The Last Stand of Fox Company: A True Story of U.S. Marines in Combat (48 page)

BOOK: The Last Stand of Fox Company: A True Story of U.S. Marines in Combat
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Farish, George, 150
Farley, John D., 110, 111, 151,
184, 304
Farmer, Randall, 279-80, 283
Fifth Regiment, 14, 19, 24, 67,
146, 171, 203, 237, 241,
242, 258
"fire and maneuver" tactics, 45
fires, 67
First Marine Division, 13, 14, 16,
47. See also specific
Chinese soldiers encircling, 135
First Regiment, 14
First Rifle Battalion, 208-9, 24142, 268. See also Baker
Company; Owen, Joe
First Rifle Platoon, 38
Fixico, Amos
alcohol use, 239
Benson, Cafferata, and, 281
Bonelli and, 95
eye injury, 95, 238-39, 274, 281,
Hiskett and, 291, 299
Koone and, 95
McClure and, 238-39, 273-74, 281
flanking maneuver, 49, 84, 141,
Flying Boxcars, 201, 202, 247
food, 60. See also C-rations
Fox Company. See also specific
casualties, 135-36
Chinese attacks on. See also
specific topics
November 28, 7
November 29, 159
November 30, 216

defensive perimeter
diminished, as of Nov. 29, 211
gaps widen as of Nov. 29, 246
as of Nov. 27, 65
re-formed, as of Nov. 28, 128.
See also under McCarthy
during first six months of war,
maps of, 65, 128, 159, 211, 246
memorial service, 316-17
reunions, 315-16
Fox Hill, 27-29. See also specific
acoustical barriers across, 96
maps of, 17, 30, 159
Fox Rifle Company. See Fox
French, Billy M., 77, 79, 82, 138,
183, 235
Friend, Harvey J., 86
friendly fire, 3, 173
artillery shells, 160
frostbite, 59-60, 64, 272, 308. See
also under Bavaro; specific
Fry, William L., 88
Gaines, Robert L., 80, 131, 138,
Gamble, Clifford, 206, 221
Garza, William F., 174, 181
gear, 31
Gilling, Richard, 260, 281, 293,
Gleason, William P., 140, 154, 163,
180, 219
gold mines, 141
Goldstein, Bernard "Goldy," 43-44,
89, 90, 191

Golembieski, Stanley "Ski," 43-44,
66, 89, 90, 172, 175
Gomez, Anacleto, 104, 278
Gomez, Fidel G., 88-89, 103, 104,
211, 309, 316
Gonzales, Alfredo D. "Freddy," 92,
125, 153
Ernest Gonzalez and, 92, 153,
Ezell and, 125
Hiskett and, 282
Kirchner and, 282
Roger Gonzales and, 125, 282
Gonzales, Edward, 197, 289, 316
Gonzales, Roger
background, 11, 125
death, 110-11, 129-30, 141-42,
282, 285-86
Ernest Gonzalez and, 285-86
Ezell and, 125
Freddy Gonzales and, 125, 282
Kirchner and, 110, 129-30, 141,
MI, 99-101
McClure and, 11, 35, 48, 99101,110,141-42
Gonzalez, Ernest T., 90-95, 116-
Audas and, 117, 286
background, 91-92, 165
as BAR man, 92, 93
Benson and, 194
booty, 152-53
Cafferata and, 194
Freddy Gonzales and, 92, 153,
hospitalized for frostbite, 308
Hutchinson and, 292
physical appearance, 91

Roger Gonzales and, 285-86
sent home, 308
shootings, 94, 117, 165
shot, 95
sniper killed by, 93
weapons and, 152-53, 181-82,
Goodrich, David J., 139, 309
"gook," 12
Gore, Albert, Sr., 56
grenades, 81, 93, 165, 210. See also
booby traps
concussion, 87, 167, 249
hand, 89, 98, 100-102, 106, 154,
Griffith, Jack B., 108, 109, 120
Groenewald, William, 75
Gruenberg, Arthur H., 96
"gung ho," 205
Hagaru-ri, 19, 22, 226, 237. See
also specific topics
attack on, 195-97
Battalion Command Post in, 19
considered safe, 20
howitzer barrage called in from,
howitzers at, 209
Litzenberg and, 205
reinforcements for, 188
surrounded by Chinese divisions,
Hamhung, 252, 265
Hancock, Harold E., 88, 89
Haney, Alvin R., 138, 139, 183,
Hart, John, 196
"hasty burial detail," 290
Henry, George, 310

Henry, John 0.
after the war, 310, 316
awards and honors, 310
background, 39, 221-22
Barber and, 39
Burke and, 219
heavy weapons unit, 213
McCarthy and, 71
North Korean officers and, 24041
orders, 39
personality, 221, 222
physical appearance, 39
shootings, 81-82, 241
weapons and, 39, 82
Hill 1419, 49
Hiskett, Walter A., 169, 282
background, 111, 169
Farley and, 111
Fixico and, 291, 299
Freddy Gonzales and, 282
heartsick, 151
McLean and, 111, 151
memorial service conducted by,
prayer, 169-70, 180, 181
return to United States, 311
Roger Gonzales and, 110-11,
wounded, 111, 150, 151, 180-
Holt, Jim, 80, 95, 112, 131, 161,
215, 238
Horn, Jack, 87
How Battery, 157
How Company
Campbell and, 206, 220, 231
howitzer bombardments, 105,
158, 220
howitzer men, 152

howitzer unit, 31, 105, 138, 166,
howitzers, 36, 160, 206, 245
How Company, Third Battalion's
(Seventh Regiment rifle
company), 257-60, 269-70,
279, 280, 299
howitzer batteries, 34, 74, 206,
howitzer bombardments, 163, 171,
209, 243, 285. See also under
How Company
howitzer units, 31, 36, 138, 166,
188, 215. See also How
Company, howitzer unit;
Second Howitzer Battalion
howitzers, 36-37, 74, 158, 160. See
also under How Company
Hutchinson, Rollin, 80, 139, 168,
hygiene, 21
Hymel, Benjamin A., 87
illness, 21, 60. See also frostbite
Inchon, amphibious landing at, 2425
inspections, 102, 244
Iverson, James E., 86, 194, 304
Jackson, Norman A., 166, 170-7 1,
evacuation to, 301
U.S. troops in, 16
Jensen, Everett, 304-5
Johnson, Maurice W. "Luke," 108,
147, 201
Gray Davis and, 82, 108, 120,

Johnson, Norman J., 86
Jones, Edward, 72, 74, 85, 117
Jones, Robert, 79
Joy, C. Turner, 135
Kaema-kowon, 18
Kalinowski, Gunny, 199
Keirn, Meredith F., 85-86, 88, 95,
113, 119, 136, 155, 239
Kim 11 Sung, 14, 17, 24, 56
Kipp, Kenneth R., 77, 138, 240,
290, 307
Kirchner, Robert, 62, 64, 88, 110,
ambush/firefight and, 63-64
background, 62, 63
Barber and, 290
Benson and, 205-6, 213
cold weather and, 64
Farley and, 110
at Fox Company reunion, 316
Freddy Gonzales and, 282
Komorowski and, 88
McClure and, 141
return to United States, 310
Roger Gonzales and, 1 10, 129-
shootings, 64
wounded, 88
Klein, Walter, 113, 275
Bonelli and, 112, 210
at Fox Company reunion, 316
foxhole, 166
Keirn and, 113
Kline and, 286
Longstaff and, 286
Penn and, 166
Peterson and, 309
Pitts and, 308
shootings, 224-25

Valtierra and, 166, 210, 224-25,
Kline, Richard, 79, 83, 84, 133-34,
248, 277, 286, 316
Knowles, Lee E., 77, 80
Kohls, Robert, 79, 83
Komorowski, Joseph "Big Polack,"
88, 113, 129, 180
Koone, Howard, 9, 44
background, 9, 132-33
Bledsoe and, 132-33
Bonelli and, 9, 64, 66, 89-90,
four-man firing team, 118
wounded, 89-90, 132-33, 172,
217, 239, 289, 299
Korean peninsula, 52
Koto-ri, 188, 189, 234, 236, 303,
307, 311
Barber in, 22, 32, 175
encircled by Chinese, 47
Lockwood in, 26
McCarthy in, 71
Kurcaba, Joseph, 267
background, 244, 245
Baker Company and, 253,
Chew-Een Lee and, 245, 253,
263, 264
death, 311
Owen and, 244, 264, 271
radio communication, 263
Ray Davis and, 244, 245, 263,
270, 277
Ladner, Hobart P., 85-88, 116,
"landing ships, tank" (LSTs), 13
leapfrogging tactics, 45

Lee, Chew-Een, 245, 259, 262-67,
Arioli and, 251-53
background, 252-57
Baker Company and, 253, 256,
259, 270, 311
as keynoter at Fox Company
reunion, 316
Kurcaba and, 245, 253, 263, 264
Navy Cross, 311
Owen and, 264-65, 270
personality and values, 245, 257,
Raymond Davis and, 245, 256,
Turkey Hill and, 261, 262
wounded, 270, 279, 311
Lee, Chew-Mon "Buck," 256, 257
LeMay, Curtis, 56
Litzenberg, Homer, Jr., 171, 284-85.
See also Seventh Regiment
"after action" reports, 209
Alpha Bowser and, 145
background and overview, 19
Barber and, 78, 123, 149, 187,
188, 190, 209, 235
Benson and, 55, 205
Chew-Een Lee and, 256
contingency plans for evacuation
and, 189
feared that North Koreans
decided to annihilate
Americans, 190
First Rifle Battalion, 208-9. See
also First Rifle Battalion
Hagaru-ri and, 205
on holding Fox Hill and keeping
open Toktong Pass, 188
Lockwood and, 26, 123, 141,

main column, 242, 273
McClure and, 99
meeting with battalion
commanders, 207
men at Yudam-ni, 135
military strategies, 121, 123,
Murray and, 171, 190, 191, 207,
Oliver Smith and, 205
orders, 145, 205, 236, 257
personality, 19, 26, 256, 298
Puller and, 208
radio communication, 36, 18788
Ray Davis and, 191, 207-9, 257,
rear supply route, 20
Schmitt and, 78
temper, 298
Walter Smith and, 207-8, 236
wounded soldiers and, 298
Yudam-ni and, 190
Lockwood, Randolph, 145
Alpha Bowser and, 145
background, 26
Barber and, 22, 26-29, 31, 34,
68, 149, 184
"cooks and bakers" unit, 141
Litzenberg and, 26, 123, 141,
physical appearance, 26
reinforcement company, 149,
Longstaff, Robert A., 286
Love Dog Squadron, 245
MacArthur, Douglas A., 15, 16, 20,
48, 52, 171, 204
atomic bombs and, 56-57

attitudes toward, 10, 20
"deranged blood lust," 43
First Marine Division and, 13
Mao and, 43
military decisions, 19, 20, 24, 43,
military strategies, 14, 43, 56-57
optimism, 14, 52, 57
situation report to United
Nations, 146
X Corps, 13. See also X Corps
Main Service Road NK72 (MSR),
19, 31, 34, 59, 224, 259
Chinese point column on, 82
Mao Tse-tung, 15, 33, 43, 46, 47,
maps, 6, 8, 17, 26-27, 30, 65, 122,
128, 159, 211, 246, 261,
problems with, 262
Marine Corps, U.S. See also specific
attitudes, 12, 20
basic doctrine, 12
Marine Corps Manual, 12
Marshall, S. L. A. "Slam," 307
Mason, Howard, 277, 278
Maurath, Mervyn "Red," 79-81,
Mauser rifles, 45, 166, 210
McAfee, Johnson, 84, 117
McCarthy, Robert C., 90, 164, 171.
See also Third Rifle Platoon
after the war, 312, 316
Ashdale and, 74
Audas and, 66-67, 74, 175
background, 71-74
Barber and, 39, 106-7, 114, 136,
174, 312
"Big Indian" and, 155, 156

body count, 135-36
Bonelli and, 107, 156
casualty report, 136
command post (CP), 71, 106
command post bunker, 76
Golembieski and, 172
Henry and, 39, 71
Jones and, 72
Klein and, 210
physical appearance, 72
Pitts and, 71, 72, 107
re-formed defensive perimeter,
96, 105, 114, 128
recommendations for battlefield
citations, 300, 312
surprise inspections ordered by,
weapons and, 71-72, 130, 150,
wounded, 175, 292, 299-300
McClure, Warren L., 36, 99, 100,
102-5, 143-44
alcohol use and, 147, 239
Arioli and, 281
Australian Mustangs and, 142-43
background, 11, 34-36, 102
BAR, 99-102, 141
as "BAR man," 34, 35, 105
Barber and, 104-5, 300
Bean and, 144, 145
Belmarez and, 301
Ernest Gonzalez and, 285, 286
evacuation to Japan, 301
Fixico and, 238-39, 273-74, 281
at Fox Company reunion, 316
grenades and, 101, 301
Haney and, 192
Kirchner and, 141
paralyzed Marine and, 192-93
personality, 239

McClure, Warren L. (continued)
Peterson and, 102-4, 145
prayer, 169
quest for his gear, 287
Reitz and, 142
rescue, 287, 297
Roger Gonzales and, 11, 35, 48,
Schmidt and, 169, 193
Scully and, 169
sleeping position, 99
weapons, 102-3, 143-44
wounded, 144-48, 150, 154-55,
239, 301
Wright and, 145, 193
McLean, William, 60, 103, 104,
Medal of Honor, 192
Mertz, Kenneth N., 97
Messman, Robert, 211, 212
Military Lessons, 27, 47
"Minny Gang," 184
Mixon, Alex "Bob," 3
Montville, Daniel M., 248, 249
mortar units, 38, 83, 104, 158, 161,
mortarmen, 3, 38, 78-79, 83, 148
Chinese, 263
mortars, 60-mm, 105
Murray, Raymond, 171, 284-85.
See also Fifth Regiment
"backdoor" scheme and, 191
Barber and, 235
Fifth Regiment, 19, 242. See also
Fifth Regiment
Litzenberg and, 171, 190, 191,
207, 235
meeting with battalion
commanders, 207

men at Yudam-ni, 135
order to evacuate Yudam-ni, 236
rear supply route, 20
Walter Smith and, 236
Nambu, 162, 185, 205
napalm, 143
Navy Cross, 309, 311
nervous disease, 120
night fighting, 171, 190
North, Charles R., 118-20, 248-50
North and South Korea situation as
of Nov. 27, 6
North Koreans. See also specific
strategy, 27
treatment of captives, 137
views of United States soldiers,
nuclear weapons, 56-57, 236
O'Leary, Lloyd, 83-84, 105, 163,
Orwell, George, 10-11
Owen, Joe, 243-44, 264-67, 269,
270, 275, 277
Page, Jack
Burke and, 184-85
Campbell and, 238
Kline and, 133-34
shootings, 76, 77, 80, 81, 112,
snipers and, 221
weapons and, 76, 81, 161, 162,
Wright and, 133
Parker, Charles W., 111, 139, 151,
184, 304

passwords, 67, 72
Peach, Earl, 2-5, 199-200
Pearson, Charles M., 97
Peek, Oma L., 86
Penn, Homer K., 156-57, 166,
Peoples, Claude, 199, 304
People's Air Force of China, 134
Peterson, Elmo C., 215. See also
Second Rifle Platoon
after the war, 316
alcohol and, 200, 292-93
Audas and, 179
authority and credibility, 61
background and overview, 61
Barber and, 202, 203
Campbell and, 206
cargo plane, 301
cold weather and, 60-62
collapse, 295-96
Danford and, 60
detail, 193, 202
Fidel Gomez and, 278
Gray Davis and, 200-201
Groenewald and, 75
inspection rounds, 60, 61
Kirchner and, 63-64
Klein and, 309
Luke Johnson and, 200
McClure and, 102-4, 145
McLean and, 60
Navy Cross, 309
orders, 60, 82-83, 104, 152, 162,
173, 205, 213
Parker and, 139
personality, 62
Raymond Davis and, 202, 295
Second Platoon, 110, 123. See
also Second Rifle Platoon
supplies and, 203

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