The Law of Motion (Law Series) (57 page)

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Authors: Di'Nisha Robinson

BOOK: The Law of Motion (Law Series)
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I narrowed my eyes at the back of her head, wanting to smack that up-du down. Her smart ass mouth reminding me that she hadn’t forgotten my past two storm ins. “Yeah, well, I don’t need one, I’m
.” I reminded making my voice sarcastically pleasant.

She just scoffed. “Even
Mrs. Neil
comes through me with an appointment.” The way that she lingered on the name in a curt tone told me that there was probably more to their relationship than just his assistant.

“Well we made an appointment.” Margaux reminded with a smile before it got too far.

She smiled turning back to my little friend, though it didn’t reach her eyes, so it was nowhere near genuine. “Yes, yes you did. Come through here.”

Paul was already sitting in the conference room. He was looking over papers, his head perking up immediately when we walked through the door. “Alyssa!” He didn’t hesitate to walk over to us pulling my chair out. “I’m glad that you called.”

“Hello.” I greeted softly, taken aback by his eagerness.

Tink greeted him just as warmly. “Hi Paul.”

“Hello Margaux, always lovely to see you again,” He crooned kissing her tiny hand.

She giggled and Paul looked up at the boys behind us. “Uh, Adrian right?” He guessed extending his hand. “I’m never good with names,” He admitted.

That was lie, he was just never good with
names, I hid my eye roll as I introduced the only unknown. “This is another friend of mine, Hunter Grayson.”

“Nice to meet you.” He nodded stiffly, and Hunter shook his hand.


There was an awkward moment of the four of us standing there with Paul before he motioned broke it. “Well, sit, sit.” He encouraged pushing my chair in as I sat. “To what do I owe the pleasure Alyssa?”

I started to talk, but the annoying presence in the corner of the conference room stopped me. I looked over to Sarah sitting in a chair pulling out a pad preparing to take notes. “Does
have to be here?” I asked jerking my head to her.

“I always sit in on Mr. Neil’s meetings.” She explained continuing to twist out her pen.

I looked at her and then back at Paul. “What I need to talk to you about is extremely private.”

He chuckled leaning back in his leather chair. “I assure you Alyssa, Sarah is more than capable of keeping my confidences. She’s done so for many years.”

I let out a disappointed sigh before turning to Adrian, “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

“No, no,” He jumped looking over to Sarah, “Sarah, if you would.”

Sarah’s mouth hung open and she snapped it shut with a nod, her eyes still holding disbelief, “Of course, I’ll be in my office if you need me.”

When the door shut behind her I turned my attention back to Paul with a raised eyebrow. “You’ll have to excuse her, she’s used to things being ran a certain way. She has been my right hand for quite a few years now.”

“I didn’t know you liked them that young.” I grinned stalling. “She’s my age.”

Paul rolled his eyes, “She’s thirty Alyssa. If I’m not wrong, I think that her age beats you by a few years.”

“Not by much.” I muttered feeling grossed out. Whether it was because he outright confirmed his indiscretions by his lack of denial, or because she was old enough to be my sister, I did not know.

He chuckled again, “I’m sure you didn’t make an appointment with me to discuss my personal life Alyssa so what can I do for you and your friends here?”

“I need to make some reintroductions Paul. But I first need assurance that you can keep
confidences.” I stressed.

He nodded. “Alyssa you are my first born, any secret you have is safe with me.”

I didn’t comment on my parentage, but focused on what I came for. “Well, you know a bit of Adrian’s history already.”

“Former Army, one of the bodyguards that kept you girls safe last year, yes.” He nodded. “Is Mr. Grayson, here one too?”

“Agent Grayson.” I corrected. “He’s a friend of mine.”

Hunter nodded confirming, “DIA sir.”

“Military defense?”  He asked sitting up in his chair, of course he would know who they were, he had a few contracts with the DIA. “Alyssa what have you gotten yourself into?”

“Actually, it’s more like what has C&K got me into.” I corrected dryly. “Some of the workers from the factory you shut down, kidnapped Juan to ransom him off. We arranged a meet with the money and they took me too.”

“Oh my GOD, Alyssa, are you ok sweetheart?” He asked with genuine worry.

I was taken aback by his affection but nodded. “Yeah, I’m okay, other than this…” I forced a smile and moved my hair showing the now fading bruise on the side of my face. “Adrian and Hunter came and got me.” I couldn’t help but smile at that.

Adrian ran a soft finger across the bruise before planting a kiss on it. I put my hair back down. Paul eyed our exchange curiously before nodding, “Well it seems I am in debt to you both. You name it, it’s yours.”

Hunter took that as his cue. “Well Mr. Neil, I was hoping you would say that. We were able to capture a few of the men involved, but three of them got away, and we’ve yet to find the person pulling the strings.”

“I see,” He nodded waiting for us to continue.

“Well, Paul, these captors didn’t get any of the money that they requested, and since they took Alyssa to get to you, we have reason to believe that Neil Industries, if not you yourself are the next target.”

His eyes shot up, and we had beyond his full attention. “How sure are you?”

“Very sure, Paul.” Tink confirmed nodding, speaking for the first time. “I’m working the Intel with the DIA and the FBI myself.”

“If money is an issue here I can arrange—”

“There was a bomb Paul,” I informed, because he needed to know. “One of them was seized and taken care of, but they had gotten away with another. We have pissed off, insane people running free and someone with a chip against anyone involving Neil Industries.”

Paul sighed running a hand over his face, and then massaged his temples. “What do you suppose I do then Alyssa? I can increase security as much as I can, and possibly get some private detectives on the job…” He mused.

Tink rolled her eyes smiling. “I’m insulted Paul, do you think that you’ll find anyone that can handle this better than us? Are we not private detectives?”

“I assumed that you all would be in hiding, especially you Alyssa.” Paul started, “If you’re in danger in any way you should lay low, and from what you tell me, there is a threat to you as well.”

“I’ll be doing what I do best Paul, solving cases. I have a personal stake in this, so I plan to see it out.” I sighed.

Paul’s expression questioned my sanity. “Alyssa Giselle, you are
the police. Being an officer in the Air Force under Public Affairs doesn’t make you a hero, hell you only worked at that for four years before you quit. Literally quit, just walked away.”

“Paulll.” Margaux cautioned, “I think that that’s enough.” If anyone was protective of my military past it was Tink, and he was about to cross a line where she was going to say to hell with this case.

I looked over at Hunter and Adrian, who were stiff in their seats, as if, they were sitting at attention. I rubbed Adrian’s hand trying to relax him as I forced the sarcasm out of my laugh and responded. “No Margaux, he’s right, I always have had issues with authority. Hell that’s the main reason I went into business for myself.”

“And you became a fantastic detective Alyssa,” He complimented, in no way realizing how close he was to being jumped on by my friends, “one of the best.”

“This is why we have asked for her cooperation as well as yours Mr. Neil.” Hunter responded gruffly, a hint of his Biloxi roots lingering in the words, indicating that he was still nowhere near calm. Adrian just sat quietly—quiet was better for him.

Paul thought for a brief second before speaking again, “Well if Alyssa insists on helping then I must do what I can to help her. I assume that you have a plan of some sorts Agent Grayson?”

“Actually, Alyssa’s team came up with it.” He chuckled, “And it’s a damned good one I assure you.”

Paul raised an eyebrow, and I was sure it was because agents running an operation never tended to take advice, let alone let someone take the reins of planning. “Alyssa?”

This was it. I took a deep breath squaring my shoulders. “About a month ago you made a very public statement about me being your daughter.” I started.

“Yes, and I also expressed my plans to give you my company when I could no longer run it. What about it?” He urged.

I sighed, “Well Paul, if I know you like I think I do no matter how much I bitched and moaned you didn’t reverse those papers did you?”

Paul suppressed a grin. “No. I was hoping that you would change your mind one day.”

I shook my head, “Well I haven’t, but I do need that offer.”

to take over when I’m gone?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“Not really when you’re dead Paul.” Tink cut in, “Now, for a short time at least. We need you to go into hiding for a while, an extended vacation. You can hold a press conference, and use whatever reason you feel is necessary for your leave of absence. You make the statement that you appointed Alyssa as acting CEO in your absence, and she’ll assume the role for as long as necessary.”

“No one can know the real reason of your absence, not even your most trusted confidants, because the culprit could be anyone.” Adrian continued. “It will jeopardize everything if you tell even Sarah out there.”

“So you are planning on using yourself as bait to lure this guy out?” He asked looking back at me.

I nodded and Hunter spoke. “Once Alyssa has assumed the role of acting CEO we will infiltrate security to assure her and your employees safety. She will be well protected.”

“Alyssa, do you know the first thing about what we do here at Neil Industries? I assure you I’m more than just a face.”

I smirked confidently, “Yes. I’m aware, and more than prepared.” That confidence was in my team, because I would be doing everything with help. Liam was going to advise me every step of the way with the business portion; Tink would secretly oversee production of anything technical. Dario and the guys would take care of security with Hunter, because that was what they did every day, and I would rake my way through everyone in Paul’s inner circle along with Kristen to find the biggest suspects. Doc, oh sweet Doc, the most important job in this, would be the one helping me keep my sanity.

              “When would this need to take place?” He asked, his mind not completely made up.

“I want to hold that press conference tomorrow. The sooner the better, we don’t know where that bomb is, and I don’t want to risk anyone’s life longer than necessary.” I answered positive.

Paul let out a low chuckle, “Sweetheart, making someone an active CEO isn’t as easy as you may think. It would take my legal team a week to draw something like that up.”

“That’s where I come in Paul.” Tink got up and walked to the head of the conference room table opening her briefcase and pulling out the thirty-two page contract. “You know, you should really get a better legal team, because I typed this entire thing up over dinner last night and breakfast this morning.”              Paul looked at the contract with slight surprise. “You can have your legal team look it over and then sign it before the press conference.”

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