The Law of Motion (Law Series) (74 page)

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Authors: Di'Nisha Robinson

BOOK: The Law of Motion (Law Series)
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It only took a second for me to see what she did. Zoe grinned like it was Christmas as she raised her gun on my fiancé.

I raised my gun, yelling, "Alyssa, down!"

My girl slid to a stack of plywood at the same time Zoe spun my way, that shot flying somewhere across the warehouse. I smiled at her when all her gun did was click, an empty and hollow sound echoing in our ears, but I pulled my own trigger.

              Three rapid shots fired off my gun before Zoe Nowak hit the floor

Silence hung heavily for just a moment, my ears ringing from the loud fire. 

“No one move !” Terry’s thin frame threatened with a fist full of my girls hair and a blade to her throat.

"I should have known
 be here," he grunted humorlessly, pointing to narrowing his eyes at me. "Alyssa never goes anywhere without you. Isn't that right, Miss Marshall?" he asked.

"Right," She sneered waiting for it to all be over.

"Here's what we're going to do," Windsor stated, "Alyssa, we have unfinished business, so we’re going to go on a little trip ..."

What I needed was Terry's blade to stray for a second even, but he wasn't budging...yet.

If I don’t finish this job I don’t get paid
. You are ruining my plans," he accused, narrowing his eyes at another agent as he reached for his holster.

“Drop the guns!” He demanded with crazed eyes putting pressure on her skin. “Now”

Dario, the other agent, and I dropped our weapons to the floor.

“It’s pointless Terry, even if you get me out of here, they’ll just come get me again.” My girl reminded. She wasn’t afraid, just annoyed. She was no doubt waiting for the right moment to get free of him. The minute that knife wavered she was going to put him on his ass.

"Keep it up, Alyssa," he sneered, but he was smart to keep the gun pointed at me. "I told you how I can shut you up..."

“Hardly.” she  grunted. "I’m not in a cell this time, asshole," She told him without fear.  "And I'm not Zoe, either, so if you think it's going to be easy this time around, you've got another thing coming. You won't kill me.
 won't let you,"

Terry backed
towards the door with her in tow, he snatched her hair tighter, the blade kicking. I froze all froze, but Alyssa didn't.  There was a whisper in the earpiece. “I’m clear Sugar…”

It was Jackson, but I couldn’t tell exactly where he was.

“Terry, you should never go anywhere without checking
entrances and exits" She grunted, elbowing him hard and falling to the floor, just as a bullet pierced through the warehouse, zipping past us all and nailing him in the shoulder.

I picked up my gun but didn’t need it, because Alyssa hit him where he'd been shot, and
  got his attention. He fell to his knees at the same time she brought his arm down on her knee, causing a sickening snap to echo through the building when his arm broke.

“Get him a medic and take him in.” Jackson ordered the agent coming down the stairs. “We need an all clear.”

I nudged Zoe with my foot to make sure she was dead, causing her head to loll to the side, but I could easily see the hole in her forehead, along with two to the center of her chest. She'd never stood a chance.

"Clear," I grunted out, my voice raspy, my breathing heavy.

"Adrian," Alyssa breathed, and my head finally snapped up, my gaze softening to warm, sweet, and concerned.

"Christ, Alyssa," I groaned, running the few feet that were between us and pulling her to me. "Tell me you're okay."

She nodded, wrapping her arms around my neck, just breathing me in. I was sure I smelled like sweat but she didn’t care. The metallic sound of my gun hitting concrete met my ears, as I rubbed her back, arms, and shoulders to make sure.

I cupped her face, pulling her back a bit so I could look at it. Satisfied that there were no bruises I then searched the deep green set of eyes staring up at me. "You're okay?" I asked again, kissing her forehead ever so lightly feeling in her hair for w
here Zoe had hit her. She squinted slightly.

She nodded again, grasping either side of my face and kissing me soundly. "Yeah, I'm okay," She breathed against my mouth somehow still smelling like lilac and honey.

Doors burst open from what seemed like all directions at once, and a ton of people piled into the boiler room, calling clear as they checked each section. Dario was the first to make it to us, and he was holding his arm.

"What happened?" She asked, refusing to remove herself from my side at the moment.

"That last stray shot," he growled, rolling his eyes. "Pinged off a forklift. I'm fine. Don't even ask," he scoffed.

“I’m coming to look right now.” Doc snapped in our ear and I laughed because I could see that there wasn’t even that much blood, and it was barely a graze, but Doc needed to see for herself and Dario was eating that shit up.

Alyssa kissed his cheek in a thank you before looking over his shoulder to gaze darkly at Zoe’s body.

"She's gone, baby," I soothed me, picking her up.

She exhaled a breath of relief and then nodded. “Yeah, just two more to go. I really should have kept her talking longer, maybe she would have let slip
was pulling the strings.”

"It's over now," I sighed; we couldn’t make her undead even if we wanted to, and I didn’t want to.

She sighed, picking up her dress to make walking easier.  I put an arm around her as we cleared the way to let Cam and Hunt’s men clean up the mess. “I believe these are yours.” Kristen offered with a smile when we stepped out of the building, Jackson at her side.

She glared at the shoes and then at Kristen, reluctantly taking the shoes and pulling them back on. “Fine.”

“How are you doing sweet heart?” Joanne asked when she let go of Juan to run to his aunt.

She released me to catch him as he jumped up, taking a few moments to talk to him in Spanish before answering her. “I’m good Joanne thanks.”

“Unca Adwien got the mean people!” Juan yelled to Cedrick when Alyssa let him down to run back over. He was holding hands with his mom, Clarissa. She smiled over at us, but I could tell that everything was a bit much. Not that I could blame her. It was becoming a bit much for me and I was trained to handle it. All I wanted to do now was catch these last two assholes so that I could marry my girl and spend the rest of our lives doing normal P.I. work.

Alyssa held me for a second longer before pulling away when the crowds and media were in sight, though they remained blocked off by the railing and local law enforcement. “I guess I have to go do damage control.”

“Grayson is sending Windsor to Quantico tomorrow. He thinks letting Myles know he’s the only one left, might give him incentive to talk.”  My dad announced as he walked up to me. He looked at Alyssa, who was tiredly talking to press, using whatever story she was making up as she went along. “She ok?”

“Yeah, just tired and ready for this to get over with. I’m going with you tomorrow.”

He sighed assuming I would want that, “Are you up for it? Without losing control, son?”

“He needs someone to lose control on him, little piece of shit.” I mumbled, but my dad was waiting for a real answer, “I’ll keep it cool dad.”

“Alright. I’ll let Hunt know.” He looked around as well, “Let’s pack up and leave.”


I stood in the back of the interrogation room, my arms folded across my chest, waiting for my dad and Hunter to come back in the room. My hatred for the little cocky shit sitting at the table had not abated. In fact, it had increased. With every nightmare that Alyssa woke up from, every time Juan panicked when he was dropped off at school, and with every nervous glance Ross and Doc
had when they couldn't immediately set eyes on their son, my hatred for Myles Thompson grew and grew, until it almost had a heartbeat of its own.

"He won't live to see twenty-three, will he?" Dario chuckled in a whisper to me.

              I shook my head slowly, my lip curling. "Juan calls him...the mean man, Dar. And look at him," I growled, gesturing toward the table. We had told him about Zoe and he barely blinked. "The motherfucker's so sure that he's in control and he's only looking at more prison time that nothing gets through to him. I truly want to show him who is in control here."

"He's a little weasel," Jackson snickered, shaking his head. "He's the kind of guy who feels he has nothing to lose, that there's nothing that can be held against him or over his head, and he's not afraid of doin' time. The key is finding that
one fucking thing 
that he doesn't want you to know about."

I grinned, my head snapping over to stare at him. "You have something, don't you?"

"I might," he snickered, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his back pocket and handing it over to me.

"Where did you get this?" I gasped, glancing over it.

“Tink gave it to me this morning, something about sociopathic triggers,” he chuckled. “Use it, Adrian. If you use it right, this bird will sing so pretty," he said with a big ass grin.

I smirked, holding up the piece of paper. "The girls did this shit. I'd bet my life on it. Hell, I bet even Alyssa doesn't know about this."

"No idea, but you're probably right," he replied with a shrug, and we both looked up when my dad and Hunter walked into the room.

My dad stopped at the table, and I held my hand out to stop him. "I've got this," I told him, and he conceded to me, stepping back to lean against the wall. I tucked the paper into my back pocket and walked around to the other side of the table. Bracing my hands flat, I looked Myles in the eye. "Have you figured out what we are yet, asshole?" I asked him slowly, raising an eyebrow at him.

Myles grinned, sitting back in his chair, and waved a hand around. "Well, I know that jackass is FBI, and this guy, probably CIA or something" he laughed, pointing to Cam and then Hunter, who smirked back.

"Maybe I didn't clarify the question enough for you," I sighed, shaking my head and running my hand through my hair. "I'll use small words for you, Myles. Do you have any
idea what we can do to you?" I asked him, speaking even slower than before, like I was talking to an infant.

"You can't touch me on this base. I know that much," he answered, still calm, still cocky as shit.

I chuckled, dragging my tongue along my bottom lip. "This is true," I allowed, standing up straight and beginning to pace in front of him. "However, anyone say...
this base would be free game, don't you think? I mean, you remember David, don't you?"

That got to him, because he sneered up at me, his eyes flashing with hatred.  “Fuck you!" he growled, fighting the leg cuffs we had attached to the floor.

I laughed. "So...figured it out yet?" I asked again, pulling a chair closer and spinning it around so that I could straddle it backwards. "Alyssa must've said something to you..."

Myles groaned, shaking his head. "Yeah, she said something about soldiers...CIA, FBI...that you were ghosts," he mumbled, shaking his head. "I thought the bitch was full of shit."

Dario tsked, taking a step forward, but I held a hand up to stop him. Lucky Victor wasn’t here to hear that because he was nothing if not protective of her. He wouldn't stand for anything negative to be said of her, and I totally respected him for it, but now was not the time to knock this fucker out, no matter how badly we wanted to do it for calling Alyssa out of her name.

"No, she wasn't full of shit. She was telling you the truth, dipshit," I told him. "
 just chose to ignore it." I rubbed my jaw, feeling the stubble under my fingers, and studied his face. He really wasn't sure where I was going with this line of questioning. "Myles, do you know what a mercenary is?"

His eyes grew wide and his mouth gaped, but he gathered himself together quickly. "Paid soldier," he muttered, but he said it like he was asking me.

"Very good. Now, if I told you that I could find anyone, that I had access to just about everything about you, what would you say?" I asked him, tilting my head at him. He didn't answer me, so I went on. "Knowing what we did to David, to every member from C&K, and how we tortured you and your little friends at the farm...what do you think I'd do if I 
 wanted to know something important, Myles?"

He glanced nervously around the room, obviously confused and unaware of just what I had on him.  Jackson snickered, shaking his head, which caused Hunter and my father to look at him curiously.

I cleared my throat, tugging out the folded piece of paper. I took my time spreading it out and smoothing it in front of me. I locked gazes with Myles, unable to hide my sneer as I slid the paper into his view.

I grinned when Myles lost his shit. I stood up from my chair, because the young man was fighting the cuffs and chains that held him to the floor and table. I laughed, glancing up at Jackson, who shot me a wink.

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