn into a conversation with Bliss and Natasha about the small size of Treepoint.

As she glanced around the bar, Beth noticed two men come in and order drinks. She found herself thinking that one was pretty cute and the other not so bad either, which was when Beth realized she was loosening up. The guys didn’t stay long after their one drink, leaving with regretful looks at the boisterous table filled with scantily clad women, and Beth found herself feeling a little deprived by the absence of the eye-candy until Bliss drew Beth’s attention.

Bliss was the quietest at the table and, for that reason, she felt a sort of kinship with her. Short, spiky blond hair with a lithe, tanned body, Bliss was the woman that she had seen Knox with at the house. Natasha, with her long, curly, brown hair and curves in all the areas that men would find hard to resist, seemed to have made friends with the other girls faster than Bliss.

“How long have you been in Treepoint?” Beth asked Natasha when she was caught staring.

“A year.”

“How did you end up here?”

“My cousin is a member of the club’s Ohio headquarters. I would visit her on vacations. Met Train and Rider, so I decided to follow them up here. I don’t know if I’ll be staying here once I am a member, though. No offense, but it’s a small town.”

“None taken. That’s why many of the younger population are leaving. No malls and, other than the movies, not much to keep you busy.”

The women burst out laughing. “We stay pretty busy.”

“Shut up,” Evie said. “Beth is going to think all we do is party all day. We don’t.”

“No, mainly catch up on the sleep they don’t let us get the night before.” The girls laughed even harder.

Evie threw the women nasty looks. “I agree a few of you have been shirking your duties, but when Viper gets here, that shit will stop.” The laughter immediately stopped and a couple of the girls averted their eyes from Evie’s.

“Who’s Viper?”

“He’s the leader. Word around the club is that he’s finally going to make his presence known. Shit is about to go down!”

“Better be quiet, Natasha. You haven’t been brought in yet and, if they find out your yap is spreading information outside the club, you won’t get enough votes to become a member.”

Natasha shrugged. “Only need two more.”

“How many votes does it take to become a member?”

“Six. Got the first two the first week, the next within the last six months. They make sure to spread the votes out to make sure you deserve their trust and you’re into the club life.”

“That’s nice the first two liked you well enough to give you their vote so fast,” Beth said innocently.

“Yeah, Knox and Rider always like to fuck the new girls first. They know if the girls can handle them, they’re up for anything,” Evie said without expression.

Beth didn’t want to know how many votes Bliss had acquired so far. Beth looked at Evie, wondering how she handled Knox messing around with the women at the table, even managing to become friends. How could she not resent new women being brought into the club?

“So, to become a member you have to have sex with six of the members?”

Natasha shook her head. “Not any six. If that was the case, I would have been a member months ago. No, you have to fuck a particular six. There are eight men that are the original members that began the club; you have to get six of those eight, or you can’t be a member. You can hang around and get laid as much as you want, but you can’t know shit about the club. After I get my last vote, I can get my tattoo,” she said as if it was a sought after trophy.


“Yes.” Natasha pointed at the other women’s tattoos. Each, from what Beth could tell, was the club emblem with a date. Each date was different, placed on various parts of the body, but Beth noticed most were placed on the curve of their breasts.

”It’s the date we got the last vote.”

Beth literally wanted to be sick. How could these women be so brazen about something that seemed so sexist to her?

Evie looked directly into Beth’s eyes. “Don’t misunderstand, Beth. No one here, or the other women at the house, are forced to do anything they don’t want.”

“Hell, no!” the other’s chimed in their agreement.

“The men don’t go looking for women to lure in or bring in. All of them seek a way in, either from an acquaintance in the club, or requesting it from a member. They all want the freedom and excitement of belonging to the club. They don’t do young. Look around the table, we are all well over the age of twenty-one, know what we like sexually and get it as much as we want it. If we don’t, they leave us the hell alone, but the sex with the heads of the club is about trust. Trust that the new member being brought in is loyal to the club, the whole club. You find out a lot about a person when you have sex with them.”

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