The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined (54 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined
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The pain was unbearable, but she couldn’t scream anymore. She couldn’t move. She could only cry silently and pray that she would die. When the darkness began to creep in, she hoped it was death and not just unconsciousness.





Anna jumped and opened her eyes. Devin sat next to her stroking her hair. She looked at him with frightened eyes. Was she to be punished again?

She looked around with jerky movements. She was in her bedroom at the Manor. Morning sunlight streamed through the sheer curtains that covered the windows and French door, bathing the room in pink light.

Morning? The last thing she remembered was extreme pain down in the dungeon. She took stock of her body. She didn’t hurt anywhere. In fact, she felt remarkably well.

Devin wore a white dress shirt and slacks and his hair was slightly damp. Was it Monday morning already?

“I’m sorry, Master,” she whispered, tears running down her cheeks.

“I know you are, Baby. You’ve been punished and I’m sure I don’t have to worry about disobedience again, do I?”

“No, Master,” she whispered.

“Good girl,” he said, leaning down and kissing her. He stroked her cheek and she relaxed. “Good girl,” he repeated.

There was a knock at the door and Sarah entered, carrying a tray.

“Oh!” she exclaimed when she saw Devin. “Good Morning, Master,” she said with a curtsy.

“Good morning, Sarah.” Devin stood and looked at Anna. “Eat breakfast quickly, then get ready. We’ll leave in about ninety minutes.”

“Yes, Master,” Anna said softly, sitting up, surprised to find herself dressed in a soft cotton nightgown.

Devin smiled warmly at her then left the room. Anna got up quickly and went to the table where Sarah had laid out her breakfast.

“Good morning, Mistress,” she said cheerfully. “Are you excited about your trip?”

“I hadn’t really thought about it,” Anna answered honestly. After last night she was rather apprehensive about anything with Devin. She didn’t want to anger him.

“Is there anything else you need, Mistress?

When Anna shook her head Sarah said she’d be back in a bit to retrieve her tray.

Anna ate quickly, then went into the bathroom to get ready. She dressed in a navy travel skirt suit and white silk top, and then made sure everything was ready with her luggage. Satisfied that all was in order, she sat in the chair by the window and read from the Kindle that Alex had bought her. She didn’t like to think about the fact that it was from Alex, but it was easier than carrying multiple books and it fit nicely in her new white travel purse.

She allowed herself a trace of excitement to build as she thought about her upcoming adventures. She’d never been on a plane before. She grew up in Oakland, across the bay, but she hadn’t left San Francisco since her parents died. And now she was going all the way across the country to Washington DC!

Ian came into her room a little while later. She stood nervously when he entered. He looked handsome in his dark suit.

“How are you feeling, Anna?” he asked in a gentle voice.

“Fine, thank you,” she said quietly.

“I’m sorry I had to hurt you, Anna,” he said softly, walking up to her.

She looked up into his soft hazel eyes and nodded. “I know.” She took a step forward and hugged her arms around his waist. He hugged her back tightly.

“Are you ready?” he asked when he pulled away.

She nodded and gave him a timid smile.


A while later, Devin, Ian, Tyler, Maggie and Anna were in the back of a limousine heading down the freeway to the airport. Maggie looked around in amazement. Anna sat next to Devin and stared excitedly out the window. Devin had been very kind and gentle with her since they’d been in the car and he had his hand on her knee.

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Devin said suddenly and pulled something out of his jacket pocket.

He held out a pink diamond ring to Anna. The large pink diamond was square and surrounded by tiny white diamonds. On either side of the large diamond were two smaller square white diamonds surrounded by smaller round diamonds. The setting looked antique.

“Oh, Devin!” Anna exclaimed, looking at the ring. “It’s beautiful!”

Devin slipped it on her left ring finger. “This way, other men will know that you are mine with just a glance.” He smiled and captured her lips with his, kissing her deeply and caressing the side of her neck. “I love you, Baby.”

Anna’s eyes sparkled. “I love you too, Devin,” she said shyly, and cuddled next to him.

Tyler, Devin’s son who sat across from them, frowned as he stared out the window.

“Tyler,” Devin said. “You don’t need to pout. I’ll share.”

Anna, feeling much more secure in her relationship with Devin now, smiled at Tyler. He looked so much like his dad, but his eyes weren’t as hard.


After the fright of takeoff, Anna was able to relax and enjoy the flight. Of course, Devin’s hand up her skirt made it enjoyable as well. He was obviously over his anger with her and gave her several orgasms during the course of their flight. During the stopover in Chicago, he took her into one of the first-class bathrooms and fucked her hard against the vanity, all the while telling her what a good girl she was and how much he adored her.

As they were settling in for their flight from Chicago to DC, Devin looked behind him and grinned.

“Well, well, well,” he said in a strange voice that Anna had never heard from him.

Anna turned to see a handsome man with medium blond hair and broad shoulders walking up the aisle with a grin on his face.

“Devin!” he exclaimed.

Anna’s mouth opened in astonishment when they hugged in greeting. Who would Devin greet in such a way? She’d never seen such a thing.

“Tom! I didn’t expect to see you until tomorrow.” Devin laughed as he leaned against the back of his seat. “What are you doing in Chicago?”

“Last minute business trip.” Tom shrugged.

“Is Tommy there already?” Tyler asked eagerly, walking up to the two men.

Tom laughed. “Hey, Tyler,” he said, hugging the younger man. “Yeah. They’re all waiting at the hotel. They arrived this morning. Poor Kelsey. I hated to leave her to manage everything, but I made sure the older ones helped out.”

Devin rolled his eyes. “I never understood why you had such a big family.”

“I love my family.” Tom smiled. “I happen to love my wife as well.” He looked at Anna and gave her a friendly smile. “You must be Anna,” he said.

Anna stared at him nervously. How did he know who she was? She glanced down at his hand and saw he wore a diamond ring on his right pinky. An Elder? She looked back at him. But he looked so...nice. And normal.

“Yes, Tom. This is my Anna,” Devin said, hugging Anna to his side. “Anna, this is my best friend, Tom Pendleton.”

Devin has a best friend?
“Hello, Mr. Pendleton,” Anna said softly, clinging to Devin’s arm.

“Call me Tom,” he said with a grin. “She’s adorable.” He looked back at Devin. “Bet it was hard to wait.”

“You have no idea,” Devin groaned.

“Ian, how are you?” Tom said, moving across the aisle when Ian stood. They shook hands.

“Good, Sir. And you?” Ian asked in a friendly manner.

“Good, good. Thanks. Glad to see you.”

The men chatted for a few minutes. Tyler obviously looked up to Tom as much as he looked up to his own father.

Anna stood quietly and clasped her hands as she listened to them talk. She wanted to sit down, but didn’t think Devin would approve. She glanced at Maggie, who sat quietly in the seat behind Anna’s. They shared small smiles, but didn’t dare talk.

The cabin filled with mostly businessmen and soon the fasten seatbelt sign lit up. Tom moved to a seat across the aisle and two rows back.

“Tom is the Elder for New York,” Devin explained as Anna buckled her seatbelt. “We’ve known each other since we were boys. We went to college together. Much like Tyler and his son, Tommy, will be doing this fall.” A soft expression appeared on Devin’s face, making Anna wonder if Devin had always been as hard as he was now.

“I saw his ring,” she said.

“Good girl. It’s a good idea to keep a look out for rings while we’re here. Make sure you treat the Brothers with respect. Unless they’re wearing a diamond, they shouldn’t touch you. But if they do, do as they want and then come and tell me and I will deal with them.”

“Yes, Devin.”




They arrived in DC in the early evening. Tom rode with them in the limo to the luxurious hotel.

Tom called his family when they arrived and, as Devin was checking in, a pregnant woman with short brown hair and sparkling blue eyes arrived in the lobby a few minutes later. Anna stood next to Devin at the reception desk.

“Hello, Darling,” Tom greeted the woman with an affectionate kiss. “How was the trip down?”

The woman smiled, but rolled her eyes. “Tiring, but Tommy and Denise were a huge help.”

“Good. I’d tan their hides if they weren’t.” They both laughed.

Tyler laughed too. “I’d pay to see that.”

“Tyler, I didn’t see you. How are you, dear?”

“Good, Kelsey, you?” Tyler answered politely.

“Oh. Looking forward to a dinner I don’t have to cook.” She smiled prettily. “Where’s your dad?”

Tyler motioned over to where Devin and Anna were standing.

“We’re in the third floor suite, west wing,” Kelsey told Tyler. “Tommy’s there now. He can show you the room you boys will be staying in.”

Tyler grinned. “Cool.” He disappeared to the elevator bank.

Devin received the key card from the hotel attendant and turned to greet Kelsey. “Ah, Kelsey. How are you dear?” He kissed her cheek and looked at her swollen stomach, shaking his head. “Are you trying to repopulate the city on your own?”

Kelsey and Tom laughed. “Maybe,” she said with a glint in her eyes.

“How’s Sandy?” she asked. “Did she come with you?”

Devin frowned. “No. She’s at home.” He didn’t elaborate.

Anna stood by nervously.

Kelsey’s eyes flickered to Anna then back at Devin with a questioning look.

Devin smiled, almost wickedly, and pulled Anna closer to him with his hand around her waist. “Kelsey, this is Anna. My mistress.”

Kelsey didn’t hide the shock on her face as she looked between Anna and Devin.

Anna flushed and looked at the ground.

“I...uh,” Kelsey stammered. “It’s nice to meet you, Anna,” she said stiffly.

Anna peeked up at her and gave her an uncertain smile. “It’s nice to meet you too, Mrs. Pendleton,” she said softly, then looked back at the ground. Would she be here the entire time?

“Well, shall we refresh ourselves, then go get a bite to eat?” Devin suggested, ignoring the uncomfortable silence between the two women.

They agreed that Anna and Devin would meet Tom and his family in their suite in a half-hour and they parted company. A bellhop led Devin, Anna, Ian and Maggie to the elevators and up to their fourth floor suite. One of the presidential suites.

Anna stared at the room when she walked in. Well, it wasn’t a room. It was multiple rooms. The huge foyer had a door to the bedroom and an open archway that led to a huge living area. The living area had windows on two sides with amazing views of the city and some sort of waterway. Multiple seating areas were scattered throughout the room, which was decorated in hues of light blue, gold and green. A dining table with room for eight sat to one side of the suite. It was so opulent!

The bedroom had a king sized bed, a seating area, and gold walls. Anna could see a dressing room through a doorway next to a walk-in closet. Past that was a huge marble bathroom.

Maggie and Ian each had adjoining rooms on the far side of the suite.

“Wow!” was all Anna could say as she looked around the huge place.

Devin came up behind her, put his arms around her waist and kissed her neck. “You like it?”

He moved her hair aside and sucked on the top of her ear, making her knees weak.

“Mmm hmm,” she mumbled as his hand slid under her jacket and cupped her breast.

“Undress,” Devin commanded softly.

Anna did as commanded, draping her suit and underwear over the chair, and then stood naked in front of Devin with her head bowed. Devin had undressed as well. His cock bobbed in front of her and she longed to touch him. He pushed down on her shoulders to make her go to her knees. She did so and eagerly took his cock into her mouth. She could taste herself on him from when they had fucked in Chicago.

Devin moaned. “Good girl,” he mumbled as he guided her head with his hands.

Anna worried that he would poke her throat, but tried to do a good job for him anyway. A while later, Devin pulled away and told her to get on the bed on her hands and knees. She did as she was told and he knelt behind her and pounded himself into her. She moaned in pleasure, but still feared that he would hurt her.

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