The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined (55 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined
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“Come for me, Baby,” Devin cried out.

Anna concentrated and soon felt the stirrings of heat in her belly and moaned. Her body obeyed even though her mind was afraid.

Devin leaned forward to kiss her back and cup her breast. “Good girl,” he murmured as he softened inside her.

Anna felt warmed by his pleasure. Maybe he really wasn’t angry with her anymore. He hadn’t acted angry at all today.

Devin stood up. “We need to get dressed and get down to Tom’s room. Kelsey looked pretty hungry.”

“Yes, Devin,” Anna said, standing and walking to the closet. Her bags were there, but not unpacked.

“Maggie will unpack your things while we’re gone. Wear something nice. We’ll eat in the restaurant downstairs.”

Anna picked out a sleeveless black sheath dress with a high neckline. She went into the bathroom to freshen up her makeup and hair. She was checking herself in the mirror one last time when Devin came up behind her.

“You have been a very good girl today, Anna.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out her necklace. “Don’t disobey me again. Do you understand?”

Anna nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, Devin.”

Devin gave her a warm smile and fastened the necklace in place. He kissed her neck. “Eat well at dinner. It will be a long night.”

Anna followed Devin out of the room wondering what he meant. They took the elevator down one floor and walked to a door very similar to their own. Devin knocked and a moment later the door opened to reveal a girl a little younger than Anna with blond hair and blue eyes.

“Uncle Devin!” she exclaimed, and lunged into his arms.

Anna frowned as jealousy clenched at her heart. How dare she greet him like Anna used to! He was her Devin! She stepped back and behind Devin.

“Hey, Denise,” he said affectionately, hugging her back. “You’ve grown.”

Denise giggled. “I’m eighteen now.”

“Are you really?” Devin teased. “Your poor dad.”

Tom came up behind his daughter. “You have no idea. Phone calls day and night. From boys.” Tom rolled his eyes.

Devin laughed. “Yeah. We get that with Sierra too.”

Anna felt so out of place. They were talking about their daughters who were only two years younger than her. But she was Devin’s Mistress. And she was fairly certain she’d be having sex with Tom before the week was out. He was, after all, an Elder.

“Well, come on in. See how much the others have grown.” Tom said opening the door. “Where’s...oh, there you are, Anna.” He smiled at her. “Thought Dev had left you upstairs.”

Devin grabbed her hand. “I wouldn’t do that.”

Devin pulled her inside to a foyer like theirs, though slightly different colors. It was much noisier than their room, though. Shrieks and laughter from several children reached her ears. How many kids did they have?

They walked into the living room and Anna was shocked to see so many kids in the room. They were loud and Anna was quickly overwhelmed. She squeezed Devin’s hand and trembled.

There was another shriek of “Uncle Devin!” and they all ran up to Devin and hugged him. Devin let go and she pressed herself against the wall behind her. This was a side of Devin she’d never seen. Or, hadn’t seen for a very long time. She supposed he was like this with her when she was younger. The thought brought tears to her eyes.

They all looked at Devin with big, innocent, happy eyes. It was clear they all adored him.

Anna had a chance to count now that they were somewhat still. One...two...three...oh, my! Five plus Denise. Six kids? And Kelsey was pregnant too. Very pregnant.

Anna looked over at Kelsey, who sat on the couch with a smile on her face as she watched her children. Anna’s throat tightened at the sight of Kelsey’s obvious joy in her children. That was something Anna would never get to experience. When Kelsey looked over at her, Anna quickly looked at the floor, willing the tears away.

A few minutes later, Tyler walked in with a guy about the same age as him and Anna. He was tall and thin, with blond hair the same color as Tom’s and blue eyes like Kelsey. This must be another son. Tommy? Was that his name?

That made seven kids total ranging in age from twenty to four. Wow! And another one on the way. Anna couldn’t imagine a life like that.

“Hi,” the blond guy said, walking up to her with Tyler at his side. “I’m Tommy. You must be Anna. Tyler said you were pretty,” he grinned and looked at Tyler. “That’s an understatement.”

Anna blushed. “Hello,” she said shyly.

“Is this your girlfriend, Ty?” Denise asked with a giggle, walking up to them.

“Uh, no,” Tyler stammered, looking at Anna. “She’s...uh...friend of my dad’s.”

Denise looked at Anna with avid curiosity. “How old are you?” she asked after a moment with accusation in her voice.

“Twenty,” Anna answered softly.

She looked around for Devin, who was sitting on the couch talking to Kelsey. He looked up when Anna located him and smiled. She gave him a desperate look and he motioned for her to join him.

“Excuse me,” she said and walked quickly over to Devin.

Devin patted the cushion next to him and Anna sat stiffly on the edge of the seat, clasped her hands in her lap and kept her face downcast. She could feel Kelsey watching her, but didn’t dare look up.

“I see Tyler and Tommy have arrived,” Tom said. “Shall we?” he stood and helped his wife to her feet.




The younger children were remarkably well behaved in the elegant restaurant downstairs. Tom introduced Anna to the kids as Devin’s “friend” and told Devin later that he didn’t feel like having to explain what a mistress was to a six year old.

After dinner, Kelsey took the kids upstairs and Devin, Tom, Tyler, Tommy and Anna went back to Devin’s suite. Kelsey had offered to let Anna come with her, but Devin said no. Kelsey didn’t seem to like the answer, but Tom put his hand on her arm before she could say anything else.

Devin had Anna get drinks from the wet bar for the men, Tyler and Tommy included. He told them that as long as they stayed in the hotel they could drink, but if they wanted to go out they couldn’t.

“Take off your dress, Anna,” Devin said after she handed out the drinks.

Anna gave him a bewildered look. He raised his brow in warning when she didn’t move immediately and she quickly reached for her zipper and tried to pull it down, but couldn’t get it to work.

“I’ll help you,” Tommy said, jumping to his feet.

Anna lowered her arm and turned to allow Tommy to unzip her dress. His fingers strayed down her back where her dress opened, then back up to push her dress off her shoulders.

The dress dropped to the floor around her ankles and she stood nervously in her black lace bra, thong and garter belt while the men looked at her.

“Beautiful,” Tom said, standing and walking over to her.

He trailed his fingers along the edge of her bra then up her neck where he cupped the back of her head and leaned in to kiss her. His lips caressed hers gently, his tongue probing at them to open up to him. When her lips parted, his tongue thrust into her mouth, sampling her taste and moaning softly. His other hand slid around her back and down to her hips as she ran her hands up his arms to his shoulders. She could feel his lean, hard muscles flexing under his maroon dress shirt. He pressed her hips to him and she could feel his arousal against her belly.

His fingers slid under the strap of her thong and she moaned as he traced the lace around to the front and cupped her mound. His fingers rubbed at her clit and she moaned again, feeling the wetness in the fabric between her legs. When his fingers slipped under the lace and into her silken, wet folds, her knees buckled and she clung to his shoulders. He chuckled gently and led her back to the couch.

He sat down and had her stand between his thighs. She could see the bulge in his pants and she chewed her lower lip, wondering what he looked like.

“Take off your bra,” Tom commanded gently.

She looked into his ocean-blue eyes and reached behind her to unfasten her bra, pulling it off her shoulders and dropping it on the ground next to her. He smiled as he gazed at her breasts, then took a ring between his fingers and tugged gently.

“Why does she have two rings?” he asked, looking around her at Devin.


Tom seemed to know what Devin meant and nodded. “Take off the rest of it, hon.”

Anna gave him a shy smile, and quickly removed her garter belt and rolled her stockings down. Then she pulled her panties down off her hips and kicked them aside.

Tom trailed his fingers down her belly to her swollen lips below, caressing them gently. She closed her eyes and moaned when he pushed his fingers inside her wet folds.

“God, she’s so fucking wet,” Tom commented.

“She’s well trained,” Devin chuckled. “And being half-Immortal helps there, too.”

Tom chuckled. “I’ve never had the privilege of being with an Elder-Mistress,” he said, gazing up at her while he stroked her, eliciting soft moans.

“You haven’t? They’ve been around.”

“I always seemed to miss them. It’s all right.” He smiled up to Anna. “I think it’s worth the wait.”

Anna could hardly think. His fingers were skilled and long. It was all she could do to keep her legs supporting her.

Tom removed his fingers and brought them to his mouth. “Mmm. Sweet,” he murmured, then put his hands on her hips to bring her pussy to his mouth. His tongue delved into the folds and she put her hands on his shoulders for support.

Anna gasped and sighed as Tom ate her enthusiastically. She heard the sound of a zipper, then Tom pulled her down and she impaled herself on his cock.

“Oh!” she said as he filled her with one movement. It hadn’t hurt, just surprised her.

She looked into Tom’s eyes as he began moving inside her. She moaned as his cock slid in and out of her. He was long and thick. Were all Elders so big? He moved her hips up and down.

“Come for me, sweetheart,” he groaned.

She cried out as she came and clung to his shoulders. She felt him throb inside her and squeezed around him to heighten his pleasure.

“Holy fuck,” Tom mumbled as he held Anna against him, still sitting on his softening cock.

He stroked her hair and back. Anna kissed his neck and nipped gently, which made him chuckle. Anna smiled to herself. She liked Tom.

He continued stroking her back as he talked with Devin. She wasn’t paying attention to their conversation until Tom asked about additional rings.

“Shouldn’t she have more rings on her pussy? I only saw one.”

Anna sat up suddenly and looked at Tom startled. “What did you say?”

Tom smiled at her. “I asked if you were supposed to have more pussy rings. You should have three from each Master. You only have the one nipple ring from Alex.”

Anna turned, frightened, to look at Devin. Where did her rings go?

“Baby, when I punished you last night,” he shrugged. “They came out. Mine did too. I just re-pierced you when you were sleeping.”

“Good God, man. What did you do to her?”

Devin frowned at him. “What needed to be done.”

Anna turned back around and stared at the wall. Alex’s rings were gone. She felt...empty and sad. She knew Devin had punished her severely, but hadn’t imagined he had done so much that her rings had come out.

Tom hugged her to him. She rested her head on his shoulder and stared at the ground behind the couch. Why did it bother her so much that Alex’s rings were gone? She was angry with him. It would serve him right for abandoning her for her not to wear his rings anymore. But even as she told herself how much she hated him, she had to blink away the tears and deny the truth: she missed him terribly.


Several hours later, Anna knelt by Devin’s feet. Her pussy was sore from use and her jaw was aching. She could hardly keep her eyes open and felt her upper body swaying with sleep. She had pleased each of the men orally and otherwise several times. Especially Tommy and Tyler. They were insatiable. Devin and Tom had laughed about young men and their sexual appetites. Anna was glad that most of Devin’s acquaintances were not teenage boys.

At long last she realized that the group was saying goodbye at the front door. She hadn’t even realized that they’d left the room. Devin walked back into the room and stood in front of Anna. She heard him chuckle, then scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom.

“You were such a good girl tonight, baby,” he whispered as he lay her down on the bed. “Get some sleep. We’ll go sightseeing tomorrow.”

Anna gave Devin a small smile as she drifted off to sleep.




She watched him as he sat in a large room that looked like a library. His hair was unkempt and he had several days’ growth of beard on his face. He hunched over a desk with the largest book Anna had ever seen in front of him. Her heart leapt involuntarily when she saw him.

She was not happy about her reaction to the sight of him. He didn’t seem to notice her at first, but looked up a moment later and saw her.

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