The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined (23 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined
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This wouldn’t have been a problem had Alex not interfered.

He had a few minutes to sort this out, and took her hand to lead her to her couch.

“Anna, Baby. What's wrong?” He stroked her cheek and she tensed. He cupped her chin gently and looked into her eyes. There were always ways to find out what was going on in her head.

He kissed her gently until she relaxed. Then he stroked her cheek again.

“What's wrong?” he asked gently.

“Alex...,” she said reluctantly. “He...he said....”

Devin's intuition told him this was not good. “What did Alex tell you, Baby?” He kept his voice as even as possible.

She haltingly repeated what Alex had told her about being a half-Immortal and Devin just barely kept his anger in check.

He didn't have time to deal with this right now. Fucking Alex. He would deal with the fucking German first thing in the morning and have a long, hopefully painful, discussion with him. He might not be able to kill him, but he could certainly hurt him.

But right now he had to deal with Anna's fears.

“Anna, Baby. What Alex told you was technically true.” He stroked the side of her head, intending to take temporary control of her mind and change her thoughts.

“Baby, it's not as bad as it sounds. When your parents died, I wanted to make sure you had a chance to be a great helper to me. Remember, I told you what Jack did to you couldn't be helped, but that I'd make it up to you? You asked to be able to dance, remember? And I'm letting you, Baby.”

She looked at him, eyes glazed as he twisted the truth in her mind.

“I love you Anna. It was the only way I could have you, and I need you so badly. If your father didn't want me to have you, he would have stopped me.”

He continued changing the story in her mind, making Alex seem frightening and controlling, until Devin was sure that she would react positively to him, then released her mind and watched closely to see what happened. He hadn't done this before, and there would be consequences if he'd done it wrong.


Anna blinked, dizzy, but her head clearing. She looked up at Devin. Something nagged at her, that she should be afraid of him, but she couldn't for the life of her remember why. He loved her. He needed her.

She timidly reached her hand out to touch his cheek. He smiled and took her hand in his, kissing her palm sensually. Her eyes closed as his lips caressed her palm.


“That's my girl,” he said softly. He leaned forward and kissed her, cupping the back of her head to bring her closer. “I've missed you,” he murmured against her lips.

She moaned softly and pressed into him. She needed him as much as he needed her. It didn't matter that she and Aaron had made love many times that day already. She needed Devin. She brought her hand to his knee and moved it upward to cup his cock. He groaned as she stroked him over his luxuriously soft wool pants.


“Yes, Baby. I know.” He turned her around to face the back of the couch and kissed the back of her neck as he pushed her blue satin dress up over her hips.

“I love the panties and stockings, Baby.”

She wore a dark blue silk thong and matching garter belt. He stroked her ass with one hand as he unzipped his pants with the other. His cock sprang out, hard and throbbing as he ran the hot flesh across her ass, then moved aside her thong and traced it down her cleft to the entrance of her pussy. She was hot and wet and moaned softly as he teased her, rubbing himself along the lips but not entering her.

“Please, Devin...,” she moaned, pushing back against him.

He pushed forward and slipped into her hot, silky slit.

“Oh, God, Anna, I've missed you,” he groaned again as he thrust in and out.

He unzipped her dress and reached forward to cup her breasts inside her bra, playing with and tugging on her nipples.

She moaned as he thrust harder. “Oh, Devin...yes!”

He grabbed her hips and slammed into her over and over again. “Come for me, Baby. I want to hear you scream for me.”

The pressure built and she screamed out his name as her climax hit her forcefully. Devin came a moment later, crying out Anna's name and pressing himself deeply inside her.

He leaned forward and kissed her back, then pulled out and zipped up his pants.

She turned and looked up at him, smiling adoringly.

“You look beautiful, Baby. Your cheeks are nicely colored from your orgasm.”

She felt her face warm at his comment. “You look very handsome too, Devin.”

Devin grinned. “I'm glad you think so. It's always nice when your date thinks you look nice.” He looked around. “Do you have your bag packed, Baby? I'm still taking you home tonight with me.”

Anna nodded. “Yes. It's in my room.” She felt a little nervous about being at his house. “Will your wife be there?”

Devin smiled. “Yes. She will. But she has her own bedroom. You'll be cuddled up in my bed, naked with me.” He stroked her cheek. “We need to get going. Are you ready?”

“Let me check myself in the bathroom quickly.” She scooted off the couch and walked quickly to the bathroom, where she straightened her dress and smoothed out some of her curls. She grabbed her purse and overnight bag and went back out to the entryway where Devin was waiting. He smiled and took her bag and they went downstairs to the waiting Town Car.




Anna had never been in a hotel before. She stood in the lobby and gazed around until Devin tugged her hand gently to get her to move.

“I'm sorry, Devin. It's just so beautiful.”

The high ceilings and carved woodwork continued to catch her eye as she walked with Devin to the elevators.

“It's all right, Baby. I feel the same way about you.” He led her onto the elevator, where they were alone. “Anna, I expect you to be your beautiful, charming self tonight. There are a few men I will introduce you to that I might want you to...get to know better.” He gave her a knowing look. He meant to have sex with. “I'll let you know. There is one young man I know for certain I want you to charm.” He glanced down and smiled at her. “If you do that, you will please me greatly.”

Anna's eyes lit up. “I want to please you, Devin.”

“I know you do, Baby, and I have no doubt you will.” He leaned down and kissed her, sliding his hand down to cup her ass. “I'll have to leave you for the ceremony part, but you'll know the people at the table by then. Just remember to be discreet in what I ask of you. I would be very upset if you were caught fucking someone. Do you understand?”

She trembled beneath his gaze. “Yes, Devin,” she whispered.

His face softened as the elevator doors opened. Devin took Anna's arm and they walked around a corner and into the reception area. Anna's stress level instantly increased at the number of people, but she knew Devin would be upset if she panicked. She took slow, deep breaths to get control of her heartbeat.

Devin's presence became even more impressive as he began greeting people, shaking hands and introducing Anna to them. She received several questioning looks, mostly from women, and there were more than a few inquiries about Devin's wife.

He brushed the questions off, explaining that Sandy was ill and Anna was his delightful date for the evening. A few men thought she was his daughter, to which Devin informed them she was not, with a certain type of smile to hint that she was his lover.

“Anna, this is Jayce Corbin,” Devin introduced her to a tall man with gray hair and piercing, ice blue eyes. “You may remember Jayce from Friday night. He was standing at your head.”

Anna looked closer at the man she'd just been introduced to. He looked vaguely familiar and when she glanced down at his right hand, she saw an emerald ring on his pinky. She glanced back up, wide-eyed at him.

He smiled warmly. “It's a pleasure to meet you under more normal circumstances, shall we say?” He brought her hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it, eyes never leaving hers.

“It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Corbin,” she said softly, with the slightly flirtatious smile she'd been taught to offer when meeting a man.

“Please, call me Jayce.”

“Jayce,” she repeated with a bright smile.

“Where's Lily?” Devin asked, putting his hand on Anna's hip and drawing her close to him.

Jayce waved his hand around. “Somewhere.”

A few minutes later a voluptuous woman with blond hair walked up to them. She looked Anna up and down, then turned to Jayce.

“Dear, the Boswells were asking about you,” she said in a sultry voice, glancing again at Anna, then at Devin with a raised brow.

Devin gave her a flirtatious smile. “Lily, you look lovely tonight,” he said and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. “I'd like you to meet Anna. Anna, this is Dr. Lily Jones-Corbin, Jayce's wife.”

She gave Anna another suspicious look before smiling at her and extending her hand. Anna took it and greeted her politely.

“Where's Sandy?” Lily asked, looking pointedly at Devin's hand resting on Anna's hip.

“Ill,” he said simply, not offering any other information.

“Really? I spoke with her this morning and—”

Devin gave Jayce a look and Jayce interrupted his wife.

“Lily, darling, I’ll be with you and the Boswells shortly.”

Lily glared at her husband, but did as she was told. The two men watched her walk away and Jayce turned back to Devin.

“You knew there would be questions when you brought her out,” he said.

Devin frowned. “I know. But it's worth it. They'll get used to it eventually. You and the others need to keep your wives under control, though, or they won't help the matter.”

“You know how Lily is—” Jayce began.

“I do. And I warned you about her before you married her. She's too independent for you, Jayce.”

Jayce grinned and shrugged. “You can't help who you fall in love with.”

Devin looked at Anna. “That's true,” he said softly, then kissed her temple.

Anna blushed.

“Ah, Zach is here,” Devin murmured to Jayce, indicating towards the window.

Jayce turned around and nodded. “With a date?”

“I told him he needed one. He needs to settle down soon if he wants to further his career.” Devin smiled. “Anna is here to show him settling down doesn’t mean settling. If you'll excuse us, Jayce. I should go say hello.”

“Of course. It was nice to meet you Anna,” he said.

“Likewise, Jayce.” She gave him a seductive smile as she turned and walked away with Devin.

Devin led Anna over to the side of the room towards several couples standing together and talking. “Anna, Zach is the man I spoke to you about. I want you to get him to seduce you. Do whatever he wants you to do sexually. I want him well satiated after he leaves your company.”

“Yes, Devin,” she said softly.

Devin greeted everyone and introduced Anna.

Zachary Vail was a good looking, clean cut man with dark blond hair and dark brown eyes. He had an “All-American” look to him, wearing a well-made black suit and powder blue tie. He looked to be in his mid- to late-twenties and had a very charming smile. The woman with him, Patricia, also had an “All-American” look to her: bright smile, blond curly hair and blue eyes. She was slender and looked elegant in a pink, A-line cocktail dress.

“I need to go freshen up, Devin,” Anna said softly, but loud enough for Zach, who stood next to her, to hear.

Devin nodded with a slight smile and Anna walked away slowly. She glanced back subtly, giving Zach an innocent look, then walked away, swaying her hips just-so as she moved. She headed out of the reception area to the bathroom, conscious of Zach watching her. She paused deliberately, looking in her purse before walking into the bathroom.

She could sense Zach behind her and turned to give him a shy smile. “Zach, right?”

He nodded and trailed his eyes down her body hungrily. “How do you know Devin?” he asked casually.

“I've known him all my life,” she answered softly, looking at him with bright eyes. Sweet and innocent was how the game was played. Give them enough attention to let them know that the interest is there, then play shy about it. “How do you know him?”

“He's helping me fulfill my political ambitions,” Zach said, grinning. “And other ambitions.” His eyes were intense with desire as he looked at Anna.

She turned away coyly and looked out the window. “Devin is a very resourceful man,” she said absently.

“He is,” Zach agreed, stepping closer to her. “Beautiful view, isn't it?”

Anna nodded. “I've never seen such a beautiful one.” One of the bridges lay straight ahead, lit up brightly.

“I bet there's more windows through here,” Zach said, walking across the hall and pushing a door open. He looked inside. “Oh, you should see this,” he said, motioning for her to come.

Anna knew his game: getting her alone so he could have sex with her. He played right into Devin’s hands. She looked at him shyly, then slowly followed him through the doors.

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