The Law of Motion (Law Series) (55 page)

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Authors: Di'Nisha Robinson

BOOK: The Law of Motion (Law Series)
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“You don’t have to cut things short.” Jeff agreed.

Cam even went on, “With a bomb out we have—”

Alyssa silenced him with her hand, “Cam, Hunt, if you want to keep working that is fine, but my crew is going to have the rest of this day off. They’ve been working since Juan was taken. They need time to rest and time with their loved ones. My girls aren’t just detectives anymore, their wives, and mothers. These guys aren’t just former mercenaries, they’re husbands and fathers. I’m not sure how long this is going to go, but they will have as much alone time with their families as possible. ”

“I think that’s an excellent idea Alyssa.” My dad agreed.

Hunter raised an eyebrow at her in question, and I couldn’t help but be surprised myself. She was normally a work now relax later type of person. Her face was set as she looked up at him though. “Twenty four hours?” He double checked.  She nodded—and like everyman in Alyssa’s life—he couldn’t deny her what she wanted. “I’ll pull the guys on your house and office off as well, give them the night off.”

Tink nodded standing up from her chair, grabbing her laptop. “Let’s get this done. I want to be home before lunchtime.”

Alyssa nodded agreeing, turning her attention back to Hunter and Cam. “Continue.”

Hunter continued with his updates, and the plan until we found a solid direction to head in, but I could feel in my stomach that something was bugging my girl, and noting Hunter’s gaze when he looked up from his files, he did too. “What’s going on in that head of yours, Babes?”

              The girls stopped their conversation in the computer room, waiting themselves. Alyssa was never a person to be afraid of anything, so her straightforward question didn’t surprise me. “When do I get to kill Myles Thompson?”

“Um…Babes.” Hunter started, his eyes were sympathetic.

Cam shook his head firmly. “No way. Myles Thompson and those men are military prisoners; they have to be accounted for. We can’t just kill them. You know that, Chance.”

“He kept me in a cage for days, he took Juan. Pointed a gun in our faces. The only reason I didn’t kill him on that mountain is because you all needed him. Now he isn’t being compliant anyway so dead or alive, what’s the difference?” She argued looking only at Grayson.

“The difference is our jobs.” Cam argued.


job Cam,” Hunter corrected running a quick hand over his head.

Cam scoffed rolling his eyes. “Either way you want to put it, someone is going to have to pay the piper if one of them comes up missing. Especially Myles, we’re going to need him when we get Windsor and Nowak in custody. If he was going to be killed, you guys should have done it when he could have been considered a threat to your safety storming that mountain.”

Hunt.” Alyssa sighed sounding almost heart broken. “Thompson isn’t going to turn over his friends, and we have Kris. He’s a witness.”

“Powell? A person that we already refused to charge, despite the fact that he was involved in the kidnapping of two minors as well as yourself Alyssa. You asked us to keep him out of it and we did. We can’t do anymore within our legal limits.” Cam apologized, sounding stressed and strained.

“There’s gotta be something we can do?” Macon requested looking over at Hunter, who was gripping the side of the table, his head staring at the oak.

Hunter sighed and Cam reiterated. “There is nothing we are able to—”

“—There is … something.” Hunter sighed looking up at me and then Alyssa. “But you’re going to have to be patient Babes.”

Alyssa shrugged. “Set it up, I can wait.”

“I don’t think you know how long of a wait it is Alyssa. The only opening would be once he was amongst general population in Ft. Leavenworth.”  He plotted in almost a whisper.

“Tell me you are not talking about a prison hit!?” Cam argued yanking his glasses back off. Hunter gave him a quick nod, but then a shrug.

Macon shrugged, “This wouldn’t be the first one. So what are we doing, hitting the bus in transport?”

talking about a prison hit,” Cam shook his head throwing his hands in the air and walking into the computer room. “I don’t even
this right now! I’m going to help Tawny and the girls.”

“When would he have details, Grayson?” Ross asked leaning in.

Hunter shook his head. “There would be no team, it would be a one man operation.”

Jackson whistled unfazed, “Go ahead, if I’m in the right position I could—”

Hunter shook his head, “No it would have to look like an accident, beyond our control. The hit would have to take place
Leavenworth and they would need to be in place before he’s even sent there. It would mean a few months away from home.”

Alyssa shrugged, “Set it up, Babes. I’ll go.”

I instinctively wrapped an arm around her, I wasn’t going to let her be around the idiots in that prison without me for a day, let alone months. Hunter laughed rolling his eyes. “Babes, you lack the
that would put you close enough to pull off an inmate on inmate hit.”

“Oh.” She sighed, her face falling. Though she was sad I felt relief, because she wasn’t going to be away from me. “Well that settles that.”

“Don’t look like that, Chance.” Ross sighed.

I sighed, “I can go baby.”

She shook her head grabbing my hand. “No baby, I’ll be ok. Let’s just get these assholes and get back to our lives.”

Letting go of my hand she sighed getting up and walked out of office. Victor followed behind her silently, and I raked my hands through my hair. “Are we done here man?”             

“No, no, no.” Tink sang coming back out with Kristen and Doc.

Macon, who was leaning back sat up immediately. “What’s happening baby?”

Kristen looked at the empty seat next to me. “Where’s Chance?”

“She stepped out.” Dario explained, “Should we call her in?”

Doc shook her head. “No.”

“It’s probably best that she’s out.” Kristen nodded. “We have a plan to bring the guy out of hiding.”

“You do?” I asked looking at Tink’s face, scrunched up and hesitant.

Tink nodded. “We do, but Chance won’t like it.”

“Let’s hear it.” Danny encouraged just as Cam sat down.


              The dim light ghosting off of Alyssa’s body made my need to touch her almost instinctual. We had just finished another amazing round, the second since I got her back in our home and in our bed. I had made us dinner and pretty much planned to spend the rest of the night with her in my arms in some way shape or form, whether it was on the couch watching movies or in our bed sleeping. About halfway through dinner however, Alyssa got other ideas, her bare foot massaged up my lap, and with me catching on we didn’t make it to dessert.

Now, she was lying on her stomach, completely satiated. Her honey and cinnamon complexion practically glowing in post orgasmic bliss. The sheets were bunched up at the bottom of the bed, and she used them as a pillow, her toes playing with the headboard as my fingers traced along her lower back, moving her long curls to plant kisses on her shoulders.

“Mmm, I missed this.” She moaned hugging the comforter and turning her head to face me.

I chuckled down at her, her emerald eyes full of honesty too cute to not smile.  “I missed you too baby. It’s hard to believe that I actually got you back. The thought of losing you was driving me crazy.” I admitted after getting serious.

“I knew that you’d come get me.” She stated confidently as I traced small circles on the back of her thigh, just under her ass.

“Still drove me crazy.”

She propped herself up on her elbow, her eyebrow arching, “Crazy enough to punch Hunter?”

“He told you?” I muttered directing my eyes away from hers, focusing on the spot that I was tracing.

She gave me a quick sarcastic jeer before planting her chin back into her make-shift pillow. “No. Tink did.” She corrected. “Would you like to tell me why?”

“He got you taken away from me.” I answered simply. “I didn’t know that you and the others were plotting against the rest of us. You should have told me.”

She sighed, “You wouldn’t have let me go baby.”

“I know, because it could have ended so badly.”

She turned back to look at me, “Hunter thought that it was a good idea.”


will agree with anything you say because he thinks it’ll earn him points towards being with you.” I murmured pulling my hand away when she tensed underneath me.

She turned around and grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed gripping it as she sat in front of me. “You don’t like Hunter because you think he wants me?”

want you, I don’t
anything.” I argued putting my back against the headboard.

She tilted her head at me, completely calm as her green eyes inquired, “Do you think I want him?”

“No!” I frowned a bit too quickly.

She smiled at me, as if I was proving her point. “Then what is the problem?”

I opted for the truth considering she could more than easily spot a lie. “Truth?”

“I only expect the truth.” She sniped sarcastically waiting.

I gave her my thoughts with a sigh. “We had huge fucking obstacles trying to be together. Each step we overcame and got closer, only to meet an even harder obstacle on the other side.” She nodded agreeing that this was true. “And even now we still have a lot to work through, and Hunter comes along, and he falls back into your life so
. He reads you like a book, sometimes better than I can. You guys have this history of sexual tension, he’s all wrapped up in ‘what could have been’ and it makes me wonder…”

She picked up where I trailed off, knowing exactly what I was thinking. “It makes you wonder if I am feeling and thinking the same.”

I nodded, and she huffed displeased, grabbing the blanket and wrapping it around her, and for a moment I thought she was going to get up and leave. We sat there in silence, her staring down at her toes in front of her, and me staring at her. “Say something baby...”

“Ok.” She breathed, looking into my eyes. “For starters, it bothers me that you feel threatened by Hunter.” I started to protest, but she silenced me with a look before continuing. “It bothers me that you feel like Hunter can come between us. It bothers me that I failed to show you how much I love you, so you wouldn’t feel unnecessarily threatened. I’m obviously failing as a girlfriend.”

“You aren’t failing; I’m just a very possessive creature when it comes to you.” I promised her, opening the blanket so that I could pull her body closer to me. “You guys just have this effortless history together, and ours is—more than difficult. But don’t get me wrong, I will fight for you every day Alyssa Giselle Marshall because I love you.”

She laughed against my skin, her warm breath against my chest, “You silly silly man.” She declared pulling back from me. “You don’t get it. It’s because of
history that I know you are it for me. I love you Adrian Harris. When you met me, I was barely functioning as a person, and love was out of the window. I was a complete mess, baby. You—
built me up brick by brick, together.

Hell the reason that I am even able to
Hunter, into my life is because of you. If he came along even a year ago, he would have been pushed away like I have so many other people that have tried to be close to me. I don’t
Hunter, I want
. I am somewhat normal, because of you. You brought this out of me, so only
deserve to have it.”

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