The Last Riders - First Four Votes (5 page)

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“Works out nice for you both.”

Beth only nodded because, while they had been talking, he had turned her sideways on his lap, facing away from Train. His hand was now running up and down her thigh, his thumb casually brushing her denim-covered mound before sliding away. The sensation was teasing her into wanting it to linger longer. Almost the instant that occurred to her, one of his hands buried itself into her long hair, tilting her head back and kissing her before she could protest. When his lips touched hers, all thoughts of objection vanished. There was just something so naughty about sitting on his lap and letting him pet her.

Razer sucked her tongue into his mouth, wanting to see if she would be able to respond to him in the heavily crowded room. Beth dragged her nails over his t-shirt covered chest. She was forgetting where she was and getting into the moment when Razer broke away.

“Let’s go.” Razer tore his lips away.

“Where to?”

“My room. I don’t think you’re ready to fuck in public yet and, if you keep scratching at me with those nails, I am tearing those jeans off you.” Standing up, he pulled her up on her feet.

Razer hustled her through the crowd and up the long flight of steps.


He opened the second door at the top and led her inside. His lips found hers before she could say anything as he kicked the door shut behind them. Beth was still trying to make up her mind if this was really what she wanted.

“Baby, you’re so hot.”

The trite phase that was something he probably had said to several women since hitting puberty was exactly what she needed to bring herself to her senses.

“Razer slow down.” She pushed him away and put her hands up to ward him off. “Can we slow down a minute?”

Razer frowned. “Do you think I’m pressuring you?”

“No! I’m not saying that at all. I just need to catch my breath for a minute.”

“I can do that.” He smiled and reached for her again, pulling her into his body to rub her back.

“Look, if this isn’t working for you, I can take you home. I can see how it can be a little much. I’m used to this way of life, but I can also see how it can be for someone else.”

“You understand?” Beth gave him a sweet smile. “I just feel a little overwhelmed.”

“That’s cool. We can try another night. Maybe we can catch a movie when I get back from Ohio."

“I’d really like that.”

“Good. Now, let’s get out of here before my good intentions go out the window.”

The trip down the stairs was much slower. Razer was being incredibly nice; Beth couldn’t believe that he didn’t at least try to change her mind. It made her feel as if he was beginning to want to know her better, maybe he hoped to form a relationship with her in the future. The ride back was gloomy after all the excitement of the night had been anti-climatic. Beth consoled herself that at least she had tried versus not trying at all.

At her door, he kissed her again, drawing a response that she couldn’t control. “Would you like to come in?”

Razer’s lips slid reluctantly away from her neck. “I better not. We’ll be leaving early and, if I leave now, I can grab a few hours sleep. I’ll call you when I get back.”

“All right. Have a safe trip.” Beth watched from her doorway as he drove away, contrarily wishing she had remained at his house. Her fear had won the battle, making her run like a scared little mouse. Again.

She was getting in her bed, going over the night as she slowly became sick to her stomach that Razer would be returning to a house full of half-naked women. He hadn’t been worried about getting up early in the morning before she chickened out. The more she thought about it, the sicker she felt to her stomach. She didn’t want him to turn to another woman because she had been too chicken to sleep with him.

Before she could change her mind, she jumped out of bed, hastily dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, grabbed her car keys and headed back towards the house.

Arguing with herself the whole way back, she sat in her car for several minutes before gathering enough courage to get out of the car. Hopefully, he wasn’t asleep yet and, if he were, she would wake him up in a way he would never forget.

The party had become even louder, if that were possible. Some of the attendees were even having sex on the couch with others yelling encouragement. Beth didn’t think she would ever get used to the things she had seen that night. She looked around the room, relieved that Razer wasn’t locked in the embrace of one of the women, her confidence was boosted at the thought that he had come home and gone to bed as he had said he would. Beth went up the stairs to his room and raised her hand to knock, not wanting to walk in unannounced. Her confidence faded as she wondered whether he would be happy to see her at his door this late.

“Well, well… if it isn’t little Miss Goody two shoes.” Sam’s low voice drew her hand away from the door. She was barely covered in a blue see-through nightie that Beth could only imagine had been sold in a sex shop.

“You don’t have to knock, come in and join the party. I just left to get the lube.” Raising her hand with a tube of ointment in it, she blatantly wiggled it in front of Beth’s stunned face.

“The more, the merrier, Razer always says.” Sam gave Beth a sly grin. “I’m surprised you came back. Razer can be a little hard to satisfy, but I’m sure you know that since you haven’t accomplished it either time you went out with him. I took the hit for you last week; he fucked me all night long after he left you. I could hardly walk the next day.” Sam was telling the truth, Beth could tell by her smug grin. Razer had obviously discussed what they had done at Beth’s house with Samantha.

“Couldn’t do it tonight, girl. I had to get help.”

Before Beth’s stunned mind could function, Sam opened the bedroom door. Beth’s gaze was drawn inside as the woman had cruelly intended. Razer was in bed with Evie lying on top, his large cock buried in her pussy while Train fucked her from behind, pinning Evie between their thrusting bodies. Even Knox was in there, sitting on the chair by the rocking bed with his fist pumping his hard dick.

“Well, come on in. I’m back boys and I brought company,” Sam smugly announced.

Beth turned and ran, almost tripping down the steps, barely managing to grasp the handrail in time. She kept going, running even when Razer yelled her name.

Beth knew it was only her years in track that allowed her to sprint to her car, although she wasn’t certain why she had even run. She had already made a fool of herself and it wasn’t like he had been in any position to run after her. Tears were falling down her cheeks. Beth couldn’t believe how naïve she had been. Even last week, after he had left her with the taste of him, he had come back here to fuck Sam.

She had wanted freedom from the strict rules her father had ingrained in her since childhood, wanting to test herself, but what she had done was throw herself into hurricane waters. She had thought she would be able to swim, instead she had been torn apart. Razer was out of her league and she had known that all along. After all, he was very sexual; living in a club environment that provided easy access to women without the usual complications. Coping with a woman who placed sexual limitations on a relationship wouldn’t have even occurred to him.

Beth didn’t even bother turning on the lights when she walked into her house where she found her way in the dark to the kitchen. Grabbing bottled water, she sat at her kitchen table. She had just buried her head in her hands when her cell phone rang, the caller I.D said Evie calling. Beth knew it wasn’t Evie calling, that it was Razer instead. Her lips twisted into a self-deprecating sneer; he had never bothered to even ask for her phone number.

Brushing the tears away, Beth gathered every bit of pride her parents had instilled within her and picked up the phone.


“Beth, I never meant for you to walk into something like that. I knew you weren’t ready to—”

“I would never be ready for something like that, Razer, nor would I want to.”

Beth could hear his sigh of frustration over the phone. “Look, I can be there in twenty minutes. We can talk—”

She cut him off. “Don’t bother. Sam made it perfectly clear to me, but I do have a quick question before I hang up; did you have any intention of calling me when you got back in town?”

The silence that met her question shredded her last bit of self-respect.

“Listen, Beth, I think that we’re on different wavelengths. Sam told me you’ve been with several guys from town while you yourself told me you partied in college. I thought you knew the score, so I was willing to play your game, but woman, you’re just too much work for a piece of pussy.”

Each word flayed her soul. She had been planning on a relationship, one that might not even have lasted, but he hadn’t even wanted that, just another fuck toy. She tuned back in to hear him finish.

“I am sorry that you walked into that. I wanted it to end with no hard feelings.”

Beth was done, she hung up. Sam had lied, convincing Razer she was experienced and setting Beth up for failure. Although, Beth had to admit to herself that she was also at fault. The attraction she had felt for Razer had pushed her to do things that her common sense had told her was too soon. If she had wanted a romantic relationship, then a sexy biker was not where she should have looked. Fortunately, Beth knew someone who wouldn’t mind her inexperience; he wanted the same type of relationship she needed in her life.

eth kept
herself busy with cooking and cleaning for the rest of the weekend. When Sunday finally arrived, she had breakfast ready when Lily walked in the door. Lily laughed at the tight hug Beth gave her.

“I was only gone two nights.”

Seeing Beth's pale face, Lily’s smile disappeared. “Have you been sick?”

“No, I’m fine. I was in one of my moods to cook and I just overdid it. The good news is, we have enough dinners frozen for the next two months." Lily laughed in relief then told her about the youth group’s trip as they readied for church.

During the sermon, Beth paid particular attention to the Pastor’s appearance. She had certainly noticed before that he was a handsome man with light brown hair cut closely to his head. He was also tall and well built; both of which were surprising for a man of his profession. Beth seemed to remember that he had been in the military as a chaplain; in fact, he had served two tours ministering to the soldiers overseas.

When he had first arrived in Treepoint, he had made friendly overtures, but Beth had politely turned him down. She had no intention of finding herself in her mother’s shoes; however, the more Beth listened to him, the more she appreciated how he was teaching God’s word with more modern expectations.

After the service, Beth for once waited patiently for her sister to finish talking to her friends. Noticing the Pastor had finally finished saying his goodbyes to the parishioners and was gathering the papers on the podium, Beth stepped forward as Pastor Dean passed the pew where she had been sitting.

“How are you this Sunday, Beth?”

“Just fine, Pastor Dean. I hope your trip was successful.”

“Yes, we were able to lay a good foundation to rebuild the structure. The congregation should be able to finish the repairs.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Once again he started to walk towards the doorway outside. “Pastor Dean, Lily and I would like you to come for dinner Friday night if you’re not busy.”

The Pastor came to a sudden stop with a speculative look in his eyes. “I would enjoy taking you up on that invitation. Would six be fine?"

Beth smiled, relieved at his interested response. “That sounds perfect.”

onday morning was hurried
as both Beth and Lily had overslept. She was about to leave for work after Lily left for school with Charles, who picked her up every morning since earning his license, when the doorbell rang. Already in a rush, Beth answered the door with a frown and was surprised to see Evie standing nervously on her doorstep, wearing a pretty blue pair of scrubs.

“I know you probably won’t hire me now, but I really need the job,” she said with a hesitant smile.

Beth stepped back, opening her door further for her to enter. She knew that she would never get the picture of her sandwiched between Razer and Train out of her mind, yet she was also aware that it was her problem, not Evie’s.

“I still need help. Your private life is your own and none of my business,” Beth answered her quietly.

“Razer and I are just—”

Beth cut her reply short, “Again, it’s none of my business. I just have one request; if you are going to work for me, don’t ever mention him to me again. Can you do that?”

“Yes, but—”

Again, Beth cut her short. “Good. Now it seems you want to start today and that works for me. Monday’s are a killer. I hope you can provide me with a couple of references that I can check out.”

“No problem.”

“Good. Let’s go. Today you can drive with me until you learn the clients and where they live.”

“Anything you say, boss," Evie said with a grin.

Nine months later

lake was coming
down Mrs. Langley’s staircase as Beth finished cleaning the large living room. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw him balancing two large boxes.

“Need any help?”

“No, thanks. I can handle it.” He sat the heavy boxes down on the floor. “I packed away all the Christmas decorations, cleaned the attic and threw away everything Mrs. Langley told me to. These two weren’t labeled. She said for you to go through them and organize whatever is inside if it’s important.”

“I don’t have time to right now, I have a date with Dean tonight. Could you put them in the trunk of my car as you leave?”

“No, problem. Anything else before I go?”

“No, that’s all for today. See you next week.”

Beth went to the kitchen to make a small meal for Mrs. Langley before she also left for the day; a bowl of warm soup, a glass of cold milk and several homemade cookies on a small tray. Beth had made the cookies last night before going to bed.

Carefully carrying it upstairs to Mrs. Langley’s bedroom, she found the woman lying in bed, watching her favorite show. Beth helped her sit up before placing the tray on her lap.

“Thank you. Are those chocolate chunk cookies?”

“Yes. I left a container of them on the kitchen counter for later.”

“They are my favorite,” she said while picking one up and biting into it.

“I will have to remember that.” Beth smiled and chatted with her about the medical program she was watching as she cleaned the room.

“Have you seen Samantha lately?” Mrs. Langley asked as Beth took away the empty tray.

“No, I haven’t,” Beth lied, remorseless. No way would she be drawn into a conversation about the woman’s granddaughter. Samantha was constantly seen around town with the members of The Last Riders. Beth had seen her several times herself since that night months ago. Twice on the back of Razer’s bike where, each time, Sam had manage to throw a gloating look, if not giving her the finger.

“She didn’t come by for Christmas. Vincent explained she was busy working and would visit when she had the time. Perhaps if you happen to see her, you might mention her grandmother would enjoy a visit.”

Beth forced a smile. “If I see her, I will be happy to pass along your message.”

“Good. Now you better be going. You don’t want to be late for your date.”

“I won’t. I’ll come by tomorrow to tell you all about it.” Beth smiled as she heard the television volume increase when she left the room.

Beth washed and cleaned the dirty dishes before leaving. She was only paid to work for two days a week, however, since Beth had noticed Mrs. Langley losing weight, she made sure to stop by daily to fix a nutritious meal and that it was in fact, eaten. Hopefully, Samantha would take pity on her grandmother and visit soon. If not, Beth would keep her word and broach the subject the next time the selfish girl was near.

, Pastor Dean is here!” Beth grimaced at Lily’s manners. She had come home for the Christmas holiday and would be going back in two weeks.

Picking up her sweater, she went downstairs to meet Dean.

“Wow, you look great,” Evie exclaimed as she looked up from the groceries she was organizing into boxes to be delivered the next day. Her car had broken down outside Beth’s home when she had dropped the groceries off, so she had set to work while waiting for one of the members from the club to pick her up.

“Thanks.” Beth was wearing a new royal-blue, tight skirt that ended above the knees with a matching sweater that had horizontal blue and black stripes that emphasized her breasts and small waist as it clung snugly to her curves. Every time she moved, the bare expanse of her stomach teased the eye. The large, black belt and sky-high heels that touched off the outfit had her feeling sexy and provocative. Not the best two combinations when her date was with the local pastor.

Beth saw Dean standing by the door.

“Hi.” Giving him a welcoming smile, she walked across the room to greet him. As Beth’s arms slid seductively around his shoulders to brush his mouth with hers, Dean’s lips returned the light pressure. His arms then came around her, pulling her body close.

“I’ve finished with the groceries, so I’ll be going since my ride is here,” Evie said, closing the last box.

Beth turned in Dean’s arms to see Razer sitting in the chair. This wasn’t the first time she had seen him since that embarrassing night; she had become adept at dealing with the occasions. Thankfully, he was out of town frequently and Evie had kept to her word to never mention him.

Carefully hiding her reaction, she greeted him before turning back to Evie. “Thanks, Evie, let me know if your car can’t be repaired by tomorrow and I’ll reschedule your clients.”

“Shouldn’t be a problem. Razer is a genius with machinery,” Evie said.

“Then I will see you tomorrow. Lily, I’ll be back in a few hours.” Lily waved them away, engrossed in a book as she sat at the table. Dean and Beth left with Razer, Evie following closely behind.

As they came up to Dean’s car, he held the door open as she slid inside the modest car.

“It’s working out well? Her working for you?” he asked when he was sitting behind the wheel.

Dean drew her attention away from watching Razer raising the hood of Evie’s car.

“Yes. It couldn’t have worked out better,” Beth answered honestly.

“It doesn’t bother you that she lives with a large group of men in a motorcycle club. Some of your clients are fairly well-off.”

“I trust Evie, and I think of her as a good friend. Besides, just because they’re a motorcycle club doesn’t automatically mean they are criminals,” Beth defended Evie heatedly, unconsciously including The Last Riders.

“I wasn’t criticizing. I like her, too." Dean raised a hand in surrender.

“You do?”


“Good. Now where are we eating? I’m starved.”

ean looked
up from his practically completed sermon when Razer walked in his open office door.

“I guess miracles do happen,” Dean said, leaning back in his chair.

Razer put his hands in his pockets as he headed over to the window beside the desk to stare outside. “How have you been doing?” Razer asked without responding to Dean’s comment.

“Very well. I’ve got a good church, a good woman and good friends. What more could a man ask for?” Dean noticed Razer’s stiffened body, yet he didn’t bring it up.

“You’ve been here a while Razer and you’re just now stopping by. Is there a reason?”

“Thought I’d stop by for a chat.”

Dean sighed and brought up the subject that Razer was dancing around. “I saw you two together. I was at a parishioner’s home in the neighborhood and saw her on your bike. That was the same weekend she asked me out.” Dean glanced down to see Razer’s hands clenching into fists. “I had made a play for her when I first got to town; she turned me down flat. After that night with you, she ran straight into my arms. You must have scared the hell out of her.”

“She knew what I wanted and she wanted me to work for it. It wasn’t worth the effort,” Razer weakly argued.

Dean stood and walked around the desk, casually leaning back against it.

“Oh, she’s worth it. Isn’t that what you’re here to ask me? If you made a mistake? For Christmas, I gave Beth a weekend trip to Vegas. She’s never been out of Kentucky her whole life. I’m going to ask her to marry me that weekend, Razer.”

“Everyone at the club will be happy for you. Guess that answers my questions on how life is treating you. Let me know when you set a date. I’ll send a present. See you around.” Razer turned towards the door.

Dean almost let him go, but he owed the man his life. It was time to pay him back. “Evie has started coming to church on Sundays, did she tell you?" Before he could answer, Dean continued, “She told me what happened that night. She feels pretty bad about it. She likes Beth. She also told me about the bullshit that Sam has been mouthing off about Beth. I thought you were smarter than to listen to a jealous bitch. Unlike you, I cared enough to find out about Beth. I talked to people that care about her; the people she sits next to every Sunday. Do you know she has never missed a Sunday service, even after her father, who was the previous pastor, had passed?”

Razer turned back, not saying anything, only listening. “The congregation loves her and, when they found out I was dating her, they couldn’t tell me her virtues fast enough. If you hadn’t been a jackass to her that night, she would never have dated me. Her father was a miserable bastard who controlled every aspect of Beth’s life, so she was never allowed to play and socialize as other kids her age were. They never even had a television; he considered it the Devil’s medium. They read scripture every night; her whole world was the church. I watched a videotape of him giving a sermon and he even scared me. There is no way she would place herself back in such a stifling environment if you hadn’t scared her so badly.”

“Sam told me she had dated several boys in high school, and Beth told me she had partied in college,” Razer defended himself.

"Beth wasn’t allowed to date in high school, she never attended extra-curricular activities and she never attended dances or prom. She won’t even dance with me; she’s too embarrassed to admit she doesn’t know how. His congregation told her father every misstep Beth made. If she even talked to a boy, they told him. I imagine if she attended a beer bust in college, Beth considered it partying. She probably was too embarrassed to admit to you how little she was exposed to, even if you gave her the opportunity," Dean said intuitively. “Since she graduated college and became Lily’s guardian, you were the first one to manage to get close to her. She works long hours to pay for all of Lily’s expenses and has managed to pay off almost all the debt her parents left. She didn’t want Lily to lose her home.”

“I should have known she was inexperienced,” Razer said in self-recrimination.

Dean nodded. “I can only determine that she was attracted to you and was willing to take a chance, despite every stricture her father had droned into her since birth."

“She must have thought she walked into Sodom and Gomorrah that night.”

“That may be, however, Beth and Evie have become best friends. She doesn’t even hold a grudge against Samantha. I am willing to bet she would forgive you if you tried.”

Razer shook his head. “I don’t fit into her life and she damn sure doesn’t fit into mine.”

“Evie tells me you have been nailing every woman that’s looked your way the last nine months, Razer. Yet you haven’t touched Evie or Sam since that night. You can drink all the beer you want, but if it is water you want, nothing will quench your thirst.”

“Don’t preach to me.”

“I’m done," Dean said, straightening from the desk. “I’m going to pay back my debt to you. I am giving you until this weekend to take another shot at a woman I have come to care about. Beth will make me the perfect wife other than the fact that I think she fell in love with you first. The man I served with, who saved my life and was like a brother to me, would be smart enough to figure out a way to get the best of both worlds.”

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